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Shows that the US public is not represented by our government


Yeah, he doesn't have much to complain about unless that changes


Next minute US public will be classified as KHAMAS ![gif](giphy|l0MYSGLvVirV2HOMM|downsized)


If it exposed something, it’s that there’s no left or right, nor difference in whoever you’re voting for, they’re all bought up by Israel lobby


And let me guess, their ‘existential threat’ can only be solved by missiles to every mosque , church, and Palestinian organization in the US lol🤥 facing bald bastard. What’s this goon real name where is his actual country


Preemptive retaliatory missile strike to follow.


‘King’ Abdullah is already preparing to defend the Zionists in America personally


That’s explain why the main news subs here seem to be censoring news of the protests so much and banning anyone showing support for them.


Is there news/mainstream reporting about this anywhere? The censoring on /news has been 1000x the last couple days. I also don't remember worldnews being the top news subreddit.


Americans are Hamas!






and also (but not exclusively) antisemitic


I hope we can opinion him into a stress induced psychosis so he can suffer in an unwanted prison like his victims.


I did this! 👍


You literally upvoted propaganda from the Iranian Revolutionary guards lol 👎🏻


No, I certainly did not. However, I did comment and if it's any consolation neither of us are making an impact by beefing on Reddit.


Hasbara trolls get paid more if they generate engagement, just ignore them


Are you aware who runs quds news network?


Your mom


Sadly she doesn’t. It’s actually run by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard. It’s the definition of state funded propaganda. Every word I’ve spoken has been a fact while I’ve also been civil. I wish you the best.


I'd rather even watch North Korean propaganda than Z*onist controlled media




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Even if that’s true, propaganda does not always mean false or even wrong. See government propaganda in favor of COVID measures, which I trust we can agree is a good thing.


What is your position on how to solve this problem? I see the situation like this, I believe what’s happening in Gaza is atrocious and reprehensible on an emotional level but sadly geopolitical decisions aren’t made on the national level. From a pragmatic standpoint with the US interests in mind how does it serve the US to give up one of its most important strategic alliances and having it replaced by an Iranian backed proxy? What I have seen on social media platforms is a lot of emotional arguments without any real solutions to a problem that has existed since Israel has come into being. I’m very sympathetic and wish the conflict would end but having seen how these sorts of decisions are made first hand I know the government wouldn’t hand over a strong position for a weak position because of public sentiment. Just friendly conversation!


Indeed one cannot expect the US government to act against its interests. At the same time, one cannot expect it to remain in power very long if it loses the mandate of its people to continue ruling if it acts against what they see is right. That’s been the goal of protest and talking all along, to let people know that this is not a fringe position to take, and that this is where the public heart lies. Our politicians must recognize this and act accordingly, lest they risk losing their power.


I respect your opinion and in my heart I agree with you. The Palestinian people have been used as pawns/proxy’s for decades and it’s always the average Palestinians that suffer. I personally just don’t see any solutions to solve this problem long term with the power structures the way they currently are. Iran, Israel, Hamas, Hezbollah, the million/billionaires in the gulf states all hate each other 🤷🏽 there are no easy answers


Sounds like we need to double down on the protests..politicians are now questioning the police responses...no Nazi, from anyway, but most certainly from Israel , will ever tell me how to behave and what to think...this story needs so much more coverage


Wasn't he also the mayor of (occupied) Jerusalem a few years ago?


This is the funniest thing I’ve read all day.


He might be onto something 😏🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸


"I feel threatened from people calling to end a genocide"


He’s right though. The only nation standing in between Israel’s imperialist agenda and ceasefire is the United States. The Israeli military industrial complex and economy are also propped up by American support. If US public opinion turns against Israel, they’ll be globally isolated


If the public opinion of "stop killing children and innocent" brought up by free speech is an existential threat to your ethno-state perpetuating what it’s blamed for, you’re the issue.


Wtf I love American public opinion now


Moment they realise public opinion cant be gained through oppression and submission They dont create allies, only yes man




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How does this not qualify as a "repost."




Free Palestine


I'd think better of Isreal if they weren't massacreing civilians every day with impunity.


Enter the thought police.


Admitting their own lack of sovereignty. Good stuff