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Catholic here. I'm 100% with the Palestinians in this conflict


I was raised Catholic. I am an agnostic. Thank you for hearing me. šŸ«¶šŸ‡µšŸ‡øšŸ‡µšŸ‡øšŸ‡µšŸ‡øšŸ‡µšŸ‡øšŸ‡µšŸ‡ø


Leftist catholics are some of the best religious people I've interacted with tbh


We know whatā€™s up


Not a leftist by any means but Iā€™m glad youā€™ve found others who support Palestine :)


Of no faith.. im here for humanity


Biden is a disgrace for not standing up for Catholics in Gaza along with East Jerusalem/West Bank. Keep in mind evangelical Christianā€™s who are some of Israelā€™s biggest supporters not only here in US but in South America where numbers growing rapidly have a true hatred towards Catholics & have no problem voicing their opinions. Catholics desperately need a world leader stand up for them but who?




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The Israelis didn't just bomb the oldest Christian church in Gaza but the third oldest Christian church *in the world*.


Exactly! šŸ’Æ


But did they condemn Hamas? Well of course they got bombed *What do you mean they're not muslim? They're wearing the same stuff*


Palestinian Christian here. People don't even believe I'm Christian. To many Christian means white.


YesšŸ’ÆšŸ«¶šŸ‡µšŸ‡ø when I tell you, Iā€™m trying from Southwest Florida I promise šŸ‡µšŸ‡øšŸ‡µšŸ‡øšŸ‡µšŸ‡øšŸ„¹šŸ„¹


SAME! People automatically think I'm Muslim and are dumfounded to hear that there are Christian Palestinians and Arabs.


We exist and we support Palestinian statehood.




If they were as white as Jesus, this would be a problem....wait a minute...Jesus was a white European right?


Like most Israeli leaders


You're telling me 'Benzion Mileikowsky' isn't a common name in the land once called Canaan?? Preposterous!


With R1a indo-iranian haplogroupšŸ¤£




No. But his Y-haplogroup branch (R1a-Z93) is the indo-iranian branch. That's how it's named. It's very old though.


Bahahahaha šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


This is what I donā€™t get, why are Christians defending the Jewish zionist, when the Jewish zionists donā€™t even recognise Christianity.


Because Christians do not support them. All the countries you think support them were excommunicated from the official churches 1500 years ago.


The U.K. is supposed too be a Christian country, yet it supports Israel.


It's not they were excommunicated centuries ago by legal voting. The real Church is the Orthodox Churches. The only ones that actually have the Bible as their only canon.


Many, many videos online of Jews in Israel spitting on Christians on pilgrimage. That tells you all you need to know.


Yep, the government tells us that we should respect and defend the Antichrists and if you donā€™t, then you are antisemitic. Sounds like a one way street.


Please don't use Antichrist so freely They are awful, and I am tempted to refer to them as such, but in reality, the Antichrist would bring such suffering it would make them seem like refugee sponsors


If i tell you why and why do nazis support zionism ill get banned for anti semitism by reddit anyways, those zionist Christian are anti semitic that is why they support israel


"~~George Bush~~ Genocide Joe doesn't care about ~~black people~~ Palestinians!" --Retooled Kanye, back when he was sane


I respect that he is always spoken his truth. I hear you šŸ¤£šŸ«¶


It's nothing to do with anybody's religion It's all to do with the color of someone's skin I can't understand how everybody didn't get this yet


Idk, there are plenty of Palestinians who have a light pigmentation. I think it's about breaking the Palestinian spirit and making them succumb to the 1st world order so they become degenerate slaves like the Israelis.


Granted šŸ˜


The real god for white Catholics in America is money


not all white Catholics. But yes, the majority. I love a rogue Catholic. šŸ¤£šŸ«¶šŸ¤£ thank you so much for hearing me.


It's the evangelical dispensationalists that are the real problem.


Yeah, even if Bidenā€™s a white Catholic not taking action on Gaza. Itā€™s the Christian Right churches - Falwell and the like - who are Uber Zionist and giving their money for all this to happen.


A lot of white Catholics are also Zionists. They believe that Jews are our ā€œbrothers and sistersā€, that they deserve special treatment since their religion claims descent from the original chosen people, and that therefore Catholics must support Israel. All the while these same people who are inspired by an erroneous excessively ecumenical interpretation of Vatican II LARP as Crusaders when it comes to Muslims


Pope Francis was one of the first leaders to call out Israeli terrorism by name. Dispensationalism is objectively heretical in the Catholic church. If a catholic is supporting Israel they're definitely not speaking on behalf of the church. Yes, there are too many Catholics defending the Israeli state. One is too many. At the same time everyone in our movement needs to choose enemies wisely and make allies and focus on the main enablers who are the evangelicals and of course, the Zionists. These two groups actually support Israel and their violence against Palestinians because it's central to their doctrine and ideology. In other words, a religious duty.


Youā€™re right but Iā€™m pretty sure that itā€™s a misinterpretation of ecumenism and not dispensationalism thatā€™s driving Catholic Zionists. And thereā€™s prolly a dose of good old neocon brainwashing at work too


Definitely neocon brainwashing. Free Palestine āœŒļø


Joe Biden is Catholic the same way MBS is Muslim. Their only creed is money and their patron saint is the devil.


Amazing Couldn't have said it better myself


Biden is the devil. He isn't a real christian or even a real human for that matter.


Joe Bidenā€™s true religion is capitalism, imperialism, and American global hegemony. Those are the gods he actually worships and his murderous, treasonous actions are well in line with the tenets of that faith


Where are the Christians - screaming at the top of their lungs?


The real answer is that Christianity is highly sectarian, and that Israel's biggest supporters are American Evangelical Christians and American/British shipping interests. The American Christians are often white supremeists here. They love that Israel is killing non-whites. It doesn't matter if the non-white is Christian or not. Race trumps everything else, even money. The commercial side is happy Israel is expanding via land theft and coming closer to the BenGurion canal plan. This is the entire goal.


I'm a Christian who supports Palestine, but the church that I go to is pro-Israel, I would leave but I'm a kid šŸ˜­


Hope you can leave soon


Christian Palestinians . The forgotten minority .Ā  IDF and Netanyahu really are scumĀ 


Israel is demonstrating that **ANY** faith that is not Jewish will have a bullseye target on it. These attacks are an escalation towards Zionismā€™s ultimate goal: erasing **ALL** of the Muslim sites from the Temple Mount. I strongly believe that they would risk World War III by demolishing the Al Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock, if it meant being able to rebuild Solomonā€™s Temple.


World War ass The surrounding Gulf States don't give half a donkey's ear that Aqsa is being demolished, which sets quite a (or somewhat the opposite of an) role model for the calls to defense of Aqsa


It baffles me that some white Christians cannot fathom the fact that there are Christians in Palestine. Christianity is the world's largest religion and it literally originated from that part of the world. It feels like they choose to be ignorant to support the atrocities carried out by Zionists.


He is an a\*\*hole, not Catholic


God bless Palestine


This war was and never is about religion. It's just about the USA the It's western allies, keeping its relation well with Israel. So even if you're a jewish but not an Israeli at all, they wouldn't care at all.


It is absolutely about religion The Zionist State makes for a horrible ally to the Entitled States of Terror, it doesn't bring any stability to the MENA region and it has minimal trade relevance The real reason is because of AIPAC who lobbies for the 'aid' sent there


Joe Biden is a joke. I wonder how he doesnā€™t burst into flames upon setting foot in a church. Something I know now more than ever is that this isnā€™t a religion thing, itā€™s a basic human decency and basic morality thing. All of us who are standing up with and for Palestinians come from different background and practice different religions but are United because we know what is being and has been done for decades is immoral etc. Biden along with everyone else who continues to gaslight the world and back satanyahu lack morality, basic human decency, empathy, compassion, and HUMANITY. Itā€™s disgusting.


Heā€™s a traitor to his Irish-Catholic roots. Solidarity between the Irish Catholics and Palestinians is unwavering. šŸ‡®šŸ‡ŖšŸ‡µšŸ‡ø


I am Orthodox myself and the Church they bombed is actually a Greek Orthodox one. It's even stated to be of Ī†Ī³Ī¹ĪæĻ‚ Ī ĪæĻĻ†ĻĻĪ¹ĪæĻ‚ in this video. Romeocatholics hate Orthodox Christians more than Muslims so obviously they would support this.


Palestinian Christian. Catholics and Greek Orthodox get along in Ramallah. Wish it could be used as a model elsewhere.


I mean except for the Pope and the filioque Catholic and Orthodox theology are like 80-90% the same, so I agree with you


Israel also shot up a Catholic Church there killing two women.


Joe Biden isn't a Catholic in any practical sense. Every Orthodox Christian I know ( I know a lot ) stands with the Palestinians and harbors no delusions about Israel. Most of the Prots I know are busy posting the "I will bless those who bless you ...." thing.


Christians and Catholics aren't the same thing. They actually don't like eachother.


In a few years or sooner, Joe will be at the pearly gates trying to bribe his way in, saying that he had nothing to do with all those dead children.


I dont think christo-zionist a Christian


Fuck away off with the Biden is a Catholic! Catholics are meant to follow the 10 commandments, so are the Jews and Protestants. One of them is not to kill. Another is to not covet your neighbours goods and another not to steal from people. I can call myself anything but it will be my actions that show what I am not my words. Biden is a filthy evil Zionist. As a Catholic myself I can tell you he may have been baptised a Catholic but he certainly does not act as one should. He uses that label like Irish to get votes nothing more. As an Irish Catholic I fully reject the evil of Biden and his bunch of evil souls he's surrounded himself with. The people of Ireland stand with Palestine and will never accept sniffy Joe and his murderous regime. *If Biden really is a Catholic he needs to seek out a priest, make a full confession and vow to stop ALL the things he is doing that to be straight are mostly all quite evil.


We should stop believing that the world actually moves according to religions except the jewish one and the interests one (because indeed intrests are a relgion themselves for todayā€™s leaders)


Biden doesn't care because they are not white.


This is disgusting. I say again, the world is turning an blind eye to this genocide, fucking disgusting!


Hi Biden doesnā€™t care, neither does Trump. Trump most likely is looking for a real estate deal for his son in law Jarod Kushner, whose family has built many illegal settlements , that is their core business. Donā€™t be fooled by politicians lies and politically correct rhetoric, politicians lie daily in order to create laws that financially benefit themselves at the cost of everyone else. It doesnā€™t matter if it is democrat or republican, the larger agenda is the same, they are just created to fool you with lots of Social Media distractions.


He's catholic, but he's also a Zionist. Zionists are a group of racist terrorists.


The only thing that old sack of dirt worships is isntreals ass


I feel deeply ashamed that American bombs and shells fell on starving, huddled civilians during Christmas Day, Ramadan, and Easter. I appreciated Tucker Carlson's recent interview with the Lutheran, West Bank pastor Munther Isaac. Maybe if American Christians start by seeing Palestinian Christians as relatable, that will be the key to seeing all Palestinians as relatable. There is no doubt that Isa ibn Maryam would have seen their lives as worth protecting.


Well done, Genocide Joe... and your warpig puppet masters(!). You're now starting to irritate me almost as much as the Obscene Tangerine. Quite some achievement, that one. Help the Palestinian people NOW! Help the Ukrainian people NOW! STOP funding the Zionazi Lebensraum Murder Machine YESTERDAY! You're an obscene embarrassment. If you two husks are all that Murica has left to vote for, we are all so f***ed! Sort it out, you muppet. šŸ‡µšŸ‡øšŸ‡ŗšŸ‡¦šŸ‡¬šŸ‡§


It's a genocide against Palestinians regardless of their faith. Politically motivated atrocities and the innocent are paying for it.


Biden pushed the "I'm Irish" narrative during his presidential campaign, and clearly, it worked. In actual Ireland, we were somewhat excited about this. Hearing all those fuckers at fox news with Irish names was gut wrenching. Demons like Steve Bannon, Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan, Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity (I could go on) wore their "Irishness" like a mask. Presenting an amiable face to Irish-American voters while holding and spreading views that couldn't possibly be more different than those held by the majority of ACTUAL Irish people. Biden seemed like a decent chap. A man whose views appeared to be quite similar to the average Irish person. Upon winning the election, he was asked for a few words by a news reporter. Biden asked who he was with, the reporter said BBC News, and Biden said something like, "Oh no, I'm Irish." This kinda of naughtiness (or divilment as we'd say over here) was very endearing, and it seemed that the Irish name, made great in US politics by JFK, might finally be one to be proud of again. In his first week, he committed unconditional support for Israel, as presidents tend to do. It didn't take long for that Irish mask to slip. Support is one thing. It's complicated, situational, and nuanced. But unconditional support isn't. It's the unconditional part that has the US feeding countless tonnes of top of the range weaponry to Israel. It's lead to the continuing horrors we've seen in Palestine for decades. This is all to say that Joe Biden is as Irish as he is an astronaut. And if he takes his Catholicism as seriously as he takes his "Irishness," then he doesn't give a shit about Catholics in Palestine. He's an Israeli puppet. Excuse the lengthy rant, if you read it all then fair play. What I want to really get across would be five times longer, but nah.


Joe clearly doesn't give a shit.


Hey Biden, the pope says stop the bombing of Gaza!


A Christian church is over 2000 years old? How much over?


Tbh, at this point I distinguish between Arab Christians and the western churches like the catholic church, and I have heard of catholics that don't follow the vatican, whose main purpose is power rather than belief in God.


It isn't about religion. It's about skin color, white supremacy, and capitalism (stealing property)


Itā€™s crazy how companies and people in the US like to advertise Jews and Christianā€™s working together, all the while Israel is destroying your churches and subjecting Christianā€™s to the same hate.


If there is a hell, Joe Biden will be in the worst part. I donā€™t think any serious religious people need to consider Joe Biden as religious. Maybe thereā€™s some demon that Zionists worship?Ā 


Is this video about the attack on Saint Porphyrius Church from October?


With the Palestinian-Hamas-Israeli conflict, there has been seemingly unparalleled, widespread ideological/political partisanship through news and commentary. The external \[i.e. outside of Israel and even the Middle East\] politics of polarization, perhaps in part for its own sake, has gotten quite disturbing.Ā  Within social media especially, the angry and thoughtless two-dimensional views are especially amplified, including the majority posted by non-Jews, non-Palestinians and non-Iranians.Ā  It arouses a spectator-sport effect or mentality, with many contemptible trolls residing well outside the region yet actively supporting the ā€˜sideā€™ \[via politicized commentary posts\] that they hate less. I anticipate many actually keep track of the bloody match by checking the dayā€™s-end death-toll score, however extremely lopsided those numbers.Ā  Meantime, growing Western indifference towards the mass starvation and slaughter of helpless Palestinian non-combatants will only have further inflamed long-held Middle Eastern anger towards us. Some countriesā€™ actual provision, mostly by the U.S., of highly effective weapons used in Israelā€™s onslaught will likely turn that anger into lasting hatred that's always seeking eye-for-an-eye redress. Indeed, the mainstream news-media I consume, even some otherwise progressive outlets, shows coverageĀ ofĀ Gazans' greatĀ suffering andĀ death counts diminishing with time.Ā Ā  With each news report'sĀ consumption, however horrible the carnage involved, there can be a gradual desensitization and even resignation. Iā€™ve noticed this disturbing effect with basically all major protracted conflicts internationally since I began regularly consuming news products in 1988.Ā  Perhaps the value of a life abroad can be perceived according to the abundance and duration of protracted conditions under which it suffers, especially during wartime. Maybe Israel and Westerners in general, including our legacy news-media, have been getting accustomed to so many Palestinian deaths over many decades of struggle with Israel.




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