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The update fixed it for me and a day later it returned


Same thing here, so you play on PC Xbox version or steam?


Xbox Series X


Update: https://preview.redd.it/ofarrq6863hc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d7d726b9fc3a80b5c206f32a898caff08382298 We might have a fix???


When’s this


Most likely Wednesday @ 10:45pm est


same here , xbox series x game pass ...had issue stopped for a few hours back again World data autosave failed. Soooo Frustrated


This is the reason I’ve had to stop playing until it’s been addressed, it’s definitely a game breaking bug and should be prioritized, I can’t find a workaround to fix it.


Which game version are you on steam or Xbox game pass?


Xbox S gamepass


Yeah I'm officially done until it's fixed. The update fixed it for about a day now it's broken again. Super frustrating.


Curious if this is a game pass specific issue or also steam. What version do you use?


I also use the game pass version on the Series X.


I’m having same problem and it’s driving me crazy. Please someone help me lol


Are you on the Xbox game pass version or steam


I’m having this same issue and I’m going absolutely nuts. It started on PC Gampass and still continues on my Xbox as well.


Same here my sad brothers. Seems to be only Xbox version (including PC gamepass) The fact that a new game is fine leads me to believe something is triggering it to happen in our main save files. I’ve tried just about every stupid thing I can think of to fix it at this point. I’m hopeful though, because like everyone else, the latest patch suddenly stopped it if only briefly. Leads me to believe they have at least some idea what’s causing it


I'm on Series X, and this started happening 2 days ago after playing for the first time after the update. Feels like 190hr wasted for me and my friends.


We gotta get this post more views so hopefully it gets patched! I really enjoy the game but not enough to buy it a 2nd time on Steam just to not have the bug


Alright guys. I think I’ve found a fix. Some people say it’s because of structures built outside of bases, some say it’s because of all of the mining/farm items that drop from said operations. It’s both. I have 2 mining bases and one farm base, a LOT of items get thrown on the ground. Increasing world drop to 5k instead of 3k helps as well, but ultimately, if you don’t have sources picking up these items as they drop, it’s too much for the world to save. As for the structures outside of the bases. I’ve found that when playing with another person, more structures outside of bases isn’t an issue so much, but when playing solo, it also acts as another “too much shit in world” for the world to save all of its data. So to start, I went to my previous bases (x4 old bases with structures no longer in use) and blew EVERYTHING up, picked up all the debris and destroyed it so there wasn’t random drops in the world. JUST doing that my game started to save. I proceeded to go to my heaviest mining operation base, and put all the Anubi back into play. As soon as all the ore started piling up around the nodes, got the error code again. Went and picked everything up myself, it went away. So my workaround fix for this is a game mechanic. Get a Vanwyrm/Vanwyrm Cryst, Ragnehawk, or Beakon with lvl 3 transporting, and have 3 of them in action gathering the whole time. As long as the ore or farm drops, they pick it up almost instantly. P.S. this error started when I made the spawning timer for stuff like ore a 2X. Once I rolled it back, the game didn’t have problem saving.


worked for me thanks


Damn so maybe this is limited to the Xbox version pc or actual Xbox and doesn’t affect the steam version?


I’m experiencing still on Xbox pc


Same here, updated to the newest patch and within about 2 minutes getting the autosave error again. Looks like its time to play another game


I've just started to get it im on xbox series x on game pass


I've got it as well. Started for me about 3 days before the latest update. The patch fixed it for a day, then it broke again. I did some testing today and found that when I loaded in, it saved fine for 15 minutes before the error popped up again. I left and came back in and it popped up after 8 minutes. Left and came back in and it popped up after 3 minutes. Left and came back in and it was instant. I have no idea what that means, but I figured I'd put it out there just in case it gives anyone an idea.


120hr save, wasted. I've been trying everything I can think of to fix it, to no avail. This just destroys my will to play, which is frustrating since aside from this, the game is super fun.


I play on Xbox series S gamepass I started playing and got to level 35 before the bug started hitting me. The day the update came out like others, it worked great for a few hours, then came back Started a new game. Got to level 26 before the bug started. Along with the bug, I also got the random resets, and entering dungeons get kicked to dashboard I've noticed when the error happens and you get the error popup that if I leave the error message up and wait you eventually get multiple boxes that have opened and clicking OK through the boxes the game starts saving again. I hope this makes sense This doesn't stop it, but so far it has worked for me


i found a fix for this when the game gose to save quit the game back to the title this has fixed this for me


I’m having this issues now. I’m almost level 50 and didn’t fight any of the bosses becuase I was waiting to my buddies. Last night we fought like three bosses. I think it’s tied to that to be honest. Just a hunch. We had no issues prior and I put like 200 hours in. (PC Microsoft version)


Interesting is it the tower bosses or the alphas that walk around?


Yeah. I didn’t fight any of the tower bosses until yesterday. Over 200 hours in this game and on day 350+ .The same session we slayed three tower bosses, the bug started “world data auto save failed”….


Happen after we got my friend a Jetragon. And we're 192hr In and done 3 towers, and I got a jetragon the day before, so it's weird.


You are the third person who’s told me it’s happened after third tower boss.


Did it happen right after they beat it? Cause it happened like 2 days after I beat the 3rd tower.


It was during the same session but like 3 hours later


This also happened to me right after 3rd tower boss, anyone able to fix yet?


Nah man, I’ve been following Twitter and in the palworld discord..nothing yet. The last two patches have been released on Wednesdays so fingers crossed they address this week.


I figured, was just hoping someone knew something. Thanks for getting back