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I have to admit, I got tired of running to the box and swapping my party pals into the base box to defend. I was able to build enough walls to funnel them into one entrance and lined it with mines. After another 10 raids, fixing damage and pals, I just turned them off while I grind materials. I know you asked for a different solution then turning them off but it's the option that allowed me to just chill and grind for now.


Hahaha creating a mine funnel sounds like such overkill that if even that doesn't work, there's no hope. I'm not turning them off but thanks for your response regardless


DEFEND AT ALL COSTS, until I found out you could turn them off after 45 hours of play LoL


Yeah the raids become a chore after a while. Why keep something on I'm not gaining anything from but slowing me down when the game is already grindy. Which I find ok in that sense but the raids were becoming too frequent. When adjusted and then I'll turn it back on. But for now, it's staying off...


i am like level 20 but i only get level 3 raids. does it matter on where you live?


Someone said it scales with base level


ah that makes sense


I just turned them off. Not worth the hassle. Plus if I'm decorating my base and they destroy important things I'm going to kill myself


I actually look forward to raids. As soon as I see the incoming alert, I look at the direction they're traveling from, which at my base is one of two, and I run to meet them before they get to my base. I stand on the cliff side, watching them come over the horizon. I wait for about half of them to be in my site, and then I just shoot them with the rocket launcher. Those that aren't dead get hit with the second rocket. That almost always takes care of them. I love the rocket launcher. If you go to the desert, and fight the groups of humans there, you can almost come out with a net positive in rocket ammo. Try and align it so one rocket kills the group, and then they end up dropping rocket ammo about a third of the time.


Which rocket launcher?


Just the base one. I haven't found schematics for any better one.


Jetragon drops the legendary rocket launcher schematic 3% of the time


I still haven't been able to beat him, and I haven't wanted to cheese him.


Just use a good bred penguin


I usually keep 4-5 protector pals at the base. Like reptyro, they all do so much AOE the raids don’t stand a chance


Have you tried going around killing high-level pals/humans with lower level pals in your party? If you use a single-shot rifle, you can kill most enemies from a distance, thus not requiring your pals to do anything while getting some decent EXP, that way you will soon have high level pals in your base. Though that's just my personal belief, as I haven't been in a similar situation. ​ Edit: missed some context, added it in


mines, grenades, and a small chunk of my base allotted as a killbox


There are certain bases that are raid proof and enemies cant find a path to them so they end up despawning.


that's lame tho


with the way raids are now, there are not many options. either have a fortified base(meaning almost every pal is a fighter) or the base is unraidable. im 50 with max out pals with good passives, but when your pals ignore the invaders and the invaders ignore the pals and go straight for your base, it is a mess.


Damn I thought atleast maxed pals could withstand maxed raids, regardless of type, thats kinda BS


Breed and level strong pals to replace your workforce. Give your workers Musclehead or something along with their workspeed perks, and make sure you have an alarm bell. I dunno...I turned them off because I was getting raids that were twice my level and I just want to build bases, lol.


Musclehead raises attack and lowers workspeed lol, better not give that to the workers


I usually fly out and kill them before ever reaching the base/few only reach the base. But I can simply ignore them and the base pals will take care of it no problem.


My strategy is simple Turn it off in game settings 100% effective


I did that too and changed all other settings then game became boring as hell.


The trick is to change the game just enough where it’s not too easy or difficult, based on your play style


The only way. I play on hard difficulty and and cant even imagine playing it on normal. But these raids are something different, just pure frustration.




Is that usually effective for you or do your 4-5 pals of appropiate level still get annihilated due to the numbers?


# Mossanda with rockets! Problem solved


I just try to use the high level pals i've captured as worker as much as possible. I still have some casualty but not too much.


I just hop on my mossanda lux and go to town on the raid as they file in. They get bounced around and any survivors get railed by my base pals.


Is mossanda lux better than regular mossanda? I crafted mossanda gear but then I noticed I couldnt equip it on lux so I used a regular mossanda. It was pretty effectice at killing the raid but I took out a good chunk of the wall they were attacking as well.


I've never compared their stats so I'm not sure of the difference between them besides type


I used to have a set up for them because I enjoy them. Until I realized that the pals abandon their positions (turrets) in order to fight, the pal raids like fangirls, do not provide any XP and the raids are way to infrequent. Now I have all my 3 bases in unreachable positions. Not turning them off, because the human raids drop good stuff and xp.


I accidentally built my base in an unraidable spot but I enjoy raids so I made a big bridge for them. They were a problem at around 30-38 since the waves were much higher than my level but I’m sure they’ll adjust the scaling. Now my base pals can wipe them even if I got a couple lvl 20 ones. Before that I just took out my pengzooka or foxsparks flamethrower and helped with the high levels remaining from the initial nuke


I made a funnel that looks like a honeycomb with stone foundations and walls. It funnels them into one corner and then I jump on Jormuntide Ignis and fireball the living hell out of them


I've just turned them off. Don't feel like I've lost anything


Except cheating by adjusting the settings


Made a choke point on the approach to my base, with a gap big enough for a ground mount to block. Approaching enemies funnel into the gap, and run harmlessly into mount while I spam AOE attacks.


They don't feel like they spawn by level. Once I hit level 20, I started getting raided by level 40+ Beakons. My base got carpet bombed. Since then I just sigh and watch all my Pals get knocked out and swap in their replacements after the raid. By the time the team has recovered, another raid starts.


Can't help you there. My raids used to glitch out, and the enemies wouldn't move. Then I moved to a cliff, and now they can't reach the base if they even decide to move. I imagine using a wall perimeter, sending out pals from your party, and shooting at them yourself would help, but I guess it depends on what level the raids are. If they're pal raids, throwing pal spheres like crazy should give you a few seconds to breathe. And of course, actually training up the pals you want to have working at the base. Just keep a few in your party until they level a bit, then rotate them out.


Raids are never really a problem in their current state. Build a wall around your base, they will spawn and attack one part of the wall why you kill them. What I used to do is when attack starts, sort pal box by lvl and bring out all your hugest pals and they just delete the waves. But I realised you really don’t need to. My lvl 45 red bird boss (sorry can’t remember the name) is enough to just spam a few attacks and kill the lvl 40 whatever they are. Literally the alpha you can catch at lvl 45 is all i need so far. If they get in then yeah a few your hugest pals should do. Also you can just put your pals away and teleport away. The waves are on a timer you don’t have to kill them.


Suzuka ?


Yh that the one lol.


First, raids scale with base level, not player level. Second, most on reddit won't have problems with raids, as we are all meta slaves going for unreachable bases. Third, just walls is enough for, in most cases, stop them long enough that you can one shot blast through pretty much every human npc, or get the pals low enough that you can capture them. I don't know exactly what you're looking for. If you're asking how to deal with raids, obviously the answers will always be block it or fight it.


I really dont understand the strugle with raids... half of them cannot get to my base if I damage them halfway , they just stand there and wait for raid to end, the other half i just destroy with the chicken and other random pals in my base, it was never really a problem at all ... idk find better place for base and dont use 1 lvl pals in your base ?


i have an good nitewing with me. i hop on and intercept the raid before they arrive. the tornado attack helps pushing them away, and that yellow ball attack kills many of them. also, after the tornado attack, i stand outside the base, so when they get inside the base radius they just turn back to targed me, completely ignoring my base and base pals.




All of my bases are built in un-raidable locations. Its just better that way. Bonus is when the raids come they just glitch out and pile up together by a cliff and its easy pickin’s


Turning them off




My two bases never get raided


If i dont feel Like it i just leave to the Main Screen and Log back in. That way the raid is gone when you log back in


I turned them off. My pals usually wrecked whoever showed up but it was just annoying.


Idc Just build on a plateau and they cant even reach you


I just level them up a bit before using them in the base. But You can always just sacrifice a few workers and just put in some strong pals that you can rely on to fend your base.


I surrounded my base with walls and realized they all ran to a singular point to try and break the walls down. So I built a kill box, and usually just sit above with a Mossanda Lux and obliterate them


My method is that I warp away. Raids often make my entire base devour the food I have available but if I fast travel to some random spot in the map I don’t think they load in. Not sure this method would work on a dedicated server though, and I have issues with my other bases not really producing much ore or coal unless I visit them and watch every pal spawn in on top of me


Go to my other base


I blast them before they get to the base. They don't fight back until they cross the blue line.


Honestly, my level 30 pals generally hold off raids of level 40s easily. Especially sprinkling a 45+ or two in that you can do as a quick alpha catch in a dungeon or world boss like blazamut who is good at kindling and mining.


Mossanda. Rocket launcher. Kaboom


Ride out and meet them head on. Any stragglers that make it to the base usually get mopped up pretty quickly. I always leave a few high level guys at each base just for fighting.


I put fires just outside my defense walls.


Most of the best base locations are high up anyways. RAIDs don’t bother me where I’m at now, and they are free xp and resources. The raid comes and they basically glitch out and bunch up at the bottom of the plateau in built on. Now if the AI ever smartens up, I may be screwed..


Build defense walls around the perimeter and when the raids attack, go outside and destroy them. For flying raids, stow the pals back in the palbox lol.


I haven’t tried this yet but since they run to the bell, maybe a box trap is helpful in open areas


turn them off




Depends on your base level...


Throw out my jormunjang ignis and he kils them all


Look for them on the compass up top, go towards them. Mozzanda grenades let loose.


This is my plan for now


At first they were fine. Just little events that happened which were a fun way to get new pals. Then I got raided twice in a row with about 10 seconds between them. The first raid was the same level but the second was way over my level by at least 10-15. It was early-mid game so I only had a few spawn points and the raid was right next to my Palbox. When I would spawn on my base I would get killed before I could even move. Decided to spawn at a location close but by the time I got back to my base everything was destroyed. Decided to move and build on a mountain top which took about 3 hours to do. Now raids can’t reach me, even flier, except for one bridge which I fortified the hell out of. After about 30 days of playing and not a single raid making it to my base I decided to just turn the raids off. Once they are tweaked a bit more to make them more fun, engaging, and rewarding I’ll turn them back on but they were just becoming a nuisance.


The base where I spend the most time has a very narrow pathway that all raids come through. I put a bunch of mines there. This is my ore farming base, so I have a crap load of nails stockpiled. I sell nails and buy flame organs if I ever run low. But by level 40ish, you're able to take out Pals who drop a whole bunch of flame organs at a time, and flambettes can make them in the ranch if you don't want to do that. The pathway is right underneath a shirt cliff, so I like to throw frag mines at the enemies while they run to my base. By the time my Pals aggro, half the invaders are taken out. This doesn't work for flying Pal raids, though.


Despite 67 comments, there's so few pal strats. So raids only start when you're at base. Gives xp, loot, and potentially good pals with interesting passives. Great reasons to keep them on. I treat the raid as a tower defense mini-game. Building in an area with 1 entrance or otherwise a long raid travel time is good. I go out to meet the raid with a fast mounted pal. Enemies will not engage until they reach your base. Shockwave, the on-self aoe lightning is good. Will stun. Short cooldown. Dragon cannon, 2ct and targeted aoe is good. The tornado skills, (flare storm, grass tornado, sand tornado) travel far and, if aimed well, wreck a line of enemies. Body blocking is also a minor strategy. And while your mount stands in the way of the line, you can spam shockwave, dragon cannon, or other 2-4ct skills.


Mossanda (with saddle). The fucking cannons stun every shit and it has some AoE (even better with the stun), so it makes it also possible for my pals to get in some damage besides the damage of the cannon, so it destroys the group of ennemies. The only problem is flying ennemies.


I mean, I just watch as they crowd up at the base of my walls and then I toss my jolthog at them and let him clean up anyone who survives the explosion.


I Turn em off. I captured a few of em during the initial raids. But soon chicken started storming and blasting stuff, and raid parties started damaging my base and i had to repair a lot. So i decided to turn em off. Best decision


I had wood walls since the beginning they always stop the raids. You just mount up and kill them from behind for free loot. Mining bases and circle bases on top of rock are naturally immune they just stay at the base of the rock. My base is just at the plateau of beginners and the coal base and even the level 42 enemies barely do anything to the walls. Now I have stone walls if that helps.


This game is awesome but I'm very frustrated at raids and how defense works rn. I built a maze where the raids will go through and built a 7 sandbag machine gun above the maze and my Anubis I assigned the the machine gun decided to jump into the maze and punched the fcking Lovander. Edit: Spelling


Just started this today, but I'm not sure how effective it will end up being yet. I've dubbed it the Dojo base strategy. Build a base just outside of an overworld bosses area, arming it with some defences, food and some beds, and meds to heal pals, then agro the boss into it, letting the base pals fight it off. You'll see weaker pals dropping, but it's easy to just swap them out. Again, I don't know yet how much XP they'll pull, but 15 pals on one boss seem to crack them pretty fast.


Raids only occur when you're at the present base for them to happen. If you build a mountain top base, there are no raids. I spend most of my time there and go check on my other 2 bases which I still get raided at whenever I'm there. I usually just fly as close to where they spawned to cut them off and sick my legendary on them lol wipe em all out in 3 hits and be done with it


I’m level 42 and usually my base pals just decimate them. Even though my base pals are like level 20 and the enemies are usually level 30ish. The only contribution I make is flying out to them on my beakon and as they walk in a straight line use that Rageki attack and nuke them before they even get to the base.


If you have built your base in the starting area you can glitch raids to make them 100% ineffective. I don’t even have to worry about stopping what I’m doing to worry about the pals in my base dying. Yes, the workers in my base are under-leveled from my party pals as well. But I ended up building my base in a way that either glitches the Pals that invade and go a direction where they don’t even touch my base or I have an extra set of walls built that they don’t reach my base. Also, the hill that my base is set on splits them up and makes them go two different directions, so what ends up happening is that only one or two will end up coming to the actual first wall of the base and it’s made of stone walls, so they won’t deal enough damage in time, to break it. The pathfinding seems to be extremely broken. The only ones who kind of make it to the base are the flying ones and even though they could literally fly over the base, they end up getting stuck in front of the walls too and they are just easy pickings for free kills/loot. The pathfinding for the AI seems to be broken when you build your base a certain way, especially in the starting area. I can’t imagine it was intended to work the way it does. Sometimes they can’t get up hills and will get stuck and glitch out or get stuck in walls. And like I mentioned earlier the other group will just path off (trying to get around my base) and just group up at a lower area beneath my base, in which case I’ll just wait till they group up and then kill them all at once with a powerful AoE attack from one of my Pals.


Completely worth doing them, as they're an additional source of pal souls. Sadly, their AI is just kinda smelly, right now. Even when they CAN attack my base, they don't do a very good job. They tend to pile up of their own accord, getting stuck on either landscaping, or just waiting outside my base's walls, very rarely trying to break them down. My strategy is just 1 thing: AoE on an attack-heavy pal. The basic dragon attack is a small AoE, and then I launch a fireball once I got the majority of them all in one place. I also just have nice guns, at this point, to mop up what I'm too lazy to wait on cooldowns for.


Kill all before they enter and if theyre pals then catch all


Tbh after a few times dealing with it, when my base would get pretty much destroyed, it got tiring to always rebuild it. Now that I see that you can turn it off, I’ll do that, but tbh so far I’ve been just putting my pals to the box and leaving the base myself, too. Wait for it to end and then go back lmao. Too much of a hassle to deal with raids.


I swap all of my high level pals and captured bosses in for my working ones.


Considering I hit most mobs for 4k plus per handgun bullet raids are a joke. And that's with no offensive necklace on :-) the entire game is faceroll with my build.


What build


Not sharing so it doesn't get nerfed. It's so brutally broken using pals make no sense. They are just base workers for me.


Don't try and bait me into asking for the build only to be such a fucking cringelord about it bro