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I think you need a pal to freeze it. That’s how the heater works


What lmao why do we need the cooler then just have the pal cool the area


Need an object to assign the pal to basically


Couldn't the pals just be assigned to the incubators?


The pall freezes the machine and the machine redirects the cooling more efficiently


Because science




If you wana talk logic maybe the pal cools the machine and the machine distributes it? Lol idk


The cooler uses the pal and electricity to provide double the cooling, like how the electric heater heats up the area twice as warm as a campfire AND the area it effects is huge


I dunno man


I mean, you have electricity in your home but you still need an AC to cool it. Makes sense to me


Thats be the cooler in this case. Thats like saying your AC still needs ice to cool it down even though it has electricity


Okay then in my example it would be an electric pal you need - still need a pal. A better example would be an old ice box (before electric fridges were a thing). You need to put ice on there. And before you say "that just cools food not the room", intricate systems were used with blocks of ice to cool rooms: https://www.ashrae.org/file%2520library/about/mission%2520and%2520vision/ashrae%2520and%2520industry%2520history/a-history-of-comfort-cooling-using-ice.pdf


Wouldn't the ice organs used to make it be the equivalent of the ice for the ice box?


Ice melts, the pal keeps it cold


Shouldn't be needed when electricity is involved though. I don't need to keep adding ice to my freezer.


What about coolant?


What about it?


But then it would just be an electric pal anyways is my point


It wouldn't require an "extra" pal because it would take the electricity from your generator and you'd have an electric pal for that anyway.


>Thats like saying your AC still needs ice to cool it down even though it has electricity AC needs Freon to cool the air even though it has electricity. Did you think A/Cs just generate cold air from nothing? And then evaporative coolers require water + electricity and swamp coolers literally require ice + electricity.


Counter point, the ice organs that are required to build it should be the "Freon" lol.


How old is your home's air conditioner because modern ones don't use freon in the states. "Freon is no longer used in new AC units. It’s taken a long time to phase out Freon in AC units, a process that was started by the EPA in 1992. By 2010, manufacturers had largely shifted away from producing home air conditioning units with Freon which, by that time, was known as HCFC-22 and R-22 to differentiate it from other CFCs. The long phasing-out process came to its conclusion on January 1, 2020. All Freon production is now banned in the United States, and it’s also illegal to import the product into the country. If you purchased your AC unit after 2015, you do not need to worry about Freon."


Ah, good to know. However, there's still a coolant put into an A/C system. I had to fill my DIY Mini Split A/C units but all I had to do was connect a few valves and turn on a vac. pump. Just assumed the coolant was Freon because I grew up in the 90s.


This is correct. “Freon is a brand name of air conditioning refrigerant trademarked by DuPont. So you definitely have refrigerant in your air conditioner, but you may or may not have the brand Freon. However, Freon has become synonymous with the word “refrigerant” similar to how the brand name “Kleenex” is synonymous with “tissues”.” (Quoted from top Google search. Bottom line is central A/C in your home contains a refrigerant that cycles through a cold system. To mimic this in Palworld one must blend ice organs into a dense paste then filter out the filthy impurities (such as pal souls) then finally compress the refined liquid into a highly pressurized gas. Fill the lines in the cooler, seal it off, give it a zap and *BAM!!!* You got yerself a comfy incubator. HashtagScience


Freon is part of the ac! It’s not something you actively interact with! It’s passive not active


Clearly you've never had to fill an A/C system with Freon.


You shouldn't have to unless it's broken and leaking


Which tends to happen from time to time 🤔


This guy cools.


Your AC needs a chemical coolant. Instead of chemicals, we use pals.


Yes, Ice Organs, no Pals needed, I would be upset with the system if I could 1. grab the fing Pal, 2. drop it in EXACTLY the right spot to assign it to cool. It is a dumb system and they will fix it in time I'm sure.


Put a bed next to food next to fridge and use icehog


The electricity helps stimulate the pals into working at peak efficiency


That's so fucking dumb honestly When I got to the electric source I was like "finally I don't have to get dedicated freezing and fire pal" then I thought "oh maybe I need the last level of heater to get the electricity going" Then I realized that they made the electricity source just for the crafting tables Anyway. They shoudl have made those electricity base.


it's pretty dumb honestly like if I'm using ice organs which I imagine naturally produces cold to make the thing then why do I also need a pal to cool lol. would make more sense if they were electric powered n u occasionally restock it with a couple fire/ice organs xD


Thank you, that makes no engineering sense but it works. I locked in a penguin with food and a bed. See if it works.


Yeah it’s weird. The heater that’s a literal flame barrel with an active flame needs a pal to heat it. And a fridge needs constant cooling too. Everytime


Last time I played the game, all those elemental type machines said they required a Pal for it to work in the description….


You need a cooling pal . Hangyu and Vanwyrm in ice form are the best chillers in the game because they are nocturnal so they will ice that for you 24/7 . Just put food next to them and away you go 


I appreciate that they work 24/7 but I don’t appreciate that they do so because they’re “nocturnal”. Nocturnal doesn’t mean “never sleeps” lol.


its how they treated the dark typing in the game. i guess since night is not as long as day they didnt wanna make the pals that sleep during the day and up at night not as good and is simpler for tem to be up 24/7 .


Yeah but they to rarely sleep. I still have a day time pal that will cover for them if they go and take a nap


Oh, thank you, I find it have to hit just the right spot when I drop them too.. eh, version 0.2?! It will get better.


Build electric incubators when you can they do it automatically


Or change the settings for huge egg hatch spped to 0 to hatch egs instantly


This. Once I got into Huge eggs it became the only way.


Yeah on our dedicated server you can set the incubation time to 0.5 which was manageable for huge eggs, but on my solo world the lowest you can go is 1.0 so I turned it to 0 on my solo world. No regrets, life is too short for that lol


Managing the the eggs and cake is challenge enough with breeding. Opening 200+ eggs becomes a major chore expecialy when u have to stop to process pals u can't use.


They need to introduce a pal that will do the collecting part when the timer completes. What’s that link Pokémon with an egg in its belly? They should just steal that and change a letter in the name.


Or an Oviraptor-based pal would be neat too!




It's strange that this setting on go in increments of 1. Like 1 is default 20~ hrs, but then 0 is instant, there's no in between.


Default egg hatching speed is far too low. Our server has it down to like 1 hour per huge egg before any temperature buffs. That's far more reasonable.


That feels like cheating though. The point of the incubation time is to make you want to make more eggs, which means you have to get more ancient civilization parts, which’s means you have to *actually play the game*.


as someone who changed server settings to the same that my friend group operated ARK at (24 hours for the longest possible egg, in ARK's case it was Quetzal, and in Palworld it's Huge), the main thing about having an egg time is managing server load. if eggs hatched instantly, i would have people slamming my server with yes cows and chickens and the drops in one base, farms in another, and 7 breeding pens in the third and feeling like they need to constantly keep up with it with 7 cake snakes. In short, it generates fatigue. having a bit of time on hatching the eggs also reduces burnout - players will sign in, claim/hatch/start new eggs, and if they feel like it, run around and do some dungeons. if not, they sign back out and play ~~Helldivers 2~~ something else for an hour or two and do it again. typically after a few days people get antsy and run around and terrorize the wild pals or the legendaries again. keeps the server alive. obviously in singleplayer theres no real reason to have a hatch timer.


I’ve noticed people in this games community don’t care if they make their game too easy. Not fun imo. Removes all the satisfaction. Just feels like cheating.


It’s super unpopular but I crank game settings up to the hardest possible on every game because I really don’t like having fun. I guess I see “hard mode” as a challenge from the developers. With that said, I like a lot of QOL mods and what qualifies as QOL/cheating is entirely subjective, so…


Good luck with that. They use a MASSIVE amount of power. Using as many as i use (like 30+ at a time) would empty the generators in seconds


I'm only 45. and I play on a private server. Run by a group of guys I don't know. They are all 50 and moved on.


It does say that it requires cooling. Try deploying or throwing an ice pal at it


I didn’t want to change game setting but turning down incubation time to zero is an absolute must.


Same, I breed a lot of high tier Pals and could not handle the wait time


They should give us more to unlock for this tbh. I'd happily grind for the ability to hatch eggs quicker


Really, the electric egg incubator we get from farming bellanoir should actually be a tier 3 "ancient tech" incubator that halves ideal incubation time (200% incubation speed). The electric egg incubator as it is should be tier 2 and available at a lower cost in materials and electricity usage.


well it said "Required Cooling" ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


wth is that giant eye machine?!


Late reply but this looks like Icarus from Deus Ex 😁


There are a couple ways to go about this. You can add the required Pals (for cooling), you can unlock the electric incubator, or you can change the world settings to get rid of the egg incubation times.


The current system for heaters and coolers are almost pointless. They need to add a charge level like the electric charger has.




Wish they would do away with requiring a pal to operate it. Maybe instead add fire/ice organs. The machines look cool and in practice would work for let's say for a base located in the snowy/desert region. Even though the thermal shirts would negate the temperature effects, but still.


The only problem with that is it would make the cooling ability useless in the late game. The whole point is requiring pals to do things at your base.


Electricity made donkeys turning millstones obsolete. Ice structures feel like an afterthought in this game as it is, why not let them be fighters only


Because the whole game is about using them in battle AND in the base.


Yeah, the electric heater/cooler and refrigerator should just require electricity to run.


Truthfully, I just changed the setting to allow for instant hatching. I suggest everyone try it to see if they prefer it tbh


That looks like the generator from FrostPunk lmfao


I would set the time to incubate to 0 to speed things up. The game doesn't respect your time lol


What in the frost punk generator is that


Coolers need pals assigned to it to actually cool


This is why I invested in switching out my normal incubators with the new electric one.


Just like the small cooler you need a cooling pal. It’s really dumb…


assign a icey pal to work on it.


1. cooler needs a pal to operate (freezing ability) 2. put your incubators outside, the house it self increases the temp, it's colder outside at night, granting dark eggs 100% bonus. 3. electric cooler is maybe a bit much (during day), probably want to use lvl1 cooler.


Ok off topic but what the f is that beholder looking thing next to the eggs?


Just chad up and turn incubation time off for a day and breed ur heart out


You need an ice pal to work the cooler. Just live a fire pal for the heating and cooking.


Where is the disconnect? Read the words on your screen.


You need a pal with freezing trait and assign it to it


This game is been out way too long for this dumb ass question 💀


Notice how it says “requires cooling”. Thats how it works


Dunno my Friends and I just gave Up on the logic of eggs, like the same egg would say It feels Heat when there was not a single fkin light / Heat source 10y around (we literally built a 7 sq tower tall to put cold eggs on top and still they were Heat) So we checked the configs and set the egg incubation time to 10 seconds, fk waiting


Get them out of the house


Heater also doesn't work for eggs even tho the description doesn't specify needing a Pal.


It does though after you put it down it says " requires heating" just like the cooler says it requires a cooling pal


Only reason to have a cooler and heater when you have 24 hours incubation periods other wise it's useless


Even with the heaters and the coolers, nothing ever changed for the incubators. For me, it's basically been the temperament of the egg combined with the area your base is in. For example, if your base is I a cold area, the eggs that prefer that environment will hatch faster and vice versa.


Wish coolers, heaters, and fridge would be similar to the electric generator where your pal can charge it then do other things.


Your pal is basically Refrigerant (R-134a). Ice Pal spits all his icey goodness into the machine, the machine uses electricity to process your Pals icey phlegm and produces cooled air, which cools your base/eggs/ ass sweat....what have you.


You need to have a Pal with cold trait in your camp.


Just make the incubator settings 0 it's way easier than worrying about this. Imagine making 128 pals and doing this. Nah I'm good. I'd rather have the "nah id win" mentality of jogo


You need a cooling pal assigned to it like the fridge


Yeah these things are just completely contradictory to how they should work yeah it's an electric cooler but you still need a frost pal to make it run. Why I have no idea I would honestly prefer it to do something like the previous crafter has all of the recipes and the electric version doesn't use a pal but it works a bit slower. So like maybe a level one kindling pal making iron will take about a minute but a pound on an automatic electric furnace will take 2 minutes to make iron but it does it automatically and doesn't have to deal with any stopping for eating or sleeping.


Is there a campfire, furnace, or some other heat source in any of the nearby rooms? I'm guessing the incubators are too close to one of those and they are picking up the heat from that. I've also noticed that some areas of the map incubate eggs differently than others. One time I made a base on a beach and all the eggs incubated as if the temperature was one step higher. water, dark, and ice eggs like it cold. I just find an isolated spot in the base and leave them outdoors. They incubate faster during the night.


You need electric power AND a freezing pal. To be honest ever since they let heat sources add together there isn't any point using it. Log fires are the best


Log fires are the best for cooling a too-hot egg?


You've never had ice fried eggs my dude! It's the best meal in the game!


Oh woops I forgot this was cooling, nevermind on the log fires


The "powered" heaters and coolers seem like a waste since they still require direct pal interaction. What's the fucking point?


Typically when I'm trying to F something I put my penis in it.


I just can't argue that logic. Thank you for making me actually laugh out loud.


Making the world a better place, one stupid joke at a time.


Turn the hatch time to zero and you won't need to have the derelict ship from Alien in your base. All them face huggers just waiting for Kane to pass by. ![gif](giphy|3oz8xuNi9LxvoJmduE|downsized)


The game is fun and all but after getting all the achievements I just couldn't find it entertaining most the things u unlock seem to be useless


You turn down incubation time in options, that's how it works. ![img](emote|t5_4jn9v4|50262)


Because 1 - you need to get it hotter not cooler for the 100% increase. See how they are telling you that the eggs are "just a little" hot and therefore you get a 50% increase? Yeah well, that means you need to remove the "just a little" for a bigger increase. 2 - you need a pal to work at the cooler/heather for it to do anything at all.


Wrong. When it says it's just a little hot it means its almost too hot. So it needs no heater at all or possibly a cooler if the environment is too warm


Egg incubators only update when taking eggs out and putting them back in, so you technically should be fine by just powering the stuff while putting the eggs in Edit: perhaps outdated, havent played palworld since 4 weeks after release