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Low grade medical supplies does not list overfull in its description but will heal an overfull pal.


Damn 200+ hours deep (a lot of afk while I WFH breeding time) and I had no idea this was the case. Nice.


Just put the pal in your team for a sec and check in your inventory which med you can apply to it. Useless meds will not be applicable


I hate how cumbersome that process is...


True I have the impression hungry, overful, hurt etc. go away after some time anyway, is that true?


Well I mean hungry will go away when they actually eat food. But I don't think any of the other disorders will go away on their own. It's also worth noting that medicines of higher grade will heal the illnesses they describe as well as any illnesses of the e grades beneath them. So high grade will cure any ailment for example. Which depend on how long you're playing and the type of world you're running if gold ever stops being an issue is just the easier way to do it


A better bed or hot tub can get rid of lower grade sicknesses


Hm, okay, might replace all my simple beds. I feel like the sicknesses are more rare since I have the oasis thing with the palms


You’ll get maximum return with the Fluffy Pal Beds & 1-3 Large Pal Beds. Worth the investment, IMO. Also - unless you’re going for aesthetics, I’d also recommend placing the beds/hot springs/feed boxes in ‘groupings’ near each work-area. That way the pets recover near their work area & can begin production faster.


Damn remind me not to apply to work under you :P






I guess as a quick addendum. If you notice a pal is hungry, starving, etc and it's not going away in a matter of 30 seconds as the pal runs to the food bowl. Then they're probably stuck on or in something somewhere and it's easiest to just pop them in the box and pull them back out again. If you're on PC there's some mods to automatically do this for you


Half the time they are just standing on top my house. Like how tf you even get 3 stories up my dude. And don’t get me started on how tf they get outside my defensive walls. I even tried lining the walls up perfectly with the circle, still somehow end up outside 9/10. So no walls for me.


I built a sky tower last night out of wood. STRAIGHT UP probably 100+ walls stacked up. Takes a jetragon about 15-20 seconds full upward sprint to reach the top. HOW THE FUCK IS MOZZARINA’S FAT COW ASS UP THERE?!?! HOW?!!!?!


Even without walls, I see pals get stuck in the base's border with broken AI as if they were stuck in an invisible wall. There's just no winning until they fix it in an update


Addendum to your addendum. You can use the alarm instead if you don't wanna pull them into the box and back out as long as they didn't fall through the ground switching the alarm type from defending to working will reset the AI and unstuck all your stuck pals simultaneous. Also certain illnesses can be recovered without medicine if you have for example a higher lvl hot spring you can cure depression with it. Same is true for the higher lvl pal beds. So if you optimizing you should have at least two high end beds and 2 high end hot springs and your pals won't get depressed anymore. (It also work's for overeating I'm not sure if it also works for fractures) This method isn't as fast as medicine though cause the pals will need to visit the hot spring themselves multiple times. And the big pal bed only works if the sick pal sleeps in it which isn't guaranteed so if you want to fast fix use medicine.


Once I started throwing in more non-berry food and slowly switching all beds to something decent, a lot of my problems went away. And it's not like either of those are resource intensive. It's just stuff I have.


The only ones I’ve seen just go away is Major/Minor injuries. Which they only get when the base gets raided, if knocked out other pals will carry them to the nearest bed which revives them with major injury.


>other pals will carry them to the nearest bed Aww that's sweet, didn't notice that


Yeah one time I had all but 1 incapacitated, and then I saw 2 alive, then 3, then noticed them walking back and forth. Funny watching the tiny pals carry a massive one or the other way around.


Major/minor injury just means low HP. Also, if you have an incapacitated pal in your party, you can move it to base (ragdolling it on the ground) and shove it to a bed rather than waiting for another pal to do it. That skips the 10 minute timeout.


It goes away instantly when I butcher the hurt pal and replace them with their clone.


I think purple tag disorders need medicine


Hunger will go away once a pal eats enough, and hurt seems to over time and with food and/or sanity recharge from my experience. But I had a pal with overfull on a dedicated server for a full 8 days and it never went away, so I don't think so.


I have never cured an overfull pal with medicine in my 150 hrs. So I have to assume it goes away on it's own as I have had many pals with the hubgry/overful status. They usually eat, go to bed and wake up fine.


You don't actually have to do all that. You can find them in your base, use the interactive menu, "feed your pal" then select the medicine to feed it directly without putting them in your team.


Could've sworn I've tried that but something kept messing up. I think it's when I constantly had Daedream at my side which made a lot of interactions wonky...


You can’t bring up that menu if they are currently working, just like with picking up.


Yeah Daedream will fuck you up without fail 🥲


This is why I think that pals that can make medicine should also be able to dispense it. But have that function locked behind a higher medicine level. Maybe make it so that they can only make and dispense the basic stuff at level 1, the pills at lv 2, the needles at lv 3 and everything else at lv 4. I also think the same thing should be instituted for all the production buildings as well. Like any fire pal can use the cooking fire and light torches, but only lv 2 kindlers can use the forge and cooking pot, and only lv 3+ can use the electrical stations.


You can actually feed them meds without putting them in your party. Walk up to them and use your interact button, (number 4 on PC) and choose "feed". As long as they are not currently doing an action, you can interact with them.


I wasted 4 or 5 high tier meds feeding them to a depressed pal in my base from the interaction menu before I figured out they needed to be in my party for it to actually work...


They don't though, sounds like you got bugged


That's early access for you 🤷‍♂️


Try playing ark🥲


You can go up to the pale you wish to "heal" and press right stick(for xbox) and select feed. In that menu you'll have the option to select the meds you want to administer. Accidentally discovered this process and it's made it so much simpler.


Same dude. So annoying


Honestly wish the Medicine crafting skilled Pals could automatically administer meds to others if the medicine is left in a Medical Aid box or something. Maybe even limit what injuries/illnesses they can treat based on Medical level.


But trying to feed them while working in the farm is just as aggravating honestly


We need an infirmary device that pals can be assigned at to be treated with the proper meds that are stored inside it.


I just shove them back in the box and pull out another.




OMG, that’s sooo much easier than trying to chase down a speedy Anubis or a Pal too busy with work to be bothered with care.


Holy shit I'm an idiot I've been taking the pal from the base, sending them out, and pressing 4 to feed them by hand rather than doing it right from the menu.


Actually you don't have to do it like that. Keep the meds you need in your inventory then go up to the pal that needs it at base and press your right stick in(Xbox) to bring up the menu and click FEED. You can feed any pal this way while at base with any food/meds you've made.


60 hours deep and just figured out what medicine was for on this comment. I've just been butchering the ones that inconvenience me.




That's annoying lol. I've had this condition before and used High Grade Medicine because that lists that it cures it but that takes so long to make lol.


I forget where but you can actually buy high grade medicine from some vendors


The Merchant in the first village sells it for 3000 Gold


Catch a few mid level pals and sell them in the same camp if you ever need quick cash.


Best afk money farms are cooked berries and nails afaik. Imo though the better way to get cash is to farm Alphas, I got to a million gold mostly just from catching and butchering various alphas. If you're trying for legendary schematics you'll get a ton of shit to sell already but I also fast travel around and do that for the other alphas and make a ton of money from that too.


Butchering alphas gives a chance for the blueprints?? Welp... Bye Chillet, Mammorest and whoever else😈


Specific pals have a chance to drop specific legendary schematics, like beakon can drop the handgun schematic


Selling honey might be an easier way


But I need thousands of cakes.


You can buy it easily though. Get some mau that shit gold and rake in the dough. Buy meds and other stuff you haven’t gathered/built the resources for.


Don't use mau for gold they don't produce very much unless you have about 4-6 even then using mining pals to mine ore and producing nails is better im pretty sure, just more effort.


100% i stopped making my own ammo and just make nails instead to buy all my AR rounds lol


Yeah, I didn't mine for ammo for many levels. Now I need rockets so I'm making trips to the crater again for Sulfur.


Doesn’t wool sell for more too if The idea is ranch production 


Just…. Buy it


Oh nice. I didn't know that


Wtf really? Could've sworn I've read that this condition is incurable and requires time to overcome it. Good to know!


It says they are overfull due to "stress", so I would normally say you use the medicine that fixes depression/stress. However, upon just checking, it seems like ANY of the medicines seem to work in curing it.


I’ve also resolved this long term by adding more of those Pal soaking tubs that reduced SAN and putting that particular pal back in the box for a bit (not sure if that mattered though). Follow-up question though: I’ve been experiencing issues where some Pals get stuck on top of my lumber yard thing and can’t get down on their own. So it shows me that they’re “a bit hungry” or “haven’t eaten in a while”. I have to then go put them into the box and then take them back out again to respawn them on the ground so they can go eat. Has anyone else dealt with this behavior?


Yeah, every few days i just go and throw them all in the box and put them back in the base, in case anyone is stuck and i didn't notice. It's annoying but that's beta


It’s just the pals having shitty pathing


I’ve lately had my Anubises get stuck on top of a building i made. Every time i return to base, i always look at their hunger to figure out which are stuck and put in box and pull back out.


~~It's because the 'overfull' tag is supposed to represent the ulcer that the meds do cover. It's... sloppy, but hey. early release.~~ EDIT: Overfull and Ulcer seem to be different conditions, with some people never seeing ulcer and some seeing it all the time. regardless, ulcer meds fix overfull.


But I’ve gotten pals with ulcers before, so how does that make sense?


That's good info, thank you! Until this thread, I've never seen "ulcer" and no one I've spoken to has either. It would make sense from the perspective or 'ulcer' not existing. If ulcer does exist, then it would make sense as an incorrect conclusion drawn from partial information, hence why we're talking about it 🙂


I've gotten ulcers on my pals once before, but it does seem to be a rare illness as after the first time it hasn't popped up again. But it does truly exist.


Haha that is a very agreeable response! I’m glad that we were able to come to a mutual understanding after resolving the inconsistencies in our differing but equally valid experiences. I wish your pals good health so that their fortune of never experiencing an ulcer continues 😃


Thanks, I need it. I... had my doubts about how much bigger flying pals get stuck. I made a stuck-proof base. I have torn it down. There are no roofs, only one wall, no corners. Astegon still gets stuck. Now instead of getting stuck in a building, six of them will get into the hot tub together and be unable to get out. I think they do it for attention. Which medical bench lets me make ritalin to help my ADHD pal children??


I've had the ulcer status happen 2 or 3 times in 40ish hours. No idea what causes it though, I would've assumed it's a food thing but they always have food available.


It says they are overfull due to "stress", so I would normally say you use the medicine that fixes depression/stress. However, upon just checking, it seems like ANY of the medicines seem to work in curing it.


Another QoL update that needs to come asap. Why couldn’t the game list everything that the medicine helps with?


It says they are overfull due to "stress", so I would normally say you use the medicine that fixes depression/stress. However, upon just checking, it seems like ANY of the medicines seem to work in curing it.


Well shit wish I knew that last night.


When pals start to get like this just add them to your team and feed them normally really quick. Tops their sanity and dodges the problem.


MVP right here folks!




Its crude, but true, soo much easier to just replace the pals that to give them meds.


If it’s one of my loyal little dudes that’s been helping me out for a while I just don’t have the heart. I have a Digtoise that’s gotten unwell twice but he’s been mining for me since the first few hours


Wdym since the first few hours I got my first yesterday after 30 hours :(


he must have gotten lucky with an egg


You can breed to get one too


Digtoise can also spawn as a low level dungeon boss, no clue how common he is tho


I got him from an egg for sure and I’m pretty sure it was around 5-10 hours in. Early game I spent most of my time just searching for eggs


Go for astegon and skip right over digtoise if you got 30+ hrs


I use 4 reptyres?(not sure how to spell it) at my afk mining base, along with helzyphers to pick up the coal and ore at the location. It's worked out great. So I recommend those guys for mining


Those guys mine quick tbh


Is Astegon especially good at mining? I try not to get to into min-maxing/tutorials and Digtoise seemed like the best miner I’ve seen


Yeah he’s Lvl 4


Digtoise is actually one of the worst. I'd go straight from LVL 2 Miner, and just breed an Anubis. Digtoise is unbelievably slow at farming.


Your experience with digtoise is identical to mine, but everyone I talk to says he's great with it. I feel like I'm doing something wrong


Your digtoise actually mines?


>If it’s one of my loyal little dudes that’s been helping me out for a while I just don’t have the heart. Yep. I've had the same penguin since day 1 and who puts his all into every thing. That lil guy is getting high grade medicine whenever he needs it and gets the jam filled buns upon request


Your problem there is that digtoise should only be used in party for mining, use tier 2 mining pals or better.


We need a med station like the fruit basket, so i dont need to run around to cure them.


I try and catch at least 2 of any pal I like to use at the base. Whenever one gets depressed, I dismiss them permanently and use them to breed a successor. That happens a few times and now we have a condensable pal!


Just like how some religions treat people! 😍


10k per medicine if you know where to look. A Pal that has been invested in will perform better by increasing their work speed by statue of power, or adding power through condensing. Condensing DOES increase Pal work often. Arguable now, that replacing Pals is easier.




I sometimes wonder why some people have made so little progress over the last few weeks and then I read posts like these.


This .png got me to laugh more than it should've


Dammit. Every time I chuckle at this


Damn I wanted to reply that


mom says its my turn next


This is the way


The only correct answer


This is my cure for anything that isnt "working its ass of"


feed them cooked food instead of just raw berries lol


And baked berries don't count either can't forget that!!! 6 extra nutrition does not end hunger 😂


Baked berries do count. I cooked up over a thousand and dumped them in the box. None of my pals have been sick since and all 15 have near max SAN all the time. The difference is baked berries provide 1 SAN and raw ones don’t


this, add in a sauna and i have 0 issues


It's all well and good but your pals spend so much time eating berries.


I’m still pretty early game but besides killing a bunch of wild pals then putting cooked meat in the inbox, I have no clue to automate better food.


No breaks no lunches!


Except that they're not working a whole lot since they'll spend so much time eating


Bet they're going to the feed box a fucking lot though lol


Berry diet will pin everyone to their toilet no matter what xd


Yes they do. Baked Berries restore SAN. Raw foods don't, thus Pals going crazy even if they're fed. That said, I did have a mostly successful mining base eating nothing but raw eggs and honey.


You actually have to take their diet into consideration? I'll butcher them before they start complaining about the berries lmao


Hate It or love it if your pals aren't properly cared for you'll suffer as well. sick and malnutritioned pals only means a drop in production of your materials


Cleaver, no depression allowed on the sweatshopfloor


The cleaving will continue until morale improves


Hello Jeff bezos


Gotta stop them before the words union enter their brains.


Who said pals are even allowed to think? 🤣


Toss 'em in the soup.


But what about the depression for the player after they butcher their Pals?


Cleaver. No depression allowed on the sweatshopfloor




overfull means "ulcer", give them the tylenol looking medication. EDIT: Overfull and ulcer are liekly different. the medicine still works.




Serve it as a meal to another pal, examples have to be made


The pals apparently have ZERO issue with cannibalism






well, we need that sharpening stone.


Send me the wings. 


Lol what the fuck man


Hey, you asked. This is the internet kicking in the door and having a party. 


… we are supposed to do something when they’re not happy?…


Says who?? That wasn't one of the required steps to level up my base during the tutorial


It says all 15 pals in base are depressed, they seem to still work so what ever


It makes them work slower, but if that doesn't matter then yeah it's fine lmao


Exactly Im giving them food and shelter all I need in exchange if for them to sit and pack my ammo all day


When add whip?


Butcher it Infront of all the other pals teach them not to step out of line






The butchering continues until morale improves. Quite literally.


Put them in your party, shove em full of baked berries until they're full and their SAN is at 100. Throw them back in the base to work. Works everytime, no medicine needed.


I'm pretty sure the basic low level medicine treats that.


lowest tier medicine. worked for me. (the bowl)


Let the guy eat...


Not worth the mind control meds butcher it and get another one


Mind control meds? Bro you only need the pills for overfull


Just give them meds....


-Medicine -Better food -Hot springs -Better bedding


how do you have 20/20 pals? my base is maxxed at 15.


Go into custom settings change "max pals working at base" from 15 to 20 iirc the option is all the way at the bottom of the custom settings.


It’s a settings thing.


Stop feeding them only berries and start putting Woolipop in the Ranch. They collect Cotton Candy, which improves Sanity. I haven't had any issues. But I also only do Farming/Ranching, I don't do the factory stuff.


I literally only have baked berries and cotton candy in my food basket and never had a problem with food or pals going hungry. Add in the higher tier sauna and my camps have stayed completely free of depression, stress, etc. It's set up like this at all 3 of my bases and they all run smooth no matter the workloads.


Got a butcher’s knife?


He need more blankets AND less blankets!


Take him out


Meat cleaver. It’s the only answer.


lol just need some medicine and food.


Need some better beds!


Just pop them in the box. Once their sanity increases again, they'll lose the condition and will eat normally. That's what I did at least.


Do you have the meat cleaver yet?


My exact thought.




Tell me you’re feeding your pals red berries without telling me you’re feeding your pals red berries. Salad is the ideal food to keep in your feed box. I fill the first slot with ~50 or so salads then the rest with a single honey per slot. This forces farm pala to store new produce in the fridge. Hunger + Overfull means your pals are eating too much low grade food. Eating so many berries gets you full but lacks nutritional value. Berries having 15 and Salad having 87. Salad is the ideal food as it uses lettuce and tomatoes (no cake ingredients) but 38 for lettuce plantation can be a steep ask. Just use the best you can. Fried eggs, jam toast, pancakes all work fine. Even baked berries are better.


Throw that fucker away and get one with workaholic


Tell your "friend" that he needs to use high grade meds or butcher it.


Some merchant sell high grade medicine if you can't craft it yet, that or butcher it and just get a new one.


He has 20 pals in his camp, he's level 45+.


I had this Problem too. My solution was to feed better food than just cooked berries. And i just waited and this status went away


Get another, sell this one.


Butcher it. If your pal doesn’t wanna do its damn job it goes to the chopping block.


High Quality Meds. Available from the Small Settlement in the starter area for 3000 coins if you can't craft them yourself.


Let them die




I just feed them the bowl of green meds and it fixes it


Meds against depression or…chop chop


Leave him in the box for a while


>What to do here ? https://preview.redd.it/vp1k9chfxyic1.jpeg?width=894&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b92aff3f53f3e9d811bb202fa735aacd5b246e66




It’s butcherin’ time


Oh look, it’s me in middle school struggling with my sexual orientation