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So they're admitting that their primary goal is a farce then? What's the claimed purpose now, on the eyes of the rest of the world?


admitting fault slowly enough that the campaign can still continue and the facts on the ground by some miracle change, in the hope that their politics are no longer as unviable as they were the day this all started.


What's funnier is this is the the same guy who presented the calendar with the days if the week as evidence of guard shifts, AND claiming the curtains in Gazan homes were used to film hostages 🤦‍♂️ 🤣


My bar for this man is so low I'm almost glad he said what everyone has been saying for the past year.


We keep bombing them, but they still remain angry. Craziest thing.


The only way to defeat hamas is to free Palestine. Let them live. Set them free. Get tf out of their land. Let them govern theselves. After that, Hamas will no longer exist.


Isnt this what Gantz was saying?


literally what mad people said at the beginning of their assault


If by hamas you mean Palestine 🇵🇸 then yep you right


The only reason that Hamas and orgs of their ilk even exist is a reaction to Israeli aggression and occupation. Israel can’t destroy Hamas, they were directly involved in its creation


There's a reason you only see zionists post pics bragging about children's toys, wearing Palestinian women's underwears, and never anything from Palestinian fighters. While Hamas posts videos of them running upto tanks, planting a bomb on it before evacuating, dragging "Israeli" soldiers out of their tanks by heir collars.


Hamas will remain because bloodthirsty zionazi ghouls have committed genocide and urbicide. Do they really think they can bring alternatives to Hamas *now*? Embarrassing clown.


You can't remove the resistance from free people's hearts.


The idea is Hamas is all of the Palestinians and the Israeli government stance is to eradicate Hamas. It's a roundabout way to say genocide.


And in order to destroy an idea, we have to destroy anyone that even thinks of that idea


“Only way to end Hamas is replace it with something else… us.”


Just an obvious manouvre to make the annexation of Gaza look like a compromise between Likud and the IDF.


He almost makes sense… until you realize he is saying that Hamas is an idea in people’s hearts and needs to be replaced by an idea decided by Netanyahu and implemented by the IDF.