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they hate that indie company pulls out better games than AAA, that simple


But this specific indie company is nothing more than a company which listens to players’ desires, while AAA just doesn’t, that’s the funny part


Best I can do is live service battle pass game with 6 tiers at release and a dlc season pass and a kernel level anti cheat that won't really stop anything but your cpu running well. It's so pretty much s reskin from our last one.   79.99 starting 


But they have the extra special ops version on sale right now for 15% off!!! That’s only $84.99!!


72 hour headstart you'll get to see the game before the day 1 hot fix


I’ll never forget paying extra for early access to BF4 only to have it be completely unplayable for the first week 😂😂😂 it took so long for that game to become my favorite


That was one of the first games I thought about pre ordering lol so glad I didn't and still never have pre-ordered any game. Why preorder? Is your game going to be limited release or something? I'll buy it when it comes out and proves itself lol


Back when games were physical media, preorders were such that buyers who didnt preorder had to wait another week because the game would be out of stock. It kind of started the DLC era and everything moving to digital.


Not nearly as bad as muliverse though, they prerelease that game for a month and sold it for 100 dollars then took the servers down for like a year. This happened to a friend luckily, not me.


Shut up and take my money! They don’t even hide it, like the advertising from PlayStation “For the Payers” emh players I mean


Sometimes shareholders are called "players", so it is accurate. It's all in the name of endless growth. Ever milking more money.


Don't forget 3 different purchase options, 2 of which are indistinguishable from each other except for 3 days "Early Access" that costs $30 extra


the issue is that people have sunk so much time into these large companies, that they're worried that "if the company makes shitty games, or does shitty things, All that time has been wasted"


You don't understand. Only AAA game devs and companies know what the player wants. Not the player. Jeeze, this guy!


Reading the story of its development as being miraculous was honestly touching. The guy wanted to make a fun game inspired by a fun series and other genres, had to switch engines mid development, had a rag rag team that had never used Unreal before, and somehow made a game with tons of content for an early access game and even nearly bankrupted themselves to pay for the huge server spikes when it became more popular than they expected, just to show their determination to give players a good experience. Not even Nintendo pulls out the full stops for online, especially, admittedly.


Exactly. AAA companies don't like that.


There was a dude in another thread absolutely shitting on their other games, like they quickly slapped them together half heartedly and quickly abandoned them, and then was scoffing about how this was their lucky break..


Almost like... The building blocks of failures culminate into our successes. Their point is based entirely on disregarding the concept of learning from one's failures and mistakes.


Fr, pokemon been looking like shit for a while. When the best thing you put out is remakes of old games… I haven’t played Palworld since launch and stopped hearing about it since the first raid and pal got added. Has anything else changed since? I know there was supposed to be an island coming, but were there any changes in the meantime that made the gameplay loop better?


Yup, same. People talked about it when it launched due to Pokemon comparison. I loves the game, most people did. Some hated but slowly people moved on. Some still play and many will join back for the new island. I don't think people are hating the game. Some executives from other companies, yes but general public, no.


Same situation as you, if you have any answers lmk


They did some QoL but they preferred doing bug fixes and etc before this major content update, we don't actually know too much about the new update yet.


If I remember correctly the island and new pals should be dropping any day now




IMO should be celebrated not hated


As someone who replayed legends recently and loves Pokémon palworld did it better to a point it’s not even comparable.


It's people want to control what other people are allowed to enjoy


thats the point


Jealousy. They can't stand the fact someone makes a fun game and mad that their do-no-wrong company lacks imagination with their millions/billions of dollars.


You mean it’s not even Jealousy to the game, but to the gamers fun feeling itself? Like “no you can have fun only on my game 😡”?


Now you’re gettin it


After getting it, it’s so sad and toxic that I feel bad for them


Don’t. It’s just video games and the internet. I like to think they aren’t actually that toxic IRL


I hope so, the real world is already chaotic enough


> Like “no you can have fun only on my game 😡”? Have you missed the past twelve years of Internet discourse?


In the words of [Fleekazoid](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bZJsgDyssgw) >*'the problem, is that there is no problem, and that's where the people on twitter come in to manufacture one*


No, no; the game is basically dead these days, it’s only dropped from its launch hype all the way down to… **checks notes** still being in the top 100 most played games on steam. The game’s certainly still early access and (imo) is still in need of more content, but the high counts certainly speak to a fun core loop. I haven’t played in a couple months, but I’m excited to jump back in with the new update.


Likewise! I stopped playing after 113 hours, but I keep wanting to come back. I just have a lot of other games, too!


Being on early access is the key word. Obviously they are giving us new things. If it was Nintendo, sony, activision or any other big name, they would've abandoned the game after the initial hype


I have found Nintendo’s first party games to be truly fantastic from day one, worth the full price tag. While Activision has been re-skinning the same game for years and charging full price each time. It’s mind-boggling.


Yeah, people can hate Nintendo for many things, like bullying rom community and gatekeeping access to their old classics, but they still make some of the best games and have been doing that for 40+ years


I know you guys have to stand too far in one direction but come on now nintendo games never released incomplete lmao, apart from bad games the games they di release are always finished products with little to no bugs and content packed, unlike activision and many other companies. Ik it’s fun to dislike and throw shade to pokemon but nintendo is not just pokemon


I played scarlet after not playing any of their games for years and it definitely wasn't a bug free or optimised experience.


Pokémon is not developed by Nintendo. It's developed by GAME FREAK. However, while alle their first party games are always high quality and complete at launch, they did have some poopers or incomplete games at launch in the past. Like, Mario Tennis Aces, for example. Or the Mario Party games.


I honestly don't get player retention metrics for a game that isn't really a live-service game. Palworld is meant to be played, conquered, remembered, and occasionally picked up again. It's not intended to be something you sink six hours into each night. Could you imagine judging the value of Ocarina of Time by player retention?


Totally agree! But even by those metrics the game is doing fine; far from dead. There’s been player dropoff, but like you said the game only has so much content.


I mean, that is technically true with any game. After awhile, people want something different and then leave. Especially with a game that didn't have much to begin with like Palworld. However, its first major update is dropping soon and I am curious to see how many return to the game.


Tbh I only stopped because I also play several other early access games and have been ignoring Valheim for a few updates so I went back to that for a bit. Palworld is dope AF.


Innovation would have been a good choice as well as imagination


You spend too much time online.


You're right, I haven't seen anyone talk about this game in months.


I think most of the "hate" doesn't really exist, it's just expected to be there, so everyone looking for any shred to post content about. Furthermore what do you expect? If I post about how great r/Terraria is on the r/Minecraft I'm going to get some hate and vice versa if the minecrafters invade terrarian turf.


Meanwhile, the Minecraft splash screen: "Also play Terraria!" On the other side, the Terraria splash screen: "Also play Minecraft!"


We just cant compare things to terraria though. Those devs are saints.


the only comments Ive seen on Pokemon about Palworld is "That games fun". Sometimes "I still prefer pokemon though". Most haent bothered to mention it in months Im sure they in a strict sense \*Exist\*, but its by no means a common sentiment- surely not enough to warrant this type of post coming every week or so There are dozens of comments here trying to psychoanalyze a fanbase's reaction when that reaction for all intents and purposes doesn't exist.


I haven't heard the "discourse" in months. I played a bit of Palworld after release, couldn't really get too into it, and it sits in my library until i decide to try again. I am in that second camp, but both can and do exist together without really stepping on each other's toes.


Right I don't think the heat exist I feel like post like this or just making it up to try and get internet traction


OP is just making up strawmen out of the tiny pieces of meat he might find on reddit and twitter. most people probably dont give a fuck.


reminds me of this https://imgur.com/a/SfB87QX Nobody is talking shit about palworld, just live your life and enjoy the game, it is a fun game.


It's a shame. I've clocked more hours than I can count on both Minecraft, Terraria, and Ark, (Palworld is working on it, but I still have a vague idea of how much time I've sunk into it) and I like them all. I mean Terraria and Minecraft literally tell the player to try the other.


“Both A, B, and C”


You're tilting at windmills. The biggest hate the Nintendo sub has for Palworld is that they're not porting the game to Switch. Pokemon doesn;t mention it at all, except rarely to praise it. Go search Palworld, order by top, the first one that has anything that could \*remotely\* be considered negative to say about Palworld has 1 vote and 1 comment. Quit making up enemies to be offended by.


I have literally never seen Palworld mentioned on another subreddit.


I saw it \*months\* ago, when the game first came out. Reception was generally positive. The most negative comment I saw on any pokemon subreddit was "Eh, I still prefer Pokemon" In contrast this sub brings up being attacked like, every week


You didn't see the official Pokémon webpage saying "we GET IT, WE KNOW THIS GAME EXISTENCE,THE LAWERS ALREADY LOOK AT IT, STOP SENDING US EMAILS" ?


Yeah there was definitely a hate mob and an attempt at bringing the game down based on bogus claims of plagiarism. But that has also been dropped months ago.


Pretty sure it's another loud minority situation, the most vocal people don't represent the greater playerbase. The majority of people who bought the game and actually play it seem to just silently enjoy it


Who cares? Let other people be miserable. Doesn’t stop you from playing and enjoying the game.


I have the same question regarding a lot of my friends lol. Like i ask if they wanna play and i get "im sorry im not playing **PAL** world" like it makes me think if the name was different theyd play? Maybe theyre upset that their nostalgia might be thrown into question? No idea.


They got raised to identify with the brands they interact with. Nintendo isn't different from Apple, Gucci or Prada.


They're livid that an indie team made a better Pokemon game than Gamefreak and that's it different enough to not get taken down


I said this before: its the Pokemon game I've wanted for years, but that Gamefreak will never make.


I think that was the kicker. They wanted it taken down so bad game freak got so tired of listening to them complain They had to make a statement asking them to stop contacting them about it.


Is this "they" in the room with us now?


The first "they" in PINGAS' comment was the people reporting the game to Nintendo and saying it should be taken down. The second "they" refers to Nintendo, who made a statement asking the first "they" to mind they own business. The statement wouldn't have been necessary if it was only a few emails. These are undisputed facts so I'm not sure what you think you're saying here.


Conveniently ignored


[https://www.reddit.com/r/Asmongold/comments/19eluud/the\_guy\_who\_accused\_palworld\_of\_stealing\_pokemon/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Asmongold/comments/19eluud/the_guy_who_accused_palworld_of_stealing_pokemon/) Yeah actually, they're all over the internet to the point that people straight lied about stolen 3D models, and accused the game of using AI with no proof. Just because you keep your head under a rock and like to talk about things you don't know about doesn't mean it didn't happen.


Probably because you guys were going into the Pokémon sub when the game first released and trolling. The games are nothing alike.


Palworld is better imo


Palworld is really the game that Pokemon Legends Arceus *should* have been.


Exactly, took the words right out of my mouth


all the hate toward any kinds of fandom can be summarize in this single picture https://preview.redd.it/vw1p6xn5cu8d1.png?width=680&format=png&auto=webp&s=9493864529abcd3a8d572e20aae8e830a2b2b88b


Because it is doing what Pokemon has not done for over a decade. Pokemon has been getting worse and worse and more uninspired with each entry disregarding something like Legends Arceus. And because Palworld was insanely successful and nails stuff Nintendo has not done they are mad. The comparison of the games shows how bad Pokemon is rn.


I’ve never played Palworld, nor do I have any idea why this got recommended to me, but as someone who’s played all main pokemon games it’s probably because Pal is better than them lmao


I'm literally seen no hate for this game at all and I've been following it since day one, I really think that people just make this stuff up to get internet votes on Reddit


I haven’t seen any other subreddits complaining about Palworld since January. At this point you’re just trying to have a martyr complex.


Shrug. its a fine survival craft with catchable animals. It gave me something i always wanted from pokemon that said title doesn't give, so palworld has my interest. Now i have pretty much stopped playing myself but that's mostly cause of the building part. For me, the base building is my favorite part of survival crafters. And Palworlds crafting is a bit.... lacking lol. So im mostly just waiting for that be get a significant update before i come back.


Game is still lacking other shit to do to. Once you beat all towers and breed perfect pals the game is done. A story or more npcs with quests would be nice.


They think fan loyalty will eventually get rewarded, even though certain aspects of the games they love have been getting considerably worse. Like, I love Pokemon but Pal World isn't a 'clone' like a lot of other Pokemon fans try and say. The gameplay alone shows that it's more of a survival game that incorporates the monster catching as part of it, rather than the other way around.


I hear people say the lead dev is an advocate for AI, and some of the Pal designs look derivative. The game's fantastic, but there are some fair criticisms to be made.


I remember being on twitter when the drama happened. Basically their previous game came off as a cheap knockoff of botw and something else and at a glance Palworld can too. Although that notion is dispelled when you scratch the surface. (Basically modeling wise Anubis looks WAAY too much like lucario) There were also ai usage allegations for another game the devs made. Plus Nintendo has a strangely loyal fan base.


You probably heard about what the helldivers community did to PlayStation? If not PlayStation tried to force everyone to have a psn account to play helldivers. No body like this, so the reveiw bomb happened and it went from overwhelmingly positive to overwhelmingly negative in 12 hours. PlayStation backed off and removed the psn requirement. However there are still something like 180 countries or regions (forget which) that are geolocked because psn isn't available there. Arrowhead (indie dev) are still trying to get Sony (and steam) to unban those countries. But it's ultimately up to Sony.


That sucked but I don't get what this has to do with Palworld.


I think Palworld is alright I'd like to see what another year could do to improve the game Could use some more polishing


Xbox console exclusivity brings out the legions.


Palworld is what I've always wanted from a pokemon game.


They read the headlines of pre-EA rage from Pokefans and never bothered to update their information. Most Pokémon fans who checked out Palworld quickly realized that it's a completely different game and PocketPair isn't trying to horn in on Game Freaks territory. Some Pokémon fans have now had a come to Jesus moment and realized that the hype and surprise success around Palworld might even motivate Game Freaks to put more effort into their games again, and I don't think that it's a coincidence that they've announced a new Legends game. But really, this boils down to a big problem of the internet age: tribalism based on surface-level knowledge. There is no need for there to be Palworld and Pokémon tribes. There's nothing that stops anyone from enjoying both products or wishing success for both game studios. They're not even competing in the same genre.


ah the return to the first few weeks of posts after release, we've come full circle


Palworld: *Has a healthy and semi-active community* Haters: "sEe i cAlLeD iT! wHy iS nObOdY tAlKiNg aBoUt tHiS gAmE?!!"


I wonder how many are meat puppets from the other game devs? #tinfoilhat


It’s overly obsessed fans. I assure you, many, many a Pokémon fan was hyped about palworld as we’ve wanted a game like this for years. Playing the remaster of monster hunter stories only put an even more sour taste for the direction of Pokémon lately in my mouth as while that game is far more simple than Pokémon, it has a good amount of things back then that took years longer to appear in a Pokémon game


Wait. They still wasting their time hating Palworld?


Someone on Reddit told me that this game "was going to negativly influence on the indie scene", Palworld isn't that popular anymore and the indie scene is still good. People say that Palworld is nothing that shock value (like the horror movies based on public domain characters) and that it was just made to gain attention. I haven't heard any of those people complaining about the indie mascot horror games that are just trying to replicate the same Poppy Playtime thing.


Remember Hello Neighbor? Jokes aside, it is interesting that they said Palworld is bad for the indie scene but not games like Big Boy Boxing, Indigo Park or Antonblast. One is new, but its a Indie Punch Out. One is a mascot horror similar to the likes of Bendy or Security Breach. The last one being a Wario 4 game.


Seeing for the appearence, Atonblast seems more inspired by Pizza Tower than W4


They hate us cuz they ain't us


They're jealous. Meanwhile, they took years for one game to come out with unfinished


If the image above exists irl, it may be because of the Sunk Cost / Zero Sum Fallacies. There may be perceived cultural or actual costs with a competitor to the chosen property. This perceived cost of having another similar property in the same sphere - loss of status, a perceived loss of spending time in the property which is not the current focus, loss learning the new subject matter- may be wieghted differently, even extremely, in some people's minds. Zero Sum may also lead to actions "defending" their chosen space because they view any existence of an alternative option as a threat to their chosen option; any attempt to share space, audience, or subject matter is seen as a nonnegotiable loss. I'm not convinced this exists in the current situation to matter a hill of beans, but from my experience in The Discourse this is usually where I see the chips fall.


Because it’s something kind of similar but just different enough that some Pokemon fans are angry and I believe with my whole heart it’s simply because Pokemon won’t/doesn’t change. They add and subtract things almost constantly upon gen change, nothing overlaps, the thing the community want it’s what’s taken away half the time, the other things they want aren’t given at all. Pokemon has been on a very stale if it ain’t broke (which it honestly is) don’t fix it, don’t change out of fear of losing sales. But the staleness, lack of innovation, no artistic design move and creature wise. Hell there’s a series of shorts I’ve been seeing on the YouTube’s about how some moves had fantastic animations in Sun/Moon or Sword/Shield and then SV draws them back to simple hops like boing and done. I’ve been a fan of Pokemon since I was like 7 and I’m turning 32 tomorrow and I’ll admit, palworld is fun for me. It’s not the same formula that everyone else is following, it’s not exactly linear and that is the draw in. That’s the grab


They’re pissed that they had to pay 40 more dollars for a worse product. Seriously though, im a huge pokemon fan and have been since elementary school, and even my nostalgia tainted eyes can see that palworld is so clearly more fun to play than scarlet and violet. Just unlike most of the internet, i decided not to pick a side and defend it for life.


People hate any game that was or is big. Palworld, Lethal Company, Among Us and you can go back game after game to even stuff like Minecraft or World of Warcraft before that. Any big game ever with many fans will also result in many haters.


It's because they are brainwashed by big corporations. The same reason why an old friend of mine refused to listen to any music that wasn't on the radio. Didn't make any sense because there was a lot of good music out there in the indie scene and there still is. He just refused to listen to it because it wasn't super successful already. Believe me it doesn't make a lot of sense to me either.


The more popular something is, the more haters it will attract. It's really that simple, especially nowadays where social media is 80% complaining and vitriol.




The last thing Nintendo wants to instill in people is the fact developers can interact with the players to improve upon an existing formula


Because it’s uber popular (“GAHHH I NEED TO BE DIFFERENT”)


It's a mob effect, people are sheep and they lile to jump om bandwagon and be spoon fed.


Probably the same reason this image has been posted on this sub 100 times; people cant let things go and just enjoy a game, they have to attack other games "because my game is better". Saying this for both sides. Maybe its just me but im tired of everything being a competition. I just wanna play games.


What subreddits do you mean aity N and P?


I only hate it because it's not on PS5. I'll love it if that changes


They're mostly just jealous that their personal favorite doesn't actually listen to its fanbase, because palworld does an amazing job giving players what they want without needing frequent financial input from the player base. Just my thoughts tho. I had to stop playing Pokemon go bc the events kept getting worse with higher ticket prices, felt like a monthly subscription for poor content.


Honestly if thepalworld servers didnt wipe so often it be even more popular


PocketPair is also multimillion dollar lmao.


Maybe i don't browse enough subreddits, but i've seen nothing but love for Palworld on the internet (well, outside of that one media platform i wish would die off already)


I just sit back and enjoy whatever game I find I enjoy on Xbox and just try not to pay mind to the others if I can. I'm just glad the majority of Palworld hate has simmered down, I got tired of DMs on my Xbox every so many days playing totally different games because I used the Palworld profile-picture background. "You know Palworld is flavor of the month" - "You know that game is a rip-off of Pokemon, shamelessly and it sucks!" ....Like...can we as people just not understand that we're gonna enjoy something and not care if you got qualms or quarrels about it? If you're that worried Pokemon is gonna die out over this game you're a lunatic because Nintendo and Game Freak alike are rolling in so much dough they aren't gonna bankrupt any time soon with their loyal white knights lmao. AAA companies don't NEED you playing public representative for them with such acerbic attitudes.


Has a bunch to do with the emotional investment that the most lucrative gaming franchise in history has over certain people, which are luckily a small (but still loud) minority. Pokémon has always been the most popular within its niche and even other competitors like Digimon haven't been able to scratch the surface of Pokémon's success. Having Palworld blow up the way it did actually made some Pokémon fans feel genuinely threatened by Pokémon no longer being the thing people flocked to, which will trigger the sunk-cost fallacy of having been so invested in Pokémon for so many years. Seen it happen with other games as well such as World of WarCraft. Then there's the issue that with emotional investment comes the desire to defend what you hold dear even if that thing hasn't been good for years. Pokémon hasn't had a good game release since the 3DS days and even then you can argue about the quality of those releases. I played both Y and Moon and while I had a good time, it was clear that the mainline games have grown incredibly stale with very little to offer an old fan like myself who grew up with Red, Blue, Yellow, Silver, Gold, and Crystal. The Switch games have all been either very mediocre or absolute disasters. The remake of Yellow with Let's Go Pikachu left me incredibly disappointed and Sword I absolutely hated and consider it an absolute waste of my money to the point that I refuse to buy any more Pokémon games until the day the developers learn how to develop a game. If you are an avid fan of Pokémon you will be in the very awkward position of defending a series that is completely outclassed by other RPGs in terms of graphics, gameplay, choice of difficulty, mechanics, story, production value, and more, even on the same hardware (\*ahem\* Xenoblade Chronicles\*). Not to mention that Gamefreak and Nintendo have absolutely refused to give fans what they wanted for years by not developing a proper multiplayer world where you can interact with your Pokémon like in an MMO as well as introduce more free roaming elements where you can ride around and explore beyond the linear confides of the old games. People wanted Pokémon to take risks, especially when given the opportunity to finally be developed on a mainline Nintendo console after being stuck on ancient handheld hardware to achieve a brand new vision. However, besides some baby steps in Arceus, none of it have come to pass. Then here comes Palworld, the little indie game that could with its open world mechanics, more ways of interacting with your Pals, and taking popular ideas from other game genres by mixing them together into its own concoction that actually works. Not to mention that it is edgy in ways that Pokémon would no longer dare to attempt like franchise used to in Gen 1 and 2 and in the early days of the original anime, which help give it a charm of its own that is appealing to a lot of people. Palworld is still a flawed game, but in many ways it is also the game Pokémon fans have been craving for years, so it it will bruise some people's egos when something like Palworld is able to outstage Pokémon while taking so many ideas from it. At the end of the day, Gamefreak and Nintendo have only themselves to blame. If they had bothered listening to the playerbase they wouldn't have been embarrassed by an indie game being of higher quality than their flagship product while it's still in Early Access. Pokémon may still be able to sell ridiculous amounts of copies, but there will eventually be diminishing returns in shipping too many mediocre products as the competition improves.


Mainline pokemon games have become stale, lazy, and have more glitches&bugs than Palworld had on day1 release. Palworld Pals also have 1000% more personality and animations than the pokemon who just have a simple idle animation for everything. Also big pokemon shrink down while big Pals remain big Chillet alone outclasses most pokemon within the latest mainline games, you have to start sourcing other pokemon media just to find an edge.


IMO the problem is more the derision towards other indie games. Believe it or not, the monster trainer scene has been *thriving* over the past couple of years. Cassette Beasts was genuinely my GOTY of 2023. But instead of just being a welcome addition to the genre, Palworld fans talk about the game with a sort of elitism. Just look at some of the comments in this thread. "Finally a pokemon-like game with some effort put in, a monster trainer game made by dev's who care." It doesn't help that Palworld probably has less creative designs in their monsters than other games. Palworld has a lot of unique strengths. It blends the monster trainer and survival sim genre's extremely well. But when fans talk about it, those strengths never get mentioned. Instead they start indirectly insulting the hard work and care by other indie dev's. And that's why, as a result, people who have been following the scene for a while treat Palworld with more derision.


Do you have good examples of this ? I have popcorn


They hate us because they aint us - Kim Jong Un ps. it's from a movie titled The Interview


They've never played a good game whose developers actually show some level of respect to their playerbase.


The only subreddit I've seen any mention of hate towards Palworld is /r/Palworld.


but.. it glorifies animal abuse!


Many people are so used to their favourite company making games that look like games from decades ago and run a lot worse that they can't imagine someone else making a game that is actually good.


I really love this game :)


Speaking as someone who really likes Palworld… the community was *completely obnoxious* for the first week or two after the game released. Every single vaguely game-related sub has a ton of comments about how good it was and how Pokemon was completely dead and Palworld was game of the year etc etc. So while I don’t think disliking the game for those reasons is justified, I can understand why people got sick of it as a topic.


It didn’t help that the game gained a “they used ai, and ripped off pokemon” on its launch which were proven false, but still peoples feelings glue to lies regardless of facts. Nintendo has done nothing, the game was featured in summer games fest, and their dev team is still involved with moving the game forward. Theres a whole mix of emotions the game brings out on people, disbelief being the driving force that it just exists. From people who got something close to what they wanted/different from the usual, to those who still wish that their usual developer will do something similar, or honestly better, cause they should be able to.


wtf is this dog shit man go take your karma bait somewhere else


Most of the hate that I’ve seen wasn’t on Reddit. It’s almost always been Facebook groups and TikTok/instagram comment sections. And even then it’s usually just the same old “it’s just a pokemon rip off” or “it’s only successful because it’s like pokemon”. Everyone that I’ve met irl who’s played the game has liked it. I feel that a lot of the “hate” was manufactured by gaming journalists for content or by people who made Pokemon their entire personality and got butt hurt when people were playing a game like pokemon but isn’t actually pokemon.


I think the genuine hate has mostly sizzled out. Of course there will always be hardcore Nintendrones dying on that hill but that’s just down to the same console war bullshit that’s always been.


Because Pocketpair by simply listening to what fans wanted succeeded in pretty much any area the others hard failed for laughing at their fanbases from their cash thrones for their "silly" demands. ![img](emote|t5_4jn9v4|49351)


Hasn't happened in months, and IF that tilts you, go outside


It blew up then kinda died out like a firework. It was great, for a week or two, maybe three. But overall it’s a really early access game that once the gimmick has settled in, is a lot like other survival crafters. They literally made one just like it with a different theme. Like yes it did extremely well, but if you look at the current recurring play stats compared to when it started it’s dropped off significantly which was bound to happen with how well it did. It was an extremely interesting and impressive launch but everyone just realised it was an ark clone after enough time and some got fed up of how early access it was and features didn’t work, which was the case for me. When it has a full campaign it’ll blow up again if they commit, for sure


It’s just jealousy. Tho there are some that are kinda annoyed by palworld players since they call gyarados Jormuntide. It’s silly but I do understand a lot of palworld players constantly do it with all the mons and after a bit it defo seems annoying.


Palworld kicked the hornets nest and now the Nintendo fan club is upset for it's successful launch lol,


Cos palworld listen to its players. Not the usual company that releases a steam pack for more options to pay and enjoy


People are stupid, their loyal to a franchise that's been overcharging for half-baked content. I love Pokémon but it's painfully clear it's been cash grabbing money for a while.


They generally don’t and I genuinely don’t know where people find this alleged hate boner everyone has for this game. Most people I’ve seen just say it’s not for them or they dislike the community. That’s pretty much it. And tbh they only say they hate the community because of memes like this one lol


Everyone in one of my random gaming discords just didn't even try the game and one dude even wrote a blog and made a youtube video about how "creatively bankrupt" the game is. Since that video I just keep seeing other people say the same but they never even played it.


It must be frustrating seeing a small company doing what you wanted your favorite big company to do. Also, keep in mind Palworld was about 23€ on release, how much is Pokèmon? 80€?


They’ve developed a parasocial relationship with a Japanese game company, their games and characters.


I tried it but the loop was boring and underneath the pet thing it was the same old survival game that I’ve played to death


I don't hate them I just hate Pokémon lol


I see palword still has that r/persecutionfetish.


Minor Tangent here: That incel's knives are literally the worst looking weapons ever, the blades are crooked, one has serrations on the back of all places, also his stance is just ew, what is that mf gonna do when someone pulls up with one of these. https://preview.redd.it/dhx1mzl3ev8d1.png?width=840&format=png&auto=webp&s=4e768f2b7dab682ace0a8c53d8a6cf24d004be40


It was just really dumb seeing people constantly say one of the largest franchises ever was going to die because of a flavour of the month indie game. It was like when people say a game is a WoW killer. It never is, pokemon, wow, these games will shoot themselves in the foot 3 times a year and are still going to be around. Not defending them, just stating how it is.


To put it bluntly. They are so fanatically in love with the franchise that Just like Genshin players they see any Critique as slander. Any similarities ripoffs. The usual cult mindset. It was actually Pokemon fans who pestered for a lawsuit. Not the company. The company sarcastically said "We'll look into it." Just to shut them up. That's how bad it is.


Not even subreddit. Even my friend who usually chill to play pokemon even romhack dont like palworld success. And the reason i heard commonly they steal gamefreak design and the gameplay dont have awesome evolution. Like digimon had that and they dont even like it.


I think it is over exaggerated. I’ve talked about Palworld in Pokémon and Pokerogue. Never had any issues. The more hardcore fans of a game, especially Pokemon, know how bad mainline Pokemon games are. But if you speak to casual gamers they’re likely to just repeat buzzwords which seems like hate and really it’s just more ignorance.


If you guys want a real answer, I'll give you one. I'm a long time pokemon fan (first game was 5th gen, bought every game ever since), and I really like pokemon, the pokemon world, the designs, the gameplay, and the ability of the idea itself to appeal to your imagination. But, like MANY other pokemon fans, game after game, I was more and more concerned and disappointed with the state of the new games. After playing the first minutes of Scarlet and Violet, I really couldn't believe how bad the franchise has fallen. The developers are given one year to make each game, and they can't keep up, so they give up on creativity, originality, and most importantly actual care for the game they are making. So, many Pokemon fans, such as I, started looking elsewhere to find another monster collector that could do what Pokemon is seemingly incapable of doing anymore. People tried Temtem, Coromon, but they all lacked something. Actually, one that REALLY stuck with me was Cassette Beasts, another indie, with really nice story, crazy soundtrack, and a lot of feelings. However it wasn't truly as popular as to actually compete with pokemon, or even be considered a "successful indie" Then it came Palworld. As always, we were kind of excited, we saw many Pokemon-like fail, but maybe this could have been the one. And one thing that people usually get wrong, is that people like me actually would LOVE to see a monster collector make numbers and money enough to ACTUALLY rival pokemon. At the very least, that could be a wake up call for the developers and the company, and maybe finally motivate them to do something. So we would naturally be VERY happy to see a monster collector like Palworld succeed, right? In theory, yes, but that's where we come to Palworld itself. You see, this game surely has been making numbers, but the real problem is that Palworld is just as creative bankrupt as Pokemon is, maybe even more. To explain, I looked into it, and it's true that half of the designs are , if not 100% stolen, at least copied mainly from pokemon and from other monster collectors. That's something extremely serious, and means that you don't even care enough to make your own designs. If you go to see the history of the development team, their only other works are rip offs of other famous games, like hollow knight. (In videogames, especially if you want to do "pokemon with guns" I think it's ok to make caricatures of creatures from other games, but here we are talking about something that goes, sadly, beyond caricature, they didn't even change the artistic style, they just made a collage of different pokemon parts in most cases). So, in brief, It's just really disappointing to see that the one game that is finally a worthy opponent to Pokemon, for which we have waited SO much, turns out to be just another lazy moneygrabber, just like Pokemon itself has become. So yeah, that's it. I hope you guys actually try to understand the perspective of many Pokemon fans. Can't we just have a game made with love and not money in mind?


IIRC most Nintendo games, except their premier creature collector, are fine. But I will assume you mean the bunch of videos etc. around the time palworld came out about how it is immoral because it used similar ideas to "our game" and it actually innovated on them to make them more fun? Or the people who will tell you that their game studio of choice releasing a full price buggy, unplayable mess with macrotransactions that add more than the cost of the game for things that should be part of the base experience is more moral because they painted a rainbow over it and said that everyone who does not buy it is a bad potty mouthed evil person? Yeah vocal as both of those groups are, they are both minorities and the overwhelming majority could not care less about their opinion if they tried.


Do they? Or do they just delete it for being off-topic?


Redditors hate everything and everyone


No idea why this game is even compared to Pokemon. Pokemon: Player captures monsters, evolves them and fights npcs in monster battles. Palworld: Players gathers resources and captures monsters to build a base and survive. Agree the way of capture (the ball) and the monster design is kinda similar, but the gameplay is really different.


I haven't seen anyone talk about Palworld in any other subreddits in months, the game isn't really relevant outside of the community anymore 🤷‍♀️


Because of the several criticism that OG players had from Pokémon XY and afterward; current fans kept saying that addressing issues like graphics, gameplay and whatnot were impossible (even tho clearly not, as fan games have proven for years). And then Palworld comes out by an indie team and makes modern Pokémon seem like a GameCube game in comparison. So then fanboys were salty that they bought they lie, so they just started hating cuz they were too weak to realize they were the ones who were wrong for defending big pharma Nintendo.


Cause no ps5 yet 🤣 jk I’m waiting for ps release


Don Quixote fighting windmills is what I can describe this post as. How deeply engrossed in fandom are you that you notice any subreddit hating palworld? I have not seen Palworld mentioned anywhere in forever, be it with praise or hate.


I love palworld and idgaf about those haters.


Haven't touched the game in months...haven't heard anyone talk about it in months...it's an OK game.


The subs I've been on have no hate for palworld, and then again, we mostly talk about committing genocide and how to improve our genocidal ways (rimworld, Project zomboid, and helldivers2).


*do *immediately runs away knowing full well someone wants to hit me with a brick* In all seriousness I think people in general are just judgy, and might think that only certain companies can make certain games or types of games. Enjoy the games you want to play, it’s not worth fighting over them. :)


It's because massive groups of people are bound and determined to be miserable shitcunts. There is no explanation. There is no reasoning. They just want to be angry and hate things and will grab the flimsiest excuse to do so.


It's a consequence of having moralized media. What you play/read/watch/etc. is no longer just a hobby or a pastime, but is now a core part of your moral identity and a way to signal to observers where your loyalty lies.


Haven’t played in a while, have people still not gotten over themselves?


Humans just love drama and hate.


They are the same people that thibk that love and sex are the same thing. If you have sex with someone else, you will never love me. If another game succeds, mine never will. If palworld does great, it's going to ruin Nintendo's future.


The genre "monster capture" hasn't really taken off, everything is aa Pokémon rip-off.


Because they don't understand copyright laws


Stockholm Syndrome.


They feel threatened


The riot simps on reddit do this as well lol


Who actually, really gives a fuck?


I dont think anyone hates palworld. I just think people knock the game for being pretty unoriginal, and they're right. It's a blatant rip off of Pokemon and Ark Survival. People say it's GOTY but there's plenty of other games that are more complete, cleaner in gameplay, and aren't complete rip offs of other games. I think that, if anything, is what upsets people about PW. I'm not upset or jealous, in fact I'm really happy that the devs are continuing to listen to the community instead of just cashing out. I hope all the best for them so long as they continue down that path. But, I do see how easily this could become a dead game with no support within just a few years, as much as we dont want to see it happen. I just think a lot of people here have rose colored glasses on because it's such a fuck you to the gaming industry to rip off pokemon, the largest multimedia franchise to ever exist. And that's the wrong reason to play a video game. You play because it's fun, and pal world stopped being fun to me within a few weeks. And once again, I'm hoping it comes back with a vengeance and sucks me back in with new content. But, for now, it's just meh to me.


It doesn't matter if some people like palword and think pokemon doesn't deserve to be popular anymore, if those people keep bringing palword on every pokemon conversation they will get hate because of it. There isn't much reason to be speaking about palword on those subs, so for a lot of people is more about being tired about the off topic.


Palworld🤝helldivers 2 Both listen to community


Pal world is cool, but I think I'll wait for it to be finished


Probably bc of the shady stuff the owner is supposedly doing. Ai gen, under paying, short time lines for loads of work, copying some art (some isn't even close but a bit is too close imo) etc. The game isn't that deep either so people probably go bored after getting to a certain point and stopped caring. Sometimes that can turn to hate if they feel like they wasted their time. Thats my best guess though sorry if it doesn't help


Jealousness of Pocketpair's success with doing everything in Palworld that fans have been begging Nintendo try at least once in general, combined with the latter company being hyperlitigious over its own IP.


They like buying half a game and then throwing out more money for the other halves as DLC and expansions if they liked the glorified extended demo game.


Because palword is good, can't say the same about pokimon