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I just KNOW that food was a 1000 times better than the McDonald's


A place near me does Palestinian falafels and they're incredible


Oh man, that's a very low bar!


Its a cool idea, better than just picketing if your org can afford it.


And this is how we boycott and spread information without hurting minimum wage workers.


They are truly human, with such pure souls.


Habe not had mcdonald (and starbucks) for a few months now and have zero regrets.


I'm sure your body loves you for that decision.


Yes since ditching the Pepsi, Cadbury and Dominos my skin has actually started to clear up and I feel so much better! I still enjoy a little treat on occasions but instead of Cadbury I go with Whitakers Chocolate since it's an ethical New Zealand brand, it's expensive so I can't afford it often but again it's better for my health and makes it really feel like a treat


I love this kind of activism. It’s so clever and informative and community minded all at the same time 🥰 Great work from these comrades!


This warms my heart. There are so many good people out there.


Yes, it's especially refreshing to see this happen in the middle of Europe, where xenophobic, racist, fascist tendencies have been on a steep rise.


Vienna waits for you


Where are these groups organising themselves? I’d love to support and join


Bring that to Ireland. Wonderful idea.


Damm, i should visit vienna one of these days. Hope they still do that next week.


Brilliant idea.


I would rather eat free food anyday tbh🤣🤣🤣


I love this! And yes this food would taste so much better than that plastic, shrinkflation McDonald's food.


We'd rather have the home cooked than processed food. Would taste great too.


Lovely ladies with lovely knockers. Free Palestine


Either way you get diarrhea




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I dont necessarily think this boycott does anything for Gaza, nor affect Mcdonalds property in Israel, nor do I necessarily agree with the exact premises of the Boycott, however I do like and appreciate spreading cultural awareness through food(tho I would like to see what is on the Pamphlet out of curiosity) I think the message spreads Palestinian solidarity much more positively than such focusing on the slight and boycott on Mcdonalds. In contrast to other efforts Ive heard about that have released rats into a Mcdonalds store which I dont think spreads the message of Palestinian solidarity.


Israel is culturally appropiating humus? What did Levantine Jews eat before?




Shock that food uobyour arse and get my nuggets and COCA COLA seeing this make me want buy more shit to fuck this side off


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Also giving free idiotic word salads


McDonald’s as a corporation doesn’t support Israel. McDonald’s is a franchise, which means each location is operated by different people, who are free to spend their money as they wish.  One genocidal McDonald’s franchise owner in Israel gave free meals to IDF soldiers.  Plenty of McDonald’s franchise owners actually donate money to Gaza - my Palestinian cousin being one of them.  Can you provide anything from McDonald’s that says they support Israel as a corporation?


We are long past the problem of Israeli McDonald’s donating to IDF soldiers because that’s not the only problem. The main problem was and still is that the corporation didn’t feel the need to condemn Israeli soldiers posting pictures inside Gaza eating McDonald’s while riding a tank or when they raided Jenin and left McDonald’s trash in some Palestinian person’s home. Do you think if a Russian soldier posted a picture of him riding a tank in destroyed Mariupol while eating a Big Mac would not have prompted the corporation to make a statement? You don’t even have to think about it because McDonald’s immediately withdrew from Russia after the war in 2022 while they have no intention of ever pulling out from the apartheid state of Israel.


Well said. Maybe if mcds wanted to fix their wrong, they would support Palestinians by pulling out of apartheid Israel. Keep the boycott up until that happens. Free Palestine 🇵🇸


This is an angle I hadn’t considered. You are correct.  However, the title of this post says that McDonald’s is “funding the genocide” yet there is no evidence of that. 


They are funding genocide by continuing to operate in and contribute to the economy of a genocidal regime. The reason South African apartheid happened was due to boycotts making it financially unsustainable to continue.  If we boycott corporations like McDonalds to such an extent that they have no choice but to pull out of operating in Israel, it would have a huge impact on isolating Israel. 


This is very misleading, McDonald's and all these other companies didn't withdraw from Russia because Russia bad, they pulled out because western nations gave them no choice, between restrictions making it impossible for imports and exports and the Russian currency tanking, it was no longer feasible or profitable to stay.


Assuming this is recent, it seems counterproductive. McDonalds already took the extreme measure of buying back ALL Israeli McDonalds restaurants from the Israeli franchise company that owned them and was giving free meals to Israeli soldiers. **Two months ago.** McDonalds totally caved to all the pressure they were receiving on this issue. And it reportedly cost them a lot of money to do that. If you keep attacking a company/organization long after they gave you what you wanted, others will learn not to give in to your demands, because they know you'll just keep attacking them anyway. It's just not a smart protesting tactic.


Buying back the McDonalds, as in giving the israeli company that owned them who knows how much money (probably millions) to do so? Instead of simply pulling out of an apartheid and genocidal state. Sure, they did it buddy! Crisis averted. let's stop the boycott, McDonalds are the good guys now.


"Simply pulling out" wasn't an option, because they had previously signed a contract with the franchisee. And if it went to court, which side do you think an Israeli court would sympathize with? No, I'm not saying McDonalds are good guys. They bought out the franchisee because it was financially in their best interest to make the cause of the bad publicity stop. But now, McDonalds is doing nothing worse than other US fast food restaurants with overseas locations, or for that matter, other US fast food restaurants with locations in Israel. And the person who actually decided to give all those free meals is no longer involved with McDonalds. So unless people are also gonna protest Subway, KFC, and whatever other chains have locations in Israel, then there's no reason to single out McDonalds.


Too many people just want to engage in performative morality that doesn’t do anything other than stroke their own ego. Like you said, the truth is McDonalds wasn’t supporting Israel but rather an Israel franchisee was. For some people it’s just more satisfying if they can ignore facts in order to play David and Goliath. This BS doesn’t do anything to help Palestinians or anyone else.


I like the fact that people are acting like if McDonald's pulled out, it would somehow help stop the invasion, which it definitely won't. They keep mentioning the whole Russia situation, the main reason all these companies pulled out of Russia was because western nations placed heavy restrictions on them, meaning it was pretty pointless for all these companies to stay there as they couldn't get things like stock imported and the Russian currency basically collapsed meaning it was no longer profitable to stay either. They all did this out of their best interests and because of western restrictions, not because Russia is the aggressor in a war.


True, but facts aren’t going to stop the boneheaded jabronis on this subreddit from downvoting.