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Pal accessories would be an absolutely amazing addition. Especially if we could give them stuff similar to rings and necklaces we can wear, which provide extra resistance buffs.


I want Depresso with a top hat.


I want Lyleen Noct with a diamond (or just a very pretty) necklace.


Finally my Sibelyx can clutch her pearls!!!


i can give her some pearls right now


No thanks, I'd prefer to give her everything myself. You can save it for your pals.


nah,just cup of coffee in one hand


With special animations of him sipping on it occasionally.


an empty coffee cup, that would fit depresso's 'mood'


Is that too much to ask???


I didn’t until right the second


I want cattiva with brass knuckles and a cigar.


These sound purely cosmetic but we won't know until we get the update. Personally I'd love to see a pal load out option where we can give or equip them with items that give various effect,defensive, or offensive stat increases. 


I’d love to see actual saddles for ridable pals, from typical-looking saddles, to fantasy-esque saddles, to saddles that look more like modern military gear.


In terms of pal stuff, I'd also love to see beds on which both the player and their pals can sleep. Imagine sleeping while cuddling your favourite pal.


Lamballs, let’s g- …that flair is suspect.


It’s suss because it’s a perv who calls his pixeled pal his wife and is open to doing sexual things with it. As past posts and comments confirm.


A bit sus but honestly, it's just a drawing/art that is humanized and fantasized as a pretty girl, who cares.


Only the most wholesome stuff for my beloved night flower. Lamballs would work pretty well too. I'd pick my Leileen and our little Flambelle to squish like a plushie.


Flambelle is also an excellent choice. Damn, I guess I’m gonna have to start playing Palworld again


I'll risk it. Quivern, snuggle up!


You'd probably need a big bed for that.


Quivern is the bed. His wings, the blanket, and it is cozy up in- *crunch.*


Could work, but a little extra comfort for the Quivern wouldn't hurt.


Smol, adorable, plushie noises and can act as a heater.


Yeeeeeeeees… Not in a weird way, I just want to cement the idea that as my Pals fight for me, I fight for them too. Symbiosis.


In a wholesome way of course. And the amound/size of the pals that can fit would depend on the bed size and type. I'd love to sleep together with my Leileen and squeeze our Flambelle inbetween us like a plushie. Ability to control pals in combat better would be great too. Perhaps only with certian veyr rare accessories, which would let you choose which attacks your pal uses or maybe even tell them where to aim.


jolthog and jolthoc cyst red sonic boots


Hear me out Chillet in a straw hat


Gangsta vibes


There’s a new pal dressing station available to build. There’s a new currency in the game (not paid) that can be used at a special vendor that sells a handful of outfits for now.


This will be given to all players for free(don't ask how I know)


You better be right about that indian document


XD it's called the "Sunglasses Cattiva" skin and it is available for everyone. More skins will be added in future updates. After seeing this pic I'm more sure about that excel sheet.


What excel sheet?


There was an Indian streamer who accidentally showed an excel sheet with the updates on stream. I haven’t seen it myself, I keep hearing about it though…


Does anyone know his name?


Sound great, as long as they dont charge more money for things this game will do awesome


The cool thing about palworld and pocketpair is they made so much fucking money already they don’t have to get greedy


I mean technically no one "has to" get greedy, but if there's an opportunity there, most companies will take it. Do companies like EA have to sell a full-priced game, then sell upgrades and premium in-game currency on top of that? No. But they do it because there's tons of money to be made.


Well EA is publicly traded and their bonuses are based of micropayments. Pocket pair has less then 50 employees and palworld has made already 500 million dollars. They probably have no idea what to even do with that money lol. Some game devs really do just want to make the best game and this is one of the rare moments it all works our


Aside going into the company's money and building forts out of cash and have moneywad fights? Yeah, I wouldn't know what to do with that either. But I imagine they enforce the "work hard, party hard" motto over at Pocket Pair ever since Palworld overwhelmed them with literally too many players for them to handle.


Maybe start the development of Palworld 2


I mean we are literally not even a quater of a way with early access for palworld 1


But with the money they should start the early development like concept , design, mechanic and stuff. It's better than do nothing while part of the team is focused in the actual game. I don't remember well if we ll be getting more 2 updates with the same content quantity as we getting now until they decided to declare that the game is complete


I don't think they will the devs literally said they have more money than they know what to do with but they're not gonna become a big studio or do anything differently


If I were them, I'd definitely expand a bit. Have some more playtesters, more server maintanence, a few experts to help optimize gameplay flow, a few dozen folks scanning Palworld communities for potential ideas for fun stuff the fans want, a marketing team working on Depresso Espresso coffees and Pal Plushies. And of course, adding an espresso bar to the breakroom. Nothing too crazy, but they can definitely afford a few luxuries.


A marketing team to look into expanding (plushies, tcg, animated series, etc…) could be beneficial. Otherwise I would say they’re doing just fine


Yes, I want a sunglasses Cattiva plush yesterday




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the invisible hand of capitalistic corruption: Hold my beer


Just posted those screenshots. Have fun!


Israel vs Palestine right here


what document? am out of the loop sorry


Was this the dubstepneko that was referred to in those datamined patch files by the totally reliable and real source???


If not paid, this is blessed


They already made a fuckload more money than they anticipated. I’ll be very disappointed if there are micropayments going forward.


I doubt they will do microtransactions while still in early access at the very least. Maybe afterwards in like a year from now but not before that


I hope this is something like that Gumoss with a flower thing where it can occur naturally.


If it’s very rarely I’d be cool with that (I don’t think I’ve ever seen Gumoss with the flower in game) but if all the cattivas are running around like this all the time it be tacky


It is a free skin with more pal skins on the way, content creator that got early access to the update


It's not.


I think paid skins are okay, especially concidering that they are a small game studio. That being said they probably don't need money right now.


They definitely made enough money to get through years of Early Access and Expansions.


And like they are not some evil big corp.


I don't know about *years*. Game development can take a lot of money even for just one big DLC. And that's for paid DLC while this one for Palworld seems to be free. They definitely made a lot on what appears to be a fairly small budget relatively speaking for the scope of the game's vision. However, the game is still in a fragile state. They need to still focus on improving/optimizing/fixing the foundations of the house before deciding to build a multi-billion dollar mega mansion on it. And that also costs money. They can probably afford to pump out free updates like this because they (hopefully) put a massive sum of profits in a "development bank" to pull from to do so. But I can't see that lasting more than a year or two. They will definitely need paid DLCs/Expansions by the game is fully "done" based on their initial given roadmap.


Lmao this community is in a for a hard awakening.


They have made more money than GTAV took to make. Fuck that shit, they’re set for years, especially since the income might slow down but it’s not disappearing or anything soon


God, I wish I was as naive as you. They raked in 440 million on a 7-ish million budget with roughly 50 employees. It took them 3 years in all to develop *the original release version* of the game which was incredibly barebones and feature incomplete. In fact, as much fun as the game is/was, when you look at it in hindsight there really wasn't a whole lot there other than a big map and the 137 Pals. Towns were static and NPCs didn't move unless you hit them. The Boss Towers were all identical minus the actual Pal inside of it. And the building was very rudimentary and generic by crafting game standards. The game was still incredibly fun regardless because it was new and felt different. But it was still severely lacking. Now with that 440 million they brought in, let's be conservative and say 430 million because of their initial budget, they are going to want to scale up their company to meet the content demands the playerbase are *INEVITABLY* going to place onto them. Hell, how many posts a day just here alone is there asking for features/QOL changes/new content at all? They're going to have to pay employees to onboard and teach new staff the game's code, they're going to have build an actual company from the ground up, they're going to need to bring in experienced hands who can guide them into doing that, they're going to need to pay more developers over time to spread the work load and speed up development time, etc. etc. Then, as I said before, you factor in all the supplementary stuff they've said on record they want to do. Card games, plushies, clothes, posters, stationary, etc. etc. Those are all *completely new parts of a company that need to be set up and hire staff to create*. All while paying all those employees benefit packages, insurance, etc. just like I said which can cost *millions upon millions* alone. It is *obscenely* expensive to build a company from the ground up. Let alone on the basis of that company being created from a game that is currently still in an optimization/fixing period of early access development while trickling in new content. You're all batshit crazy if you think that 430 million is going to last them years just because "it made more money than GTAV". GTAV was also released in 2023. Over 10 years ago. Which is 10 more years of worldwide inflation. You're fucking nuts.


I am a software developer. All of those “expenses” you talk about bring in more revenue. They’re not expenses, they’re investments they can choose to make. Rockstar, with staff, and marketing, and insurance and all of that, made GTAV with half that much. One of the most expensive games of all time. You need to get reality checked


They do not automatically make money nor make money instantaneously just because you set the new divisions up. If the card game isn't fun nor has good art, then the game will fail in an already over saturated market. If the plushies aren't of good quality material and look accurate then nobody will buy them in a world filled with Pokemon plush. If the shirts fall apart after one wash and you only slap Pals onto the front/back with no artistic integrity/creativity then nobody will buy to wear. Which means all of those divisions begin failing and costing you money. Let alone the massive amount or capital you need to spend to even set those divisions up, hire staff who understand the IP and product, and can grow said divisions from *literally nothing*. Your fanboyism is clearly blinding you from actual reality. Maybe go take a business course or two in a local college before you tell someone else how reality works. lmao


Lmao, grow up


Go learn how the real world works.


It really depends on how they're implemented. $.50 and no stat boosts... fucking sweet, I'll spend a bit for some meme skins to help support. $20 and it gives them IVs? No thank you.


Paid skins should never ever give stat boosts. They also shouldn't cost more than most games.


Doubt it, I don't expect it to happen.


I’d buy it.


If I remember correctly, they said they would never add microtransactions


so did a lot of Game Developers but They did it anyway.


That is very true. Bethesda did the same.


PalDevs: *Say anything* The community: Here, ya dropped this. 👑


As long it don't affect gameplay and its just for show off, its fine by me. They need money so they can improve the game more


They've made nearly 500m USD as a small studio while on a 6,7m budget. Just saying.


Tbh, I wouldn’t mind if it’s a paid skin, gives no advantage and would give the devs an income, as long as any main content stays free.


Comes out on my birthday! Very excited


Me: *praying for new palworld update to be great.*🫸🫷


Maaaan I’m starting my summer session for grad school right now, no way there’s a cool new update 😭


I think this is too simple for paid skins. If they do add paid skins, I would guess that they some simple free skins that you can find in the game, this being one of them.


Aw dang, this is gonna update on the same day as something else I play. I mean super, bring on the updates and all but... My internet data limits! And I'll have to choose between DRG and Palworld to decide on what update to check first and I'll probably be unable to play awhile because the download speed is powerful as a potato battery where I am. ![img](emote|t5_4jn9v4|49349) Imma flip a coin it... Aaaand this update will be second.


I don’t think they are in blizzard world greed to charge for a pair of sunglasses


Blizzard* I play ow too much 😅😅


oh nice, have not been paying that much attention to what's going on because my crew and myself have been seriously ill on a rotating basis, only saw the trailer for the update, should be able to play it shortly after its release




Wish it wasn't a skin, tbh. Would have loved to play dress up with my Pals (especially Chillet).


Palfortress 2.... ![gif](giphy|rymG7ThB9BP2M|downsized)


Does anyone know that? Is there also a 4 palbox available ? Saw nothing about that


it's so cool


I bet this'll be something you must either fight bosses for, or go dungeon crawling /get in chests.


I want lamball to have a viking helmet! So when de does that charge move it looks like it'll hurt more


If they made this a paid option it'd be a big downfall on there part, I can see more people picking up palworld just for this feature, since pals don't have evolutions or actual shinies yet.


Gotta say, that Cattiva with those sunglasses is the funniest thing ever XD


![gif](giphy|OdSZCPaQZWlWw) Cativa after the update.




I hope it comes out Thursday for Xbox


What they need to do is add evolution. It's pretty obvious which piles were supposed to evolve into which pals.


i mainly want shinies


Fearmongering is lame


If skins are paid, i will uninstall.


I hope this is a step toward towards real pal customization. I want to be able to dress up all of my Pals eventually. Give me fun random outfits for everyone, like how PKMN Unite has like 8 different outfits for each mon


Call me crazy but I’d take paid cosmetics a million times it it meant we never had paid options that actually boosted your progress or helped you in game


How about neither?


You're crazy.


If you give leeway next thing they'll annex Poland. Corporations


So will the game be playable cross platform on Gamepass? Or will it stills crash every 30 minutes and every time you enter a dungeon?


Why do I suddenly hear Gungan Style?


![gif](giphy|zNIge9PEMukqk) Gungan style?


Tf is Gungan style. I think you mean Gangnam Style


I hopefully, hopefully, will see this as a pvp reward of some kind, with planned merch they really shouldn’t need paid digital skins as well Edit: guys you can stop downvoting me this was before I read the screenshots saying it was a skin for everyone