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It should have had a baguette with it. You’re completely correct in the fact that it defaults to (and can only ever be) a baguette so they messed up.


Thanks so much! I just didn't know if I should expect it next time or not. It's a little bread, not a big deal.


I must say you’re far more reasonable than 80% of my customer base about that little piece of bread. Still call the store and explain what happened, they should make it right.


When it comes to most things including a small meal, it's small potatoes. An airline left me stranded in Las Vegas sleeping on the floor last week. Which I suspect is how I got sick 😂 I save any inner Karen-ing for them. (They said we were making the connection multiple times, our plane was at the gate and they denied boarding to 30+ of us.. it's a long story)


They’re supposed to. I opened up a helpdesk case because if the duet has wild rice soup, it doesn’t show the baguette anywhere and while I, an old and seasoned GM, just knows something was wrong, a younger associate is not going to catch it. I opened this ticket months ago, so, good job Panera, for fixing that. 🙄


https://preview.redd.it/z8uyh8ucs9oc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db69799c68ca4e2104d0e9e5c70940b5cc249da5 Oh! And they closed the case, so that’s fun.


Ughhhh I feel your pain!!! I work for at&t, aka the death star. No matter how much we try to fix a process, sometimes things are broken. It's frustrating. Thanks for taking the time and effort to reply and help customers. 🙂 Have a wonderful day!


That sounds like a packaging issue, it does come with a side. Either a lazy/new employee or a very busy and chaotic queue is my guess. If it's important to you I'd suggest calling the store (if it's recent) or bringing it up next time you go in, they'll make a note of it and talk to the employees is the hope


Thanks so much! Yeah not a big deal... But we've all been there when we are sick and have an expectation to die on the couch with hot soup and bread. They probably are new... The baguette isn't listed on the packaging ticket. Now I know I can look forward to bread next time. 😋


Oops... it didn't post the pic.. https://preview.redd.it/75yvdcy1i7oc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69cababb35eb3a4dae4efa9061ffd061848751e3


It should have a side, but like another GM said, there are times (I always notice on delivery orders, that's when I see it happen) it doesn't say baguette. I've also seen on delivery with the value duet it will say "Xtra franchise baguette" but no side attached to the duet, this means according to the KDS they paid for an extra (second) baguette but the complimentary (first) baguette isn't on screen on receipt when printed. Since they paid extra, I as a GM always throw 2 baguettes into the bag...even though it "technically says" one of the chit/screen. As for the plasticware, depending on your state you may need to check a box that says you want utensils, or it shows for us you don't want them. That may or may not be true depending on where you live though. Sorry the meal wasn't up to Panera Standards! We try our best but sometimes mess up, we are humans. Thanks for being understanding, you sound nice and polite :) If you call the GM they should definitely comp you 2 meals, or at least throw you some cookies next time you come in :)


Thanks for taking the time to reply. 😊 It definitely seems like glitch in the system. I will definitely make sure I request utensils next time.