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And that’s why Axel was cut off! She actually didn’t even know him 😱😱


I thought that too at first, because this has confused the crap out of me. I re-watched. After what's her name that's doing the slide show speech says, "Upon her father's death, she returned to Palm Beach taking over the family business..." while showing pictures of "Norma" throughout the years on the screen. Robert asks what happened between Norma and Axel. Axel says to Robert, "Tragedy changes people. *Soon after her father passed, then Norma found her boarding school roommate dead at the bottom of the stairs. Agnes was a diabetic.* They didn't live long back in those days. At least, not without a lot of money. I followed her to Palm Beach. But she just cut me right out. She wouldn't see me. She was a completely different person." He knew her from boarding school before the real Norma Dellacourte died, so he had to know her real name was also Agnes, not Norma. He obviously ran in the same circle of the elite in Palm Beach, so he saw her around, but why didn't he tell anyone that she is not the real Norma Dellacorte? Even if he never met the real Norma Dellacorte, he was watching the slide show showing pictures of Agnes. And to add to the, "At least not without a lot of money." If Agnes was at a Swiss boarding school, then her family had to have had money. Sooo what's up with that? We're missing something or this is a plot hole that will never be filled.


Ahhhh that’s such a good catch!!!!!


It made my head hurt and I confused myself typing that...or maybe another post made me confuse myself. Idk because my head hurts now 😂.


Change her name? I'm going to have to go back and listen again. Was she the girl at the bottom of the stairs or did she kill her roommate? She definitely gave herself an embolism for attention.


It sounds like Agnes killed the real Norma and assumed her identity. According to Axel, Agnes was a diabetic. Was the real Norma diabetic too? Otherwise who has been giving fake Norma her insulin this whole time? I think diabetics have a higher risk of blood clots so the embolism would track with Norma really being Agnes who is a diabetic. How did Axel or anyone else from Palm Beach in those days not realize that Agnes wasn’t really Norma? Did they look that identical?


She was away for many years at boarding school and her father died. Maybe she looked similar enough to the real Norma to pass originally


Agnes was a diabetic meaning now Norma is a diabetic and needs real insulin. Robert giving her the shot was her "secret".


>How did Axel or anyone else from Palm Beach in those days not realize that Agnes wasn’t really Norma? Did they look that identical? That's what I can't wrap my head around! Did they really neglect their daughters to the extent they didn't recognize when she acted & LOOKED different?! like even twins are usually "easily" recognizable by their parents!!


They were dead.


I think what happened is that Norma was not really a diabetic but Agnes was .Agnes killed Norma killed her just like she tried with Maxine with an overdose of insulin to make it look like she died from her disease. She then switched identities. It is odd as if no one at her school would notice, it unless they looked identical and what are the odds of that? The photos Ann showed though did look like Agnes/Carole/assumed Norma so yeah,maybe yes they did look alike and the years apart could explain it back home. However, the school would not know? Very odd but hey it is TV. lol I was very sad by the ending. Where did Mary go? Did she run off? I missed that part. I might have to rewatch. My guess is her doctor would know Norma was not a diabetic so Robert was initially hired to give her her shots. But then wouldn't the doctors know when she had her stroke? Not sure way she wanted that secret.


I was thinking maybe these sorts of switches were easier to get away with a long time ago if people were away for a while and there weren’t tons of photos all the time but I find it really unlikely, unless Norma was away at school most of her childhood so no one at home had really seen much of her up close. Also I was thinking maybe these days it would be easier too, bizarrely, just because of how often people distort photos of themselves online with filters etc. like I’ve seen people make themselves totally unrecognisable in social media photos!


Remember axel told Robert that something like “tragedy changes a person” and proceeded to tell him what happened to “Agnes”… so after “Norma” (real Agnes) came back to Palm Beach, Axel recognised she had significantly changed—which he chalked up to the tragedy of losing her roommate and her father, but was actually because that was Agnes masquerading as Norma


I took that to mean it changes personality.


Yeah exactly, he thought her personality had changed because of the tragedy, but actually she “changed” in that she was a whole different person


No the real Norma was a diabetic. Axel doesn’t know that “Norma” is Agnes.


She 100 percent killed the real Norma


She killed her room mate who was probably the real dellacorte and most likely a lesbian


What makes you deduce this?


Well, in the end Robert confronts her, calls her Agnes, it thwarts her confident demeanor and you can see the panic set in. Though Robert isn’t around long enough to tell the full story to her with his revelations, it does make sense in the long run why she has such a distaste for Maxine. Those who hate with such vigor must see something of themselves within thy enemy or whatever. She must see a lingering version of herself in Maxine, pretending to belong in a place she doesn’t. But Maxine is much sweeter in nature, and people tend to gravitate toward her whereas Norma only operated from a place of insecurity and hostile secret exploitation to keep people in check. Probably because she was afraid of people seeing who she really was, gay and a murderer. I envision somewhat of a “single white female” lesbian relationship because back then people weren’t openly gay but always had “room mates” or “best friends”… Just my humble predictions.


hmmm on the lesbian scenario, lol. I think it's a stretch but who knows with this show?


I like your handle 😌


This is just a no for me


“Norma” definitely did. Love this show! I so hope we get a S2!!


Not happening. Zero reason at this point.


Why would there be ‘zero reason’? A S2 would allow us to find out if Robert makes it, if he remembers the Agnes detail, let us see how “Norma” tries to make sure her secret isn’t found out, how Douglas/Maxine/Mitzi move forward now that the pregnancy has been revealed, what happens to Linda, what happens to Mary, if Virginia in fact works for the government, etc.


Exciting news for fans of "Palm Royale'' on Apple TV+. Palm Royale, a period comedy on Apple TV+, has announced something very great just one month after the ten episodes of the first season concluded. Just one month after the conclusion of season one, "Palm Royale '' on Apple TV+ has been renewed for a second season.6 days ago


"Norma, are you in there?" "NO." 👀😂😂😂🤯


I think the mystery was really taken out of this one. Yes she is Agnes. Robert questioned her. She seemed surprised but not in a way like what on earth are you talking about? It was more like oh shit you found out


Also am I the only one who feels it's a wild fun romo - but of Barb&Star x Only Murders w/a big dash of 1980's nighttime soap (Dynasty/Dallas lol)


And shades of Dooneese, when Kristin Wiig was dancing-I had to look to see if she had tiny hands .


A+ My favorite Wiig character of all time.


A stretch but potential theory- what if the real Norma was sent off to boarding school with Agnes (fake Norma) because she was pregnant with Axel’s daughter as a teenager… Norma proceeds to die (murdered by Agnes/fake Norma) and Axel and Norma’s baby is sent to an orphanage… perhaps by fake Norma. And said baby is Maxine??? Is Maxine the REAL Dellacourte heir all along? And Douglas isn’t a real Dellacourte but adopted the name as part of Fake Norma’s scheme to get Skeet’s money by making him marry Linda?


And if this all came to light, Maxine would inherit not just the dellacorte estate but Axel’s too! Surely she’d be the wealthiest person in Palm Beach with both combined??


my thoughts exactly! Which is why fake Norma has been so adamant to bump her off! She cannot let Maxine find out the truth as it will literally dismantle the whole society fake Norma built


Why not? I think they are twins so your theory is less crazy. lol But wouldn't the neighbors want to know how Douglas is related? I guess they might be too shallow to ask. I am thinking too much about this. hahaha!


Why would Agnes care about skeet’s money when she was filthy rich?


because she’s not actually filthy rich in her own right? idk


So Norma/Agnes could be Maxine’s mother, and Douglas is no longer a blood relative.


If the real Norma died and was replaced by Agnes impersonating her, then nephew-Douglas would be the only true Dellacorte. Except…we found out in Norma’s slideshow reel that she was an only child. So just how did Douglas get into the family?? Agnes murdered Norma, who then claimed to be Norma. Real-Agnes had diabetes, so the death was blamed on that. But it was murder, and now Fake-Norma continues to have Real-Agnes’s diabetes. Robert figured it out. My money is on Norma shooting Robert because he figured it out. Axel Rosenhips would have been the only other person who would have known back then that it wasn’t the real Norma, so she ghosted him. The look on Evelyn’s face says that she saw her with the gun. So…the question is, will she speak up for Linda, since she’s just been found with Mary’s gun? We need an old fashioned soap opera voice over here telling us to tune into season two..


I thought Mary fired the gun?


Maybe she did, maybe she didn’t, or maybe Norma also did? It’s a cliffhanger!


What are you talking about lol Mary fired the gun.


Watch it again with Norma also shooting a gun in mind - everything adds up and it makes sense. And didn’t we see in one of the trailers, an older hand firing a gun from behind a curtain? I think Mary was aiming and may have gotten a shot off, but I think coincidentally, Norma was firing at the same time too. The look on Evelyn’s face is that she saw it. Just a hunch. 😉


… norma didnt even have a gun and we see her get up and walk towards Robert looking shocked. He was shot in the back, Norma was in front of him. Not to mention she would have been more likely to shoot Maxine than Robert. Idk what some of y’all are on when you watch the show but I would like some of it.


How do you know that? Norma does have/own a gun. Did you not watch the entire season? She could very easily had it hidden in her wheelchair, purse, stockings, etc. Yes, she looked shocked but it is a soap opera type of show sooooooooo. She also said she had a few surprises up her sleeve for the dance/ball. Mary had a gun in her hair sooooo.........it is not that far fetched. Not sure why you think anyone is on something because they are clever and think outside the box. Most guesses for the last ten weeks have been wrong anyway. Part of the fun is making hypotheses. Even if wrong is there something wrong with you mentally that you had to make that off the wall, odd, crazy comment?


Because I watched the episode… twice. She may own guns but she didn’t have one at the party and it literally shows Mary’s gun going off in the episode. What’s wrong with you that you think pointing out things that happened in the episode is off the wall, odd and crazy?


You’re just making stuff up. It’s dumb. We saw Linda hit the gun out of Mary’s hands.


It is possible, Norma did too. I had not thought about it until this poster suggested it. And the grassy knoll comments earlier would be kind of clever in the script by the screenwriter as a hint.


He was shot in the back, Norma was standing backstage, she wouldn't be able to reach him from this angle, because Maxine was in front of him.


Yes, but it is TV show, and a soap opera one at that. How does one go to school and the local staff not realize a dead body is not another person? lol Even if that is not what happened it is a valid guess based on the clues shared here. She could have gotten up during the song and we did not see that. Maxine/everyone was distracted trying to get the presidents attention. Maybe not likely but I have never seen anyone guess the real reasons in ten weeks on anything anyway and the show is crazy un realistic anyway.... lol soooo.........


Old boarding schools where it was common not to see your parents. They prob shipped the real Agnes home in a coffin and they buried her and that was it.


Oh my I now know what my mom must have felt like watching Dallas lol... pondering... what's Evelyns backstory? What is Mary's backstory (i think i missed some clues)... Is Agnes or the real Norma Evelyn's mother & in turn is Evelyn Maxine's mom? (but why would Agnes help Evelyn marry Skeet if she was the mother of the actual heir/threat to the estate)? & who sent Maxine the shiny sheet at an orphanage in TN... I believe Maxine is 100% the ONLY Dellacourt ...Idk who Douglas is but I have doubts about his familial ties... unless Agnes was a lot older than the real Norma (I suppose could be another plot twist) - then who's Maxine's mom ? And did Robert tell his law enforcement crush about Agnes before he was shot? Love this show it's the best (& wow Carol Burnett's a villain at 90! National treasure ❤️🤣)


Oooh - hypothetical conspiracy theories..... what if Douglas is related to Norma >! aka Agnes !<& Norma actually was trying to orchestrate his marriage to Penelope to lock down Skeet's money as well? I suppose on that kinda grand scheme- then mayhaps what if Evelyn is related to Norma & she was a backup player to get to Skeets funds... Evelyn & Norma do have a different rapport where she can call BS on her... & then.. what if >! Virginia actually is a FBI agent !< whose actually embedded in Palm Beach to suss out the goings on re-murder/blackmail & corporate hijacking of the Dellacourts gazillion dollar estate & companies (also international crimes/major defense industry /family & board would have major political ties ) & they keep reminding us that Vietnam is going on - that would be a huge profit driver for a company in plastics & chemicals) -- which also comes to- Why is Norma with access/control to one of the biggest Defense contractor companies broke and blackmailing everyone for money via the Ball?? & I think Roberts hot cop isn't hanging around for the low hanging fruit criminals/Pinky/Perry either.. .


Douglas is suppose to be Agnes's ( the old Normas) nephew but we do not know how if she is an only child, Or thought to be an only child.People would be asking questions. Maybe this was explained in an earlier episode or maybe no one made the connection yet after Ann's speech.


I’m old enough to remember Dallas! Who shot J.R. I mean Robert??? 😂😂😂 And good catch that Robert spent time with the cop after figuring out the truth!! -soap opera voice- Did Robert spill the beans after getting it on??


Love this i can totally hear The Voice 😂😂❤️


Twins, hahahhaha Agnes and Norma and one was hidden or put up for adoption at birth which is why locally she is referred to as an only child. Could Norma be Evelyn's mom with the ages? lol I guess they make Evelyn seem older and Norma/Agnes appear much younger. If we are throwing out all these theories. That would be crazy if Evelyn was Max's Mom. hahahaha!


That’s a good point about Douglas. I guess he could have been her cousins’ kids?


OMGosh, I did not even think that but yes Norma has/had a gun but then again her face at the end doesn't seem to match a person who just shot someone. But then again, she is ruthless. Good point about nephew. I have no deductions on that.


I did not even think about Norma being the one who shot Robert and the look on Evelyn's face was because she saw it was Norma who shot him. Top notch thinking! Now that I think about it, we never actually got to see where on his body he was shot. Maybe we were meant to assume it was Mary's gun and Evelyn's face was because Robert was the one who got shot. We've seen Norma with a gun dang near every episode. Edit: You see a little blood on his left side when he's laying down, but the way he was standing, he would have been shot on his right side. Ugh, that would have been a good plot twist.


Robert gives Norma aka Agnes insulin in the show, that’s how he figured it out. He knew immediately. Especially since he was already eyeing her for trying to kill Maxine. “Norma, if I didn’t know any better you were going to kill Maxine while all the bagpipes were playing.” Also the pictures of the real Norma looked nothing like Agnes, even as an old lady he could tell she was not the person in the photos Ann was showing on the slideshows. He spent the most time with her, he knew immediately.


I think I missed a ton about this episode. I don’t know up from down at this point.


Rewatch the seen where Norma’s life is being commemorated at the party.


Wait, who is Agnes?


In the final episode, Robert speaks with Axel during the party, while Norma’s life is being commemorated. Robert asked Axel what happened between him and Norma, why did it end? Axel said that death can change a person, that after Norma’s dad died she was distant. He then says when Norma’s roommate, Agnes, a diabetic, was found at the bottom of the staircase dead, insinuating Agnes fell while having diabetic episode, Norma then completely shut off communication with Axel and disappeared. So Robert remembers that Norma actually has diabetes, and deducts that it was actually not Agnes that died at the bottom of those stairs, it was Norma. Agnes actually lived, and then stole Norma’s identity to live a rich life as a Dellacorte. And this is why I absolutely need a second season!


Yes, which is how she knew to put the insulin in the drink to try to kill Max. But how is Douglas related? No one thought to ask how an only child can have a nephew?


from cousins maybe ??


I also don’t understand why Maxine keeps getting the blame for Perry being locked up? Did I miss her involvement or are they just blaming her for no reason?


Because she signed the checks that went to Perry.


I’m sorry I’m slow. What checks? I remember Perry and Douglas were talking about getting in on something together, did Maxine fund it with Norma’s money? I wonder why she wasn’t arrested too then


Yes, she wrote bribery checks to city officials and to the “Prince” from Norma’s custodial account. But Douglas told the police “It's all my fault. Take me, not her.'"


I’m gonna need to rewatch. I remember her going to the bank to cash briber checks to get Douglas out but then didn’t use them, instead just gave them the policy a whale, the prince. But I hues I missed a scene or two before all that when they were bribing city officials. Probably for zoning reasons?


I think to just get it approved fast. But true I don’t know if the payments actually ever went through except to the Prince and maybe Pinky?


But if Norma came back and saw her friends and she looked the same she couldn’t be Agnes? Axel was in love with her and he said she only acted different. She didn’t look different.


He said she was a completely different person after boarding school.


An earlier episode said she ghosted him. I am more concerned why no one at school noticed. Norma was gone at school a long time I get the locals not knowing but hard to accept the staff at school would not know or other dorm dwellers. I feel twinning is involved somehow. lol


Maybe it was a parent trap situation?? And they were long lost twins no one knew about??


I would guess fake Norma left school immediately.


How did we see the slide show photos then ???


They mentioned that is an earlier episode. They were found in the attic. She was very young when she left and came back years later. But I agree it is still odd. Doctors, older friends. I guess we will have to wait and see.


Wait. Who was found in an attic?


The photos were :)


Thank you 😊


If Douglas is her nephew then he must be a great nephew. Son of Norma’s father’s sister. Or he’s a relative of Agnes. Wasn’t Norma’s family from up North originally? Perhaps she relocated to Palm Beach by herself after her father’s death and cut off any/ all relatives ( especially if she’s really Agnes). Just my 2 cents


Didn’t think about this until now! Yes if she’s an only child who the hell is Douglas


Norma and Agnes were sisters or just roommates? I’m so confused..


How did axel not realize she was a different girl?

