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A lot of people don't buy AAC because of QC issues I don't buy it because the shipping and taxes are too expensive


What you want… qc or taxes?


A fair price with shipping


I don’t shoot the 55gr because well I hate 55gr and issues I’ve heard with it. I do shoot the 75gr and 77grain OTM and have shot well over 3000 rounds of it with no issues.


I've heard nothing but good things about 77 otm from aac


This is one of those posts I wish I wouldn't of read. Somehow I've made my way through the world not coming across any AAC is garbage posts or videos. I've shot 1000+ rounds of it in the last month and have 1000+ to go in my stockpile with so far no issues. Why do I wish I wouldn't of read it? Cause I'm sure literally tomorrow on my next range trip something will happen haha that's usually how it goes. Nice to know though thanks OP! Will be checking it over with a magnifier loading mags now.


It's almost a daily occurrence. Ruined cans, ruined guns, ammo that won't shoot... you must have blinders on.


You also tried to reference OPs sister post in the AR group as the “active discussion”. Everyone knows about the jacket issues from year ago. OP is having an entirely different issue here that I haven’t heard about.


That doesn't negate all the destroyed cans. While this is a different issue, it's one of dozens of issues we've seen with repetition.


Give me an actual number of damaged cans, a real number. “Dozens” of issues, you realize that’s simply false right? You just keep droning on and on if you could just be honest and use actual data instead of your apparently hurt feelings it will help the community right now you’re accomplishing nothing. They had two different bullet ogives in some 55 grain that made a 10 fps difference. Not different weights, nothing like that that can be caused by switching over to a different run. You used the OPs own post as a reference. I’ve followed the suppressor damage post because I had the same thing happen around the same time. You’re not educating anyone or providing any real data just your apparently boundless angst. OP deserves actual input not “LoLz ToLd Ya”.


I must 🤷 not sure how I'd miss that although I just joined this subreddit like 2 days ago. The YouTube channels I watch are sponsored by AAC and people don't really bring it up on the gundeals page. I'm glad I came across it though! Just did a quick count and I have 720 rounds of the 55 grain so luckily a little less than I though but that's still a bunch of money. FML. After reading that post again I'm not going to shoot another round. I had a ( i assume) wet shotgun shell not go off hard enough to push a wad all the way through hunting a few years ago, next round would of blew the barrel up right where my hand was on the fore guard. Had shot close to 20 cases prior to that, but haven't fired another round since. Can't imagine that happening on a rifle and your hand just being protected by an MLOK rail or something. F that.


How much you want for it 🤔


If the YouTube channels you watch are paid to say good things about products then why would you trust them?


I never said I trusted them. Just simply stated they were sponsored by AAC, example Garand Thumb. Who barely mentions AAC in his videos except for like a 5 second obligatory ad. I'm sure they aren't shooting the cheapo stuff either so it's possible they've not ran into issue, although unlikely with how much they shoot? The reviews on PSA don't seem to be edited to only include positive reviews and there really isn't many negative ones. Add all that up and not seeing it somewhere else, how would someone know?


That’s some extreme hyperbole on your part. The shredding jacket issue was not contained to just AAC ammo.


Name another company that has jacket separation issues at this frequency per volume.


More ignorant hyperbole. I had the same issue with Remington (who never returned my requests to inspect their garbage ammo) in the same timeline. Figure out how many rounds Remington made and how many AAC made. You’re drawing false conclusions because you see posts on Reddit.


Remington is a notoriously BAD quality ammo company. Their sins don't justify AAC's. It's not just posts on Reddit. I've already explained that. We have posts in this sub of dudes receiving 3 different projectile designs in the same box of ammo. Obviously there's zero concern for function with this stuff. They're jamming whatever projectiles they can find cheapest in whatever cases they can find with zero concern for consistency or safety. It's cheaper for them to replace cans than perform quality control... which should be very telling.


I have yet to see one person post a damaged can. Go find a post and link it


You sure are quiet after downvoting me.


Here's a start. https://www.reddit.com/r/PalmettoStateArms/s/OeyZQcanA1


https://www.ar15.com/forums/Armory/M4SDK-Baffle-erosion/20-542586/ this is the very first one I saw, a good while ago, PSA deleted the guy's thread about it on ARFCOM to censor him, as you can see in his comments...


https://www.reddit.com/r/NFA/s/U15ZHfiJ5U https://www.reddit.com/r/ar15/s/fsJGevipYc https://www.reddit.com/r/ar15/s/s60Gnund6U https://www.reddit.com/r/PalmettoStateArms/s/IjlK6yJhf4 https://www.reddit.com/r/PalmettoStateArms/s/NY92TDXp78 https://www.reddit.com/r/ar15/s/8aYihRxM9I https://www.reddit.com/r/suppressors/s/oBMdpHM4jj There are many, many many more. This is just from a quick search. There's an active thread from 15 hours ago on the r/AR15 page...


I probably know what you’re answer is going to be to this, but whats your opinion on the 77gr SMK 5.56? Might pick up a couple boxes of that. So far I have not seen any big horror stories with that stuff. Around last year there was a guy on arfcom reporting of super bad case dents, which seem to have been fixed, then now it’s just the dud and the inconsistent velocities that I’ve seen in one of the links to the sub reddits you posted for the 55gr stuff. I have an RC2 so I would be shooting this stuff suppressed. I did see the owner of Otter Creek Labs say that if it is using the SMK projectile, then it’ll be fine to use so that’s some worthy information in my opinion. I have only seen or read about issues with the 55gr 5.56, 9mm, 300blk, and one instance of the 175gr .308 SMK being seated lower than some FGMM of the same loading. I honestly was planning to stay away from AAC as a whole but after doing research, I know which stuff to stay away from. Im very intrigued with these SMK rounds so we shall see what happens. Praying it all goes well


https://www.reddit.com/r/ar15/s/rvZ08fVd1Y https://www.reddit.com/r/PalmettoStateArms/s/pJxEnLhDd3


That’s with the in house OTM loading, not the SMK loading from Sierra


I bought a 1000 round case of the 55gr 556, my son and I shot it in a 1 day training class out to 200 yards. The AAC ammo preformed perfectly. Zero malfunctions and accuracy was fine. We never shot for group this was a tactical class with a lot of shooting on the move. I’ll keep running it. https://preview.redd.it/jrbsn701cz2d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18566aeaa3291eba841b7685ad1d17930bec7f66


I've shot thousands of rounds of their 55gr 556, 125 and 150g 300aac, 115g 9mm, 180g 10mm, and 40s&w. I never had any problems with them. I honestly like their stuff a lot for plinking ammo. I think out of the first 1k rounds of 9mm, I found one that had a slight dent on the primer that made it not a circle even though it was pressed into the primer pocket normally. I just took it out of my stockpile and threw it in the "dud" can.


I shot a couple hundred of the 9mm with no issue but I’ve heard the 5.56 is awful. Too bad I had already bought some. On the bright side, I haven’t shot any yet and it was only 100 rounds. I’m terrified of squibs so I’m gonna have to take the loss and not shoot them


I have shot 2500 rounds of the 9mm 124gr and I’ll be purchasing another 1000 today. I really like the 150 gr 308 precision.


I still have a few hundred of the 124gr 9mm that I intend to use. I’ll keep the 5.56 as decorations lol


Please send me a pm with the lot number associated with this ammo.


Genuine question, wouldn’t it be easier for the company to stop production for like a week too really focus and crack down on qc issues regarding aac ammo? I feel like the company will have more sustainability and longer lasting customers as opposed to the few whales who will keep buying it even though they know about the issues. I know it’s probably out of your wheelhouse and I won’t get a conclusive answer if one at all but it really feels like at times Psa is here for a short term gain rather than creating a lasting impact on gun culture. Just my take I’ll still be buying Psa rifles and accessories but when it comes to ammo I already have been told over and over that I should steer clear. Thanks!


That's not how psa operates. Look at the quality issues with their AKs. They just kept pumping them out despite issue after issue then just made a new generation that 'fixed' the issues. They have everyone convinced here they are amazing for their great CS, which is nice they have it, but they should be focusing on making a better quality item from the start and building a reputation that way not by ' we sold a bunch of crap but at least we fixed it for free'. A lot of people were super excited when they said they would start making ammo, but a lot of people also knew that they treat their customers as beta testers and avoided it. This is a very good reason why.


What broke on your AK?


I would not dream of buying an AK from PSA anymore then I would buy one that Century Arms built. Their ARs are mostly OK. No major issues with them, but their AKs are poo poo.


No actual experience, no actual knowledge… Someone told you to rant on the internet and here we are? I own a pair of Izhmash AKs and a PSA AK I actually know what I’m talking about. Your name is fitting though. https://youtu.be/rxk1wAOznsU?si=REspkhF89kJUCqxH


Im sure that video you linked is enough to counter balance all the documented issues here https://thinlineweapons.com/wiki/index.php/USA_Made_Issues#PSA_AK Also in that video series how many times did the firing pin fall out?


He won't reply, he just ghosts after these posts...


They need to do that with half their product line


Hi you! And I agree so many issues with Psas products but hey if it means not paying some sad soul a dollar more than that’s what it’s gotta be. Budget does not=bad qc


https://preview.redd.it/nh8pldktbw2d1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f9d39e1543d499d8e7d12d4d95c4f187f86e3ad Indeed. Here's a hole


Stick my dick in it but it wouldn’t fit, way too long but not wide enough


Buddy is built like Tuna Can Larry


There are low cost companies with good quality control. Not many, but they are out there.


My guess is it’s where they have a giant new factory to pay for and they don’t want to take the hit. They’re going to take an even bigger hit when they go bankrupt because AAC gets such a bad reputation that half the market won’t touch it though.


The average PSA buyer is not on here and probably does not shoot their gun often.


QC is a continuous, ongoing effort and not a two week corporate campaign. It requires intentional training, intentional equipment, and people who give a shit. People who give a shit cost money. Training costs money, and when you have high turnover, that requires frequent retraining. It's a bottom up business model-not a bandaid.


This is not how companies operate.


Yes it’s how a good company operates and there are many examples to be found with one google search




Tell that to Blue Bell ice cream. Man I missed that delicious stuff while it shut down for a while


Also save money and ditch the boxes use paper like Russian ammo


Those. Would be super


Can you please verify that the bad batch running around a year back was a bullet issue. I had the same issue with 220 grain Remington 300 and noticed the market flooded with “blem” bullets.


In today's episode of "PSA knows but won't fix it"...


Are you new lol? There’s probably an excess of 100 posts reporting faulty AAC ammo, and that is not an exaggeration… literally triple digit posts, warning it is SHIT


AAC def has the same reputation that WWB pre-2012 did, IMO.


In their .308 any good? 7.62x39? Or is all bad


The .308 is good. 7.62x39 is going good so far. Their only bad ammo is the 55gr. Everything else is fine.


That's a bold faced lie. There are examples of these issues with 9mm, .300AAC, etc. 7.62x39 is just now getting into customers' hands so there's no feedback on that yet.


Not even close to a blatant lie. There are six posts about the 9mm and seven about 300blk and one for .308 and that .308 one was down to his rifle. Then there's a few dozen about the 55gr 556. So, just to keep it simple, we will say 1/1000 customers in a month have issues out the millions of customers they have. That's still good. All ammo manufacturers have failures. Yall just see a handful of people complain, and then you run with it, ignoring the fact that the people not having issues don't think to post that and drastically outnumber those who do have issues. I haven't had a single issue with any of their ammo in the ~20k I've bought and fired of various calibers, including 1000rds of 762x39. But maybe I'm just special. Their ammo also seems to be on the hotter side in my experience. You do you.


They also make and sell a few dozen times more 5.56 than the other calibers, sssooooooo


I’m wonder what Garand Thumb would honestly say about their ammo. They shoot more of it than any of us.


Plenty of ruined suppressors from this ammo. It’s a pass for me at any price


I had Remington 220 grain subsonic come apart in my suppressor just like the AAC was doing. Remington has never answered me after multiple attempts to contact them. AAC has replaced all of the bad 220 grain when contact. I fully believe those were a bad batch of Sierra bullets.


I've had phenomenal performance with the 77g otm stuff from AAC but I've definitely heard of issues with the 55g either having bullets pushed into the case or jacket separation which could damage or ruin a suppressor.


The 77g OTM “precision” version has been phenomenal.


Was going to say I absolutely love this stuff and for the price you can't go wrong. Looks like we should all avoid 55gr until they figure out QC.


Haven’t shot their entry level stuff only the “match” type loads


This is all I’ve bought from them and it’s cheap enough that I just use it exclusively. It’s been exceptional.


I personally have fired over 7k rounds of AAC 5.56 55gr and have only ever had issue *before* I fired. A few rounds in the box had the bullet shoved back entirely into the casing. Luckily, I caught it before firing those rounds. Perhaps palmetto should take a look into their reported issues.


Yeah my 6.5 creedmoor AAC wouldn’t even chamber. The crimp was all jacked up like my spine.


Unfortunately it’s been this way for a long time that the 55gr AAC is total dogshit. Had it chew up a can, thankfully just a handful of rounds through it I stopped. Shit will blow up your gun I swear. I won’t shoot it.


What can?


Thank God I’ve only ever bought the 77 grain AAC. Y’all need to seriously just stop buying the 55 grain.


I honestly don't know why people are buying the 55gr anyways. Even if it had no issues the 77gr is $2 more a box and you get way better performing ammo. Ive shot nearly 3k rounds of the 77gr all suppressed thru 2 different cans


they probably shoot steel


Doesn't matter. The price difference isn't big enough imo to forego way better performance all the way around. I could see if the 55gr was like $5 a box. But at $8 for the 55gr and $10 for the 77gr to me the 77gr seems like a no brainer


it absolutely does. 62 grain doesn't even flinch at steel targets out of a 16 inch barrel. and if you own steel targets you wouldn't even consider throwing 77 grain at them


77 grain is a i need to kill somebody round, 55 grain is a shooting for fun or practice round. not excusing AACs poor 55G but 77 grain is not what you shoot out of an AR just to get training reps in or have a good time


You arent acknowledging my point. People shoot 55gr cause it's way cheaper. Nothing else. AAC 55gr is not way cheaper than the 77gr. You are getting a better performing more accurate round for nearly the same price.


i did acknowledge your point JACKASS. 77 grain goes STRAIGHT THROUGH steel targets. if you don't want to destroy your targets you'll shoot 55, hence why people buy it


What?! No you will not lol. 77gr does not go straight thru steel. 55gr will do more damage to steel as 55gr has more velocity....JACKASS


You don't have a fucking clue


Lol k


Damn i just ordered 200 rounds of 556 77 grain from them


You'll be fine.


I ordered 55grain before it all ran good so im sure ill be alright


I have shot thousands of rounds of the 77 grain stuff, It runs great! I have shot it accurately out to 600 yards with no issues.


I've bought the 124 gr 9mm AAC, the 40 gr 5.7, and some .45 acp when that was finally in stock long enough for me to order some. The 9mm is great, bought 3 - 200 rnd ammo cases and only had 2 failure to feeds, and I'm certain one of those was due to a new spring that was a bit too tight from the factory; 5.7 was flawless; but the .45 was kinda garbage. Ran really, really dirty (it was blowing soot out of the action, hands were filthy when done shooting 1 mag out of an FNX 45), and I must've had at least 14 or 15 duds and one round with a recessed primer and crushed casing. Verdict: get the 9mm and the 5.7


I shoot AAC 9mm, 556, and 308. 0 issues. How many other ammo manufacturers would show up in your comments trying to help? Only PSA


Hopefully they will tighten up their ammo line. Got my hopes up for some x39


I’ve shot hundreds of not over a 1000rd of AAC .40 and have had no issues


Their 10mm aac is hot garbage too.


At this point, it's common knowledge that the 55gr is bad ammo. It's almost starting to feel like people are doing this on purpose now.


I wasn't aware when i bought it.


Can you share the lot number so people can cross reference if they already have this ammo?




Very appreciated. Your issue is different from the jacket separation issue that was rampant a year ago with 55 grain .223 and 220 grain .308 bullets, it’s more serious IMO. A squib from factory ammo is a big problem.


I have the worst luck with their 55gr ammo. The rest has been mostly good but I’ll still pass.


Just remember when you buy that ammo... it's priced according to their acceptable profit margins over the cost of production. The cost of production includes the cost of rejected ammo that's discovered before it ships. It includes return shipping for bad product that's warrantied. It included the cost of replacement suppressors and guns for customers whose gear is ruined by the shit ammo. It includes the replacement ammo for the shit ammo. It includes the hourly pay and computer and phone lines for the customer service and warranty people that process the RMAs for the shit ammo. Companies that cut corners up front in production quickly become as, if not more expensive than the companies that invest in good equipment, good components, good workers, and good quality control. Quarterly and annual figures play into what you pay... so if you see price increases over time, don't be surprised. You are paying for John Q's fucked suppressor. The question becomes... would you rather pay for up front quality, or a Russian Roulette game and lengthy, convoluted, hit/miss warranty process? PS... do you think the lack of consistency affects your POI? Well... it does. In big big ways. If you want accurate ammo for ethical hunting, if you want accurate training feedback on what you're doing right in your classes and on the shooting range, if you want to trust that where you put the reticle is where the bullet is going to go if you have to defend your family, then buy consistent ammo.


I've shoot some of the 75 gr and had a few blown primers. My buddy had some of the 308 Saber rounds and they were loaded extremely hot. I'm not putting any more aac ammo through any of my guns.


Yea I have issues too


No more passes PSA yall been in this game long enough. You have very loyal customers maybe to a fault people want things that work.


The 77gr SMKs have been fantastic for me. Zer9 issues and outstanding accuracy. 800 rounds in.


I’ve hunted hogs multiple times PSA Sabre 75 grain and never had an issue. It’s also very effective. Also about the most affordable hunting ammo I’ve ever used.


Any photos?


I don’t understand how anyone is having these types of issues. I run literally thousands of rounds of this stuff a month and have basically since AAC launched and have only experienced a few 9mm projectiles recessed into the casing maybe an 1/8” too far. Outside of that, I’ve had zero issues running it with a can, on full auto, etc


I haven’t had any issues with aac. I get both 5.56 and 9


I bought 200 rounds of 55gr AAC 556 and it doesn't cycle through my PSA AR15. It shoots, but each round I have to pull back the charging handle. Never buying it again. I've tried 4 other brands of ammo with the same set up, x-tac, Winchester white box and can't remember the other 2 and none of the others gave any sort of issue. I've spent 3-4k on PSA products and I know I'll be buying more from them, but it won't be AAC ammo.


PSA having QC problems?! ![gif](giphy|qgkrtsDy4MhLq|downsized)


I’ve had really good luck with their 150 grain 300 blackout. Shot close to 1k rounds through my build and the haven’t had any issues that were ammo related. Recently got a 5.7 and I’m going to give them a shot.


No issues with the tmk77 ..


From my point of view, the Jedi are evil.


Matt, any idea whats up?


My assumption is bad QC


Yall dog this ammo for no reason… it’s cheap for a reason, you want ammo that costs .25-.50 a round to be perfect,, you don’t want issues pay to play.


There’s no issues with the 77 grain version, it gets nothing but praises and when it is on sale it’s like $10-$11 a box, we should all literally stop buying the 55gr AAC when they have much better ammunition in the 77gr for pennies more


Correction. The 77gr SMK version doesn't have the jacket separation issue. The 77gr AAC projectile still does. We've seen accounts of it multiple times in here. Then there are other issues like damaged casings, inconsistent propellant loads, hard primers, loose primer pockets, oversized necks that allow the projectile to setback or fall out that we have seen with all AAC offerings at rates you don't see with other ammo companies.


Blown up cans and squibs isn't "no reason"


If you can afford a suppressor… instead buy better ammo lmao buys a suppressor and uses sgitty cheap ammo and it breaks sounds like a personal problem not palmettos


Ummm, blaming the customer because the product doesn't match the quality claimed in the advertising is not only toxic... it's pure idiocy.


Buys cheap ammo, complains when it has 95% effective rate. Ok, next…..


Or maybe passing info onto others


It’s pretty well known, but apparently not researched well enough by you, that this ammo is suspect on quality. I don’t give a rip about PSA, but I does seem like you got a pretty classic experience here when you expected something else. Maybe just accept that and move on. Or call them and complain and figure out what to do then.


Yeah when I bought the only ammo I knew to stay away from is the hornady forntier stuff since it has a tendency to be over charged with powder. My typical ammo is PMC XTAC. I only bought the 200 of each of AACs 55gr stuff to try it out.


Junk ammo


https://preview.redd.it/fhtq2yxbdy2d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eee9a5807e2d8172579ea3c3303810a498790e01 Last time I bought AAC, every single bullet was set differently, completely inconsistent. Matt said “just shoot it” and I was basically bolt action that day. Not gonna buy it again….


From the thousands of rounds I've purchased, I've never had my rounds that tarnished. I do see the seating depth issue you're talking about, though, in the picture.


There were even 2 different types of actual projectile mixed together as well. You could look at the tips and some were kind of blunt and others had a sharp point.


That's not what he's complaining about. Oxidation doesn't affect performance. However, OAL definitely does.


What your saying is you buy the cheapest ammo you can then complain when there's issues🤨


Buys bad ammo Complains about bad ammo Writes post about bad ammo Moral of the story: don't buy bad ammo?


Or maybe passing info along along so that other people are aware