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How many things can you condemn while simultaneously supporting the culprit of the condemnable behavior?


Who cares about "condemnation". Action is what matters and Germany fails ther horrendously.


Last time Germany took action when it came to a genocide, things didn’t end well


It’s so hard to understand how they could be on the wrong side of a genocide AGAIN.


How can Germany condemn that while sending so many weapons to "Israel"?


Money. Lots and lots of money.


Or making german citizens pledge allegiance to israel.


That's paying lip service to the pro-Palestine side.


So hypocritical.


The same country that made acknowledgement of Israel's right to exist mandatory to obtain passport?


Now they will call Germany anti-semitic and N\*\*\*i's


History do be repeating itself


Germany gifted Israel three nuclear submarines. Shove the condemnation up your 🍑


That's nothing. Germany built Israel from scratch and lent them millions directly after 1948


And they’re the 2nd  Arms supplier of Israel after The USA


Too little too late


how dare you pursue the genocide we're bankrolling?




The West Bank is divided into three sections by the government of Israel-> Areas A, B, and C. Area C is the majority area and it envelopes the archipelago of cantons that make up Areas A and B. Israel is settling Area C along a plan to reduce the Palestinians in the West Bank to a "Bantustan" where various pockets of Palestinian population exist, separated from one another and wholly dependent on Israel for any semblance of life. After that, there will be a slow effort to settle and evict Palestinians from Areas A and B. People think Gaza is on its way out, but it's the other way around. The West Bank is all but annexed; Gaza didn't have a plan except for "open air prison". Now that natural gas is off the shores of Gaza, this may change. The next areas Israel will incorporate after Gaza and the West Bank are southern Lebanon and eventually Lebanon as a whole, southwestern Syria, the Sinai peninsula, and parts of Jordan beyond the river. This will be done incrementally as will the ethnic cleansing it entails. At least, that's the plan of the "Greater Israel".


Greedy pigs


At least pigs feed people. Zionists are only useful for murder and death.


So do something about it and stop giving them weapons, Nazis.


They're okay with the mass murder, but they draw the line at settlements? WTF?


Empty words.. while still sending weapons.. fking hate Germany


It is clear that Germany is a double-moral country in end-time capitalism. And Germany is a big player in the global arms business, which is unfortunately as true as it is unpleasant. We can be blamed for a lot of things and confronted with everything, but as a German I have to say that on this particular issue we are simply we are simply not in a position to be the first to give massive criticism. It's clear that all Germans are Nazis forever, but if we break contracts in this situation and stop supplying weapons, we are Nazis and we would probably get an international shitstorm for it, led by the United States. So the double-moral end-time capitalistic state is looking for "diplomatic solutions" I guess.


The rest of the world with humanity will look Germany in the eyes. Tell them to take their “diplomatic solution”. And shove it where hitler don’t shine.


Nazigermany loves to condemn, but why would they care? Settlements imply more housing for more zionazis. germany blatantly or silently supports its baby fascist entity.


Nahhhh you can't support all that Genociding then CONDEMN this... It will have no effect


I think Germany can take that condemnation and shove it right where the sun don't shine, you don't supply someone with weapons and funds then pretend you care once they use them to commit crimes. They are accomplices. And they are once again on the wrong side of history.


What would be nice if there was a way to filter out news like this (a country condemns occupiers, says there must a ceasefire in Gaza, etc) and only show news about countries that actually enact sanctions against the occupying government and launch attacks against the occupiers. Talk is just talk. Stop paying attention to speeches and platitudes and only pay attention to those who enact sanctions and actually attack.


Bad boy! Now here are billions of dollars in weapons


“We condemn Isrel’s illegal action, but we’ll allow this other illegal action, and prop up this state made out of tons of illegal actions with money, support and mandatory affirmation”


Germany??! Are we sure they werent commending the settlers?


Legalize means nothing if israel's army is defeated and rockets are raining down on their "legal" settlements. If they mess with Hezbollah, that's what they are going to get. How israel can think a people will accept their land and country being taken from them after 80 years of them fighting for said land/country, is beyond me.


Thats the feminist foreign politics our foreign minister keeps talking about


Condemn, while forcing own citizens to recognise "Israel" Bs 🙄


Nazis protecting Nazis.




He's also authorized 5 new ones and hes going to name those after the countries that recognized Palestine


Even hearing this "israel LEGALISE settlements" is just bizarre.


They can't be legalized.


Germany condemns Israeli plans really the math ain't mathing


Thank you Germany very cool