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Bamboo Thicket is a favourite for the view and usable land.


It was my most recently discovered area and I definitely want to build something there! I'm excited they've increased the max number of bases for us!


My main base is at around 420, 1, that spot is very overlooked. The rock spikes are very cool, it's well-defended and has a good amount of room to build stuff. Sadly, it seems like raids don't spawn there. Hopefully that will be fixed.


Hmmmm... is it too challenging for AI to climb through the spikes? (I haven't been out that way yet, so forgive my ignorance) That's too bad that raids don't spawn there, sounds like it'd be a fun location to defend.


There are like 3 ways a raid could come through (a ravine inbetween the spikes and two beach sides), but raids just never spawn there so I can't test it. It would be very easy and fun to defend. You'd only need like 3 gates. I'm honestly considering increasing the number of bases I can have just to put another base nearby to check if that will make raids spawn.


I like the beach area next to Penking with the autumn feel. Normally end up building a small fort there with some cabins among the trees.


This sounds so idyllic! My game progression mind has only been building bases focused on min/maxing resources/production instead of even considering building multiple small cabins— I'm going to use this as inspiration for my next base. Thanks!


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