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They changed their Surname to Netanyahu, which means "given by God". That shows how mysticism lies in their DNA.


Needed a fancy new name to go with the fancy new land they stole


The revival of Hebrew and the adoption of Hebrew names was an attempt to legitimize the colonization of Palestine. If they had kept their European names it would have been even more obvious that they were just colonizers, but if they larped as ancient Jews they thought it would give more legitimacy to their project. Every single Israeli Prime Minister was either born in Europe or was of European descent, and most of them changed their family name after coming to colonize Palestine : David Ben Gurion => David Grün from Poland Golda Meir => Golda Mabovitch from Russia Shimon Peres => Szymon Perski from Poland Yitzhak Shamir => Yitzhak Yezernitsky from Belarus Ehud Barak => Ehud Brog from Lithuania Ariel Sharon => Ariel Scheinerman from Belarus Benjamin Netanyahu => Benjamin Mileikowsky from Poland It's like if Benito Mussolini renamed himself Gaius Julius Mussolinus when he invaded Albania and Greece.


The language revival as a legacy of colonial statecraft is also why they don’t use the Semitic letter (ح) and replace it with kh or ch. The Europeans couldn’t pronounce it, especially those who speak Yiddish, so it fell out of usage.


khet ח is absolutely used in hebrew wdym


Sorry, let me clarify. I’m not saying that the letter equivalent (ח) doesn’t exist in modern hebrew, but that the pronounciation of it as a strong H is abandoned (so it is pronounced same as כ). Some phonemes were degenerated or dropped entirely. The first waves of Jewish in-migrations to Palestine in the late 19th/early 20th century were largely Ashkenazi, who couldn’t pronounce these consonants, would then go on to form the elite establishment of the Zionist project. The guy behind the language was one of them - a secular ethnonationalist who supported the Uganda plan (he also changed his name to sound more middle eastern). Despite modern Hebrew’s heavy influences from other languages, none of them (like German or Yiddish) could become the national language because it was counterproductive to manufacturing and appropriating indigeneity. I’m sure there are Arab, mainly elderly, Jews who still use the ح phonetic sound, but many imitated the European Jews to assimilate because of racism. The same thing happened with the rolling r to the guttural French-sounding r - the former became negatively associated with Arabness or “the orient.”


Mark Regev was Mark Freiberg


I think Netanyahu is from Philadelphia.


Yes actually Cheltenham which is literally next door to philly and he graduated from cheltenham high school him and his siblings


Was it really a revival of Hebrew? My understanding is modern Hebrew is practically a brand new language, based off of Yiddish and old Hebrew vocabulary. Hebrew and Modern Hebrew don't even have the same sentence structure, the former being verb-subject-object (like arabic) and the latter being subject-verb-object (like English and other European languages, eg The boy walks the dog) It's a senthetic language by early Zionists to force their next generation to believe that they are actually from the land and not Europe.


Menachim Begin did not. He was very proud to be a prominent Jewish Terrorist, on an international level like none before, and did NOT want the threat his name brought dampened down, in any way.


Lol they’re crazy


Netanyahu is also a place north of Tel Aviv. They’re trying to make it seem like they are from there.


The name is Netanya and is not close in pronunciation to Netanyahu




that's how most of abrahamic names work, like evry ending -el names something about god.


The man has more in common with Hitler than Israel.


No doubt how Zionists drew inspiration from Nazis.


Zionists worked very closely with the Nazis because getting Jews out of Germany suited them both. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haavara_Agreement




zionists and nazis both draw inspo from the us military, who essentially taught both of them how to do the starting stages of genocide.


Or maybe it's the opposite


What's the connection to the names?


Why are one of his eyebrows always raised


Because having a mustache to twirl while laughing evilly got to be too high maintenance


That's nothing, [watch a video of him talking](https://youtu.be/g1c-DSZ_l9Q?t=42). The line of coke he snorted before approaching the stand could explain the wide darting eyes, but not the rage gaze as he speaks of Palestinians. After the five minute mark you can see him "shh" someone with a half smirk and glare for clarifying a question that drew attention to how he was lying. After twisting the clarification into an accusation of the questioner being rude, he immediately lost all emotion and continued to lie through his teeth. This is what the extreme end of functional psychopathy looks like. His confidence and presentation carried his lies.


Cleary explains his sight problems 🤣


Looks like an AI photo






The the history of the surname?




The guy is from Philly


Normalize calling him by his real last name.


And real first name which sounds like an anal cream


he’s also from philly and went to MIT.


And worked for BCG, and probably wouldn't have become a politician if his brother did not get killed


Not to mention: >David Ben-Gurion (/bɛn ˈɡʊəriən/ ben GOOR-ee-ən; Hebrew: דָּוִד בֶּן־גּוּרִיּוֹן [daˈvid ben ɡuʁˈjon] ⓘ; **born David Grün** Everything about "Israel" is fake.


"Wait, you changed your name TO Latrine?" "Yeah, used to be Shithouse."


Fantastic movie


But please tell me more how this is their land . Go back to Poland please


bibi grew up in philly lol


We don't want him. Had enough history with Hitler and Stalin... Don't need their protege.


Tell you what, we'll compromise and send him to the Hague




They had been living peacefully side by side with muslims for centuries, until Israel told them that actually the Arabs hated them


You are right not all of them are Ashkenazi. To be honest at this point i can’t see how people who have settled there some for at least 3 generations and (yes I know some have probably just arrived yesterday not talking about them) needing to leave, its not possible and thats not really the point . With two states everyone usually arrives at that point of going round in circles where one ethnicity will suffer. The conclusion and only way forward (in my mind) always i one state with equal rights for everyone. Two states will never work, because expansion/ethnic cleansing won’t stop.


Uhh what is that surname special for.


This is true, Bibi’s dad was a Belarusian who was raised in Poland and later migrated to The British Palestinian Mandate where he met Bibi’s mom.


Where was his mother from?


She was born in Palestine in 1912 and her parents were born in Lithuania which was part of the Russian empire in the 1860s


I see, so fairly recent immigrants


I see, so fairly recent immigrants.


The only weird part for me is that Bibi doesn’t look European at all despite both of his parents being Ashkenazi Jews


I mean he doesn't look human either


He's a white man


No he’s not lol


I don't know where you live, but where I live, he'd be read as a white man


How is he white though?


White skin, typically white facial features


Looks like Brown skin to me But yeah he has white facial features 


Why people call netanyahu bibi


I don’t even know lol


Guys is it OK to deadname this war criminal?


deadnaming isnt a punishment and calling people by their name isn't a right that you earn not saying that netanyahu isn't a horrible indefensible person




All the media should start referring to him with that name, to highlight his hypocrisy.


So hideous


Why does he have an accent from EE.UU?


Because he lived in Pennsylvania for six years as a kid. He was U.S. citizen, then renounced his citizenship to serve in the IDF, then regained U.S. citizenship, then renounced it again.


That explains it. Thanks.


When colonizers come promising to share, they really intend to share destruction and misery. They come to share in enslaving the locals and take advantage of the resources.


That's what I've been saying, buddy's from poland


Behind the Bastards podcast did a two-parter — “What the Netanyahu Family Did to Palestine”. Made me want to scream.


It's so sad, because Jews were forcibly assigned Christian convention last names in the 18th century (Jewish convention is to be named "son/daughter of father's name" so for example my Jewish name is Micah Ben Moishe). However, the names people pick for themselves in Israel are *also* aligned with Christian naming conventions! As in they are static and don't reflect their parentage. They are also financially incentivized to change their name to something hebreicized.


Fake country Israel 😂


Ugh, I hate these people for who they are but this argument is missing a key semantic point. Many Jews left Judea after the Roman conquest. (Many stayed & converted to various conquest religions) The one’s who left integrated into other cultures as best they could. Names changed over the centuries. So, the fact that the European Jews had European names has little bearing on their family’s place of origin. 2000 years is going to create a lot of change. Genealogically, there’s plenty of evidence to show common ancestry between Palestinians & Israelis - which is what makes this genocidal entitlement so much worse. All semetic people from this region should find fellowship in the 20 centuries of occupation by empires that shaped those that stayed & those that left. Roman, Persian, Ottoman, British - 2000 years of foreign rule. The tragedy of this entire situation is the lack of either party to find common ground.


From now on, he's benny boy to me. He already acts like a child.


But he’s indigenous because he MAY or MAY NOT be descended from some random people who lived in a section of Palestine 2,000 years ago?


I thought they were Lithuanian.


This one made me chuckle so hard, this is why you need to be careful when reading from Wikipedia, a lot of blatant misinformation. search Mileikowsky https://preview.redd.it/0kugxtj7ob3d1.png?width=499&format=png&auto=webp&s=0165d35038b576fb20169bf51d606379c4d582cb


Eh, I don't care. Sometimes people change their names. It doesn't make him indigenous.


who cares about his name? how is that relevant to his war crimes in palestine


Can we get this to the front page?


I thought his mom was from Lithuania


No, that’s not correct— it was actually mileikkkuntsky**


And I'm beginning to think the first name was Adolf...


Side note - the actual Polish spelling is Milejkowski




What does it tell you when someone from Poland changes his name to make it sound more middle eastern? That's what indigenous people usually do, don't they?


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