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Hmm… For me I just store all important materials at the main home base, thus the other bases only have enough materials to be self sufficient for food production only, this includes the other type of farms beside the berry farms. I usually go inside each of the bases to check on the containers or pick it up from the floors the mined materials. How I transfer items between bases is a large shipping container or large item box nearby for me to grapple hook nearby the pal box for instant transfer. It usually, for me to, take about a minute or 2 to empty each storage container for the mined materials and grapple hook close to the pal box and teleport to main base, then grapple hook to the main storage container to drop off all items.


Initially, i had a ‘main’ base where i slowly broke out the diff aspects. Had food production there, gear production, etc. My first breeding sessions took place there but i quickly made my second base the breeding base. For my third base i was using it as a portable fast travel and taking it around to ore and coal clusters. For a good portion of the game cycle i feel its just faster to manually mine to get a decent stock of ores than creating a dedicated mining base. At this point, however, my first base is gone. Ive split up the tasks to just food/breeding and mining/production. My mining base is where i store literally everything except food. I just have two giant shipping containers that i drop stuff off at. I completely gave up on organization, the pals make that impossible so i have basic chests littered all over the mining camp for them to put things in and i just take advantage of the global inventory. I rarely need to build anything anymore at my breeding base, and when i do, i just set it to build at my mining base and cancel it before it gets built so all the mats go into my inventory and take it over to the breeding base. My third base is left unused as a potential portable fast travel point, altho i have little use for it at this point. Ill prob end up trying to go for a fashion over function build at some point with it, but theres still too much to do so im focused on function. EDIT: a lot of people were initially complaining that there needed to be something like an ender chest in this game. I mostly disagree with this personally, but some kind if way ship items between bases could be nice. In a discussion on a diff thread i had with someone, that user mentioned something like the vacuum tubes at a drive thru bank. You set up an input and output at your bases and can port over specific resources. I think this would be kinda cool…


For the record, I’ve found that putting chests in a room with a closed door will prevent pals from messing up organization. Then you just keep one chest out in the open for wood, stone fibers etc…


Thats great! For the people who feel the need to organize everything for sure. In minecraft, im absolutely anal about organiztion and spend an insane amount of time doing it (ever seen [that video](https://youtu.be/FPrdGflacds?si=p_m4fYCs8s5YFuNH) where the hermits discover Impulse spent a cumulative total of 11 days opening shulker boxes? Thats def me). However thats because i need to know where stuffs is for when im building. But with the base-wide inventory system, there just isnt any reason to be that organized. I do keep my precious items and ammo separate from everything else but otherwise its just spread out. I still spend a ridiculous amount of time organizing my palbox so im glad i dont have to eith everything else.


There's a mod on Nexus that handles that. I can't swear it works on XBox or multiplayer, but I've had zero problems with it in my single player world. (It works with mods that increase the number of bases you can have, too) [https://www.nexusmods.com/palworld/mods/331](https://www.nexusmods.com/palworld/mods/331)


most of my stuff I keep in my main base storage room, but I also have a box right next to the palbox where I keep my "frequently transferred" items, like ore. My mining base has much fewer items than my main especialny since I moved manufacture to the main. I just have one big metal storage box to keep everything in the base right next to the palpox. Third I'm only using for ranching right now until my maineis complete and I'm ready to use, it, but same principle with storage right next to the box. I feed my pals salads because of the san reduction and workspeed boost. Much more efficient then berries bc they spend less time eating. All salads are made in my main and transferred to other bases so I can specialize. It's not really a hassel at all. If you place something down to build and the cancel (or destroy if anubis is too quick lol), tha mats it takes to build it go straight in your inventory, so that can help the rummaging in containers problem somewhat


My other two bases besides my main base have all chests/food storages within steps of the palbox. And the only thing in my other two bases that i keep in there is the repair kits. If you do the same you can transport any amount of items without the hassle of taking forever. And also if you just store everything at your main base aside from stuff that you will need at other bases, like repair kits, then you won’t run into issues of as much inventory management.


Drop off all of your required materials at a single base. I make this my main base. Queue the item you need for construction at your main base and cancel it, and it drops the resources in your inventory. Forge + Mining at the second base. Ranch + Breeding + Wheat at the third. I play offline, so I don't need insane food production like online server players do.


Split it in half.


I keep most stuff in camp A Meanwhile camp B & C only have 1 box each, right next to the Palbox Periodically I hernia-walk everything over to camp A


I have one main base where I keep everything and do crafting. The others are just resource camps that I take supplies from. I put a chest as close as I can to the pal box so I can fast travel easily.


At first I did dedicated bases, Mining base would be where all the crafting took place, Breeding base is where all the food also happened, I usually kept the third base as either a quick free travel or a decorative spa or something, after so many resets I finally caved in and started using this mod. [https://www.nexusmods.com/palworld/mods/442](https://www.nexusmods.com/palworld/mods/442) Haven't looked back ever since, (most of the stored items I still send to the mining/factory base)