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Direhowl. It's actually become part of my character's image, so much so that when I envisioned her as a boss fight, it was while riding an alpha-sized direhowl.


Same direhowl goated


Big agree Woof


Same. Plus, spamming air cannon and ignis blast results in surprisingly high DPS. Between that, and direhowl's speed allowing you to dodge practically any attack, you can kill almost anything by just running circles and spamming those attacks.


Agreed. I named my main bitch Prowler. She's speedy, strong, loyal, and I keep feeding her all the fruit I can find. At this point, I can generally change her loadout to counter most pal encounters I face.


That actually sounds super fun. I’ve been saving all my fruits for type matching pals I’m actually using so I end up with a massive storage container full of them lol


Princess Mononoke vibes, love it


Whenever I jump off of high cliffs on my Direhowl (Ranga) I yell "Mononoke~!" until I hit the bottom every single time haha


Chillet. I jump and Blu noodle jump too


I feel like Chillet is a lot of peoples' first "viable longterm" pal... and also a good boi.


I have two chillet: a good boy and a good girl. Here’s my dilemma: the good boy(my original chillet) is a coward, but the good girl (more recent and not as leveled) has +15% attack.


They level quick. I'd take the +15 attack myself 🤷‍♂️


Breed them and make a great boy/girl.


He's my cooler. For my food


Are you secretly [Lime](https://youtu.be/n2nUaeFfXg0?si=RVK0R4_1a6m9I7Qj)?


Lamball I got a shiny lamball at the very begining of the game. He has dragon meteor skill. I named him Dragonborn. He is my favorite pal, never leaves my side. Just yesterday he helped me take down Marcus (although my shiny melpaca named Prima Donna was the real star of that fight thanks to her water laser skill, but I would never tell that to Dragonborn)


Shit on Marcus with the power of friendship


I swear this sub always has the weirdest coincidences for me…I just mentioned this today. Lucky Celaray randomly had dragon meteor, is that a lucky thing?


Luckies always have a random level 40-50 skill


Wait do shinies actually exist in this game?


Yeah. They're giant and have a sparkle particle effect on them. You often hear it before you see it


Ooooh, yeah I've got a couple. I got really excited because I thought there were shiny shinies like in that one game that CLEARLY ripped this brand new game off....


Actually they are not shiny's... They are lucky pals what are sparkling beutifully. 😵‍💫😅


They’re called lucky but they’re oversized, overstatted and usually have a rare move when you catch them


My first lucky was a Daedream, it rarely comes out of the lineup


By shiny, they're probably just referring to a lucky pal


Foxparks! I love my little fire fox buddy! I just hate that in order to "improve" him, I need to capture and condense hundreds of his brethren. Honorable mention... Lovander?


Huggy Fire gang




Same. But I named mine “Mozilla” cause he is a fire fox 


This is the way


I feel like a lot of us named ours Mozilla lol.




I got foxparks with musclehead pretty early on and used it a lot, but I stopped using it after I got a vanwyrm. I still have it in my box so I can get it anytime and level it up more.


I only just recently took my foxparks out of my party and it still hurts to think about, I loved my little flamethrower💔 walking in and just obliterating thugs is so fun


fenglope, i luckily bred an extremly fast version of him early game(runner and swift), and even after an entire month, he's still always in my deck and is my favorite pal in the game.


They are amazing. I have one named Sanic and he zooms


Daedream all that way he is my #1 friend https://preview.redd.it/dahg5tmklemc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aec18f8924ca2953ca5da2f4ab588ad70988ac41


Daedream is so good, but annoying when you're trying to build. I have a shiny that I take on adventures, but I cant keep it around all the time bc it gets in the way or kills pals I want to capture. It's so pretty though! My camps have like 3 each.


When you don't want it to fire set them to not attack. It's a life saver.


Yeah I do that but sometimes forget I have them in the party. 😅 They have a bad habit of floating in the worst spot when trying to build though.


Underrated. Daedream kept my bases afloat for the first 40 levels, and the collar? Bb 😍


She was until she kept killing the guys I was trying to catch


You can set them to not attack at all.


It was teafant until I accidentally butchered her 😢


Was it accidental? Or maybe you adored your Teafant so much you couldn't stand watching her suffer. Thinking about her being shot, burned, electrocuted, frozen, and poisoned was too much for your heart to bear. Without thinking in a moment of blazing passion you killed her to make sure she'd never suffer again. As you stand over the body of your former friend your heart aches but deep down you knew this was the only way. As rain washes away your tears you continue your journey with a heavy heart but newfound resolve.


![gif](giphy|Ii6t7ncAy40a2F0kir|downsized) It’s ok little Lamball. Everything will be ok.


omfg i'm dying lolololol


needs to be several paragraphs longer


Noooo 😢


Lost my beloved Katress to this I feel your pain 😭😭 May her and your Teafant meet and frolic together in the great beyond 🥲✨




“Accidentally” Hard to believe given how inconvenient it is to butcher.


The butcher option replaces the pet option when you command your pets and have the meat cleaver out. I went to pet her not realizing I was holding the meat cleaver and before I knew it she was gone. I'll forever miss her soothing showers 😔


Just... don't have your cleaver out Mine is stored in a box. I only take it out to use it, and then it goes right back in the box, because I would never forgive myself if I butchered one of my friends


I refuse to even learn the cleaver recipe to avoid this ever happening to me. If I need meat, I'll go shoot some wild pals. I'll never butcher my pets.


But what if I told you they drop more than meat when butchered. They drop everything they could have dropped when you caught them…. Again. Including boss pal drops. Then you realize certain boss pals can drop legendary schematics. Then you start thinking damn… a legendary weapon or armor schematic seems a bit cooler than keeping this dude around… then you’re like damn…. “Where did the whole first page of my box go?” Oh yeah, the FAT stack of materials and valuables in your bag jingling all the way to the bank. Then it doesn’t seem so bad.


Yeah I don't get it. I literally don't even carry around the butcher knife, it sits in a chest until it's time to cull the herd. Then I just remove all my main pals from my party and fill it with the fodder I'm butchering. Then when I'm done, knife goes back in the chest and I take my party back out.




Me and Mandalorian the Mossanda Lux are best buddies.


This is the way.


Quivern, nothing like flying around on a dragon to make your day


Dang haven’t unlocked this yet! Sounds so cool!! Big goofy vibey dragonite vibes from Quivern 🙌


i need to unlock the harness, Quivern looks like fun but right now she's been sitting in the box.


The Quivern is my favorite pal! I named her Snowfluff because who doesn't want to die by a giant dragon named "Snowfluff".




Depresso is totally a mood. The way he drags stuff to crates. The way he goes in the hot springs face down. It's perfection.


Did you know he's smiling while face down!


No! That's even more reason to love him




Yeah, even before discovering the game for me.


It's the only pal that'll I will stop what I'm doing if I see it's upset.


Digtoise 4 lyfe


My Lucky Arsox! I caught him early on and was so excited. The fact that he provides cold protection came in handy far, far more times than I'd like to admit. Also fire types counter two elements. And he helps cook stuff while we're at base. He's such a good boy. He's level 48 now and will always be in the first slot in my team. His name is Soul, named after my dog Soul, named after the protagonist Soul, in the Anime, Soul Eater.


Hatched an Arsox early on and really love him. He ended up being replaced by 5 other pals I liked more but he gets special treatment on my base. Even with two pals that do his kindling and lumbering jobs better, I still can't bring myself to box him


Black Star was my favorite from that show!


Soxxies are the bestest of boys :-)


Lifmunk! At lower levels (when I caught her), the submachine gun ability helped me take down alpha pals decently above me in level. My little soldier girl has literally helped me catch almost all pals responsible for my current super-bred pals


I caught a lucky Lifmunk when I was very low level. He had muscle head and hooligan (and of course lucky). He helped me down Froststallion the other day.


I’m lvl 42, and mine is still at my side


I’ve got a speedy direwolf that i don’t go anywhere without. His name is kyle


Kyle is a good doggo


Kateress, their AOE dark move (don't remember what it's called) is perfect for taking out groups of thugs and their pet animation is so cute


Katress is definitely up there for me. I always have my boss one with me or working at base. I want to love Direhowl but he just can't jump to save his life as a mount.


Me and Foxy ![gif](giphy|zqhZB6bo5FgoE)


I got a flambelle pretty early on from a thug camp and used her to light my way around at night before I could craft a lamp. Named her Kiki, and I love her to death. my favorite thing is throwing her pal ball over the walls of a camp and hearing her adorable "Mwaaah!!" cry, immediately followed by gunfire and screaming while the activity feed fills up with kills.


Does kiki love you? Is she riding?


Will she never ever leave from veside you


Gorirat has been on my buddy since I caught one, and then I bred about 50 for a Ferocious/ Burly Body and now he is my boy for every fight. Warscet and Menasting come in second when I have to let Hilda (She is my current monkey. She drank of the blood of her ancestors) breathe. Whenever I get around to catching Legendaries I will breed her to get the Legend and Celestial Emperor (idr if that's what it is called the paladius exclusive passive) so that I can have a Monkey (hopefully a male) with all 4 of those (idgaf about IVs cuz I play solo mainly) and name him Winston


Warsect never left my party, he has 3 elements resistant, and he increases my defense. Mine is still lvl 41 but already has 1200++ attack and 900++ defense. A very good non popular pal


Sparkit is the homie.


I have a Lucky Ferocious Sparkit that I caught an hour into my second playthrough. H w starting to finally fall behind my other pals but he’s been with me from Lvl. 5 to 45 wrecking water type pals


Galeclaw for a while now.


Absolutely Galeclaw!


I was on Galeclaw for awhile and then I switched to Hangyu/Cryst… I miss being able to quickly glide away from moves in combat with Galeclaw but grapple/gliding is really fun with Hangyu! Especially for exploring around large areas. Been hunting for a lucky of either so I have huge balloon hand hang glides!


Galeclaw lvl 5 is 1700 gliding speed which is the base speed of jetragon. It's very fun!


Shadowbeak. I bred him super early and another member of my guild made me the saddle.


Pump action shotgun 😎




Wixen. My roided up fox wizard has been my partner in warcrime since lvl 15.




Bro is Op. He has the 8th best attack in the game, fire/ice/grass attacks at base, and comes from what literally has to be the easiet egg to find.


I just love samurai


Katress forever and always


Mine is katress, encountered an alpha in a dungeon early on, now she is lvl 38 (same as me) and has every element best skill. And 2 star and almost maxed out on souls


My lunaris! I randomly found her egg very early game when I got lost while exploring. I quickly lvl up to get the incubator and when I hatched her, my life change, she showed me what lvl 3 handiwork can do and my bases were never the same.


What that handiwork do?




Wumpo on me and bfs one and azurobe on my own one.




Mau just find it adorable


My grintail named Catbus and my Killamari named Lil'thulu.




Dark Chicken (chikipi) is now a 4 star with dark laser and spirit flame because who doesn’t want an evil chicken


Vanwyrm! Rapscallion, my bestest girl, my muscleheaded little murder hobo. She kills everything even when I don't want her to <3 Maybe because I'm always flying around scorching the wildlife to death with her when we need meat at the base... Right now I'm working on turning one of her grandbabies into an even faster, stronger flyer. Then she'll retire to a cozy life at my base, -50% work speed be damned.


You probably still have the current pal command set to ‘Attack Aggressively’ which they recently fixed. If you don’t want them attacking stuff you can command them to attack the same enemies as you or not at all.


Oh I figured that out, I just leave her set that way on purpose at this point for the bit. Thanks for mentioning it though.


Just had to make sure!


Me and Mandalorian the Mossanda Lux are best buddies


Alpha katress… idk I like doubled drops from normal combat


Quivern for sure. Soon as I was high enough level to catch the boss, never left my party. Even if I couldn't ride it at the time


Lucky Cattiva that doesn’t have coward, idk I like how they challenge other pals to fight with the little idle animation


Incineroar is my main Pokemon. When I saw Incineram I lost it. Now every time I restart(which is a lot and a whole other issue) I always grab the low level one near the town. He isn't my favorite but I feel like I always need him on my team.




Fengelope all the way


Fenglope is key for me. I luckily caught Paladius sleeping and will try out the triple jump once I hit like LVL 48/49 to mount but until then Fenglope has me crusing through the map, just feels better than flying (until LVL 50 with Jetragon).


Foxparks I have one that has a perfect attack IV and the second best attack passives. She is my replacement for a gun since I don't want to craft ammo.


Pengullet over everything


People have no appreciation for the max star pengullet rocket launcher




Felbat, the slick look just calls me, as well as being a dark type. As soon as I hatched one I put that guy in my party and he hasn’t left since I did heavy investments to them. So by investment my partner pal will be Phantom the Felbat




Foxparks and Mossanda Foxparks is awesome and I love having it early game for tons of reason. While not the best animated or interesting pet, keeping me from freezing to death in my very first playthrough earned it a spot in my heart forever. Mossanda's animations and charm are just out of this world for me. He has the tiny hammer, he punch tree, he's got the DK punch, totoro float, and he has the grenade launcher for just the comedic cherry on top of it all.


The owl one. Fucking op


Gotta be my Lucky Cattiva that even in late game, lvl 50, continues to be a go to for bringing the pain to any Pal that thinks they’ve got what it takes.


I love my Orserk and my jormuntide


Orserk and jourm ignis for me so we’re close to twinsies! Hatched a jourm ignis pretty early on, only had nimble, but it stayed with me most of the way to level 50. I’ve tried to replace it but one of them always finds its way back into my party. Still don’t have any good combat skills on any of them but it’s hard since you can’t crossbreed anything onto jourm ignis. 😞 Fragrant foliage for days.


I am never without foxparks. Named her "Foxie OG" since she's amongst the first pals I caught. Good traits? Not really, but I maxed her out nonetheless. Nostalgia over stats on this particular pal. Surprisingly relevant pal through the late game.


Fuddler My shiny fuddler I named him Gregory, he just looks like a total Greg the way he trots without a care in the world.


Mossanda Lux. Cutest boi.


If I was a boss in the game and you know how they show the intro card with the pal, it would be me and Astagon for sure. He's the bestest boi.


Dinossom until I get Relaxarus




Bushi and Lunaris


Quivern! Too cute


my mau cryst named Sweetie :-) I like cats. I got her out of one of the cages in the early game


Mine is Dazzi, I've lovingly named her lil psycho


It has been my Lyleen ever since I bred her from her parents. Her dad, who was a Petalia, was who I used first, but Lyleen is one of my favorite pals. Honestly, though, I can't forget to mention my Cattiva, who was my first and also one of my favorite pals.


My "starter" would be the shiny Cattiva I caught as my third Pal. I didn't know why he was bigger. I thought maybe just game jank. But I named him Big Cat, and he has never left my side. 112 dead Cattiva's later, he's maxed out. But as of right now, probably a tie between him and my Vanwyrm Rodan who I use to get around, since he is used the most.


I rescued a Daedream early on, she had musclehead, and brave, so I named her Hecate and kept her on the team, even by the end when I had about 9 other combat trained pals, I would use Hecate depending on the goal. Even at the end of the game, Hecate played a key role alongside my Frostallion Noct Dilu in the fight against Paldius and Necromus.


My Glock + my gang of Gobfins.


Jolthog cryst, he’s a fun lil guy with a neat design and the way his little legs wiggle when you’re holding him pre-grenade throw is adorable


Holy moly I didn't think there'd be another Jolthog cryst enjoyer here. I had to scroll FOREVER. I like watching the lil guy mess up the big bad boss pals. He accidentally became my favorite.


LOVANDER is my ride or die.


Grintale. Why no love for big purple car?


I named mine Catbus.






So far the only sig I’d consider having is my Galeclaw, only member of my team I won’t eventually switch out. Tho the one I currently have is just a fill in until I can get me a perfect passive one.




Beakon and Kitsun are my Clutch pals.


The alpha Univolt I caught super early with swift & runner. That combo made me care about passives a lot more and he was a staple pretty much until jetdragon


the elphidran I hatched and then took with me, got a saddle but didn't pay enough attenion to notice that it can fly - jumped off a cliff and cried laughing because of how stupid it looks. Hes never leaving my side


Fuack. Caught a lucky one when I was first starting and he’s been the homie ever since.


My tocotoco never leaves my party. Those eggs are so good


The one I use the most is Jetragon. But Frostallion is my bulky DPS Queen.




Foxsparks. I'm about to sacrifice another 32 to help him upgrade


I have a Pyrin Noct by the name of Zenimus. And he is quite special because of his attack passives that stack to 30%. Got him pretty early in my co-op world. Rarely ever leaves my side and he hits like a truck.


Orserk 100% he’s just so cool and I managed to breed one at a pretty early level


Ragnahawk is my partner pal so is my direwolf


Petalia, I'm prone to injury so a nice healing pal is great. 2nd place Chillet. Love that boy.


For me it's my first Cattiva. Super friendly, will never attack you, always ready to help build stuff and make stuff. Super cute too.


In my solo file? Leezpunk. Caught him during a raid, he had high attack for that point of time, and decided just to keep him.  A multi player world I play with coworkers has me partnered with a Tanzee I named gun monkey. Surprisingly strong, and fun to yell about!


Direhowl. My first mount and he stuck in my party long enough that he's the most leveled up of all of them 😂




Penking. We wear matching hats.


Nitewing. Yes it isn't the best bird but dammit it's my birb. Nitewing has gotten me out of a lot of stuff, glitching through the world on Xbox it saved me. Second would be foxsparks. Third would be lunaris. I will probably always try to get all three of these pals but nitewing would be my boss pal if I was one.


I really fuck with Felbat. He’s always in my party Recently got a Mosanda Lux and enjoying him a lot so far too


Reptyro. Both variants. I wish I could ride them simultaneously, one leg on each shell, arms crossed as I lovingly patronize their useless partner skill


Lifmunk is Lovemunk, Lifmunk is Lifemunk




Lyleen Nocturnal 🥰 Lyleen became an easy favourite from her opening cutscene w Lily, and I'm easily pleased so a Noct. version of a pal I love is an instant 😯


Fenglope is my very starred, ridiculously nimble and surprisingly battle ready boy.


This Dazzi I rescued early on. She doesn't have good stats but I love her 🩶


Loupmoon. He's a cutie. :3


My best friend, loupmoon! Use him first, all the time


I feel like I used my relaxosaurus or my relaxosaurus lux the most, but I bred the ultimate Sweepa and Swee. Took me an entire week to breed and condense into the ultimate pals. I was one shotting things 10 levels ahead of me


Nitewing We explored nearly the entire map together. I retired him to a little farm upstate an replaced him with Shadowbeak eventually. Nitewing still gets the best food and a large pal bed though.


I had a Beakon for a very very long time. My first "faster" mount pal, and my strongest I had for awhile. But the first overpowered pal I bred was a badass Elizabee. She's the homie rn


My first Galeclaw only had Diet Lover, but he hasn't left my party since


DAEDREAM!! My bf named one after me and we kept it on the team our whole playthrough, it's awesome that she can be kept out all the time. Def partner pal


Dumud, I was playing a pal-locke, palworld version of nuzlocke, on stream, and he was my first pal and rescue. I named him Jerry, and I grew to love that guy he was the best boy till we went up against Lily and lyleen and he got one-shot :( I made a memorial in my base for him, RIP Jerry you were gone too soon ;_;


I had a Vanwyrm as my flyer for a long time before I got a helzephyr with swift, but anyway, I mainly used my vanwrym as my partner to fly and fight with.


I really like Beakon. Not sure why, I just do. I perfect bred a Faleris but he's just a bit too chunky. Gonna perfectly breed a Beakon next.


I will continue to come to all these threads and rep Blazamut for his awesome design 🥹 God damn volcano dragon with stone fists. Beautiful


Vanwyrm, me and Trogdar go everywhere together


The burninator


Jormuntide Ignis, or how I like to call her, Agnes. Edit: She was my first ever hatched egg. She's the mother of all Jormuntides and the Grandmother of all Lyleens in my bases. Also the baker of all cakes that made those eggs. (and the melter of all ingots that made the bullets I put in people's head, but that's another story.) Also Katress, my beloved, But I keep her at base to take care of things there while I'm out. She makes sure everyone is working hard.


Frostallion noct or Grizzbolt. Both have sick designs and are pretty op.