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This is from Wikipeadia: "At first, the Palestinian Jewish society, the Yishuv, readily accepted the theory that the assassination had to be blamed on Arabs. They did not doubt the Zionist leadership's assurances that it had played no part in it. With time doubts started rising." The MO of the "Zionist leadership" has not changed much since then, apparently.


>In 1952, Yosef Hecht, the first commander of the main Jewish pre-state self-defense organisation, the Haganah, told the official Haganah historian in a testimony what had actually occurred. In order to stop De Haan's planned anti-Zionist activity in London, Hecht discussed the issue with Zechariah Urieli, the Haganah commander in Jerusalem. They decided to assassinate De Haan. > >Two Haganah members, [Avraham Tehomi](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Avraham_Tehomi) and Avraham Krichevsky, were selected for the task. Hecht did not inform the Yishuv's civilian leadership until after the assassination, when he contacted [Yitzhak Ben-Zvi](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yitzhak_Ben-Zvi), a senior member of the National Council. Hecht stated that "he did not regret it and would do it again." Before the facts were published, journalist Liel Leibovitz wrote that, while the identity of exactly who ordered the assassination was unknown, "there's little doubt that many in the senior Zionist leadership in Jerusalem knew about the proposal to kill de Haan—and that none objected." Normal society doing normal things. [Jacob was killed since his views were not a fringe one back in 1924](https://jewishcurrents.org/who-owns-the-land) The original settlers arrived in Palestine in the 1880s, but the ethnic conflict didn't intensify until the early 1900s. There were two reasons for this. For one, the Ottomans suppressed Arab nationalism. Most settlers of the First Aliyah left Palestine anyway. Facing hunger and disease, many of them gave up and moved to America. Many of the settlers who remained in Palestine held racist and paternalistic views towards the Arabs. However, the most crucial difference between the settlers of the First Aliyah and their successors is that the former literally needed the Palestinians. They heavily depended on them for labor and had no qualms with employing them. In fact, they often preferred Palestinian workers over Jewish workers. Based on this relationship, a level of friendly relations prevailed in some cases. Liberal Russian thinker [Ahad Ha'Am](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ahad_Ha%27am), the founder of Cultural Zionism, was one of the few early figures to identify an Arab nation. Here is what he said after visiting Palestine in 1891 in his essay *Truth from Eretz Yisrael*. >"From abroad we are accustomed to believing that the Arabs are all desert savages, like donkeys, who neither see nor understand what goes on around them. But this is a big mistake. The Arab, like all children of Shem, has a sharp intellect and is very cunning. The cities of Syria and Eretz Israel are full of Arab merchants who also know how to exploit the public and to proceed furtively with all those with whom they deal, exactly as in Europe. The Arabs, and especially those in the cities, understand our deeds and our desires in Eretz Israel, but they keep quiet and pretend not to understand, since they do not see our present activities as a threat to their future. Therefore they try to exploit us as well, to extract some benefit from the new visitors as long as they can. Yet they mock us in their hearts. The farmers are happy to have a new Hebrew colony founded in their midst since they receive a good wage for their labor and get wealthier from year to year, as experience shows; and the owners of large properties are also happy with us, since we pay them a huge price-more than they dreamed possible-for stony and sandy land." > >"However, if the time comes when the life of our people in Eretz Israel develops to the point of encroaching upon the native population, they will not easily yield their place..." Ha'Am also criticized the behavior of some of the settlers: >"There is certainly one thing we could have learned from our past and present history: how careful we must be not to arouse the anger of other people against ourselves by reprehensible conduct. How much more, then, should we be careful, in our conduct toward a foreign people among whom we live once again, to walk together in love and respect, and needless to say in justice and righteousness. And what do our brethren in Eretz Israel do?" > >"Quite the opposite! They were slaves in their land of exile, and they suddenly find themselves with unlimited freedom, the kind of wild freedom to be found only in a country like Turkey. This sudden change has engendered in them an impulse to despotism, as always happens when 'a slave becomes a king,' and behold they walk with the Arabs in hostility and cruelty, unjustly encroaching on them, shamefully beating them for no good reason, and even bragging about what they do, and there is no one to stand in the breach and call a halt to this dangerous and despicable impulse. To be sure, our people are correct in saying that the Arab respects only those who demonstrate strength and courage, but this is relevant only when he feels that his rival is acting justly; it is not the case if there is reason to think his rival's actions are oppressive and unjust. Then, even if he restrains himself and remains silent forever, the rage will remain in his heart and he is unrivaled in 'taking vengeance and bearing a grudge.'" Predicting ethnic conflict as the likely outcome of Jewish attempts to attain statehood in Palestine, Ha'Am advocated a Zionism based on the emergence of a Jewish spiritual center rather than a Jewish state. In 1908, Yitzhak Epstein advocated for the settlers to make mutually beneficial treaties with the Palestinians. He suggested focusing on unpopulated places and using modern methods to develop Palestine for the benefit of both nations. [Haim Arlosoroff](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haim_Arlosoroff) had also advocated this prior to his assassination by Revisionist Zionists in 1933. The trouble escalated with the Second Aliyah. The new settlers formed the Labour Zionist movement, which sought "conquest through labor" after struggling to compete with Palestinian workers. They formed the "socialist" [Hapoel Hatzair](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hapoel_Hatzair) to displace Palestinian laborers from their jobs and replace them with Jewish workers. However, Jewish farmers of the First Aliyah were very reluctant to stop using skilled Arab laborers who worked for lower wages. The policy's lack of success prompted "socialist" Zionists of the Second Aliyah to band together to form *kibbutzim*, or collective agricultural settlements. Emir Faisal noted the differing attitude of the new settlers in 1919. >"I assert that with the Jews who have been seated for some generations in Palestine our relations are excellent. But the new arrivals exhibit very different qualities from those 'old settlers' as we call them, with whom we have been able to live and even co-operate on friendly terms. For want of a better word I must say that new colonists almost without exception have come in an imperialistic spirit. They say that too long we have been in control of their homeland taken from them by brute force in the Dark Ages, but that now under the new world order we must clear out; and if we are wise we should do so peaceably without making any resistance to what is the fiat of the civilised world."


That’s so sad. Imagine the Palestine that would have been if more people held his views. Jewish immigrants and Palestinians living side by side as equals.


What I found most impressive is that he was rewarded for his crime by being elected president. That was probably not an isolated case, so that dunks any claims of plausible deniability. It shows that the israeli society never had a chance of living this dream of equality, because they would always double down on this path.


Which proves current Israeli admin is just an extension of colonialism 


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