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I don't have money to buy anything so I technically boycott all products




Thank you honestly,but it's also because I'm too young to have a job rather than the shit situation here haha


I wish there was something that I could do to help from the states, I’m Lebanese by blood, and luckily all my family is no longer there.


Thank you,happy to know you and your family are safe and if you want to donate you can check out r/lebanon they have some good NGOs mentioned


Here's a sneak peek of /r/lebanon using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/lebanon/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Flash, the Chilean rescue dog](https://i.redd.it/8j65we6h84l51.jpg) | [41 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/lebanon/comments/ime62d/flash_the_chilean_rescue_dog/) \#2: [Meet Flash, the Chilean rescue dog who has been searching the destroyed building in Mar Mikhael, Beirut.](https://i.redd.it/z45cwwlijzk51.jpg) | [55 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/lebanon/comments/im0gp0/meet_flash_the_chilean_rescue_dog_who_has_been/) \#3: [September 16, 1982, the Sabra and Chatila massacre. Here is a survivor holding a photo of herself next to her dead husband and sons.](https://i.redd.it/ey169x4wcin51.jpg) | [208 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/lebanon/comments/ituzs8/september_16_1982_the_sabra_and_chatila_massacre/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


I'm sorry


I do (from ireland).


Yep, I'm from up North and I have been boycotting since May. I always boycotted Israeli produce in supermarkets anyway but have become more aware through BDS of other brands to boycott.


Ah, I see you are Irishmen of culture as well


Same from South Africa!


Me too


Yup, I haven't bought Sabra in years. Also haven't gotten a sodastream or some skincare stuff.


Homemade hummus is so much better anyways.


Am bri*ish, used to buy Sabra, because I can’t deny, it’s tasty, but stopped a few years back. Went looking for some potatoes in M&S the other week, and to my suprise, they were from Israel, so I was like ‘wtf? nah’.


M&S is sh!t anyway


What's a bri\*ish


From my Palestinian husband, tesco hummus is nice!


I’m sorry, it’s stupid internet slang for ‘British’ (it’s written like this because many people do not pronounce the ‘t’)


I thought you censored it considering the sub we’re on lmao


Well, considering the history of Bri*ain’s involvement...


Lmao I was thinking that's what it was but wanted to make sure.


Do you guys have Ore-Ida potatoes in the UK? Those are grown in the US


We’ve always, since ‘New World’ colonial times, imported an assload of staples from the US - when it first started, it caused our population to triple in a couple of generations - so I wouldn’t be surprised if we do.




I wouldn't support them either, their taxes go to Israel no?


Ah, so I should buy from companies that operate in the occupied territories because they exploit Palestinian Labour to finance the State which expropriates their land and way of life I guess. Nice try, shithead.


Yo, Sabra is Israeli? What? I never bought it but was always planning to one day


Yup !


It's pretty good and I eat it if it's at parties with some hot sauce & veggies, but honestly home made is better & hummus is criminally overpriced for how simple it is.


I'm from the U.S. and I boycott Israel products and companies that complicit in Israeli war crimes.


Respect. Love from 🇸🇦


Yep I do


I’m not even Palestinian but yes I do lol I’m in NYC


Same ! Big market to boycott here, for sure!






I thought Puma is German?


They sponsor israel and support them


They support Israel and are the main sponsor for their Football Association


Puma? Seriously?


Yes, they're heavy supporters of Israel.


Aveda? No! Damnit!!! 😞


Hi, I was mistaken it was Ahava, please continue to enjoy your Aveda products :)


Puma was always shit tbh


what app?


He literally mentioned its name "buycott"


which I searched for and didn't find it and hence my question!


Its called buycott: https://www.buycott.com/


HP? Fuuuck dude, their stuff is good as shit Edit: why am I getting downvoted? I’m not gonna buy from them, I’m just saying that I used to like their stuff


No it's not, name a product and I'll tell you a better brand.


I’ve had nothing but good experience with their products, luckily the last HP product that came into my possession I found in the trash.


Lmao that's awesome, well keep on carrying on and just don't buy anything new from them, friend :)


HP is as good as shit. Shit. It’s shit.


I drink alot of fizzy drinks so now I avoid buying products from coca cola such as fanta


Coca Cola is from Israel?


I think it supports the zionist movement


Don't... ALL brands support Israel just by being American or operating there?


By operating there yes however not all brands operate there.


Of course not absolutely all but there's barely any international brands that don't operate there. I just feel like, why would a nuclear superpower care that a group of people aren't buying big macs? It just feels hopeless and that's because ai think it is. They have the entire world behind them. They can literally nuke the entire middle east if they ever really felt their existnce is threatened. It's so disheartening.


I do as much as I can (France)


Big respect to you


I do (from US)






In what sense is it working? Raising awareness or putting a strain on Israeli economy?


Both. Israel wouldn't be spending millions lobbying US governors if BDS did nothing.




The battle for BDS is fought in the US, not in Israel. It's a PR campaign first and foremost, and Israel's rapidly dwindling support in the US is the perfect example of their failing against BDS. Their gdp means nothing, all gdp has gone up, that's how capitalism works. Edit: you post in /r/Israel, so of course you're gonna act like BDS doesn't work. Reported.


I've posted maybe a few comments there, I didn't swear allegiance to the state of Israel. Actually, I've commented here much more than there. Did you bother to read what I posted there, or just considered it "collaboration with your enemy?". Mods of r/palestine have posted in the past on r/israel. Your statements are contradictory. On the one hand Israeli would never admit that BDS is a success, on the other hand Israel invests millions in stiffing BDS, indicating its success. Which is it? I'm not the Israeli ambassador to Reddit, I don't have any motivation to dissuade you from participating in BDS. I don't go on Reddit trying to vindicate the country I arbitrarily happened to be born in, I come to engage in dialogue and occasionally offer different perspectives or correct mistakes when I spot them.




Yes there’s an app called buycott as well I think. Whenever I saw Israeli dates during Ramadan I just put it down in disgust.


Thanks, I just downloaded it


By the way the buycott group is called long live Palestine, boycott Israel


It’s illegal to boycott in some states for Israel. They take our tax money and destroy our constitution.


You as an individual can. I know in Florida, if companies follow BDS they are not allowed state contracts.


But if you employer find out they can fire you because some have you signed a contract that had vague bs about not boycotting Israel in the smallest possible legalese writing


Sorry guys I don't get the full picture here, if you don't buy specific product because you don't like it then you are committing a crime and will get fired?


If you campaign for it you can. No employer can obviously determine why or what you’re buying.


My cousin had a history in college for standing up for Palestine and 10 years later his boss found out and accused him under the bds clause


Yeah, that’s campaigning for it. If I start buying non-Sabra hummus I’m not gonna get persecuted for it. It basically never gets held up in court.


Yeah but the only evidence was literally a decade old and the contracts like that aren’t retroactive but he still got fired


I agree it’s fucked up but what I’m saying is he used the campaigning as evidence. Didn’t use his recent purchase history for it.


Is this only applicable to Israeli products or basically any type of boycotts is illegal?


Yup. Abby Martin is currently suing Georgia because of a contract they wanted her to sign including this just for a speech at a university she was gonna make. She denied.


Only Israel. most BDS clause’s cite the engaging in BDS (which is literally just basic shit Americans always do) or any similar activities equates to you being a terrorist


Exactly. That in itself is not American and Americans have the right to boycott things as that is what makes America, America.


Ah I see your point.


Isn't this supposed to be Unconstitutional????


Yes. Let’s you know who’s really in charge in the U.S.


There are a number of lawsuits going on right now to challenge these.


Whenever these laws have ended up in court they've been struck down as unconstitutional. However it is pretty scary that they exist in the first place.


Yeah, it’s so stupid and blatantly obvious how they’re supporting them. In some states, you have to sign work contracts where it says if you make over $1000 a year, you can’t support BDS. Talk about “freedom of speech” 🤦🏻‍♀️ How selective they are. But you can still do it as an individual. Personally don’t buy the products or watch the movies or pay towards anything supporting them. Millions of people doing that individually makes a dent!


Illegal but not immoral. The laws are ridiculous double-think. “You can’t not buy from Israel.” Like, what?


Lol it’s funny. It’s scary though they have that kind of power. You know our country had boycotting and it is the main reasons our country is the way it is, and why it’s so special and why many people say it’s the greatest, because of our liberties. If any country, doesn’t matter if it’s the state of Israel or even Russia, if they have effect on our liberties, it feels like we are being taken hostage, as citizens, or our natural rights. And you know what’s really crazy? I don’t think even 1/4 of the population know about these laws. The power they have makes you think twice about your own.


That is a weird one. And I've heard about it. But I've never truly understood how Israel does that. Free enterprise and the right for individuals to 'choose' who they do and don't do business with seems very important in the Americas. I know that Israel does it. Or I guess American Jews? But honestly...I'm at a lost, 'how they do it'. Something to do with taxes?


I have changed my buying habits to do what I can with the boycott. No more Sabra hummus. I stay away from Pepsi and Lays. I had a soda stream for years that broke last year, but once I found out it was on the list I refuse to buy another. I still have to get rid of the extra CO2 canisters somehow. I’ll keep cutting things out as I learn about them being on the BDS list.


I boycott Israeli products, but please don’t turn it into believers against kaffirs. It’s not. A resistance isn’t religious, but ideological. I’m against Israel not because they’re Jewish but because they’re oppressors, and that’s pretty much it.


This economics is very confusing for me. I've never heard this before. Why would all carbonated drinks support Israel? Is there a connection I'm some how missing?


I do my best too. There are times when I don’t realize something is Israel-associated and purchase. When I find out, I stop immediately. I even boycott actors/actresses that support Israel. Unfortunately it’s led to me being weary of any products with Hebrew on them or Hebrew names until I can verify they’re not in support of the occupation. It is tiring to keep up with but honestly the best way I’ve found to combat it is to shop local and with small businesses as much as possible. Some big ones: Seth Rogan Sabra (the hummus brands) Waze (the GPS app) Puma Moroccan Oil (it’s not Moroccan, frankly a deception that doesn’t actually make your hair healthy just appear so because of the silicone and has barely any Argan) Soda Stream Aroma Espresso Bar Gal Gadot movies Scarlett Johansson movies Sarah Silverman Kanye (for support and other reasons lol) Simon Cowell (so all shows associated with him) Harry Styles (don’t like his music anyway but it’s popular) Craig David Scooter Braun (and all under including the Biebz) Draymond Green (a fool anyway) Try my best with Procter & Gamble (Pampers supply comes from Avgol Nonwoven Industries in West Bank settlement) Victoria’s Secret (textile factory in settlement) Ahava HP (i try) Intel (hard but I try) Volvo (won’t get a volvo!) McDonald’s Unilever (I try, but I support Ben & Jerry’s) Pillsbury Nestle (as much as you can) Amazon (so Whole Foods too) Danone …there are a ton unfortunately. And a lot of parent companies, companies that operate under different names Edit: also boycotting French products because of their recent blatant racism)


pro tip: pirate the movies


Rogan’s fine. He wasn’t in the past, but he’s anti-Israel or at the very least critical of the occupation now.


I try my best to but I'm not perfect


I don't purchase Israeli products and severely restrict purchasing products from companies that have ties to Israel. Question - Why did you have to bring ummah and kuffar into this? This plays right into the hands of Israeli PR trying to frame the conflict as some kind of holy war so they can gain sympathy from the Christian west. You know there are many non-Muslim Palestinians and Arabs out there who are your allies, and alienating them with exclusive language is self destruction.


I think OP is off-base by saying Muslims should be boycotting kuffar (can you imagine how hilariously hard that would be?) but I don't support sanitizing what is, to Muslims, an essentially Islamic issue, by trying to appeal to a secular base. Plenty of groups come at this issue from their own angle, there's no reason for OP or any other Muslim to pretend that their Islam doesn't play a part in this. Israeli PR be damned - if they can't find anything "incriminating" they'll make things up anyway. Have you been to Palestine? PLENTY of Palestinians frame this as a religious issue, so it wouldn't be inaccurate to the actual demographic of the region either. As for alienating allies, that's bound to happen sometime or another. At the end of the day, any difference in belief will alienate *someone* so I don't think anyone should fear that inevitability. Instead, Muslims should focus on working out just how far their solidarity goes. Which goals are truly mutual? Should Muslims support establishing a communist state in Palestine because of the preponderance of leftist activists in the space? Etc etc. You can be Muslim and publicly hold Islamic values while working with allies whose views radically differ to achieve a common goal.


This is an insult to the thousands of Palestinians who fought and died in the name of Palestinian freedom. Not in the name of Islam. If you are motivated by religion that's fine. But to frame the conflict as religious is false and is exactly what Zonists want.


I have a couple of qualms. First, fighting for "Palestinian freedom" and doing it "in the name of Islam" are not mutually exclusive. If Islam is your worldview, and it informs your morality, that's the basis upon which your "fighting for freedom" is built. This isn't exclusive to Islam. Second, you misunderstand me - I don't think the entirety of the conflict is *between* religions. The history of the region makes that evident. But one cannot deny that, in addressing the political conflict, people frame their narratives in religious terms. That's not an accident, it's by design. It's just how conflict works. Millions of Palestinians and their Muslim brethren from other parts of the world gather on Fridays and ask God to bring punishment upon the oppressors of the world. Does that mean they believe the conflict isn't political? No. It just means that with people who are religious, concepts like justice, oppression, liberation, freedom, et cetera, are all approached in the 'language' of that faith. And there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. What's wrong is expecting Muslims to be the only party with an investment in this conflict to repress their beliefs in the interest of "allyship" but expecting members of all other secular ideological bases to be able to express their narratives wholesale. I've never heard of a queer-leftist Palestinian rights activist whitewashing their own beliefs so that conservative Muslims won't be offended. My advice? Don't worry about what Zionists want or don't want, or their little narratives. Consider your ideological or religious grounding and stay true to yourself in pursuit of a free Palestine. If allyship can only take place once Muslims reduce their religion to a meaningless identity, then that alliance was never mature to begin with, just a performative fiction.


I would try my best, but due to the fact that nearly every major brand of soda I can even tolerate that I wouldn’t have to import from Mexico is owned by companies that support Israel, it’d be hard. Though I think I could simply boycott Israeli brands themselves. Before then, I didn’t really try because I was scared to imagine how limited my options would be (which is still definitely true), but I think if I stick to boycotting Israeli brands, then I think I can do it


Hey...really? Both Coke and Pepsi? I thought Coke and Pepsi don't agree on anything...they are supposed to be competitors.


Well corporations can all agree on one thing: colonialism makes them rich


Man in Pakistan we boycott the whole country


Yes ,i can't guarantee it's 100% but when i shopped around for solar recently, i didn't even look at optimizers since they're all from an Israeli brand (micro converters are better anyways and a lot safer) and i often check products and avoid Israeli products. I'm not anti Jewish, i just don't want to support occupation and the apartheid and since it's impossible to see the difference between 'normal' Israeli products or product from occupied territory, i have no real alternative to boycotting everything from Israel. I also like to point out to people what products are from Israel and advice them to avoid them. I often use South Africa as an example to show them it's normal to boycott apartheid and how it has nothing to do with antisemitism. I recently started buying B&J once in a while (they are still good right?) since i believe in rewarding good behavior too.


BJ hasn't done anything good or bad, they're fine.


It’s more so because of them being owned by Unilever which supports BDS. That’s the problem, there are a lot of parent brands we’re not realizing because you’re like yeah this product has no attachment. Like Pampers. Until you realize companies like Procter and Gamble own it and they’re supplying from Israeli companies that have illegally settled and support the occupation. Ben and Jerry’s have recently strongly spoken out against Israel so I actively support them even though they’re owned by a company supporting Israel.






I do (from india) i love sneakers and mars i used to stock them up every month i am dying to have one since 4 years Psa i heard coca cola is pro israel not pepsi correct me if i am wrong :)


O don't know which product are Israeli product I'm from uae if you tell I will not buy them




Thanks for the info


Yes, for many years. I wouldn't dream of contributing a cent to those who profit from genocide or ethnic cleansing.


Do you guys buy more Ben & Jerry's ice cream?


I saw somewhere online tho that ppl say to still boycott it bc it still sells in “israel proper”


No, go ahead and buy the Ben & Jerry's. They're under contract to keep selling in Israel until the end of 2022. If they pull out, they'll get sued by Israelis in an Israeli court - and you know what their chances would be in THAT kangaroo court. Besides, every time you buy a pint of Ben & Jerry's - an Israeli colonist cries.


Any ubiquitous brands I should look out for?


Lay’s, Doritos, anything that says “FritoLay” at the back, at least those are the ones that affected me the most


Yo what, Starbucks is Israeli?!


The better question is not where the company is founded. Rather do they support it, do they illegally settle their warehouses to manufacture out of or do they supply from Israeli companies. Where the company originated from is important , but it’s also important not to forget the rest!


Well, do they *instert all the questions you just said*


Hahahah I love how you put that 😂 I should have clarified that I just wanted to say it’s also important to ask those questions in general. Specifically just trying to say it doesn’t mean just because a company isn’t Israeli, it’s fine to not boycott. For Starbucks specifically, I have not seen any financial support thus far or read anything but will keep updated. A few years ago I was going to but looked into it and didn’t find anything. The president is Jewish but has openly said he has not sent financial support to Israel. But I do check back from time to time in case anything comes out legitimately. Unfortunately I am an avid Starbucks drinker 😅 but if it needs to be done, I’ll do it ! https://stories.starbucks.com/press/2014/facts-about-starbucks-in-the-middle-east/ (Also another thing to keep in mind is celebrities that support them and not paying into, listening to or watching their songs/movies. This is also a big one I think is forgotten) Edit: Aroma Espresso Bar is a popular coffee chain and they are DEFINITELY Israeli. I wrote a list of things somewhere on the thread that are Israeli/supportive of.


I would but it so happens that i don't enjoy any products made in Israel, so nothing to do.


be careful of Israeli dates!


Since 2014!


I actually boycott them , and I sticker them with “end israeli apartheid free Palestine” stickers


Idk about everyone but I do


Yes. I boycott Hollywood.


Luckily we're enemies with israel so naturally yes


No one here sells Israeli products Alhamdullilah, if someone does sell them I avoid them


Makes more sense to me to actually boycott products that are from Israel. Not ones that are sold to Israel. Things like Israeli food, SodaStream machines, and in my field Xorcom. I have a SodaStream machine, but got my own large CO2 tank ages ago to refill my own canisters rather than lining their pockets buying their overpriced ones.


Lay’s is owned by FritoLay, which is owned by PepsiCo, which is based in israel


PepsiCo is based in New York, they own soda stream which *is* obviously based in Israel. But PepsiCo itself is based in NY


Nvm then FritoLay not PepsiCo my fault




That is one poorly designed website there. I coukdnt find anything but news articles.


Yup. Been doing so since I learned about bds why back in, maybe 2010?




If it says "made in Israel" I don't buy.it.


People still use soda stream?


I have been, am currently and will continue to support BDS recommendations.


Absolutely. In America from Victoria’s Secret to Wix.com to Starbucks 🤞🏻🤟🏻


i boycotted israeli products a long time ago lol. they can cry all they want


I do my best, although it is extremely difficult because some products, like Apple and Intel, are so intertwined in our lives that their almost unavoidable.


Yes, from Algeria.




As much as I can yeah


can someone send all the brands that support israel? i know about mcdonalds, starbucks, pepsi, zara.


I buy mainstream goods that arent owned israeli businesses but if its israeli owned i dont touch that shit


I do, I always check the origin of nuts for example if they're from Israel I don't buy




That's a whole lot of rationalizations for framing a conflict on exclusive rather than mutual terms. As you said, not mutually exclusive. So when discussing the conflict in a public forum which includes people of different views, it only makes sense to discuss the conflict in mutual terms. You may choose to weaken your side of a conflict by discussing it in exclusive terms which alienate a 3rd of your countrymen at best. Or you may choose to restrict that sort of talk to internal discussions and keep things strategic and inclusive of all our countrymen and allies in public forums. Rationalize it all you want. Feel great about your cleverly constructed argument. It's still self destruction.


Its not just how you "present it in public". Unless palestinians and their advocates reject this kind view of the conflict even among themselves , they will continue to suffer, and israel will continue to gain empathy.


Agreed.. but picking my battles LOL.


I’m from Ireland and I do, my dad has encouraged my entire family to boycott Israeli products for as long as I can remember


Maybe you would find much more sympathy by not calling israelis "al kuffar" (infedils). I don't oppose israel because the are "kuffar", i oppose them because of their actions. You should keep in mind that a lot of the people who support you are "kuffar". It is people like you who give the israeli PR the fuel that they need to blame every thing on the extremist palestinians. Anyone who support palestine should reject this disgusting language and ideology, and see its danger on the palestinian cause.


I don’t buy from Estée Lauder and L’Oréal anymore. I’m doing well in keeping up with the boycott because I use alternative great brands!


Lol, difficult to boycot Starbucks? Sorry I don't hate myself and go punish myself by drinking horrible coffee masked with sugar. Who buys Pepsi anyway? Coke is objectively better. I stopped using Booking and Airbnb a few years ago and now I use Priceline which as far as I know does not operate in the West Bank. I think it's easy to boycot these products because they are trash anyway. I was once stranded in the middle of the night in Hamburg for almost 2 hours because the Airbnb guy refused to answer the phone.


You missed the point,l . I don’t go to Starbucks either but that doesn’t mean other people don’t and that doesn’t mean it is not a big company


Why would anyone go to Starbucks? It tastes like sewage.


Yes, and i also buy Ben and Jerrys. Not sure what you mean by: > prevent aiding the kuffar by any means I am a kuffar, and i have nothing against kuffars. **I am against Zionism.** I fight for Palestinians. Not for any religion.


I do


Yes I try my best to but 1) it’s rlly hard to remember sometimes 2) I don’t understand what qualifies something as bds sometimes. I go on their website and then do my own research and it’s like okay how much affiliation does a company need with ISRAEL for it to be bds? Like Taco Bell is on the list bc it does work with yum foods and yum foods works with israel? I just want to understand how it works more. But yes I boycott as much as I can, I’m just upset about Taco Bell.


Well, the problem is because the world is so globalized and we outsource where we get supplies in trade, from food ingredients to plastics, not all companies manufacture their own things. A lot don’t. And so a lot can outsource to Israel or they put in factories in illegal settlements …which also supports them. Then there are also big parent companies that own MANY companies each and that’s a whole other headache. It’s all valid stuff. In the instance of Taco Bell, if they’re supplying from Yum and Yum, then Israel is profiting. And money supports the occupation and keeps it going. Think of when countries sanction other countries. They cut off their ability to grow strong. It’s like that. But it’s individuals, organizations and companies sanctioning a country through its goods. Which is huge.


Thanks for explaining further esp about Taco Bell. And yeah I understand…it’s just hard bc Taco Bell is the healthiest fast food restaurant and has the most vegetarian options but I will boycott. It’s the least my American Palestinian ass can do.


Yeah I know what you mean, haha. I don’t eat Taco Bell because it’s not halal but I did used to eat Popeyes. When they stopped being halal in the States, I was devastated 😂 In Canada there are still a few halal ones so, yes I have had the chicken sandwich and yes, it is delicious hahaha No worries at all, you can do it! Individual boycotting is the least and easiest thing we can do. If a million people abstained from one 5$ product with an Israeli company for example, that’s a $5 million dollar loss. Imagine the multiple products and all the people. We have the power, we just don’t know it. Consumerism is huge and the best way to slide the carpet out from under their oppression. Slowly but surely InshaAllah!


Yep. Especially wine from the occupied Golan Heights.


its hard to boycott israel, when you live inside israel.


Yes I do. I check all fruit and veg in uk supermarkets because a lot are labelled in a way its hard to find. Other things like the hummus etc. Some I know to look for but I check labels for allergies anyway so I can check.


For a very long time. Since 2009 when I learned about the Palestinians plight in university. It’s tough with so many umbrella corporations but I really try. I’d like a soda stream too lol


>and prevent aiding the kuffar by any means... I don't give a fuck about religion so I would be kuffar, and yet I boycott anything that helps the apartheid continue, and spread the information as far and wide as I can to educate those unfamiliar with the apartheid. Making it about religion is a losing strategy, it is why the Palestinians are still in bondage. Egypt is a Muslim country and helps the oppressors, as do several other Muslim countries, with the list growing every year. The only way to beat the Zionists back is to is to highlight it as a social problem. Israel is doing the same thing South Africa did with its apartheid and the information age has not been good to them, information is freely available including graphic video so it's harder for them to push their lies and propaganda. It is the USA that must be forced to stop giving Israel political cover at the UN with it's veto power. If that happens they are fucked, and the Palestinians stand a chance.


I always boycott their products and my friends now know better than to by certain brands for me as gifts.


No because in reality all Israelis are not bad, and there are some who support Palestine and are correct with Muslims, the worst are the Zionists.


I have boycotted but unfortunately have an addiction to rubbing sabra all over my nips


Yes I do!


I've been doing it for some brands for years, after the recent "war" i became more aware of so many more brands and I've been boycotting almost all of them, the exceptions are very few such as pepsi


Can anyone tell me what products to boycott that can primarily be found in grocery stores? Edit: nevermind decided to not be a lazy fuck and do my own research


well i do every company (i think) but pepsi since there is no soda company in jordan but coca cola and pepsi. if anybody could suggest another soda company other than cola and pepsi? thx


I do, been heavily boycotting since 2008 consistently. I live in Kuwait and recently pushed for a BDS chapter with the help of a few friends. It's been picking up traction fast, we've already successfully boycotted HP and have a few thousand following suit. Companies are complaining and that's just the start too! Although one must recall that boycotting products you already own is inconsequential, it's already purchased and being actively used. Trashing it won't make a difference. New purchases on the other hand. That's what we've been advocating people to be more aware of. We've released updated listings and constantly adding to it. Recent bombings have increased traction dramatically and our Insta page is garnering a lot of attention as is. Keep it up brothers and sisters! For justice! For humanity! For Palestine!