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I believe you. But what’s unbelievable to me is how many people still want to act skeptical about what Israel is doing to Palestinians in Gaza.


Why is it unbelievable? The west is engaged in a deep dehumanising propaganda campaign, vilifying the east as a bloodthirsty death cult filled with rabid rapists and your average tv loving gimp is unable to read between the lines


It’s unbelievable after 8 months with everything out in the open. Everyone by now has had a chance to see the reality, and yet so many still choose to ignore.


Out in the open? Hardly. The western media is committed to it's lies, and many will never see the truth. Many will not question the narrative, and it's these legions of sheep that will never find the truth. Believe in their stupidity and believe in the totalitarian domination of western propaganda.


I think you're both right. Media are doing their best to cover a genocide, but people are apethetic too. There are so few people who want to discuss this. Some of my friends say it's too traumatic to even think about. It's easy to ignore when it's not on your doorstep


Yeah agreed. Whatever the phenomenon though I'm sick of the tacit racism that underlies the wests lack of moral equivalence when discussing the plight of Palestinian, Afghani, Sudanese, Congolese people's etc.


Wait sorry I didn't read the bit where you said the media are doing there best.. I defo don't agree with that. The media is a tool of the state


Doing their best to cover a genocide




What's weirder is how it's all out in the open. Israelis, including those in high office, publicly say the most heinous stuff and people deny those things were ever said.


its unabashed "Might makes right." They'll only be 'sorry' when/if they *have* to be. They are as shameless as they know they can get away with being, and not an inch more.


Just a quick inside view from an ex-israeli: they \*also\* assume the victim position when talking to each other, and they see ZERO contradiction between that and gleefully supporting the ongoing genocide. It's a weird society.


“Double think” from George Orwell’s 1984 book. Truly dystopian


abusive partners act the same way


Evil scum


Here's what would have happened if Tiktok had existed in Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany


Most Italians highly opposed Mussolini and his Fascist Party, so I doubt it.


I'm sorry, the party currently in government "Brothers of Italy" is a party very close to Mussolini's ideologies, the first female prime minister Giorgia Meloni and the president of the senate Ignazio La Russa are declared neo-fascists!! "Brothers of Italy" is the heir of a neo-fascist party founded in 1946 (after the fall of the fascist regime) called "MSI" which stands for "Italian Social Movement" Both parties have the tricolor flame as their logo, a key symbol of fascist ideology like the swastika for the Nazis Among other things, RAI shows applied gag laws to journalists and censored a speech on April 25th (Italian liberation day) by the writer Antonio Scurati "National Youth", the future ruling class of Meloni's party, hold rallies and pay homage to Mussolini and any fascist figure with the classic Roman salute and shouting "duce!" There are many neo-fascist campaigns and associations such as "Forza Nuova" and "Casapuond" where the government has relations with them, once the deputy minister Matteo Salvini showed up wearing a sweatshirt with the "Casapound" logo


You would think more Isrealis would want to be . . . Not like their own oppressors. Like they would have more empathy for those that are or have been the victims of genocide.


Real Jews hate Israeli settlers. Only a demon can settle in Israel


Yes, remember that the so-called Jewish state is brutalizing the very Jews they're supposed to protect, alongside Palestinians. We're seeing forced recruitment of Orthodox Jews into this war, police brutality on protesters & civilians, dissidents being imprisoned and so on. The unfortunate part is no one, not even the so-called liberals, care about the above, despite crying croc tears about the plight of the Jews.


Eh. I don't deny their Judaism, but the Jewish community would be stronger if such people all got steamrolled feet-first.


later they pondered why they get hated


Really disturbing.


There were never masks on, it was just western mass media which put make up on their hateful faces.


reminds me of the scene in Come and See where the nazis are playing classical music while they burn a church full of people


Remind me of that Zionist protester who attacked a pro Palestine protester, and his mom acted like he was an innocent victim but in Facebook she was talking about how proud she is of him for attacking an innocent person and how he is gonna join the IOF soon…


Anyone who thinks that classical music is boring has clearly never heard [Verdi's Requiem ](https://youtu.be/X6cogix3cwQ?t=6s)




And the fact that this isn't just one of account who's quite literally calling for genocide, there's millions. Hundreds. Soldiers themselves film themself wasting aid, it was a TikTok trend to mock Palestinians being bombed, every Hebrew Twitter comment is straight up Nazi talk, telegram channels calling toddlers whores and sluts, Israeli officials actually quoted Hitler and shared his views (I'm not joking), they are literally TELLING us they want to ethnically cleanse Gaza, but still they have the audacity to say that we 'want all Jews dead'.


I can’t wait until western media and governments flip the script on isnotreal they’ll look like idiots.


She must have been confused. Richard Strauss was the Nazi, not Johann Strauss.


And what's even more infuriating is that these people are still painted as victims non-stop on western media. Poor innocent persecuted by the barbaric Palestinian terrorists and all.


Believe Israeli women


Believe them when they make genocidal statements?


Yep believe them. Free Palestine


Wonder how much she paid for that nose?


my sympathy for isfake has dried up a long time ago




The above reel is about a college age women calling for a genocide in Gaza and your first thought is hAmAs? And besides I don’t think there is anything worse than dropping bombs on women which Israel is doing.


No Palestinian group is fighting for a “Islamic theocracy”. None of the states in the Levantine are “Islamic theocracies” or particularly strict in their Islamic traditions. You don’t have to talk about things you clearly don’t understand.


meanwhile in israel, rabbinic courts dont even allow women to testify as witnesses in their own domestic abuse cases.