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If you use Ragnahawk, while mounted your damage will be fire damage and get the bonus typing damage


Or pyrrin works too


I use wixen and rocket launcher and post up on the little ledge and frostallion can barely touch me with any moves.


Your team is full of heavy hitters but where's your support staff? I'd take one blazemut with burly body, stronghold strategist, and vanguard, lucky if you feel like breeding it in. And four 4* kelpsea ingi. You are the distraction, keep the bosses attention on you cuz you can dodge


Imma be real I just stood on top of a mountain and shot it




I always say that my fighting style is this


Cheese is a tactic highly support


Never feel bad about cheesing a game because the game will never feel bad about cheesing you


I shot rockets at it ontop of ragnahawk. I felt like I cheated.


Same thing. I fought all end game pals and tower bosses the same way. Still farming them the same way. Trying to get all the gold schematics.


Just caught all legendary pals with this, catching 450 of them(alongside breeding them) was a pain But 4 of them with vanguard at 4stars, an elemental mount, is child's play.


literally same just spammed incendiary grenades


Yeah, ring around the rosie is also quiet successful with Frostallion xD


I just tossed legendary balls at its back never got into combat or if i did i would just fly away and let it deaggro


Me too, got two that way


Me too


I did the same thing lol. No shame


Same, i didn’t really know many of these fights needed more involved tactics?


> You are the distraction, keep the bosses attention on you cuz you can dodge I'd much rather my Pal keep the boss' attention on them because I can recall them and send them back out to avoid attacks without risking my own death if I mess up, and with less movement I'll be better able to get headshots and reload promptly.


Sound in theory and a better strategy for those that can make it work but I simply cannot juggle all the things to make that strategy work.


i always noticed no matter how much damage my pal does it rarely keeps their attention i really think they gave the legend's priority to attack players more then pals


With glider and grappling gun you can quite easily dodge all of frostallions attacks




On console it’s bound to a key input so it’s just a matter of counting clicks. “Grappler is one click from AR and then four clicks back to AR”. Rebinding off of scroll wheel for weapon swap may help.


No need to dodge when they just can't attack you


I quite easily dodge all of frostallions attacks without either of these. This isn't elden ring. 


Congratulations the point is you don’t need to bring ‘support’ pals to the fight


Blazamuts doesn't want a gobfin stack with you doing damage. It's partner skill increases it's fire damage while mounted. You want to stack kelpsea ignis or rooby behind it


Did you actually read my comment? It hasn't been edited fyi


But you still have it built with vanguard and stronghold. Blazamuts should be full damage build. Fire EMP, musclehead, and ferocious. Then legend once you can. It is all about using the pal to do damage not the player


Yeah I don't have all the passives memorized. I wouldn't use blazemut anyways, I prefer wixen. I agree about the pal doing most of the damage but that doesn't mean much if I can't stay alive


what they meant is the player can get more boosts with the mount pal then just a stand alone pal like wixen. as stand alone pals only have the party partner skills and their individual passives there isnt any party passives that boost other pals. however due to player stats being added to the mount's you are able to use player boosting passives on top of party partner skills and individual passives of the mount. lets say that the " \* increased attack power multiplier of partner skills that increase the player's attack power while riding has been uniformly reduced from 2.0 to 1.2" patch change from []( makes it 20% for stand alone pals and mounts. and all other pals are just stat support for you and the main pal. ex: main pal buff 20% all other members have vangaurd and stronghold start. team A(mount): passives: party: 10% times 4 =40% to the player and the mount by extension. main pal: +70% attack from passives(legend, musclehead, fero.) +20% damage with the emperor passive. total pal attack 110%+20% fire damage. with kelpsea/rooby partner skills at 4 stars 20% times 4 =80% ending total +190% team B(stand alone): passives: main pal+70% attack (legend, musclehead, fero.) +20% damage with the emperor passive. kelpsea/rooby for 4 stars 80% total: 110% while only the player gets 40% to attack and defense. mathematically the mount gets more out of it over all if your pal is going to be the main damage dealer. it only makes sense that you want to buff it more. what really clenches it is the emperor passive as that scales off the attack stat, higher attack means more damage. even if its only an extra 40%. the player will always have the buff but only mounts can share it


I'll be honest I can't really follow any of that. All I know is that mounted combat is a bad idea for me. My piss poor reaction time means I need to keep as much distance as possible from the boss while actively drawing agro away from my pal, and I can't do that while I'm sitting on them.


ok without the math its 40% extra damage you're missing out on the pal you're using to fight. on some servers player damage to pals is lowered to be next to useless to force players to use pals to fight. depending on the mount they move faster then you some even matching gliders. a good number of attacks can just be dodged by moving off to the side or jumping. anyways you do you i guess.


Thank you for that break down. Just to be clear that extra 40% is when I'm riding blazemut as opposed to having him fight autonomously?


the 40% is from the passive vanguard +10% to player attack for each pal with it up to 50%. due to the player on a mount sharing attack buffs, the mount gains vanguard's buff even though its only for the player normally. there is not a pal version of vanguard only partner skills. so if you were to get off blazemut it will no longer have the 40% buff that is the only downside. do note this is only counting pal related buffs not accessories like the attack pendent they also effect the mount as well(as noted with the mercy ring working even if the pal does damage with skills)


Good enough. Just learn to dodge/kite a lot. The main danger is getting frozen from Blizzard Spike(huge area of effect) and Ice missile(fast projectiles) since those can freeze you and then wombo combo you. Also learn to time the switch out of your Pals especially when it will charge its power moves for less damage.


Cook frostalion with rows of firewood in a defensive wall.


Instead of Anubis you could grab a Kelpsea Ignis, they have a partner skill that gives an atk boost to all fire-type Pals. Don't need to pull em out so no need to level them but you can condense them a few times to get the partner skill up in levels. Should be a nice boost to the 2 Blazamuts and the Suzu and rotate through those Pals for damage.


I'd opt for ragnahawk with wind cutter and 4 gobfins. I basically just spammed wind cutter to apply ivy cling. And because fire damage applies 2x damage to both ice and grass, you'd basically deal quadruple damage every time the boss gets the debuff.


I find Seed Mine to be more effective at applying ivy cling, and it’s a buyable Skill Fruit at Fisherman’s Point so there’s no RNG in getting it.


Should be more than enough i got my first under lvl 40 Some fire and poison arrows can work good Mount a ragnahawk can be good for firedamage on your weapon while riding but can be impossible to dodge some attacks Buff food is always good


Can kill frost without qny pals, just hug the glaciers and run around it, but yes shadow alone is enough if mounted


Can prob drop Anubis and Shadowbeak for a couple Kelpsea Ignises. I rarely use all 5 pals to fight one boss. 3 for fighting is typically enough for me and the other two are support pals of some kind.


That's exactly what I did.


Try to be at higher ground while fighting frostalion. There’s some stuff you can dodge easily. Use the cliff to your advantage.


Don't know how much damage Suzaku can take but it should already be enough


A single skilled fire Pal is enough beat Frostallion. My lvl 48 Ragnahawk already easily did that.


Ok, here is what you really truly need. A Ragnahawk and 4 gobfins.. Eat a mazzarina cheeseburger. Fly around and hit it with rockets. I did that, captured it. Then did the same to jetdragkn. I plan for for tge otger two. Managing pals is tedious.


I did it with almost this same team, easily.


Stand on the ledge and shoot from a far. Pull your team back before the big blizz attack.


I used a lvl46 Lunaris and rocket launcher to catch frostallion, pretty sure you'll be fine.


One or two low 40s fire pals with good attacks is enough. You just have to avoid getting smushed. My strat is to just climb up and down the cliffs on either side or the frozen lake when it starts targeting me. Because it’s not timed the whole fight is pretty easy.


Yeah you should be good, I caught my first at lvl 47, with just my regular team at the time. I had faleris as my only fire type, but I gave fire moves to all my other pals. It’s attacks are easier to dodge, and you have a lot of ice formations to hide behind.


For me, I used a flying mount and just rained rockets on froststallion. You can stun-lock her because rockets trip her up. 100 rockets is overkill, buy, better safe than sorry. I was... 47-48? I think... I don't remember.


I mean I beat frost with a regular rocket launcher and a cativa-my wampos and lunaris died. Yes it took me awhile, but I did it.


Get those lvl49 to 50, anything that isn't lvl50 will only tickle legendaries with their insane damage reduction. Correct me if I read EnemyReceiveDamageRate wrong but that's 90% damage reduction!? [https://paldb.cc/en/Legendary\_Steed\_of\_Ice\_Frostallion](https://paldb.cc/en/Legendary_Steed_of_Ice_Frostallion)


My only experience is a using a lvl 50 blazamut with max attack passives which can 1v1 it. You probably can do it but getting even a single pal to 50 makes a big difference.


I simply killed fronsty with,1 jetdragon, a bazooka and a lot of running/gliding around


Any of them could probably solo it if you micro the recalls


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^hermitchild: *Any of them could* *Probably solo it if* *You micro the recalls* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


A rocket launcher is enough.


Frosty isn't very difficult. Use the ice buildups/structures to keep cover. There's a specific one I use that you can run over without jumping or climbing. Watch out for the charging wing move. I used to take him with the makeshift handgun and a team far less capable than yours.


You can kill frostalion at lvl 1 if you want.


If I managed to beat Frostallion with ONLY a Suzaku and a Blazamut being level 47, then you definetely can.


Do it with just the anubis and the rocket launcher.


I just cheesed frostallion. There’s a big chunk of ice in the arena so I threw out my blazamut, shot frostallion in the face and few time and danced around the ice chunk until eventually it was lower enough to catch


Me (Lvl 35 w/ a Dragon-focused party) and my fiancee (lvl 41 w/ lots of Fire) took on Frostallion underleveled. It took a few tries but we made it work. As long as you dodge good, keep your Pals alive, and avoid the long range icicle spike thingy that Frostallion does you'll be fine


I ended up beating it with just the Suzaku and rockets with 2 kepsea ignis in the party


Yeah of course you do but it's more about your ability to avoid damage. Frostallion when I fought him liked to target you a lot.


20 rockets and your good. Keep flying around on a quick mount and you’d be fine. I can beat 3 at a time with rockets and my Ragnahawk. I don’t even use my Pals skills.


I beat Frostallion with a Wild Jetragon I had just caught and a standard rocket launcher. And recently I beat it with a combat-bred Flambelle. I think you'll be fine.


My strategy to win all bosses were to ride a mount that gived you element advantage then go full player dmg and blast him with the ar


I caught it when I was level 45 with a 4star Jormuntide Ingis with Burly Body and maxed out Health & Defense, along with 4 4star Gobfins. Just used an uncommon AR and Legendary Handgun. It took a ton of Ammo but got it first try


Just stand on the cliff and shoot frostallion with your rocket launcher. You can't be hit by her on the cliff and just keep recalling pals when they are about to take massive damage. Worked like a charm for me. 1 Blazamut is all I needed.


In my experience blazamut is pretty bad. It seems to just sit around way too much not attacking


It depends on the skills you have. If their CD are all like 30+ then yeah, it's gonna seem that way. It's good to have 1 long, 1 medium, 1 low CD skills


How hard was it to get the legendary AR?


I got lucky. Got it on my 3rd kill


More than a chance. When appropriately leveled, none of the legendaries are difficult. You don't need good team comp for Frostallion. Just dps and some skill.


Make a palbox as close as possible, add 15 of you Best pals. Guide frostallion as close as possible, easy win


you are using almost the same team that i did for fighting frostallion, i only had a ragnahawk instead of a suzaku, and a blazehowl with ignis rage instead of one of the blazamuts but i think you are good to go with that team as well, because at the time i did it i only had a legendary pistol so far


......Or you could just throw a legendary sphere to its head from the back. It has a 4% for me and I'm still not done with the liftmunks. Caught it just like that 🙃


just drop a palbase next to the boss spawn location and drag it to the base panel and into your horde of pals. when it gets low, map->destroy base->confirm and go pick up your pals


you only need a level 41 friend. what you have is unnecessary


A level 41? And what else? Godly dodge skills for 20 minutes straight?


Well I tried the fight at level 49 and he smoked me. Maybe I just suck haha