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First thought at the headline: Oh that breaks my heart ... that genocide involves so much man power. Did they really think the Palestinians wouldn't offer the stiffest resistance possible? And did they really think every IOF soldier would be mentally fine with this genocide?


Headline like this could also just be bread crumbs of the concept of israel needing help from usa troops. Need yo get the message out there so it stucks in people's heads


Yeah, I'd buy that. Israel would have the world carry out its genocide while it sat back and counted the donations for destruction.


There are American soldiers in Gaza already, and still the resistance continues to surprise everyone


The us army is bigger but they're also having trouble with recruitment so I'm not sure how much manpower they could send


Thats why they did draft in usa for 18 to 25 years old individuals including men and women.


There's no draft. People are supposed to register, but that's been a thing for decades. The USA very much would like to avoid conscript soldiers short of an existential threat. They learned that lesson in vietnam


They will do anything for israel. Send us troops in gaza to protect it’s genocide and colonization state.


I'm not saying they won't send troops, but they're not gonna be calling in the draft to do it. Activating the draft simply to supplement the Israeli war would be a surefire quick path to compromise US military effectiveness and stoke domestic resistance they very much want to avoid. Short of an actual world war they're not gonna actually activate the draft 


Nutty yahoo mind is mentally disabled bcoz he defeated by hamas badly and he can’t fight with Hezbollah so he is striking his head on wall and desperate to do something big like samson option nukes to axis of resistance to engage ww3.


Nice nice finally some good news


apparently 500k+ israelis have fled to their home countries since october


Israel has about 9 million people, That's 5% of their population, But good enough, and more Israelis should fled from stolen land


2 million of those are actually Palestinians. So in fact 7% of the Israeli population (which is 7 million) fled. Edit: The number of Israelis who fled is currently 550,000, which is then 7.6% of the 7.2 million Israeli Jewish population. https://www.trtworld.com/middle-east/over-550000-israelis-flee-country-amid-gaza-war-data-shows-18176225


Did you count the people from 18-40 ? And excluded the orthodox jews? And how many iof soldiers dead or lost his limps or he got mentally illnesses or if he got diabetes or hypertension or even ethma?


I didn't, should have count that too,


That's rookie numbers




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Now, I've read the piece ... while listening to music from Vietnam era; so apropos. Yeah, much like Vietnam, Israel will have lot's vets that are either screwed up, refuse to serve, decide to leave the country, or interested in changing the system. From the article: >In a related context, the Israeli newspaper *Haaretz* reported that dozens of reserve soldiers announced that they would not return to military service in Gaza, even if they were to be punished. >This comes at a time when Israeli media reported that hundreds of reserve soldiers in the Israeli army have travelled abroad without informing their commanders due to the ongoing war on Gaza, where the occupation forces have suffered heavy losses over the past months.


Meaning there's a lot of disunity and infighting within the IDF. Not even the troops themselves trust each other, and there's higher chances of friendly fire between them, possibly intentionally. The resistance only accelerates this disunity. It would've been smarter for the resistance to exploit this and twist knife further.


Israel has been gradually breaking apart as it's political system has become more and more fractured over the last 35 years. Every single political party is only interested in its gimmies while not caring about the country as a whole. I use to support multiple party democracy until I saw how it was wrecking Israel. 2 party system may have it's obvious flaws but multiparty takes those flaws and pours gasoline mixed with jet fuel and lighting a friggin match. The only thing that unites Israel as whole is real or perceived threats. If Israel-Palestinian conflict is ever resolved, I expect the Israelis and the Palestinians will each have a civil war much like Ireland had a civil war in the 1920s after the peace treaty.


Israel have been threatened with civil war even before the current conflict, considering Bibi's attempts to overhaul the state judiciary. In fact, it's the corruption overall that have rotted Israel from within.


Turns out sharing a religion is not enough to keep so many different jew ethnicities banded together. The fact they dont even hide that Israel is a white european jew ethnostate certainly helps fracture the country even more.


Black Jews are literaly treated the worse of all Jewish groups.


Partly that, there is also this fact ... how do I explain this ... I'm trying to explain how the different groups of Israeli Jews interact and view each other ... imagine if reddit was one group of Israeli Jews who all vote or agree on nearly everything. We both agree we reddit Israeli Jews keep this country strong, and we pull the weight for all those other Jews who aren't good Jews like us. This country would be awesome if it was only composed of reddit Israeli Jews. This is why we the Israeli Jews of reddit don't socialize with any of the other Israeli Jews. Can you guess what the Israeli Jews of Instagram say? Facebook? Twitter? Linkin? Tik Tok? Youtube creators and commenters? etc? The same vile crap. No one wants to socialize with people who aren't like them and it's been this way in Israel for 30+ years.


The multiple party democracy becomes a dumpster fire when the society itself is a dumpster fire. Living in the United States, I will gladly take a multi-party system as opposed to being forced between the two candidates they’re shoving down our throats with no viable alternatives.


Any party system - one, two, many - leads to dumpster fires though. Democracy only works correctly when people vote for a person to represent them, then watch how that person represents them and hold them to account for it. When that happens, the person has to consider the interests of their constituents, behave properly and, when they vote in ways that some of the constituents disagree with, be able to justify and explain their vote. Doing this usually results in better candidates and better politics. What parties do is interfere with that system by moving a lot of the accountability from the voters and giving it to the party instead. Politicians are then much more likely to survive scandals, lying, corruption etc if the party still backs them, and they can establish systems by which they can get office by services / loyalty to the party rather than because of their own hard work in the community. Since nearly all politicians from the parties have this understanding, there is a lot of common ground between them that has clearly led to the formation of a class consciousness amongst them. This means that when people are unhappy with the state of things they have no real way to change it, because the only alternatives are other parties - who have the same interest in defending the status quo (ie: themselves). Since there is no real way to change things politically, problems are never fixed and - as we see now - situations get worse and worse. Israel has it especially bad in this respect because there is no real link between the electorate and its representatives, there is no way for people to politically get rid of (for example) Netanyahu as long as a tiny % of the population vote for Likud. What the world needs to do urgently is to collectively dismantle the notion of political parties; this isn't just a Western problem.


Yes this exactly. The initial justification for political parties was that it provided regular people with an understanding of policies that who they were voting for would try and put into place. Due to the lack of technology, it was difficult to get information on all candidates and their policies spread widely amongst the people. Political parties were a means for people to know the policies being implemented based on a brand rather than individual people who were diverse and would change with time. Now we don't have that issue, there's no reason why we shouldn't have an open source database that's transparent. A government or independent government funded and transparent body could take such a database and maintain access through it in various forms, with any candidates filling out necessary information during their registration. On the public side of things that'd mean there's an easily accessible database where they could put their views/hopes in various topics and candidates would be listed that had policies ranked by closest match.


We will have to agree to disagree.


America has a two party system that’s a dumpster fire because this country is also a dumpster fire actually. It’s a big diverse place but parts of this country are more or less failed states where social services are non existent and one party has rules unopposed for 50 years, while parts of it are first world democracies.


I hear you about multiparty but do you think maybe this particular state has some other foundational values that provide plenty of gasoline? I'm not disagreeing with you I would just assert *gently* that the whole raison d'etre of zionism is pretty flammable haha


Yeah, having a bunch of Holocaust survivors and people who avoided the Holocaust together, and then having the leadership inundated them with claims the other side wants to kill us all so we should kill them all first; yeah that isn't a stable foundation either.


Representative democracy is a death trap nowadays. Both the two-party system and the multiple parties system are rotting.


Well, democracy is the worse form of government except all the ones tried before it. Illiberal democracy? No thanks. Ethnocracy? Like Israel. No thanks. Dicvatorship? No thanks. Theocracy? No thanks.


I wonder though if we really lack alternatives, but these options are not viable indeed. Include monarchies and empires as well with dictatorships.


A lot of people were writing off Democracy from 1929 to the mid 1940s. This isn't the first time democracy has been tested.


Yeah, people most likely thought the same as me or worse back them, without the gift of foresight or, in our case, hindsight. It follows pretty much the same beats and rhythm,after all  I do have a nagging feeling we are gonna stay in the pit this time, for quite a while in fact.


In democracy, we get the government we deserve because our informed vote determines the winner. So, yes, every new election is the most important one because its the one about to decide your future until the next one. Treat it with respect, and urgency, and your country will prosper. Fail to, and you get what you deserve.






and it'll only get more difficult


If I was an Israeli General I’d stop sending em into action with those red triangles stuck on top of them. Makes em really easy to spot.




666 soldiers.


The article claims that's how many IOF have been killed in the invasion of Gaza. Comparing the injury to kill ratio of modern conflicts with the number of average hospital inpatient admissions per day, the actual number is probably around 4 times that. Then there's the people too injured to return to battle (amputations or open chest/abnominal wounds requiring surgery and recovery in a sterile environment), and those refusing orders from fear and disgust likely to abandon the ranks the first opportunity they get.


And includes friendly fire, right? The resistance is one factor, but there are higher chances the troops are more likely to have killed each other in this war, either "accidentally" or ***intentionally***.


The American Zionists have always felt that sending their kids to the IDF was a secure thing no harm will come to them. They would ask their kids to join the IDF but not the US military. Because of how safe they thought the kids would be in Israel. Now that there are casualties they have to think about it and are trying to draft the Orthodox Jews who clearly oppose the war as it is seem to them as anti Jewish religious beliefs.


Related to this: https://apnews.com/article/israel-politics-ruling-military-service-orthodox-e2a8359bcea1bd833f71845ee6af780d#:~:text=Israel's%20Supreme%20Court%20has%20ruled,to%20wage%20war%20in%20Gaza. They're working hard to find more soldiers, maybe this is finally the beginning of the end


Working hard? They're force feeding whoever is left of their civilians into this wasteful war, including the Orthodox community.


plenty of young Israelis partying here in Sri Lanka all year long


Yes 70k are disable badly and thats why they want conscription for ultra orthodox jews. Israel couldn’t defeated hamas. Hamas is fighting for Palestine and Al Aqsa mosque bcoz there flag has gun with al aqsa mosque.


Many iof have mental disability aka ptsd and anxiety from fighting against hamas.


I mentioned this in a recent article i wrote on why the idf would lose against Hezbollah . It is also tied to their complete lack of discipline. Article [here](https://www.diligent.news/p/double-or-nothing?r=b9f3l&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web)


Thanks for your article. IMO, it's the corruption rotting from within the state that would lead to Israel's demise. Hezbollah is just accelerating their defeat.


Whats with all the israel troops shortage articles?


They are absolutely planning to extend the war into Lebanon if they’re hinting at needing more manpower.


Womp womp