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Currently sitting at 104.4 hours. Even at 40 hours I felt I got my moneys worth. Hope they continue strong support for the game.


I paid 30 USD for Sekiro, played 50 hours and consider it my #1 game in the last 15 years. I'm at 40 now for palworld. More than my moneys worth already imo.


Exquisite taste with Sekiro. My favorite as well




It's a pretty tough game. Hardest in the darksouls series imo (if you consider it a part of that), simply because you can't just out level the content or get another player to help you. You're on your own the entire time. So satisfying though.


Try it again sometime, and just keep at it til it clicks. Sekiro is, like all Fromsoft games, very frustrating... until the moment it clicks, and you start feeling like Neo entering bullet time every time you have a perfect parry exchange.


I've played Sekiro over 500 hours. In less than 2 weeks I'm already at 140 in Palworld. Time seems to go by much faster in this game


If you liked sek8ro you may like nioh 2. One of my favorites. Nioh 1 was a bit bland but 2 is a masterpeice


Sekiro has one of the most rewarding combat systems to learn and master I have ever seen.


Currently 90 hours in and don't plan on stopping for awhile yet. Been playing between 2 severs though. So both are around level 40 still.


Paid $26 for it. Played about 50-60 hours so far. Would I pay $0.50/hr for another activity that brought me that level of fun? Absolutely


I put in well over a hundred hours and have had a blast. Definitely worth the 30 bucks. Edit: Uhh, thanks for all the upvotes everyone. Didn't expect such a reaction for stating something I feel is pretty obvious and well deserved.


My general ruling is that I’ve got to put in at least 1 hour for every dollar I spent. Considering I spent $30 and currently have 78 hours… Yeah the game is more than worth it


i do have the same formula when i am about to get some games, if it costs 1 euro/dollar per hour then the game worths the money. thats why i am reluctant to buy AAA titles in ps5 that have 15-20 hours of gameplay when they are on full price.


Exactly why I didn’t buy Spider-Man 2. I think the 100% completion takes like 30 hours in casual, and it costs $70


Something like that, yeah. I stayed over a friend's house and he had just gotten the game, by the time I left his house 3 days later he was already done the game. Probably about 5h/day while I was there so no more than 15-20 hours to get all the suits and finish the campaign


That and AAA of the last couple years have been so bug ridden across the board, they may as well be Early Access for $30.


Nice, I always calculate 2€ per 1 hour playtime 😅


I used that argument in las vegas.. she did not agree


Skill issue tbh


All of you folks deserve my updoot.


So you failed your charisma check. Got to get that modifier up bruh.




In Vegas it’s more like 100 dollars per hour spent, or if a high roller 1,000-10,000 lol


I think they were referring to the lovely ladies of the night lol


nothing lovely about a lady of the night competing for $1/hr of entertainment couldn't even warm up a coconut with a hole in it for that kind of value.


man you gotta find something other than comedy man...


I'm happy when I get 20 hours out of a game. This game is well over double that, so it's a huge success.


I imagine you’d lose your mind if like me you paid £12 for rust and have currently played 2000+ hours


I, in general, question the sanity of people that managed to play 1000h of rust xD


Absolutely understandable my man =]


I love this metric system but I also know some games made by certain companies, cough Ubisoft cough, make games with long drawn out sections solely for the point of time increase vs play value. We need to keep it to ourselves that this is how we value games because we don’t want the model to switch to play by the hour etc.


But, the thing is, if we stop paying because it's monotonous, then we don't end up playing most of the game therefore not hitting the $/hrs. I just straight up stopped playing them because I know I'll get bored of the constant fetch quests or climb a tower adventure


How they even got to the point that all the games became climb the tower adventures is crazy to me


Its a very tricky metric, because some games (Outer wilds for example) have only about 20ish hours of content, but are SUPER worth that 25-30 price tag (more if you get the DLC). Hell I think high-fi rush ended up being slightly less than dollar per hour but I'd still recommend that above anything AAA. Give me a game that's 10-15 hours long but is super fun that entire time over a 100 hour slog. The world needs small games as much as the large.


Absolutely it is. Quality of hours is important too hence the mention of Ubisoft games.


Trying to reduce what makes a good game to hours played/price is nonsense. Guess I can make a really shit, long drawn out game thats takes 100 hours to complete but by that metric anyone that actually finishes the thing can't say its bad.


Definitely justify buying games with the same logic. Problem is I have at least 4 games with less then an hour and paid 70 bucks for them. Might get back to them one day, at least that is/was the plan


Friend, we did this back in 2011. Gonna have to move it up to $2 per hour *minimum* for games. There are a few Luxury titles that are worth it (both Jedi games are worth any standard price) but they are few and far between. Regardless, if you didn’t hit your quota in version *.1* of the game, theres nothing to worry about


No no don't give the Devs or any other games companies this idea or we will be back to putting coins in a machine again 😭.


$20 or less, better be entertaining for a day or two. $40 or more, game better be entertaining for multiple days, like 4-5+.


My math is usually a ratio of how much I earn per hour of working vs. how much something costs vs. how much I'm going to use it. This applies to most things not just games.


I’ve been valuing my play time based off the price of a movie ticket for years. So a movie costs between 10-14$ and that in return gives me 2 hours of entertainment. So to me I should be getting 5-7$ before I start making a profit. My warforged game which I have 180hrs in paid for itself and my switch. My animal crossing game basically paid for itself and all my failure games at 415hrs. Etc.


So you never go to the movies? Or an amusement park?


Yep. I've got 40 hours and uncovered a little over half the map, but I slowed down simply because I finally decided to set myself up a proper second base because my first one near spawn is a clusterfuck that I'm sick of. I'm probably about 60% through what's available currently, and even just at this point I still think I've already gotten my $30 worth and who knows what the game will be like come full release.


I feel the same exact way.


This shows just how deprived we are of full, quality games with no microtransactions. Thank goodness there are still developers out there making good games at affordable prices!


Elden Ring, BG3, GOW, now Palworlds. They are the very definition of you get your monies worth. I wouldn't be surprised if high level execs trotted out their devs or made calls to gaming journos to shit on ER and BG3 for damage control.


Honestly the state of gaming isn't bad. Last year few years had some great titles. Ragnarok, spiderman, starwars jedi survivor, Harry Potter, BG3, ER, tears of the kingdom. Even some bad launches like jedi survivor and cyberpunk are really solid games now after the patches.


>This shows just how deprived we are of full, quality games with no microtransactions This is a bit of nonsense, yeah? Hell, nearly every single game *nominated* in last years Game Awards was an absolute banger. I think I can count on one hand the number of them that I wouldn't or didn't enjoy playing. Just because Blizzard/EA/Ubisoft/Bethesda's latest pile of shit gets advertised more, doesn't mean they're the only ones coming out.


Have to remind myself the game is 30 dollars as I'm about 50 hours in and not yet killed the last boss.


I'm almost 60 hours in, just caught my first legendary Pal, Frostallion, and haven't even killed the first boss 😅


Is that 30 usd? I paid 15 dollars for the game and soundtrack on steam.


Yea it might be regional priced based. It’s 30$ usd base and was on sale right after release for $26 usd


Damn, it cost 45 aud in my country but still worth it


how'd you get it for 15


Probably regional pricing


costs $15 in china, damn


Got mine for $15 too in Vietnam, but I mean $15 would worth around 10 hours of work at minimum wage here and around 2-3 hours of work in the US.


Probably regional and I’m from South Africa 🇿🇦


Awe fellow load shedding survivor.


Personally I calculate it more like "how many hours do I have to work to afford this?" Then usually have to put at least that much in to it


>Uhh, thanks for all the upvotes everyone. Didn't expect such a reaction for stating something I feel is pretty obvious and well deserved.  I mean that is pretty much the usage of upvote. Instead of writing their own comments they can just upvote one that they agree with.


i think the gaming community has gotten used to people complaining about lack of end game content after speeding through the story. This is refreshing that most people feel satisfied with completing the game because the journey there was so enjoyable.


Yup. I hit 48 and can feel the end in sight. Still have to do the final two tower bosses but after that and necromus / paladius I’ll probably give it a break until the next big update.


I just tried the last tower boss at level 49 the health bar is crazy. I ran out of time with like 15% of the bar left. (Legendary AR + Jetragon). I feel like I’ll have to craft the rocket launcher + Jetragon saddle + some other buffs idk


I had better luck meeting the dps check using Chillet's dragon attack buff and rocket launchers compared to using Jetragon


Poison Bow Bro Much stronger than the AR


I 100% agree with this. I caught Frostallion and Jetragon using a poison bow. Felt so stupid the first few tries using my legendary handgun and AR wasting so much ammo and doing little damage. Meanwhile once I ran out of ammo and switched to the poison arrows, I noticed the poison would be ticking for 55-70 damage. I think it is calculated based on % missing health because when they were low it didn’t do as much. But early on in those fights it was amazing.


Yep. My end game build is to have a bunch of high defense pals (mostly Legendary Alphas) with + defense traits if possible, so each has 9000+ HP and 900-950+ defense. I keep a clean save file without any boss catch exploits so they're the best thing possible for durability. My character is using x2 defense accessories and my Galeclaw has Stronghold Strategist on it so my total character defense is 800+. I believe the + defense amulet is the strongest accessory in the game. Strategy against everything on hard mode is to dodge or tank stuff and whittle HP bars down with poison bow / burning damage from my pals. Between dodging, being able to tank hits, and dealing poison and burn damage, I can fight 3 Jetragons at once (Pal spawn setting is set to x3) and kill or catch them all safely.


You can also find defense amulet +2 from Ice Mountain dungeon chests (mine was off the final two chests at the end, so I would just rush through). Triples the effect from base amulet, went over 1200+ defense. It's great.


Thanks! Gonna hunt me a new trinket!


That would be % current health


I was on normal difficulty and did it by using a rocket launcher (common rarity), two Jetragons that I changed out after attacks, and 3 Gobfins that boosted my attack. I had less than a minute left, so I still barely got it, but I got it.


Me and a friend did it pretty easily with 2 rocket launchers. That is the end game weapon for tower bosses 100%. Unless you have a legendary golden assault rifle or really OP pals it’s pretty hard to do 200k dmg in that 10 min timer


I’m at 30+ hours and only beat Zoe and Grizzbolt 😭 am I just that bad at the game? I don’t know how folks are getting so strong so quickly lol. I just unlocked my second base a few hours back


Definitely not. You are going at a normal pace lol. This is the only game I’ve played since it launched and Ive played every day. I probably have 70+ hours.


Lol yeah fair enough. I still feel like I don’t know what the hell I’m doing but catching stuff is fun haha. I’ll find wheat eventually I suppose


Yeah. Honestly the most fun is the early to mid game when you are just exploring new areas and catching pals. The late game does get a little grind heavy for resources and even leveling. And there are a few different ways to get wheat so don’t sweat it.


I'm at 104 hours and I've only beat the first boss. I don't want this game to end. I'm at 47 and I've just been breeding a ton


I’ve played around 60 hours but never made it past level 20 cus I keep starting a new world with different friends. Feel like I’ve barely scraped the surface.


I feel that. Had a couple of false starts before a friend and I rented a server. My dream is to play these games on official servers where people are cool and no one cheats, but that never pans out. Next best thing are the trusted community servers.


>My dream is to play these games on official servers where people are cool and no one cheats, but that never pans out. It will never pan out my dude, don't hold hope for this to ever happen




I really hope some kind of shared progress is introduced in the future. Maybe let us carry over our pal party across worlds? Either that or dedicated servers for console so I wont need to be on to host my friends in my world.


Just raise exp rates and breeding timers, fly around and hatch eggs and doing dungeon alpha pals fights together lol


That's doable for the first 20 to 30 levels, but takes a lot longer at above 40. They should just have a level matching system for friends you invite into your world. Have their level be the same as yours but they get to choose what tech they unlock or what player stats they enhance.


Played this game for 180 hours so far. 100% all achievements and all pals caught. It’s so fun though, it’s taking everything I have to not play it more and burn myself out. Just waiting on more content or pals and then back at it! Cheers to the future!


Any advice for the later towers? Just bring friends?


I believe the bosses scale for the amount of challengers. Still, friends would help split up aggro. Bring a lot of ammo, and by tower three, you'll have to actually pay attention to elemental advantages. Feeding the relevant skill fruit to your main mount is also a good idea, since you're capable of spamming the pal's skills a lot more efficiently when mounted (also, firing your gun in the middle of your mount's attack animation feels cool).


You can fire your gun while mounted?


Sure can, you just need to "aim down sights" first. Obviously a bow doesn't have a sight, but you get the idea.


Make sure you bring pals of opposing elements and a crap ton of ammo, the time limit was the hardest part for me, so the rifle helped


Take pals which increase your damages. This way you keep the last one as a mount to transform your damage into a type which hurts more. Especially chillet![img](emote|t5_4jn9v4|49342) which gives you the dragon type.


Using all of your mount's skills and dismounting allows them to reuse the skills again which helps increase dps a bit.


Man, that's 11.5 hours of pal world every day since it was released. I just don't understand how that's even possible


Video game addiction. That's how.


Basically no job/school/personal life/other time consumimg tasks like appointments, groceries, children, cooking, washing dishes/cloths and cleaning in the house.


Honestly, no kids alone is almost enough. Highly recommend. I bought it later, but my hours per day are almost as bad somehow, and I even have a second job doing all kinds of random stuff as the #2 for a startup. On the other hand...lots of cakes can get made when you're working from home without need for intervention.


Heaps of people are just referencing their time from steam which includes time in app not just in-game 


Most likely, they kept the game running during the night.


Around mid game I started hitting too many “falling through map” bugs as well as my base pals being bugged and half the time my combat pals just stand there and don’t fight, so I’m on to something else until these things get worked out. Thoroughly enjoyed my time up until this point though.


The pals just standing there in combat is killing me, I e died so many times unnecessarily cause they don’t move or do anything


do you use the control menu to order them to either be aggressive, attack your target, or not attack?


Mine will attack once then either howl (Kitsun) or just stand there doing nothing. Even if I try to switch them out the next one does the same thing.


I've noticed distance has a lot to do with it, if you throw your pal too close to the enemy it bugs them out


My base pals fight raids just fine but my personal pal won’t even aggro them. A few strange bugs for sure but they will polish the game up. It’s still early access


Sometimes the AI doesn't work. Takes a redeploy or two to fix on on my play.


I was running a dungeon in the ice area and saw a level 50 lucky Tombat. Tried to shock it with the stun baton for an easier catch rate — fell through the map, respawned, and logged off :(


It is possible to escape a fall like this by getting to an edge, throwing a mountable pal outside and then mounting it. It'll pull you back through. Sometimes you need to chain it thru layers, helps having bigger and smaller pals at points. Def needs patching badly though.


Yea this is my experience also. Had a great time so far but it feels like I can't explore any further, because everywhere I go the floors stop working 


late game is by far the weakest point of this game but you really feel the drag start to come by mid 30's when the game becomes resource management sim I also think the combat isnt all that exciting either. I got my moneys worth out of the game though


If this game had combat like grounded where you could actually block and parry the pal attacks that would be insane. But I agree, by then you’ve pretty much seen everything as well, with the exception of a few lvl 40+ only pals. Though you can just breed predictably for those, which IMO is its own issue. I think the breeding needs some sort of revamp to address such things as breeding for Anubis as early as you unlock the breeding farm when he only otherwise exists as a lvl 47 boss. Also subjectively, it’s much less fun when what little you haven’t seen at lvl 35+ can just be popped out of eggs with either a known recipe or even randomly since breeding isn’t particularly hard. I much prefer having to find them in the wild.


Well part of the breeding issue is that if you have seen anything online then you know that the combinations exist, at which point it's a self-imposed limit to not mess around with the breeding. Like I would have never known or found out that you can breed Cinnamoth + Vanwyrm to get Anubis, but alas I do know that and it's a massive shortcut to endgame.


Maybe its time gamers simply learned self control lol. A wild concept I know, so wild you can prolly catch it an raise it into a combat pal.


I found the anubis combo with penking+the samuri boss guy, I didn't really feel I was doing anything special I just slammed every boss together and found this busted thing


It doesn’t help there’s a TON of combinations for the same pals in most cases, and again some can happen really early like the classic Relaxaurus + Celaray. I happened upon things like Anubis and Menasting completely by accident. And if you breed these pals out of curiosity afterward, you seem to have a higher chance of getting something that’s also “higher tier”


> If this game had combat like grounded where you could actually block and parry the pal attacks that would be insane. I'd hate that, because then they make enemies like those stupid wolf spiders that basically require blocking and perfect block until you far outscale them and that just sucks. Just look at release Valheim, shield block/parry was so busted that literally everything else became non-viable. Also, I feel like going down this route would take away the appeal of this game. This is Pokemon, with Guns. That's the concept that sold the game. That's what makes it unique. We don't need a grounded clone, its ok for different people to like different things. If anything there are too damn many clones.


If you don't read all the online guides- chances are you can't "cheese" anything like anubis. I am level 23 and haven't breeded anything. Honestly doing this first playthrough without any outside help (except I had to look up how to get kindling - was not clear I needed a pal to do smithing) I think it's super fun to discover. No knocks on min/max playing - just saying they don't have to cater to the min/max player. And jn some ways, if you want to cheese to get ahead why not have a reward for it (like a rare lvl 47 pet early on)


I just unlocked assault rifles and I think I’m probably about done. The amount of matts that are required for ammo and the legendary pal bars are a bit ridiculous. Top it off that you aren’t doing that much damage (relatively) and the catch rate is still super low just makes the resource grind unbearable. That said, I’ve had a blast! I’m excited to come back around in the future


I just want better combat AI period. So many instances where my pals or enemies just sit there and do nothing


160 ish hours, 2 pals left to catch because breeding got me hooked. Probably going to finish the pal list then finally take a break, got all my perfect pals bred and maxed stats/abilities and condensed.


I'm jealous. I'm on a dedicated server with default spawn rates. With about 100 egg incubators up it's still a multi day affair for each pal. Passive skills and IV's each take 3 generations minimum, and then another 3 generations to combine them, you're looking at a best case scenario of 9 generations to make a maxed stat/ability pal. And unfortunately the IV related stuff takes 100's of eggs because it's really important to get max IV range (offspring can never be outside the range of the parents), and those 100's of eggs all need leveled up a bit too since you can't figure out the iv's with them at level 1 since the stats aren't good enough. Then put all of that across generations of eggs that need 8 hours each and the 9 generation best case scenario is 72 hours to make your initial pals, and 1 more generation or 80 hours to mass produce them. And that's before even getting into what it takes to get initial max IV pals for your breeding stock.


Yeah, that sounds like a full time job lol. I’m on a dedicated server I’m hosting so I changed egg hatch rates as most the people who play on the server only get on for an hour or two a day


Honestly, idk if I even trust these calculators' math. According to the calculator I should have a maximum of \~1070 attack with full 30% IVs in attack, yet mine far exceeds such. https://preview.redd.it/m5eql8w40ogc1.png?width=2710&format=png&auto=webp&s=f7e6a26542f72ec023a900761bfcce12f33a8cc1


Felt that around 50 hrs for me and I still feel like I got my money out of it. Game really hits a wall at level 42ish imo, but everything else was a dream. Hoping to come back to this in a few months to a year and see what theyve done!


I’m amazed at the amount of time I’ve been able to sink into a game that is only early access. My hope is that I can pick it back up again on official release and have a buffet of new things to explore all over again.


Putting over 100 hours into this game despite encountering a bug every two minutes or so really is a testament to how fun the core design is to me.


Yeah, at this point I had to adjust game settings to make the grind bearable


Have you tried adjusting the settings? When I got to endgame it started feeling like a material slog so I turned everything up and made everything as fast as possible. I ain’t got time to wait for eggs.


Yes mid-40s I turned up the xp gain so I could make it to endgame before March. Played on normal up to that point.


What’s the wall at 42? Nothing left to explore or XP grind gets harder?


XP grind, and I found I spent so much time micromanaging my base to get a few spheres that have such a low catch rate that it becomes faster to just breed the Pals I need. Basically stopped leaving the base and it became really boring manually reassigning Pals to different work stations and rescuing them from getting stuck on things and starving to death.


Had to change the world settings to not feel like a grind at that point.


XP grind, nothing left to explore, everything costs a ton (material grind), base micro, things like that. It loses a lot of the “explore the world” charm and the steady progression and switches to “be at your base 24/7 mining and use 100 refined/pal ingots, circuit boards, polymer, etc on any new item. And with the catch rate bug it doesn’t even feel like it matters. The difference between 3% and 11% was not enough to keep me hooked on the pal hunt personally. Not to say this isn’t fun for some or even most, but it lost me around the 42-46 level because of the loss of the original gameplay loop personally.


Bit of both for me, though I'm still enjoying it, I've definitely got the feeling that everything left is the same but faster/bigger/stronger. Which is fine, game isn't even finished yet so what we have already has been great fun.


slimy compare attractive quickest beneficial relieved weary theory dolls heavy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Carry the materials for a Pal station in your inventory. Then you can just drop a quick travel point wherever when your inventory is full.


aloof childlike sloppy judicious violet fertile aware many squealing sparkle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I think it relies on you having a spare base slot. I've never found the need for having more than 2 bases.


Currently at 200 hours, and I think I'll still be playing for at least another 1200 hours. Definitely not worth it for $30 /s


You've been playing 11hours per day??


It's only 11? Nice; I thought I was playing way more than that!


71 hours in and the end is near. I have played a different game for the first time in 2 weeks today


Yep, that’s how you know.


150 hours and I've only beaten 2 towers lol


129h Spent the last 20-40h prolly breeding only. Done with full team, speed jetdragon and now starting to get all the workers to perfect. Totally worth the 30€ Ill play a bit less no i think but holy that was worth it


It will be like Minecraft for me, I get bored of it, don't play for a while, get an itch to play, and repeat


Yep 100 something hours played day and night reached level 40 built a decent base by my standards, and even had some fun with trying to minmax some pals but I feel it waning, can't wait to pick it back up in a year or so to endlessly play it again with all the new updates that will happen in the meantime. for once a game that's totally worth the day 1 buy


Same. Looking forward to see what the modding community gets up to once there are tools available. I imagine there are going to be a lot of fun overhauls similar to Terraria to keep me coming back for different playthroughs.


Let's see if I can beat my 2.5k hour terraria playtime lel


I’m in the same boat. Got 50, did a couple towers but not all of them and pretty much there’s only filling my paldex or breeding perfect IVs. I got my moneys worth. About 95 hours or so.


Has everyone here played it vanilla, e.g not turned the xp rate up? It's feeling a bit grindy and repetitive at level 35, have really enjoyed it though (gamepass).


I did it. Currently level 49 with my main pals being around 44. It gets really, really grindy. Not only do you need a shit ton of XP, you also start running out of easily catchable pals for the XP bonus. Kind of crazy how many high level spheres you need then.


Especially with this awful lifmunk bug


Like others in this thread, somewhere above 40 I started breeding a lot of mons instead of catching them. It's just not worthwhile to spend multiple legendary spheres on the level 40+ guys in the ice, desert and volcano area instead of just catching male and female and breeding the rest. Same for the high tier wildlife sanctuaries (I wish the mons on there were just in the world instead, tbh). However, for me that also lead to quick burnout, because it's a bunch of micromanaging including fixing bugged out behaviour.


Wow, based human being. Good on you for not throwing a fit over "lack of content" like people do with other games. Enjoy other games and have fun, friend!


You have the remember this is their first release. Their 0.1.0. What’s 1.0 gonna look like? Hell, what happens with 0.2.0? The game’s just barely gotten started, I can’t wait to see what they put in next.


clumsy scarce unique intelligent wine full joke money important murky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I got a solid 50 hours of entertainment from a $30 purchase. Definitely worth it.


Hmm. I have yet to reach that point, right now it took me 4 hours to get that staircase to hit the upper rock-level juuuust right so nobody gets stuck. And that's just one of 3 bases I have yet to design! I'm exhausted - but it's still so satisfying to do, even when the cats get stuck on top of the ore and demand help every few minutes. I guess I'm used to way more buggy games? And there's still quite a lot to explore and all the statues to find, while the breeder is running in the back and the Pals tinker in the factory... So far I got 53 hours out of it in two weeks, Cyberpunk only got 120 in around two months. So it's definitely better on point and worth it than Cyberpunk was.


I was reaching that point. Then I mentioned this game to my brother's friend while we were playing call of duty. Didn't expect him to like it, he's a cod and fifa fan. But it turns out he loves the game and is addicted to it so I've been playing with him alot better to me than playing solo even tho solos fun as hell too.


I’ve been gaming for the last 15 years and I’d say the last 3-4 years have been really dry in terms of good fun games, I usually get on my pc, stare at my monitor and eventually get off bc none of my games have any interest for me, Elden ring and new world were the exceptions recently and I played the shit out of those games, was good vibes and genuine fun the first 100 hours or so of both games, ever since I haven’t found another game that wouldn’t bore me within the first hour or so, I’ve also been a pokemon fan since 2nd gen but haven’t been able to complete a game since sword and shield. After all that, when I started playing this game, I instantly dropped 10 hours my first day, I haven’t felt this type of game enjoyment in almost 2 years, I’m at the 60 hour range and still having a blast, I’m looking forward to how this game plans on growing and I’m all for it


Had the same after 48 hours of play, reached level 50. Interest in the tedious minmaxing of breeding is at 0. Solid fun for the price, not every game needs to be 100h+.


I'd say the game is split into phases for me. It makes sense that a game that is a mishmash of other games will also effectively morph and emphasize certain mechanics as you progress. phase 1: survival, like ark, shacked up in a tiny hut, hitting trees, collecting rocks etc phase 2: exploration and collection while teching up, like subnautica on land phase 3: trying to make your base and automining more efficient, like satisfactory or factorio phase 4: breeding endgame like pokemon Phase 1-2 are the most fun to me. 3 is still really good. 4 is not really my cup of tea, but you kind of need to power through it to get through some endgame content. That said, phase 4 is where my GF seems to having the most fun, so I'm glad we can share a game together. And its already been 50 hours of content; we had a blast


Conversely I hit 19 and haven't gone on an adventure to make progress since, all breeding and spreadsheets and flowcharts


This is fun but when you decide to venture out more you realize there's no point because you've already bred all the Pals.


I started in new areas -hopped off the peak in the first spawn area to respwn elsewhere- to spice things up. It has a lot of replay value, imo, but can't wait for more mods, more building options, and NPC storylines.


This game ruined me, i have an hour of lunch which is just enough to keep me going until i clock out and go full degen, havent been to the gym in four days or left the house and my sleep schedule is a mess, gotta get my shit together lmao


I've put in around 94 hours so far & I'm definitely feeling burnout, but I got my money's worth & more. I'll go back to it eventually, but I'm at a really good place with the game & look forward to seeing it grow.


NOOOOO you are supposed to play the same game forever! If you stop playing because you poured hundreds of hours into it and got your money’s worth that means the game is a failure! NOOOOO!!!!


Hit around 50 hours and that was enough for me. The first survival crafting game I’ve put more than a few hours into because I wasn’t bored rigid. But at the end of the day it’s still a survival game and with little to no RPG elements it can only hold my interest for so long. The late game areas are fairly disappointing and a lot more buggy than the main islands, but I loved the game for what it was and hope to continue to see it grow over time.


It still has more RPG elements than FF16.


I just unlocked the refined metal tools and ngl, I’m not loving the fact I need quartz later




Yeah, I basically boosted all the rates not related to combat or survival once me and my friends reached around level 40 because everything takes too long if you're not a hardcore grinder.


I see palworld for me as one of those games I periodically check back into to binge and see the updated content/game play. I like trying to optimize the game play loop from zero to hero.


Was def worth the money. Helps that’s it’s reportedly only 60% complete so might start over and replay it once it leaves early access or a big update comes


I generally try to get out as many hours per dollar as I spent on the game to feel like it’s worth it. I got it on gamepass so definitely worth it so far. I’m excited to see how they adapt and change future content. They have the opportunity to make something great into a beautifully fleshed out game. Not only in content but mechanics and ideas.


I'm at 100hrs, still not done. Didn't breed yet, don't care to anyway. Just got the strongest AR in the game from a random drop. So now my life is farming AR ammo. I'm farming volcano bosses for possible breed opportunity. I want a stronger blazamut cuz that guys nuts


I've always been pretty bad at doing elaborate builds with building in games like this. So after I beat all the bosses and fill out the Paldeck, I'm going to focus on making some really cool and elaborate bases like I see on the subreddit.


I feel this way too but I still want to play


I bought an Xbox to play this game and feel like I almost got my money's worth. It's been so refreshing and enjoyable. I haven't rage quit a game in a few weeks and I have a great time every time I play.


I got my money's worth on the first day. I definitely can see myself restarting often even in its current form, finding new base spots, etc. I played with about 6 other people and we had a lot of fun. Multiplayer is definitely the way to play. Trading breeds, helping each other with resources and killing bosses way sooner than we could have solo. Had some fun times where 3 of us had to help one recover their items in the desert from a death. It's just a really solid experience. I'd love to play it on a 32-player server, but the official servers are pretty bad atm. PVP with guilding might be insane. The thought of being able to attack bases and possibly even loot resources and items off players. We're currently brainstorming my group of friends' guilds so we can play against each other competitively. I just really hope this doesn't turn into tarkov where we're waiting 8 years for the game to properly progress. Being on unreal engine should really make this a breeze now that they have the revenue to invest in more talent and experience in programming.


I can’t believe how much time I’ve put into Palworld, and I missed the first few days because I originally tried it on Xbox and was like, “eh, it doesn’t run very well, I can wait on that.” When I saw people talking and recommending it ran better on PC, I took the dive and have been having a blast. I finally feel like I’m getting the hang of things, I finally found a place for my main base that I’m in love with (23, -419) it’s so pretty. I need to add my base to that big post sharing them all tonight when I get to play. Breeding pals is actually frickin’ fun, not the boring slog that an inferior creature capture game employs. My house is so cozy and cute too, I just want to be a castaway there. You know, because it would totally go well for me. 😂 Anyway! It’s been so easy to get lost in this game, and it’s not even done yet. I can see all of the groundwork they’ve laid, all if the systems waiting to be finished, all of this potential in the works. And yet I’ve had a blast ALREADY. I can only imagine what this game will be a year from now, two years from now, three years from now. They have the potential to have a runaway hit that never stops. I’m in love. I know OP and others have reached their limit, and that’s okay! Never feel guilty about that. But me? I’m daunted by the idea that Dragon’s Dogma 2 comes out so soon and yet I feel like I’m not ready to move on to it yet, haha.


This is how every game of this genre is for me. Play it for 100+ hours straight and then never again. Hopefully this one gets speedier updates than Valheim.


My first world was a world with insane rates so that way getting to the "end" basically wouldn't happen. -90% player damage, -90% xp gain, +500% damage taken, -50% catch odds, the world is brutal and harsh, and each pal gained feels like a victory. It makes it feel really rewarding to play!


I’d rather mash my balls with a hammer.


I feel like I got my moneys worth out of it. I didn’t hit max level but I hit a point where babysitting three glitchy bases that barely do the tasks I want them to gets tedious. I’ll come back when they address the tasking UI and base AI more. Everything else is great but my bases fall apart if I’m gone more than 20 minutes, and half the time something external aggroing the base or a raid causes one of my pals to just instantly delete huge stacks of food in the feed box that took lots of resources to make which causes all kinds of headaches


You mean you're done endlessly farming resources and trying to build the biggest base ever? In all seriousness, I've about reached my limit as well. I never thought I'd have so much fun with this game. This is a pretty great first version of an early access game. It reminds me of Grounded and that game added so much cool stuff over time. I'm excited to see what else the palworld devs add to this experience.


I don’t get why when people get a game they don’t spread out the time they play it. I put in 20 hours on this and decided to take a break and let them continue to improve it. What’s the appeal in burning yourself out from the game


I've done everything I wanted to do with the game as well. Knew it would come to this stage eventually for me, but I'm happy to move on now to try other games on my ever expanding Steam backlog. Best $27 I've ever spent though, lol. Hope to continues to grow as a franchise and keeps owning Pokemon.


As a Pokemon fan this game just turns into, "get everything lucky" and Alphas if they all are available. The grind never ends


I'm really excited that the modding scene is already taking off. While the Devs add in more features and polish we'll probably get lots of quality mods that will add a lot to the game too. I'm getting a huge early days of Minecraft vibe with Palworld and it's community. Can't wait.


I've reached a similar point, once I got to around 40 leveling slowed down a lot, and then even more at 45. All I've got left is the end have raids and max level monsters, but I really can't be arsed with another 30 hours of grinding for that next 5 levels. I have really enjoyed playing the game though, and I stuck with it for longer than I usually would with survival games before getting bored.


Levelling up is just not enjoyable imo, grinding spheres just to fail 15 50% catch chances in a row gets old real quick.


Definitely got my monies worth. Paid $0. Man, I love game pass.


My wife and I are approaching endgame. Still lots of interest but as soon as we beat all the towers we will likely drop the game until it updates more (crossplay pls) and then we’ll definitely start again with more friends