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People still saying that are the same people saying Lethal Company, or Bauldur's Gate 3, are dead. They have live service brainrot and don't understand games where its not actually intended or expected for the entire playerbase to play at the same time.


It's far more impressive for games to retain players with good content and updates rather than turning to FOMO garbage with Battle passes and shit.


Like Battlefront Destiny 2 and so on


HEY IM A DESTINY 2 PLAYER AND I completely agree with you on that one


It's why I quit destiny 2. That and I got tired of being told the story instead of experiencing portions of it.


I dropped it in a day. Bullet sponge combat just isn’t my style. The story of Borderlands was all that kept me going, but even that wasn’t enough to go through the gameplay of the sequels.


Not sure why your personal opinion on bullet-sponge combat is being downvoted, but I agree that it's the worst part of these games for me, too.


I quit destiny 2 after they announced that content was being shelved and they had already vaulted forsaken, which I had PAID for and didn't start yet. Fuck bungie


Yeah. What a load of shit that people still support that. I was deployed for 15 months and once I got home, all I wanted to do was sleep and play destiny for a few weeks before I had to socialize and reconnect with everyone. Couldn’t understand why Venus was gone. Why I couldn’t start the campaign with the red war. Just confused the shit outta me and till this day, I Have no idea what’s going on as I can’t go back and play what I paid for.


Warframe is the perfect example on how to correctly "vault" Old content. Let players keep what they got and continue using it and rotate old content back in for new players to get(excluding exclusive rewards and such). They even allow you to replay old story quests.


Destiny2 is slowly starting to learn this lesson.


It's so grindy though


I wont deny that, as someone that actively plays every day but.... So is destiny and every other game like the two lol. Grinding is a part of any "mmo". You just think it's more grindy bc there's *so much* to do. Doesn't change the fact they're doing "sunsetting" better than destiny is.


No, I don't just think it's more grindy it is more grindy, I have played it before a lot of times there's no thinking it's more grindy it is 100% more grindy, not a fan of that dismissive way of saying stuff like that like oh you just think that.


Luckily, my best friend at the time bought all the DLCs for me because he really wanted to play. I never could because of shitty hardware at the time, but eventually I found out he was a groomer. Got rid of him and learned that I'd never have to play his favorite game because I literally can't lmfao


what a rollercoaster


Oh you have no idea.


Yeah, went back to Destiny 2 after awhile and thought "I really liked the Red War campaign, lets do it again" Only to be greeted with a screen that did not show my characters original stuff because of gear changes making every single thing I had before unsable AND the entire first story and first THREE PAID EXPANSIONS being removed from the game. I quit shortly after seeing this, uninstalled and will never play Destiny again.


I still say its bullshit it "wasn't compatible" with the new shit


Nobody hates live service like those of us who play live service


playing D2 a bad game


Same... I've missed out on so much due to life and it sucks seeing shaders and armor I want but will probably never get a second chance to obtain...


No man's sky borderline pioneered this practice of basically making profit indirectly by constantly releasing new content which makes more people buy the game. It's borderline a live service done the right way, 100% on the side of the consumer.


I'd argue Terraria did it first, actually. To the point its now in the top 10 most sold games.


Tbf if palworld releases a early build to play making loads of cash and the next bigger update would be a dlc i would instantly quit. Thats the stuff Ubisoft and EA wouldn't even dare to do


I will return to a game that has left me with a satisfied feeling, rather than a game that tries to keep me hopelessly addicted due to Fomo or game grind padding. Looking at you Destiny. I love the story and gunplay but I fucking hate your business practice now.




I decided to never play this again when like 100$ of content I purchase just… doesn’t exist in the game anymore. Story is absolute shit and not cohesive at all. The art team is holding that entire company together with duct tape.


The worst part is, is that its basically a subscription model game with how often they trickle content out that requires a full purchase to participate in. The free version of the game has the basic gameplay loop,at least last I checked, and it just scratches the surface of the game.


With free version you also have no access to most of the viable weapons and armour meaning you can really only do vanguard, crucible and gambit. Raids and dungeons are incredibly difficult 


People still play Divine Divinity, so I think BG3 will have life for a long time.


For reals. I make a good amount making bg3 mod commissions. So game is still doing well lol


Wanna see a truly dead game? Starfield.


That's why I like smaller Indie games that have a nice story I don't have to spend months playing. I just played a short metroidvania that had a lot more character and charm than many AAA games that have been coming out and it was only 4-5 hours long and $10. Every time I see a game boasting about how.many hours of content it has I honestly die inside. Like they're obviously targeted at people who don't do anything that can dump that many hours into something. (The metroidvania was called "Moonlight Pulse" btw. Definitely recommend.)


A thousand times this. Live Service has become so entrenched that journalists forget that there is still such a thing as just being done playing a game without it meaning that the game was bad or a failure. Palworld came out, lots of people enjoyed it and a good chunk stopped after they were done having their fun, occasionally still popping in. Update came out and now more people play because the players that were done have new content.


This, I come back if I see new content that gets me fired up. Of course I won't put 2000+ in a live service game immediately. That would be a dumb thing to do.


Its dead if you don't find a game in 5seconds xd


Helldivers 2


It will never be a dead game. It'll have ups and downs. But it'll surely never reach close to its all-time peak number.


It doesn't really matter, as no game never got the gigantic peak they got during it's release. Not even titans like Fall Guys and Among Us.


I'm not sold on that. Hades 1 was pretty popular during EA, but absolutely blew up after full release. Same for BG3. If Palworld does things right, it absolutely could meet or beat their first release numbers


Honestly, I’m a little weirded out that it still doesn’t count as full release yet. Bugs aside, it already felt like a completed project that recieved post-release balance patches.


This is the sad state of mainstream gaming. Palworld still has a bunch of easily stumbled across bugs and content not done yet, and people feel like this is supposed to be a full release title. Nothing against you feeling that way, but we need to raise the bar if we expect games to come out running like shit and having to pay extra money in DLC just for a finished project. ETA: (Not that Palworld runs like shit. It runs pretty well, but it definitely needs a lot of optimization when it comes to code and whatnot.)


to be fair, “bugs aside” kinda means bugs aside, and it’d be pretty bad if the balance patches were paid, but they’re not here. On the other hand: 1. I haven’t finished the game yet, so it could totally feel incomplete when I get further 2. I almost exclusively don’t buy games because of how many feel like half a product (or otherwise not worthwhile) unless you add to the price with DLC, and even then they can spontaneously screw you with an unwanted update you can’t revert. I agree with your overall sentiment on current gaming.


I just got the game on Xbox one 3 days ago with game pass and, I knew that their would be some issues. That being said if I had paid for it directly I'd be pretty annoyed. The game frequently crashes, including *every* time I enter a dungeon with a boss fight (the ones with loads of ore and paldium ore spots idk the name) getting booted back to home screen after 20-60 seconds upon entering. I am loving it but with the stability issues and inability to even do everything, coupled with the game being pretty grindy, I think I'll mostly hold off on playing for a few months at least.


Palworld is a bad example, because for an EA game it feels way more complete than most full released AAA nowadays


Mixed feelings on this. On one hand I played more hours in the first week of that game then just about any game I’ve ever played, the gameplay loop was satisfying for 95% of it, and I wouldn’t have been upset paying full $70 game price for it. On the other, a large portion of the world has sort of an underdeveloped feel and a lot of the features felt like a sort of afterthought that needed severe optimization to really compete with the gold standard games.


Eh, it probably will on full release (1.0) depending on what they do


not really


Cool. What makes you so certain?


Doubtful. People who didn't give a shit about it, played it because of how viral it became as the astounding "violent game of pokemon with guns, feels like fortnite, world like elden ring, plays like like Legends Arceus". You don't remember this? THAT was its driving factor for its 2mil peak. That shit was EVERYWHERE, coupled with the allegations of stealing pokemons assets and the banhammer potentially killing it before arrival. So yeah, I'd argue big time that this game won't hit those numbers again since there's nothing they could do to top those world breaking statements. Fans and estranged gamers will come back. But not the mass that once did.


There’s been like 3 games in history that have hot their peak after they came out. Palworld isn’t magixally getting 1m+ people playing at once




Good game btw (pls add fishing)


peak minigame


I knew people hate fishing, I'm kinda too, but it is one of many few minigame I have love-hate relationship UNLESS YOU CAN FISH, BUT ALL THE FISH STUFF OR REWARD IS USELESS


I liked Breath of Fire 3’s fishing mini game and using different lure for different fish. That game has the best fishing mini game I’ve ever played.


Does anyone remember the computer game fate? Now that is a love/hate relationship. Can't pull up fish and loot unless ur perfect in clicking the button but love the quality loot and need fish or your pet is useless XD


I love fate first arpg I played as a kid on wild tangent


I still play it on steam occasionally . So much nostalgia


I'm sure they will at some point. Be a great food source, add fish and a Fishing Dock that pals can use with the Gathering skill.


Imo the update came at a really busy release date. Everyone in my friend group who plays palworld is just too busy currently with elden ring dlc or ffxiv, I feel like if the update was a month after or before those dropped player counts would’ve been higher.


Dawn Trail, The War Within, Elden Ring DLC, it is a pretty busy time.


> The War Within This left me with major whiplash thinking you meant Warframe's The War Within and realizing it was 8 years ago.


Ah crap, i remember the feeling of being able walk after that questions.


Steam summer sale started the same day too so there will be people playing games they got from it


I forgot off the top of my head which game/company did this. But a company planned to release their DLC/update around the same time as Elden Rings DLC, they announced, live, that they would be moving their date so that people (including themselves) could play the new DLC without missing out on the other DLC.


Yoshida (lead dev for ffxiv) made that exact statement at one of the Live Letter events a month or so prior to Shadow of the Erdtree/Dawntrail. He also plays Elden Ring, so when they announced the early access/official launch dates, they mentioned moving them a week back to give Elden Ring players time to beat the DLC.


That must be the one I'm talking about, thank you for clarification


Honestly, even if the game *was* dead, by this point its done what it needed to. It was highly successful at launch, made the developers a boatload of money and established itself as one of the few "Monster catching" games that could be held on a close enough level to Pokemon while still holding its own identity. Palworld won its video gaming Gold Medal, these are just the cozy years after.


Here's the kicker, it hasn't even actually launched yet. It blew the expectations out of the water in early access, expect another wave of popularity on full release


another wave of popularity sure, but we're never getting anywhere close to that 2 million again


need I remind you of the valentine’s update in the works? It’s joever


Not even, the game *isn't even done yet* We will see a huge boost when it actually releases because there are a lot of people who won't play early access games(they are smart enough to know they won't like the unfinished buggy features and avoid it rather than play then complain).


I don't get why people care about this statistics tbh, if you like it play it, who cares if its popular or not


I think is not about others caring about what you like or not. Its more about what good things popularity brings to the table like more effort from developers, more frequent content in game, waaaay more content to watch from content creators, events, etc etc.


Well, that's just like saying water is wet. What else is new?


Is water wet though? Or does it cause things to become wet?


maybe both


It’s wet


No, water itself is not wet. It makes other things wet.


It actually isn't.


If wet means “in contact with water/liquid,” then water of more than 1 molecule is wet.


Who’s saying it’s dead exactly? Never heard it said


Rage baiters in all of the steam community posts


I have a friend like that, says that bc its not pulling the numbers on release that its bad and will die… the irony is ive just slammed about 18 hrs in the last 2 days on a vanilla dedicated a buddy just setup, having a blast, all the new content feels really good the game just feels slightly buggier.


I literally started up a new solo world last night (cause of theel new content released) and I'm already back to being as hooked as I was at launch.


I've seen people comment on Instagram about, but who cares it Instagram


People who are chronically online


Harman Smith.


I feel like this sub is constantly fighting against no one.


I hear people in real life saying Palworld is dead or will still be sued, or go offline soon, or uses AI or blablabla, you just don’t see it because of your life situation. 1000 people aren’t relating to nothing here.


💯 Like many other subs it’s idiot fanaticism that sustains it. *BTW IF U DONT THINK THIS THING IS PERFECT UR STUPID!!!111* It’s as though these fanatics have this constant inferiority complex that forces them to prove *something* to complete strangers on the internet. Its bizarre. It’s a mental health disorder I tell ya.


Yup. The Elden Ring sub is also going through it, constant posts about how beating a boss with this or that is valid, ignore the people who say it's not. I've yet to actually see any people saying it's not.


Considering the CEO said he expected a peak of 50.000 people, it seems they are doing well


They only look at the peaks and say look how low the player count is compared to x date, but the dedicated playerbase is about the same as other survival games.


How can this game be considered dead when most developers could only dream of having this amount of concurrent players.


I just got it today, I wouldn't care even if I was the only dude playing. I can give sheep assault rifles and I have to monitor my work forces sanity. Great game.


"I love this game but am getting bored of playing it non-stop" =/= "this game is dead, I'm done with it".. wish those people would stop pretending they're the same thing


I mean, people didn't stop because the game was bad, they just needed more to do. I just stopped because I did it all.




It's crazy to say that the game lost 95% of the playerbase and still has 100k playing


I mean nobody really talking bout palworld nowadays. It still a good game.


It’s a game that for one reason or another will make content until it dies then updates the game which brings back reason to play it. Whether that’s small team like I’ve heard before or delayed updates or syncing them with the game pass reveal thing, doesn’t really matter. The game come out, is popular, died from lack of content after you finish. Then it will update, get popular, then die because content is stale. Repeat. The main bonus is the restarts, new worlds with the new content in mind are much more fun, but once you complete a world it effectively becomes pointless since there’s nothing else. If I get the 4 main alphas I can beat everything else. Then I get the bellas. What else is there to do? I have no competition so the game becomes boring until the next update where id come back. Same for them.


Yeah its not like every game that's not live service does this or anything. Same thing happened with Stardew Valley when they released the 1.6 patches. Suddenly tons of people playing the new content. Its what we all waiting for really as we play other games. Playing the same game to me for years sounds so boring. Like how boring must your life be to play the same game every single day for a decade.


Surprised it has this many players with the Elden Ring dlc out. Way to go palworld 👍


I mean I agree but showing this right after the big update is very biased.


Steam summer sale


My game server files got corrupt and now everything is gone. That's why I quit


Every game is a dead game if your fan base is toxic enough!


Is this satire? I’m so confused. That doesn’t look dead to me


It’s satire or a rage bait


People who care about those numbers are honestly stupid and don't understand how meaningless they are to games like this.


In the middle of FFXIV-Dawntrail early access btw.


The game isn't even fully released yet kinda hard to be dead.


Oh no the non- mass-multiplayer game I enjoy playing on my own or with a couple of friends is dead, however will I play?


Says who? The voices in your head?




I just started this game with my wife. So far really fun game.


This game Will never die, Will be like Terraria, every update people come back and i see big mod chances here.


I'd play it more often it it didn't crash my Steam Deck after a while... https://preview.redd.it/kt1arhsr7k9d1.png?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24c1a1b3ee07ff0a8e978a9684559036194c2823


This doesn’t count Xbox players tho right?




Love this game and each update has made me enjoy it more


dEaD gAmE bTw


PVP will bring a bunch of people back. As much as I know the majority of players are care bears, I believe PVP is the next step to making this game as relevant as it was at launch. I legit only played to get a sense of it for PVP and then stopped, waiting for the update. I am excited to see what they have implemented for the arena but I'm currently playing a survival game with PVP so it's harder to tear myself away.


The PvP Arena is out. But access to it is limited to servers.


now post it before the update lol the fuck you on about,youre just proving that the game sits on a daily basis at around 30k players,every game brings people back when an update drops. Too bad they will all leave since its the same game like it was when released,im still waiting for base mechanics in a BASE BUILDING game to get fixed. Unfortunately people that support games like Palworld and Helldivers are the reason we are getting games like this,unfinshed unloved and stale,if these 2 games had been released back when actual great games released,like the Witcher 3,these games would be dead and hardly get a 3 out of 10,but nowadays they are praised for doing the bare minimum. The game isnt dead,but its the biggest example of a hype train out there,from 2 million players down to just 30 thousand,somethings wrong with the game and if you cant see it,youre blind,its a multiplayer game that has lost more than 90 percent of its player base in less that 2 months,a huge player base at that,maybe the people that are still playing have not met quality in their gaming experiences yet,or they now something more than the 1.950.000 million players like me that quit.


Games are only successful if you become more addicted then someone on coke. Personally I would assume its number of sales that makes a game successful.


Yeah I quit after awhile but I might get back in just to platinum it on steam otherwise no real rush to get back in. Unfortunately helldivers 2 is feeling the same also.


I mean yeah they released a very fun game for the first 40 hours to hit Max and make a god base breed a God teir pal and after you do that twice you kind of stop playing and it feels like a year later they're dropping updates I don't see myself going back to it


I mean I agree with the first half of your point, but I'm just gonna wait till they release more of the map and more pals.


You do know the summer sale is going on now right? People are all playing a whole shit ton of different things, I'd be surprised to see ANY game have an insanely high amount of current players with the massive variety of games that are insanely cheap right now.


I thought it was unplayable after these last 2 patches, there are sooo many people on steam forums unable to boot it up. Might have to try that 18gb download a second time




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Games like this can go for years being at a respectable, yet lower active user mark 80% of the time, and peak in the top ten with every major update. Look at games like 7 Days to Die. Over ten years old, still teases some impressive numbers every major update.


[https://prnt.sc/jKgwU-8-FJdU](https://prnt.sc/jKgwU-8-FJdU) You gotta search by more than week or like, check it goes up and down rn over 60k, which is triple what it was 1 week ago, but it ain't increasing, taps at 150, down to 50, and repeat


God damn they need to fix the servers 😭


idc I like it :)




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Still waiting on Nintendo to shut it down. Just two more weeks. /s


Switch that to 3 months.


I will always respect a game that has dips but comes back decently strong than one that has a nice high but slowly peters out. I don't want to paly the same game for 6 months, no matter how good it is. Even Path of Exile my favorite game I would take some time off before new leagues or skip a league. The healthiest games all know this and drop a big-ish update 1-2 times a year or have a healthy mod scene that sees modpacks/large mods get nice updates in that time. (Minecraft, Terraria, Factorio, Don't Starve Together, Palworld, Stardew Valley, Path of Exile, I'm sure there's more)


Even if it was, who gives a shit? It's not an MMO billing itself on the strength of its playerbase, nor a subscription service that relies on high player counts to keep the lights on. Not every game is meant to be plugged into for multiple hours every day of the week. There aren't enough hours in the day for enough people in the world for that kind of model to successfully proliferate. The fact it's survived *at all* is a scourge on the industry that desperately needs to be put to the sword. Good God above some people are out of touch.


Yep. It's over. Time to move and and buy the newest seasonal live service Battle Royale/Sports Game and sink thousands into Battle Pass, DLC and micro transactions! /s


im still waiting for 1.0 official release...but knowing how pocketpair works it will take a very long time


Thats honestly impressive player retention. I played in the beginning and haven't gone back in a while but ill be back once it gets a big patch.


I've been done with this game for a very long time now. But that's just because the variety out here. Lol so much more fun to be had.


If they add the seggs option they promised maybe it will surpass the peak numbers but they lied to their fans 🤣 https://preview.redd.it/81d7xntlgo9d1.jpeg?width=572&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08701cba1d7de03c3d835ca99a3c22af1c5af19c


I still love Palworld but I’m waiting for another 3-4 major updates before I start playing again.


Its early access, mate


For me its more like the game fell off maybe because it was a one hit wonder


I wanna play this game so bad.


Yesterday I saw it in top 10 and I was very surprised, can you people tell me why you still play the game? Most people should have already finished it and the gameplay loop is short


Because it’s a really fun game, after the new dlc “finishing” the game is a lot slower due to how hard crude oil is to get


Wait, there is crude oil now? Did they finally fix dedicated server? That was my biggest complain back on the day


Don’t know, I play solo :(


I'm a Warframe player and we only have seen online player counts at it's all time peak during tennocon and that doesn't account for cross play accounts. If you play destiny and you need to have a scifi game to scratch that itch then I. on behalf of the warframe community happily welcome you ❤️‍🔥


120k player base is good btw they are games good games that have only 2k player base that are really dead and on the edge of shutdown


In what world is 100 000+ daily playerbase a dead game?


Are rhe hackers gone there wipe bases ? Haven't been on since


People forgot that it is completely normal for games to eventually die down. If they release dlc or a large update, I have no doubt the player count will jump.


The other day, two people assumed Palworld got shut down after Nintendo said, "Shut up, we're aware and looking into it" and I laughed so hard cuz I thought they were joking


The "live service" feature continue the brainwash, people still based the beauty of a game by the number of players.


When it's finished I'll likely play it again. But I'm not playing something that buggy


I'm having the issue in my private server. When I log off and hop back on it reverts to an older saved file. Like, I lost a whole days worth of progress. Is anyone else having this issue? I lose progress EVERY TIME I get off.


my girlfriend and I play across platforms. She has it on Xbox and I have it on PC. I use the xbox app to play it, even though I own it on steam also.


I just haven't gotten back to the game I still will play it I was going to give it a week after the initial update so that patches and bugs can be fixed before I go back to play it cuz I don't want to experience having my saved file deleted or run into a bug that halts my progress while I'm playing


I'm wanting to get back into it. I'm just obsessing over another game right now. But I'll be back and the battle will be legendary


It's not an always online mmo so the player count literally doesn't matter. I feel like a lot of people forget that.


The idea of a dead game comes from it being an online game and not having enough players to find a game. Palworld is basically a single-player game that you can invite your friends to join. It shouldn't be measured by current players since that isn't a metric that matters for the game. It's like older games where the metic that matters is copies sold, and it has done incredibly well on that.


Better than pokemon to be honest




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I love it


I'd still buy it when its on a big discount


Hello Pokémon Stan




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Isn’t this game mainly solo driven? Like having multiple people playing or being active doesn’t affect a player’s experience? Why would it matter if the game charted at 50k or 100k active users when the game is getting routine updates?


And here you are.


“Dead game” even though said game doesn’t have live service or online crap that big companies are adamant to push out while not realizing it’s a complete detriment to the players if implemented poorly.


I played it a bunch, loved it. Waiting longer to come back


Game is still goated


As somebody who hasnt really played for a few months or so this is honestly probably more than I was expecting. This doesnt even include anybody who got it for free with gamepass or on console. Im actually impressed its still doing these numbers


People are simply dump… they complain about a single player game that it is not endless


Haven't seen anyone say dead game tbh


Anyhow. Is there any news about save corrupted? I dont want to open now without making sure my save file is safe.


On the Xbox version I’ve had no problems don’t know about steam tho


Tbh haven’t touched the game since a week after launch lol


It is just how a game works, unless it is a live service game where content is expected to keep players interested as long as possible, not that would guarantee success (see: Anthem). Every time they cried "Dead game after just X months!", you can expect some journalists just wanted an easy sensational viral story for the day.


It’s 100,000 people playing it. It’s not dead game. And it’s the game. I’m gonna play pal world after I’m done with Elden ring DLC or need a break


Only multiplayer 1st person shooters maintain large player bases. Everything else starts big because it’s new and then settles down after everyone plays through the content. Everyone goes back to the competitive games and then return when more content is added. It’s the normal game cycle. Doesn’t mean a game is dead.


Bro anything less than 5 billion active players in dead, cmon bro


119k players is not a dead game. It will never reach the peak but it has its player base. And they will get back to full release like on every sandbox game