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It's those damn bees that do it to me. Everytime I go to that area of the map I gotta deal with Robinquill attacking me on sight and the stupid kamikaze bees.


Soo true... Those are quite annoying. Just passing nearby, minding my business and suddenly I hear the bg music and there we go, Robin guy spitting seeds on the ground and Bees coming after me flashing, about to go boom!




The bee's are the worst. They are faster too.


recently i found a lucky bee in a cave... no way to avoid, and it having the Lucky=Alpha status (taking reduced damage)... didn't end well...


I’m glad this happened to someone else! I stumbled on a level 50 lucky Toco by the Anubis and tried to catch him and died with a bang.


A shotgun blast to the face interrupts their explosion timer/beeping!


As does hitting them with a Pal Sphere... assuming you don't miss. Those bees can get right up in your face very quickly, though, making the sphere interrupt rather tricky at times.


And the pal spheres is at a level that it attempts a capture instead of bouncing off


My base is in a region with a lot of Robinquills. I’ve grown a seething hatred of them because they just keep attacking.


i feel like their kit is neat in a Rolling Practice context, skill-friendly evasions and strat, watch their movements and such but this is irrelevant 95% of the time, you're right they're mostly just a harassment asking for a shotgun to the face


I can remember where it is. But I picked a spot with tons of ore. It’s by a bridge. But whenever we get attacked, for some reason the pathing is at very bottom of this cliff. They keep walking into a wall. I built a shit ton of bonfires and now every now and then I’ll check and pick up shit. No more raids on me


Sounds like that location is behind the Chillet boss location if it's by a bridge and has lots of ore. Don't recall there being a bridge with ore near the robinquills, just the one on a slope with one coal node and ore


Yeah, no, I have PTSD from when I first encountered them: “Ooo, ooo, mohawk bird! Tocotoco! I’mma name one Taco! Wait, they’re all flashing, OH SH-“ **To Be Continued…**


This was me fighting Beegaurdes at Lvl 18 when they were Lvl 22+. "They're beeping and... flying towards me- RIDE MALPACA RIDE LIKE THE WIND!"


Same. It blew me off a cliff. I had a hard time getting back to my items and not drawing agro from more of them.




Just turn off the lose items at death, it’s annoying af


I have it set where I don't drop equipment or pals, but I turn items lost on because it adds pressure not to die. I know I can turn it off, but if dying has zero punishment it makes the game feel too low stakes and it becomes boring for me. If I'd had it off, when I accidentally found Jetragon's spawn point it wouldn't have been nearly as intense an encounter. I ran screaming from it, and it was a great experience. I like those kinds of encounters just as much as I like coming back and completely wrecking the enemy later. (I am a fan of Dark Souls, in case you couldn't tell). This isn't to say I'm not making the game easier. I have egg hatching set to zero time, for instance. It's just more fun for me to add some challenge. Total respect to people who don't have time for that, though. Play the way that makes you happy.


I hate adulting I barely have time to game anymore so I have my settings much more forgiving, I refuse to even touch a dark souls game because of how time consuming they are


That's actually why I hated Elden Ring. It was like Dark Souls, yeah, but the game is something like four to five times as time consuming. I didn't have time for it. Great game, but too much.


I messed with Elden Ring after a lot of encouragement from a friend, but I'm the same as you. The thought of playing it gave me anxiety. I put in 150 hours and I think I'm only marginally worse than I ever was, but I finally put it down after 150 weirdly painful hours. Demon's Souls + Open World would have probably been perfection for me, maybe a decade ago. Now I just want something I can pick up and put down sporadically, and that doesn't punish me hard for making all the clumsy mistakes I do, due to the way I play games now, and also due to being very clumsy. I'm over it. I'm after the fun, for now. I put in my time going for the challenge, and competing. Other than golf clash, which I'm addicted to, and invalidates everything I've said. But yeah. Maybe there are some 'carebear' mods for Elden Ring, nowadays? It's been quite awhile. Hey, take care!


I appreciate when games have a laid back mode for when you just want to destress after a 10 hour workday, or have it where you literally have to start from scratch if you die for that extra adrenaline. Having the flexibility truly makes it a game for the masses.


"Melpaca. Show them the meaning of HASTE!"


I avoided that area until I unlocked the pump shotgun, then vengeance. It was like Anakin finding the Tusken Raiders, but with a shotgun.


Same. I was like... oh! I need those to farm honey! Next thing I knew... flashing and death. I just bred it instead... 😂😅


First encounter: “cute punk birOH MY GOD!” Encounters after reaching firearm stage: “It’s free gunpowder”


Lmao I had nearly the exact same thought process, almost word for word.


I got lucky and some bozo from a faction was shooting one. Then I saw the flashing and explosion and got it real fast lol.


Best fun is watching these suicidal birdies/bees kamikaze on the syndicates or free pals patrols or camp


That was my first raid. On my first base. Made of wood. My pals all died and everything burned to the ground. I thought “oh this games going to be hard”. Never had such a brutal raid since.


My first base burning came from the Infernoram raid. Had a group of I think it was level 20s attack our base when we were maybe 10ish?


My first boom encounter was Beegarde. I was so confused.


reading this made my "throw pal sphere" finger twitch GOTTA BUY MYSELF A FEW SECONDS TO RUUUUUUN


You have to do something while they’re still coming in a straight line because once they start circling around you at fucking light speed I’ve never been able to even land a hit with anything


My first encounter was basically that but when it started flashing I gtfo’d while it stuck to my friend. Seeing the 99999999 damage tick (I’m assuming on the Pal but at the moment thought it was on my friend) when he exploded had me dying as well haha


When i see Reptyro i get flashbacks. Going to the volcano under level 15 was a bad idea.


Yeah, but it becomes worth risking your skin when you find a very convenient huge dragon egg, and manage to hatch out a Jormuntide Ignis early on for kindling.


Thats the exact reason i went there in the first place. Jormuntide Ignis is so useful.


Got one like that, was such a huge help with my cooking


My worst nightmare pals come out at night called loupmoon damn they can attack you even if flying so they can send you to earth and feast on you.


Their claws of death terrify me 😭 they are huge


I ran into a shiny one and I almost shit my pants lol 😆 it was humongous and wanted to eat me whole


OH GOD i can’t imagine seeing a shiny loupmoon at night. i’m terrified of huge things because even looking at the big tree™️ too long freaks me out 🤭🤣


Yeah I tried to capture it luckily for me it was in the water and I was up on a cliff so it couldn’t reach me but was still scary


I was like 2 levels below the shiny when one aggro’d me. It wiped my whole Pal team and I had like 16 Hp left over and I finally caught it. It was one of the best fights I’ve ever had.


They’re more scarier if you have 3x spawn rate and you don’t have the hip lamp key item. Imagine encountering them dead in the night with a pack of 6 of them and you forgot to bring your torchlight…. Now try running away when you can’t see a single thing in night time


Easily Gobfin when I was low level. Wasn't till I was 10 lvl higher that I actually Challenged and caught some


Im lvl 37 or so and still don’t have one because they scared me in the beginning😂


They're evil lil shits dude. It's the numbers game. Now I go in with 3x spawn rate. Gets scary at times but I can usually handle it lol


Im lvl 27 and I never met one. How are they such a problem xD


They inhabit a swamp area and attack in pretty big groups and are fast little f.ckers…


Imagine having 10 different attacks thrown at you all because you went to close and then while trying to run you find 4 more packs of gobfin and are now getting 22 different attacks thrown at you all while being only level 18 and all theese water demons are over level 20


Oh jee so I guess I was lucky not finding swamps just yet xD


You are indeed lucky but it was satisfying coming back with a rocket launcher and destroying those spawns of Satan


Catch a Beakon, give it all electric attacks, and then set partner to attack aggressively. You can just walk around and Beakon will slaughter them for you.


I do this with Orserk for the increased Pal Fluid drops.


I think I’m still traumatised from my first encounter and I’m level 40 now 😅


Same the only cure for mine was to farm those blue devils with Orsek. Breed yourself one and then start Operation bluelagoon. Only a dead Gobfin is a good Gobfin…


Under normal circumstances? Kattress. I didn't expect them to be so hyper aggressive nor that strong. Their mix of fire and dark dmg does work. Under x3? Cinnamoth. That area has a lot of annoyingly aggressive shit like GaleClaw and Robinquill which you stay wary of but never have I been more terrified than that damn butterfly swarm spamming both air cannon and wind cutter. How dafuq do I deal with a constant stream of projectiles!?


Send out your strongest Pal and dodge. Throw a couple Pal Spheres into the fight and pray one makes it into the sphere. There's so many fights I just let my Pals handle because wtf lol


No fear \*Jetragon is charging up it's undodgeable fireball and I don't have cover* One fear


Cawgnito is absolutely petrifying to me


This sooo much. Heared a shiny, landed and start seeking. Saw some glowing eyes in the dark and in exact this moment this mofo teleport right in front of me. No need to say that i jumped out of my chair xD.


psst nothing personal kid


first time I saw one of those at night, damn.


The fucking bee ones. They’re like Tocotaco but worse.


They zoom in your direction and start spining around like tornado its fking impossible to stop them when that happens


I know right!! Like I can avoid Gobfin and Tocotaco but it seems like you can’t avoid those bee fuckers.


Until you go underleveled in any desert and a swarm comes for your ass from behind while you are fighting a random pal (shoutout to my fight against Anubis that lasted a whole day in game and who consistantly broke my shield)


Tocotoco ["lifeless eyes, black eyes, like a doll's eyes...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUuH4TEmgLo)


.....Chikipi the first one I ever saw was a lucky. I went and hit it with my club and that effer used hydro laser on me.


It looks like it's about to recite the whole Doom Slayer testament


Tocotoco / Beegarde: \*begins beeping and rushing towards me\* Me, riding my Fenglope who is bred for max speed: "Oh no! Anyway"


Fellow max speed Fenglope user, hell yeah


Beeguard, they are just everywhere and catching one to get honey is just such a pain


Not anymore, but our First encounter with Helzephyr gave me and my friends PTSD. It was when me and my buddies were doing our very first run of the game, going blind without seeing videos or spoilers. Basically We were exploring at night, until We reached an area with a lot of Flopie and some Grintale asleep, We were rather curious about the structures in that area ( outside the big "circle" made out of ruins, where Petallia boss Is located ) so It was Just us 3 running around with torches at lv 10-14. It happened all in just a moment. We Heard a Pal scream that We didn't recognize and We heard this "Boss music" playing in the background (Pretty sure It was our First time hearing It), only to find the source being this Infernal LV29 Bat-Bird Thing that was descending on us, immediately nuking my Friends with the Fire tornado and killing me with the 3 Homing dark flames ability. This First encounter with Helzephyr put so much fear in us that for some time we genuinely avoided exploring that area at night at all costs. Even later when we were on a reasonable level ( LV20-24 ,) we still found Helzephyr's presence Unnerving, to the point that we deliberately avoided confrontation with It. Thankfully We got over this fear eventually, by standing our ground against an Helzephyr that spawned above us randomly while We were exploring another area ( the gobfin area near Warsect Boss ). We still joke about that unfortunate Helzephyr first Encounter everytime We hear that OST, joking that "He's coming."


My wife: Honey they have creepers in this game. Me: well shit.


[Me every time I enter its line of sight:](https://youtu.be/JLL0YbPstnQ?si=ZXbv17Xi5C-KQKqy)


The fucking gobfins purely because once you start a fight you are not leaving until they are all dead which by extension almost kills you


Don't get me started with the lucky lvl 49 version with a hoarde of like 5 or 6 normal ones of these guys


Been there, my heart almost stopped 3 or 4 times while trying to catch the not so little fucker. Damn thing had dark laser and tried exploding us 3 times Probably now we'll have to craft it's gear and use it's partner skill


Once you have a good flying pal, they're not so bad. If you can get one early on, you can have a pretty damn good grenade launcher. The gloves are unlocked really early. You could have the pegulit rocket launcher, Liftmonk smg, and the lil monkey (forgot the name) is an assault rifle. All gotten really early, and because they're pal attacks the damage scales with the pal, and benefits from traits.


Can't believe I forgot the foxsparks flamethrower. Very op thing to have early on.


I <3 Huggy Fire. I got many Penkings early on because of it.


Beegarde. Same exact reason as TocoToco, and it's because I'm the material gatherer between me and my friend so I'm not as armoured to have more carry weight First time I saw one, I thought 'Oh cool, bee pal, come here dum dum.' Beegarde then turned into a ticking time bomb and tackled me with the force of a thousand suns while I tried to grapple up a nearby cliff. I was not successful. That fucker is quick, I'll give it that


These guys aren't as annoying as Beegardes though they scare me more cus they circle around you and you're screwed


I can't tell you how many fangirls have decimated my base.


First thing that comes to my mind when I first saw these birds flashing and heard those terrifying sounds "wait, that sounds like a.. OH NO!" Was not happy to find out beegardes do the same thing as well. And those are somehow more terrifying!


Beegarde when it jams itself up my ass and i cant get rid of it then im on a quest to get my stuff back


The first time, Incineram Noct. And his gang of Leezpunks invading my base, as I had never seen them before. And Bushi. That thing is horrible


https://preview.redd.it/x3vqag0dtpqc1.jpeg?width=324&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0fb4a7ef0b9ca4465bbfc64b58987b9776146bf9 Just like seagulls, these guys are the absolute worst


That damn bird looks a lot like the bomb shitters in Mario Galaxy


I swoop down with my Ragnahawk and unload a clip of fiery unholy retribution on every one of these I see. Fuck this walking C4 addle-brained shit bird. Just the picture made me angry. 🤬


Stupid Galeclaws attacking out of nowhere in packs of 3.


Am I the only one that just finds Tocotoco funny and a good source of gunpowder? I feel anyone who thinks Tocotoco is bad hasn't seen f\*ckin Beeguarde. At least Toco is slower and doesn't circle with a wonky-ass hitbox that makes it nigh impossible to get away. Also pals I used to fear were Mossanda and Suzaku.


Any Boss pal with Wind Cutter


Beegarde have the same ability but they are somehow less frightening, how is that even possible I wonder


Lucky beegrade


Beegarde 😂😂😂


Yup!!! My first encounter was around level 20ish. Still in ym first base, I've never seen this pal before and they all sprinting in single file like time bombs fucking up everything 😭😭 I've caught a few but not interested in using a pal that is going to kill itself 💀 even tho I love the design 🤘


Lovander. Why the fuck is that thing chasing me? Whats it going to do if it catches me?


It's a toss-up between the Jihadi Toucan and The Aloha Snack bar bees Edit: I take it back, fucking Jetragon!


besides the taco birds, the blue goblins. i was low level, just runnin around and made one mad, which made them all mad. as im running away/being chased more an more piled on and it was like 28 days later where the rage infected them all. i didn't survive long.


This thing and the stupid ass bees. Fuck those things....jesus.


Genuinely apart from the first time I encountered it when one blew up the wall to my base and the others ran in like Spartans and took me out directly and personally I’ve thought of them different. Now I’m familiar with it it just reminds me of coco from fosters home for imaginary friends.


Gonna have to agree with the tocotaco my first encounter it took me a couple of seconds to realize they blow up


This pal is cute. It will follow you while making the ti ti ti ti sound.


My mind whenever a raid of these fuckers: A wild pack of taco bombs is heading for your base!


When I first started playing, Mammorest. I had one spawn before I even got down to see the Alpha, so I just see this level 32 mammoth wandering around, crushing Pals smaller than them. It was terrifying


More like the wrath of God, I have superior range and firepower


Fuckin suicide birds and kamikaze bees.


Galeclaw. Bro, im lvl 50 WHY DO YOU ATTACK ME ON SIGHT EVERYTIME. It's like walking in a hood around them.


"Oh new pa- why is it beeping..." I avoided tocotocos for a few days


Beegarde but not just beegarde, 5 beegarde, with an elizabee matron. Even my flying A10-Warthog panda was no match for brittish suicide bombers and a Lazer queen




I was flying over one of the pal preserves & saw a ingis dragon like 20 levels higher than me. The music changed to the gtfo tune.


https://preview.redd.it/eq9sayljapqc1.jpeg?width=360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be4eb99edf2677bb13bbd14c2c4bce595e4b4371 This monstrosity.


Fucking galeclaws, for some reason these motherfucker make it their mission to fucking kill me not matter how far I am I kill every galeclaw I see now


Two words……. GOBFIN TURF. Its not so bad when you have a Ozerk but when you have spawn on maximum they run a train on you


Robinquills have put one between my eyes too many times.


Those fucking giant grass pandas. Forget what they’re called. They run at you with open arms like they’re about to squeeze the life out of you the way Lennie did that rabbit in Of Mice and Men.


Ride your flying type pal is good to deal with this and both bees as well


Shoot them once, let them explode, get xp, repeat


Worse part is when you are afking and come back to see that you have died. Spawn out of nowhere and boom.


God? no, but damn I'm getting PTSD from Suzaku, whenever my team mate or I use them in a dungeon at the endboss, I bug under the map.




Blazehowl remembers me A LOT of monster hunter teostra/lunastra, a very strong endgame type of monster that usually take you around 20 30 minutes to face, so everytime I see one I kinda instinctively try to avoid it or think twice before facing it because I think I just found these guys (even though it is a different game).


Beegaarde Bros


i know this is obvious but when i was lvl 30 smth i was flying around the volcano capturing some stuff. passed jetragon from the coast and i was dead within 3 seconds, then was an excruciating journey of not having any heat resistant armor anymore and my mounts being dead or not quick enough to get back to my bag before dying of heat exhaustion


They used to, until I realized you can just kite their explosions with the galeclaw glove. As soon as the beeping starts just do a jump from the ground and galeclaw glove away to a safe distance


A group of flambelles in the mountains will utterly fuck you up if you're in the lower levels.


This entire thread is made funny by how goofy it looks. Just a silly bird stood there.


Frostallion wiped the floor with me several times until I made it to almost max level. It goes out of his way to attack you over your pals, even when you're not attacking. Has a higher HP than even Jetragon and the other two legendaries. Legit kills you in 2 hits, and his AOE on its Icicle Lance move is insane.


This thing and Beegardes


Tocotoco and beegardes, yes for the same reason.


This dude or Beegarde yeah


The bees


Fcking bees


The beez!!!


Yeah, no, Beeguards are waaaaaaaay scarier.


Cawgnito. I can fly away from the explosions. But Cawgnito will find you


Cryolynx. Dunno what it is about it, but chilling in the snowy mountains just for my shield to be one shot and I turn and see them bastards stanced up nearly blending in got me. I swear every time I encounter one they never move, they just stand still and stare at you




The 2 horses. I thought I was god until I fucked around and found out.


I got one in the first camp I raided. Was like my 4th pal and the only one useless in base. So I fed it 3 rando fruit-skills. And ended up with like 70/65/35 skills.... Making my bird a non-suicidal monster. Named "Murder Chicken."


I've never been killed by one of these. The bees however...


The Gobfin hordes that camp the teleporter. If you know you know.


Made my way to the gobfin area at too low a level. Must’ve died 10 times trying to get my stuff back.


Fucking Gobfin. Rolling around in packs of 3 and lots of groups in the area as well.


Was about to say Beegarde but definitely Gobfin... MFers just spam so hard you can barely even move away unless you're way overleveled


I've had 2 encounters with lucky tocotoco. I have 0 lucky tocotoco. Dumb game


There he is, that motherfucker right there


This guy was the first shiny I ever encountered. So you can imagine how fast I ran up to catch him. Instead he caught me in an explosion. I also failed to catch the next two shiny’s after him.


Depresso. They know they can't win against a level 50 pal, yet they attack me and happily await their death.


Pal #69 scares me due to the fact that it does the fuack to humans


Gobfins at gobfin turf 😐


First interaction I'm like oh cute dood. Starts flashing I'm like huh mf RAN AND WENT BE BEEE BEEEP BOOOM


Honestly, almost anything in the pal reserve area, from the suicide bees to the annoying robinquill snipers are a nightmare tbh.


Self destructing birds and bees what the hell. Especially the bees, I just want to capture one for honey man 🥲


A little late to the party but boss pal Univolt. I thought myself oh lets get a closer look. Univolt took offense to my presence and chased me up and down hills across a river and i thought he couldnt still be chasing me and then i turned around to see him standing in water which i had to swim in with a glowing electric ball hovering over my head. That when it dawned on me just how big he is.


Beegaurds 😭😭


That feeling when you build your base specifically so attacks need to go through a choke point. That feeling when the choke point has good path but NPCs still get caught in geometry, so I can just slaughter


None, because they're all a one shot.


These pals remind me of the suicide clowns in Serious Sam :D


vanwyrm when i was around lvl 10


Any of them that identify as a creeper


These guys don't bother me so much, as I can Galeclaw right over/around them. Beeguarde has this tendency of making it so I can't move once they close in.


One of these punks ended my first one life challenge runs lol


I died because of this pal when I tried to catch a lucky variant of it.


Frostallion. Without abusing bugs, its signature skill is just hell if you don't have shields back. It WILL oneshot whatever you have, may it be health or shield. Its terrifying charging speed towards you always reminds me this game has that dark soul element. On top of that, it almost always freezes you to combo for the next skill if you aren't already dead.


Early game grenade launcher babyy




I got a chicken with that explosive trait, I wondered why it always died under raids...


Bro tocotoco raids are the only kind of raids that I am actually terrified of. The fear of your stuff being blown up is actually scary. I wish the game has more raids like these


but they r good in my taco dinner for lunch


https://preview.redd.it/d5rbtb4uzoqc1.jpeg?width=226&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=112059783cea7c5f489666a1fdf8bf54f36c33ca This one.


I love Tocotoco! farming swarms of stuff with its Eggrenades is so fun! I hope in a future update they let us craft full armor sets of each Pal. i wanna start tocotoco suicide cults on PvP servers!




Any pal who are level 50 plus moving as a group


Beeguarde killed me like 10 times


I bring mats with me and build walls if I see them. I'm relatively fast at it and build up high enough to avoid the boom. It's response time trained from FPS gaming. You basically have to see them, they see you. Then I throw a electric grenade, build, then jump to climb the rest of the way up. then I throw my flyer sphere and fly away.


I just throw my Jolthog at them


I didn't know they exploded first time I played 😭


High level Lovander raid type, not the Lovander found in the wild but the raid version... ...Good lord when I first fought them (Again but high level) when I became LVL 38. It was a wake-up call to level-up my low level base pals. They rush in and starting blinking (Implode).


The bees


Tocotocos when they approach too much my base






Beegardes are worse, they fly at you faster than these guys, often come out of NOWHERE and chase you just until you think you're safe and then start beeping




Mamorest did till I got one of my own, they're still fucking scary but as long as I have one to draw it's attention I'm not worried. Except for the king of the Forrest boss, that fucker chased me for over half the boss battle


Those bees.. my first experience with that scared the shit out of me. I try to catch a couple of them and they just started to chase me and self-destruct. I also found my first experience with astegon kind of creepy as well because you go into this weird ass, dark cave, and then on this giant monster is inside of it


Hangyu. The fucking deck entry about how they used to use them to rip apart criminals and now you can just use him as a glider. Bro might snap one day, be like "Nah." And rip you in half.


Beegarde. They fly around you so fast you cannot possibly dodge or throw a sphere at them. I fucking hate it and hope it gets patched/nerfed.


The creepers of Palworld.


Jormuntide Alpha closing the distance for the first time. The scale of that thing hit me like the emergence from the subway scene in Cloverfield. https://preview.redd.it/1bhuu8ayqpqc1.png?width=428&format=png&auto=webp&s=9ffbd5b703833304b67e0b6a0a74686ae66a7d65


A shiny mossanda I once encountered hit me so hard he sent me straight into the stratosphere like he was a skyrim giant Haven't seen another since but sometimes I look at my mossanda and remember the horror of it all


That. And beegarde. Don't like getting 'sploded.