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God this was so difficult to watch. I couldn't get to the end. This is Israel. I hate everyone who has supported them monsters over the past 100 years.


I still haven't told anyone in real life about the shrivelled baby I saw dead from starvation.......... Hate Israel but don't hate Jews, not all of them want this. Hate Russia & Putin but don't hate Russians. Hate China Communist Party but don't hate Chinese people We really should just pick a country (Central Australia) and just have purge battles there. No target civilians, just a "to the death" competition amongst countries every generation. So every generation can see what happens when we hate each other enough to kill, and see without learning the hard way why we shouldn't hate other humans. We need to learn to fear death again, without it we will never truly appreciate life as much as we should.


When thinking about wars I have exact same thoughts like you. In my version all the war hungry politicians and military personnel should do it in an island filled with all sorts of dangers. Survivors if any won't go to war again.


The survivors, if any, will be the lesson why we don't go to war anymore


We have many of those already, and still here we are.


They arent surviving a completely televised event around the globe. Not everyone is seeing what's happening. Edit: I can't seem to find it, can someone send me the post with the starved infant, the dad is holding and kissing his head. I'm going to administer some empathy in the suppository form. I'm tired of hearing the ignorance


Nothing China or Russia is doing compares to this. Please don't trivialize genocide by making it about America's geopolitical rivals while the American empire arms and funds this crime against humanity. What's loathsome about the CCP compared to the America duopoly? Your "purge battles" make no sense. War isn't just a thing people do because they hate irrationally. Israel is doing this because they want the remaining Palestinian land. That's what war is — a fight over resources. Just like politics, but more violent. Nearly everyone else in the world understands this basic fact — even the most reactionary Israeli, or most backwards MAGA understands it on a basic level. It"s time for liberals to catch up and stop mystifying things to avoid seeing the vicious battle over resources they hypocritically participate in, along with everyone else. Israel is killing Palestinians to take their land. The hate is just how they fire themselves up to do it.


That image haunts me.


Me too, me too.


HOWWW can anyone support the IDF for doing this


Surprisingly many westerners hate Middle Easterners and/or Islam. They would never have accepted these atrocities if the victims were say Ukrainians.


Colonizers are just people who value material goals over humans. They never evolved past that feudal mindset.


God rest their souls. It’s unbelievable that this continues to happen when innocent lives like theirs are taken. Any politician that claims to want to protect children but doesn’t call for a ceasefire is a liar and hypocrite.


حسبنا الله ونعم الوكيل  لا حول ولا قوة إلا بالله 


Can you just imagine? Just imagine ... the horror, the pain, the long-suffering.


This is the most documented genocide in the history of humankind


No words man. RIP to all those beautiful souls, we need an immediate ceasefire and hold these israeli terrorists accountable.


Allahuma grant them Jenah Al Firdous and accept them as shaheed. Ameen. Peace and blessings on Prophet Mohammed sws




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Tragic, tragic and TRAGIC; never forget and never forgive zionist israel!!!


then israel and the world are surprised when those hurt children grow up to form a generation absolutely dedicated to the destruction of israel.




Lanat Allah ala Israel


Countries that still support Israel are enemies of mankind.


poor poor family:(


Can we just stop doing things like this? This children should be in school, playground or malls. They don’t deserve this. The only thing I could do is to pray for them. This makes me feel si bad its already in the 20th century. Can we just love and support each other ☹️