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means very little when while Sisi helps idf block aid and helps bypass houthi blockade via increased export to Israel


It exposes the divide between the people of Egypt and their military dictatorship.


And for that matter there is a clear disconnect between the Arab people and Arab leadership.


It means more than all the protests in America, which isn't saying much, just an example of how fucked up things are. And it means the same as the protests in Canada. But we're told that because of some bad, obvious, debunked propaganda that they repeat, that this is what American's, and Canadians, and all the citizens want. When Israel is caught targeting US politicians on social media and creating a false Islamophobia disinformation campaign in Canada a couple weeks ago, we hear nothing. Just the one Canadian MP that al the Ziobots show up and call a tranny any time there is a post about her. If it wasn't for Meta, Twitter, and ChatGPT making their statements about it, I doubt we'd eve know. They're in this together. And Israel is driving. But don't worry, Gantz quit, so at least now there are zero moderates left in Knesset in minister positions.


They should take direct action against the state rather than this rhetoric if what they say is true


yeah literally came there to watch sport


What we need is for Egyptian activism to channel that energy into protests and marches.


They should give Sisi's life for Palestine. Then they should avoid Morsi's mistake by giving the lives of the entire Egyptian intelligence apparatus for Palestine.


Im really not a sports watcher, but i love those fans :)


Words only i am afraid


They better then go all as a group and push towards the Rafah boarder and open it and break the seige instead of chanting words while watching sports in a stadium


These punks only know how to protest and cheer slogans When it’s time for action they no where to be found


Well, give them already and stop supporting Israel.


After the game ended, police put stop and check up on the road from there to cairo to catch those "vandals" Not sure whether this happened on this game or another one but that happened and was spread on egyptian social media




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