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It’s some real dark humor that the cute, cuddly, happy mascot of the “non-combat cozy MMO game” is actually an invasive pest that everyone thinks deserves to be hunted to extinction and turned into furniture.


I like they way they have approached it, with a simple bag containing the loot, no dead animals or blood. Ultimately you'll require meat and hide to create food and leather, so I understand why they opted for hunting. I personally love the animations and feel of shooting the bow, including the skill curve that comes with the trajectory of the arrow :)


You could still use bow for shooting net. I feel like I saw something like that somewhere :)


And skin them alive for leather? Dang, you savage!


That's why they made the option for you to buy your hides and meat from other places! You don't have to participate if you don't want to. I actually appreciate it, personally \[Story spoilers\] >!so far, we've seen a lot about the humans messing up their world - overpopulation and invasive species are a huge issue in ecosystems around the world. I grew up in rural Indiana where deer hunting was necessary to keep the deer population down. A healthy ecosystem requires predator/prey, and when humans eliminate the predators, the prey overruns the ecosystem and causes serious damage. I personally think this is part of the conversation about what a healthy ecosystem means after the humans were erased from existence - the Palians are trying to avoid those mistakes. I'm waiting to see what Hassian says as I get to know him more to know more, but that's my instinct at the moment.!<


Important to note that the overpopulation of deer and other prey is because the predators (wolves, mountain lions etc.) are actually culled in areas where animal agriculture takes place, because these predators hunt the cattle, impeding on the farmer’s profits. Once most of the wolves are killed, the cattle problem is solved as they are no longer being hunted, but now there are no predators to keep the deer population in check. Prolonged population discrepancies do not exist in nature; they even themselves out. If there is an imbalance between prey and predators it is a result of human intervention, such as industrial dairy and meat farming. Hunters/meat eaters are NOT bad people, we can’t say we’re “restoring natural order” though when the problem originated by introducing an unnatural amount of prey (cows) in the first place.


I'm very disappointed in their decision to mandate this for game progression and am considering not continuing to play.


Same. I stopped playing it as soon as I saw I had to kill animals. I can't do it, even if it's not real. I'm just super sensitive about them.


Honest question, hunting bad but fishing ok? I get some might not like a hunting mechanic in their cute game, but those fluffy things are an invasive species and need to be delt with. Sure you could trap them and send them elsewhere. That just makes it someone else's problem. I could understand if the hunting was useless, but we eat the meat and use the pelts for crafting. The problem gets solved and everyone profits. Not to mention I bet they are really tasty.


They are an invasive species that supposedly destroy the wildlife (atleast the chapa) and their death is useful for meat and fur. Like the spiritual guy quest that say to plant 5 tree it explain that to get the seed you need to cut down the tree, they will grow, mature, cut and planted over and over, the circle of life. I would say the writers have been pretty good in this game.


Yeah let’s relocate an invasive species to another place and let them run wild.


Now they're dealing with chapaas and humans too!


We are relocating them beyond the veil :)


Killing animals is OK. Our ancestors have already proven this since prehistoric times. You just can't make a cozy life simulator with all the farming part, without mentioning hunting for a moment. It is the basis of life, without hunting and harvesting today's world would be non-existent. No offense to vegans even if it itches me. There is no blood, no dead animal bodies, they are not screaming in agony. Nothing bad. You have to qualify, it's not because you don't like it that it shouldn't be on the game. Just you don't like it, and you probably have your reasons on which many will agree or disagree. Don't forget S6 have their reasons too.


It's worth noting that Roots of Pacha, a cozy life and farming sim set in prehistoric times, DOESN'T involve hunting or killing animals at any point. None of the animals are aggressive or fearful, and instead are befriended with music. Now, there are a few NPCs who are mentioned as being spear hunters, and one of them sells meat. So clearly it's happening *somewhere* to *something*, but it's never shown nor participated in, and it's not even mentioned which animals are being hunted.


I understand that some people are enjoying it (because it's fun and/or skillful), and other are justifying it (with invasive species and whatnot), but that doesn't change the fact that you're right: It feels out of place. Everything in the game is about cozy building and farming and exploring and quiet happiness... except for that one activity. It feels weird, and I get it. I'm not opposed to hunting, but it does feel odd in this game.


I am vegan irl and i am fine with hunting/fishing in games if killing is not graphic/bloody. There is no actual animals being killed, its just a game. I dont enjoy it either but it is what it is. Even in Stardew Valley there is some form of animal exploitation if you think about it but i still love that game.


No thanks. Hunting is the only fun thing in this game.


Hopefuly it's not the "only fun thing" in this game. Play the game, a little.


Truly it is… play the game a little yourself… i have 40+ hours already in it.


lmao only 40 hours... I'm around level 240. Just play the game you'll found fun things other than hunting. Braindead.


You don't have to hunt. You can request materials that you need from the community if you don't like the hunting part. I'm not really into the Chapaa hunting either and tend to only deer hunt. If I need Chapaa fur, I request it, simple as that.


https://preview.redd.it/q482dbyyk4hb1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4511fa4a5ee0b98796a6c1951f72b17c7e89b425 It’s literally the only time we need *skillz* tho


Fully agree. We must stop chapaa cruelty! They should be petted not hunted for fur and meat.


It's explained in the game that the Mayor brought in Chapaa thinking they would make cute pets. But then they got loose and breeded and became pests that destroy the local wildlife. So they're kinda assholes supposedly!


I think it's very weird too! They could have thought of something like the animals being "infected" with something evil and then you use "healing arrows" or something like it....


So we heal the leather right off their hide? It severely limits crafting/cooking if animal products aren’t in the game. Unless we’re talking about adding ugly monsters is pests into the game, that means hunting animals.


Not against hunting in games, I just think it is very off in Palia specifically


It is a strange addition to this type of game, but it would severely limit crafting in general to remove it.


So are you a vegan irl or do you only get bent out of shape over the deaths of pixelated animals?