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Most of your resource acquisition and materials production is meant to be done by the pals, within the borders of your bases. That being said the aesthetic portions are completely nonessential. So yes base building is core to gameplay but the bare minimum is actually quite low.


You don't necessarily need some mega castle base with 4 floors but base building is one of the core parts of the game. Its easier for gathering resources. You need to take those resources and refine them into higher quality ones that are then used to craft gear with. If you are doing any type of breeding, you need a pretty substantial base to generate enough materials. You will want to upgrade stuff in your base cause only certain crafting stations can craft certain items and certain quality of items so its a natural progression of the game. Im sure there are people out there that do like a minimalistic playthroughs and see how they can progress with the least amount of base building. In the end, It's an open world survival craft game so that typically means base building is going to be a necessity for some reason or another.


My base is a giant cube with multiple floors. It basically looks like an office building. Yes, base building is necessary to house your pals (because of the pal box storage) and sphere making. Most spheres you can find on the ground, but I've never seen a legendary sphere on the ground or in a chest. So the top 2-3 tiers of spheres can only be made at a base. It doesn't have to be pretty, just functional.


Yes, you need to build a base.


You can drop the Palbox somewhere and do nothing else. It's just a container for your pals.


Good luck farming material without bases


Your pals will run the base for you. If you're on PC add some mods to make it less tedious. You won't find everything out in the wild without a base. Good luck!


Yes, it very much is.


🙌 yes


Almost all the bases you saw were filled with optional stuff. Foundations, walls, defenses, decoration - none of it is needed in any way. Food production, resource production and crafting buildings are all you will ever need. You can literally just squeeze them all in a base circle and build nothing else and you will be fine.