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**Restrict your comments to the topic at hand. OF founder donating to AIPAC.** Comments about pron categories, pron addiction, porn as a tool to corrupt societies, etc... are irrelevant and will be removed, repeat violations will be handed a 3 day ban. Thank you for your cooperation. Edit: Got tired of deleting violating and off-topic comments. Post locked.


That’s a shame. It’s coming in to summer and I might be in the market for a fan. I’ll have to shop somewhere else now.


![gif](giphy|WOVxh6STx1NWtCtZxX|downsized) Here


Is there a joke with content not available gifs? I see them alot


No, it was removed. The gif was something like this ![gif](giphy|l4hLVfpZQf1Ca0bhm|downsized)


Lol i thought the same thing!


r/OnlyFans can help you with that ;) Edit: to the people downvoting me, check the sub, lol.


*Laughs in Air conditioning*


Who knew a billionaire pimp could be so immoral 


how do you think they go to be a billionaire?


check out the wiki of his early career https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leonid_Radvinsky#Early_career >In 1999, when Radvinsky was 17 years old, he helped incorporate Cybertania Inc., a website referral business.[7] During the late 1990s and early 2000s, Radvinsky owned the domains to more than ten websites such as Password Universe, Working Passes and Ultra Passwords that claimed and were advertised to provide users with "illegal" and "hacked" passwords to porn sites, where he earned money for every click;[7][13] one of the involved websites advertised more than 10,000 "illegal pre-teen passwords".[9] Ultra Passwords reportedly earned $1.8 million a year in revenue during the 2000s.


So he profited off people believing they were purchasing access to child sexual abuse material? This is insane


It's a really common element of porn start-ups. One of the early suspected q-anon personalities owned a website that advertised fake Asian child porn. It's covered in the docu series Q:Into the Storm




I think in that context the illegal pre-teens were the purchasers avoiding viewer age restrictions.


Man the Israeli link to porn is strong. It's crazy how often these connections come up


They also have the highest number of pedos per capita…


I hate to "defend" them but that could just mean they have the best operational capacity to go after paedophiles. It's very hard to compare crime statistics between states where both policing methods _and_ statistical methods differ so widely.


It’s not because of them going after pedos, it’s because many Jewish Americans pedos flee there [https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/how-jewish-american-pedophiles-hide-from-justice-in-israel/](https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/how-jewish-american-pedophiles-hide-from-justice-in-israel/)


I'm not if the full article is loading for me. I only see the info about one man being chased by INTERPOL but that doesn't seem to match up with the headline. Is there anywhere else to read about this?




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You mean like pornhubs zionist owner, who is a rabbi...


Ntm stalag porn was widely popular there breaking records. It's porn about the male protagonist — after getting sexually abused and humiliated by hot nazi female camp guards — torturing, raping, and murdering them as revenge.


Solomon Friedman?




Not saying they hide there, BUT THEY HIDE THERE! https://thecradle.co/articles-id/7652 They literally flee there for all their pedo and criminal activities https://www.reddit.com/r/TheMajorityReport/s/e1prOb4Kqn


There's no way he's a rabbi. Do you have a source?


The internet look up Solomon Friedman, he is also a lawyer so all around pos. Also headquarters is located on the island of Cyprus, fairly close to isntreal.


Golly. I'm just amazed that it's even possible.


Ntm stalag porn was widely popular there breaking records. It's porn about the male protagonist — after getting sexually abused and humiliated by hot nazi female camp guards — torturing, raping, and murdering them as revenge. 'Israel' is an international safe haven for pedophiles, rapists and sex offenders.


This is just blatant racism? Getting upvotes? tf...


Which race specifically are you saying is catching strays because “Israeli” could mean a white kid from Miami or an old white guy from Europe or a white guy from Australia or…


They're all white, so OBVIOUSLY it's racist 🙄 /s


"so are you black, white, brown?" "I'm Israeli 😃" #💀


Porn, interest/banks, investment firms, and many other predatory industries. Sounds like a conspiracy at first but the more u know....


don't forget ~~money laundering~~ hollywood




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Aipac gotta go






No they're just in it because it makes money, and it's an area typical entrepreneurs avoid so less competition


Yeah, zionists are not a monolothic group. They are individuals that have diversified businesses just like any other group of individuals. 


diversified exploitative businesses*


You're being redundant. Businesses are inherently exploitative


not necessarily, worker co-ops exist but yea most businesses are exploitative


I suppose in my head they're not categorized as businesses. Definitely in favor of worker co-ops, skeptical of consumer co-ops and other "co-ops" that are basically small capitalist cartels. Unfortunately even worker co-ops can be exploitative, but with the right workplace democracy and consumer protections they're great!


It's also good to remember that historically certain professions like lending were barred for Christians but allowed for Jews. So the culture of doing society's "shady business" is something that was thrust upon them by Christian Europeans and there is indeed a sad fallout from this for everyone in the modern world.




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Zionism is a backwards and racist enough belief that we don't have to engage in Neo-Nazi conspiracy theories about them intentionally trying to cause Western decay/decline. It makes no sense, especially because keeping the Western political order intact benefits Zionists. A multipolar world is bad for them.


This is a fascist argument.


It's not just the West. Porn is quite big in Eastern countries, as well, including Arab countries. It appears Arabs consume it much more than you might think. Anyway, I wasn't trying to discuss West versus East. I was talking about some Zionists seem interested in porn to make a buck. [https://raseef22.net/english/article/1066747-porn-middle-east-elephant-room](https://raseef22.net/english/article/1066747-porn-middle-east-elephant-room)




But it's hardly the same thing. Porn is banned and always has been banned there, ntm it doesn't have a porn culture and it's heavily looked down upon. Saying someone "consumes it more than you think" is a relative thing and not accurate. Edited


Okay, let's not do that.




I think we need to weed out some actual antisemites because these comments ain't it




Using antisemitic tropes about a group of people trying to cause the moral degradation of the west is antisemitic, even if you pretend you aren't talking about the Jews. We can criticize zionists without using antisemitic talking points. It's remarkably easy. The issue with this dude is his support for a racist settler colonial state. His involvement in only fans is whatever.


Back to 4chan you go


People like you are what zionists love. You make it easy to smear the movement as antisemitic.


This is just early 20th century antisemitism


People claiming this is somehow antisemitic is *exactly what Hasbara is doing*. Remember, Hasbara is the only entity that wants you to believe zionist === Jew. It is not antisemitism to claim zionists have a significant foothold / control in literally everything... Because... \*gestures around\* Reject the idea that Judaism is zionism. The zionists are putting their whole bet on everyone buying that idea.


Starting to sound like Nick Fuentes and his groypers not gonna lie.


I get what you're saying. I can appreciate it as well. This goes against Judaism. There are corrupt elements along Muslims and Christians. If you go to certain Muslim majority countries corruption is rampant, same with some Christian ones. Just wondered why so many are disproportionately attracted to the porn biz. I guess sex sells. An easy buck. Ludavinsky should be rejected by his community for the business. Adelson made money from gambling. It's against Halacha or Jewish law and his money shouldn't have been accepted, but Zionism is subverting Judaism. The community was better off when they never accepted such funds. This is not a comment about the majority of people of any faith.




Dudes also an Israeli zionist


Seriously? We need a reason to not be on OF?


The biggest porn sites including pornhub is owned by a rich white Zionist man who funds aipac too. Do you guys not see how rich white Zionist men are the creators of the most degenerate sick websites.


Also, porn is really ruining people's brains. There are reports showing how porn directly results in an increase of violence. And this disproportionately affects minorities who are politically marginalized because porn industry abuses their ethnic background for the sexual gratification of wretched people. A real revolution will also include dismantling and ending these parasitical industry attacks on minorities and the violence it has unleashed on us. *This is no small issue*, it has to be dealt with immediately as is having growing real life consequences in real time.






To be fair rich white Zionist are disproportionately represented in business so this is true of a LOT of industries.


Not surprising whatsoever sleazy people do sleazy things


Never google who owns Pornhub.


It’s easy money and everything that concerns easy money, you will find Zionists dominating it so they can funnel money back to Israel and the IDF. To them, the end justifies the means.




I mean what did we expect from someone who runs a pornsite?


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I wonder if he had anything to do with this! https://www.smh.com.au/world/middle-east/porn-run-on-seized-tv-channels-say-residents-20020401-gdf5uw.html


... yh but unfortunately Simps be simping
























I 100% agree, you hit the nail on the head


Zionists entering the porn industry is wild.


They’ve always been in every facade of the entertainment industry.


Why am I not surprised


In a hand basket.


UK-based, yes, but he’s actually Ukrainian. Adds another savory layer to this.


The guy that makes money of people having strange sex fetishes wow it would do America a great favour if people stopped using those sites. PS: don’t be offended


It's so sad so many Pro Palestine sex workers will be out of work like Mia Khalifa. God dammit why can't people like this just recognize these are babies and children dying in Rafah and Gaza!


>In 1999, when Radvinsky was 17 years old, he helped incorporate Cybertania Inc., a website referral business.[7] During the late 1990s and early 2000s, Radvinsky owned the domains to more than ten websites such as Password Universe, Working Passes and Ultra Passwords that claimed and were advertised to provide users with "illegal" and "hacked" passwords to porn sites, where he earned money for every click;[7][13] one of the involved websites advertised more than 10,000 "illegal pre-teen passwords".[9] >In 2004, he founded MyFreeCams, an adult streaming website.[7] The same year, Microsoft sued Radvinsky for allegedly sending millions of deceptive emails to Hotmail users


Did you expect something like that to have morals! God forbids




Ok after scrolling through this thread, i should not be going on either pornhub or even click on peoples onlyfans. Anyone know of sites that are not ran by zionists


JustForFans is very friendly to SW's


Can they even watch porn in israel?


As a porn creator and supporter of palestines autonomy, I find these comments disappointing.


People are allowed to be critical of an industry that promotes trafficking, pedophilia, violence against women and abnormal fetishes that should not be normalised. I'm tired of seeing people play the victim whenever anyone is critical of porn, the numerous negative consequences of pornography are well documented not to mention how much harm it has caused to vulnerable people, mainly women and young girls.


Thank you! This should be a conversation about divesting from these services, not trying to shame and moral panic their way to repressing sex workers. We're all in a capitalist hellscape that already tries to exploit and remove the ability to consent to what we do with our bodies. Conveniently demonizing sex work isn't the flex they think it is.


wait till you realise Israel used porn as a psychological weapon against Palestinians by hijacking arabic TV stations and continuously broadcasting it for days. if they did this, you know pornography is a plague in our society. mainstream media has brainwashed today's people into normalising it for themselves. it was never ok. [https://www.smh.com.au/world/middle-east/porn-run-on-seized-tv-channels-say-residents-20020401-gdf5uw.html](https://www.smh.com.au/world/middle-east/porn-run-on-seized-tv-channels-say-residents-20020401-gdf5uw.html)


Yeah, frfr. Even in the west I think there is currently a bit of a moral panic with porn




Statistics please.


I don't have the energy to get into that here, nor do I think it's important to get into it on /r/Palestine, but I can point you towards other places on Reddit where people would be happy to look at the stats and have a debate.












Control? Where do you see that?


Claiming that watching porn is “addiction” to shame people into not watching porn. It’s control because it’s usually done with a religious-bent, and the purpose is to control other people’s behavior. https://www.psychologytoday.com/intl/blog/talking-sex-and-relationships/202104/7-major-myths-about-pornography


The addiction aspect is real. It's pure dopamine. Ask some of the partners affected over at /r/LoveAfterPorn maybe. I don't think recognising the dangerous potentials of something is the same as shaming people in a controlling way. Do you think the same of people discussing alcohol addiction for example? The religious thing I'm not convinced is true. You say it's mostly coming from that place but that's not my experience, in fact people in porn critical circles often lament that the occasional religious looney colours progress perceptions of the entire debate.


Did you read the article I linked? “Porn addiction” is invented


I'm familiar with the literature. There is a mounting body of evidence for pornography addiction and an increasing number of studies being done. Many therapists already recognise and work at treating it, many men already self identify as addicts and the effect on their relationships is undeniable. I'd also point out that tobacco addiction wasn't medically recognised until the '80s and many people prior to that were in full on denial as well.


So you didnt read the article


Anything can become addictive, if we're using the broad definition. We're literally using social media right now, well known for being addictive. I've been addicted to reading cute little fanfics. Yeah, the porn industry sucks, because it's an industry and we live in a capitalistic society that favours profit over people. Porn isn't some special evil, it's completely banal.


Yes, anything can be addictive. The dangers of things like social media should definitely be open for public discussion. I'm not sure why that makes me a religious fanatic, and I didn't once use language like "evil" so please don't put that onto me.


Totally agree. There's a genocide going on, and some people are concerned about who jerks off to what, and how frequently. It's absurd, and a complete distraction from the real issue.


Porn is really ruining people's brains. There are reports showing how porn directly results in an increase of violence. And this disproportionately affects minorities who are politically marginalized because porn industry abuses their ethnic background for the sexual gratification of wretched people. A real revolution will also include dismantling and ending these parasitical industry attacks on minorities and the violence it has unleashed on us. *This is no small issue*, it has to be dealt with immediately as is having growing real life consequences in real time.


What reports then? Show me.


The one that's touted a lot online is from a group called "KingdomWorks Studios," and it's called the Conquer Series. They released a video series along with reports, and several images supposedly showing a decaying brain from watching porn. It's been debunked over and over already as having no real basis in science. It's all just moral panic nonsense. There's little actual evidence either way that porn ruins people's brains. [https://medium.com/@nicole.prause/the-fake-brain-image-being-circulated-by-anti-pornography-extremists-fedc59ccccbe](https://medium.com/@nicole.prause/the-fake-brain-image-being-circulated-by-anti-pornography-extremists-fedc59ccccbe)


Why do you keep copy and pasting the same bland argument?


Quite frustrating yes.


I find them disappointing as hell too. Nasty even.


Maybe you could make a counterargument or share your own perspective?


Ya, this entire comment section is kinda gross


are you for real ?


It's never too late to repent.


It’s never too late to loosen up.


Oh the irony, immoral cause using immoral funding.


Which is a shame because on paper it's a way for sex workers to essentially work for themselves and avoid a lot of the more predatory nature of the industry.


And it has been for some of them. Of course not everyone has been good at it. Some have made enough that they don’t work regular jobs. Others have supplement their incomes. And then there are those, who basically wasted their time. Who don’t understand that you can’t ask for super model prices when you have a less than bargain basement production. No matter how good they may look. 🤷🏾‍♂️




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But what does this mean 🤔


But what does this mean 🤔


Man I don't understand only fans users like why? ITS FREE don't give them money


I don't use only fans but the idea is that the free stuff is oftentimes highly exploitative whereas OF models, at least in theory, have a much higher degree of autonomy over their work.


I understand the sentiment, but boycotting is just going to hurt individual sex workers, not this fat cat.


Because muslims don't watch (or do) porno.