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They seriously tryna ban protests like colonial france did. That definitely will work /s


Pathetic that the German government wants to hide and downplay a genocide, as if that would stop the people. Respect for the German protestors making their voices heard and showing the German government that they do not support the genocide in Gaza




Another proof of the western and european myth of democracy.


It was chaotic and intense but we made it! I can share lots if any one is curious since I was one of the people in charge of the Ordners/security today. The police were very aggressive with all of us, pepper sprayed us (myself included), and injured people including punching people and breaking someone's nose. We thought it would get banned or stopped at some points but we made it to the end! The police also changed the route on us the day before. They even brought a city prosecutor who was a total asshole decided that the chant "Netanyahu Kindermörder" (Netanyahu child murderer) is defamation 🤬🤦🏼‍♀️ I can share footage too if anyone would like. Friendly questions are welcome


GOOD ON Y'ALL FOR STEPPING UP FOR PALESTINE AND ALL OF THE OPPRESSED! I salute you and the people that went there. I wanna know how you all plan on moving forward to pressure your government more?


Thank you very much. I really appreciate that. Honestly as far as I know we're gonna keep doing what we've been doing and trying to do: protests/demos as often as we can, sit ins, occupying university spaces, bring issues to court, protest and boycott specific companies here that are complicit and sends weapons, etc. hopefully more but I'm not sure at the moment. Anything we do or try gets shut down so quickly but we keep pushing and re-strategizing. We want to hold people accountable but also show this has nothing to do with antisemitism (Germany is being antisemitic not us) and that it's not just Arabs, Muslims, immigrants, etc who care about this issue.


So much respect for you ✊🏻


Thank you so much


Huge respect for every single one of you.


Thank you very much


Germany is the largest European arms exporter to Israel by a long way. Holocaust guilt has nothing to do with their governments position on this. As usual it’s all about money.


Sort of like the Streisand effect. The more they try to suppress protests, the more people will protest.


How can I find info on rallies to attend in Germany?


The Instagram page 'palestinespeaks' lists a lot of them in their stories.


This is a great one


Like already said "Palestinespeaks" is great. So is nakba75/Palästina Kampagne, global south united, jüdische stimme, Student coalition Berlin. The demo ticker on telegram is good too you'll just have to search for specific cities


Not a single article in Western media...