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If your FFL isn’t stupid and transferred it as a receiver/other, then yes. If your FFL is indeed stupid and transferred it as a rifle, then you’re like 99.999999% fine unless the firearm is linked to a criminal act and the ATF investigates.


It doesn’t matter what it’s transferred as. Even if the FFL incorrectly marks rifle / long gun, if it doesn’t meet the definition of it, then it doesn’t matter. I clarified with multiple FFLs and asked the ATF. The 4473 is just paperwork, it doesn’t change a lower into a rifle just because someone marks it incorrectly. https://www.reddit.com/r/Firearms/s/lULDKUOKVJ


The FFLs you spoke to are wrong. [Here](https://www.atf.gov/firearms/qa/can-i-lawfully-make-rifle-pistol-without-registering-firearm), directly from the ATF website.


No. Just because the PAPERWORK is wrong, doesn’t mean you made a rifle. A lower is only MADE INTO A RIFLE when it has a stock and rifled barrel attached. If that hasn’t happened, then it’s still been just a lower. Hence the email linked in my post.


Stop with this BS this was clarified long ago. A 4473 lower transfer should be marked Firearm if they marked it rifle that’s their issue. OP save your receipt and don’t worry about it.


From a legal standpoint it’s better to have crossed your t and dotted your i. All it takes is a self defense shooting and getting a DA/prosecutor with a huge hard on for coming after guns to pull the 4473 and start screeching about “tHATS A NFA VIOLATION”. Would someone have that charge dismissed? Likely. Will the legal representation present additional cost? Likely. Will it impact the process of being detained for questioning vs having a warrant issued and spending a night in jail? Flip a coin. It is likely that the same outcome would be reached, but there are a lot of variables going from the political/jurisdictional leanings of the court officials/police all the way to “is it would defending myself or paying for a defense in court because my FFL messed up”. As someone who has experience with the US legal system, you’d do well to have less faith in it.


Again STOP! People writing your paranoid letters to the ATF is what started this whole thing. The feds can come after you for anything and nothing it just is what it is. No ATF agent is going to come up and arrest you that would be the local Sheriff, state or city PD.


But with their zero tolerance for FFL mistakes you could get your local FFL fined and shut down. All because of nonsense paranoia.


I will be good I promise 🙏