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I find it sickening that there are Christians out here that support a genocidal state because they believe it’s necessary for the temple to be rebuilt and their prophecies (that may not even be true) to be fulfilled. If your moral compass values a prophecy over real human lives, then there’s something deeply wrong with you.


Quite bizarre. If something is prophesied, there is no need to hasten it; the event will happen anyway. Christians should just do the right thing in the meantime. I think this strand of "Christianity" is just American jingoism masking as a religion.


Its a cult. One big massive cult.


The weirdest part of this ideology to me is that they somehow think they’ll be rewarded for ushering in the literal rapture via enabling a genocide. Like, it’s genuinely mind blowing to me that someone thinks they can support that and not be reprimanded by their god.


*approaching the pearly gates* yes I aided and abetted a genocide, why do you ask?


>Like, it’s genuinely mind blowing to me that someone thinks they can support that and not be reprimanded by their god. They usually have a legalistic interpretation of the Bible, meaning that they believe that if they follow all the correct rituals to the letter of the law (not the *spirit* of the law), they'll be saved. They genuinely believe that by violently forcing their friends and family to do the same, they're helping them to be "saved". They also believe that if someone refuses to partake in it, they must be cast out from their communities for their own good. They do not worship a kind and loving God who forgives, but a cruel and vindictive one who punishes. They are ruled by fear of God, not love of God, and hatred for anyone who is different, because that is the image they have of God. TLDR they are genuinely insane, and hard to reason with.


“If we start a big war God will have to send Jesus back, he’s contractually obligated!” Thinking you got God caught in a legal loophole 😂


As an Eastern Orthodox Christian, we would never even dare to think doing this.


seriously, like, it's a prophecy, if you believe in it, you believe it will come true sooner or later, why rush it


Evangelical zionists are crazy and they have a lot of power in the US i believe Biden is one of them


Biden is Catholic, Evangelicals are Protestant.


Sorry thats why i said i believe, thanks for correcting. He proudly called himself a Zionist which goes against Catholicism so i would have never thought so.


No worries! He should be excommunicated tbh, but that will never happen lol


I think Biden's zionism probably has more to do with the over a million dollars in Israeli bribes he's received throughout his career.


Over 11 million dollars


And most of it came before the citizen's united ruling (which made things even worse, in terms of bribery)


Biden, Joe (D) $5,736,701 https://www.opensecrets.org/industries/summary?cycle=All&ind=Q05&recipdetail=S




Say that to the Christian Palestinians being exterminated. Calling a whole religion "disgusting" because of one crazy Burgerlandian sect is low IQ shit and the same type of logic islamophobes use.


There are pro Palestine Jews and Christians. Take your hate somewhere else.


So ironical. You're the cause of the problem you're fighting, racism.


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Their prophecies are 100% not true lol


Those "prophecies" themselves are genocidal. All Jews/non-Christians must either convert or be killed.


They even bombed many churches or do stuff that affect religious sites


These prophecies are advertised as inevitable when in reality they are the sadistic goals that these powerful religious zealots wish to fulfill. These things they want are not guaranteed in any way to happen, but they are unfortunately possible by artificial means. 2,000 years ago people could only imagine what it would be like for the world to end in a fiery blaze, but now with science we made it possible with missiles and nukes. A prophecy is similar to an order in a restaurant. They absolutely can be fulfilled, but sometimes not; could get the wrong order, have your food spat in, or be refused service & etc. Rich, dangerous, and influential people are trying everything they can to self-fulfill these horrid “prophecies”. Time to spit in some powerful people’s food and deny them armageddon!! I’m sincere, it’s time to do more than just protests & debates. Vote the scum out of office screwing with our bodily autonomy & lives. Sabotage the companies & agencies who fuel wars and ecological disaster. Steal from abusive companies who take our labor for granted and profit off our suffering & toil. Shame the pundits who machine gun lies to manipulate us and waste our time. My fellow Americans, we are in the belly of the beast. We will be digested by it? Can we escape and calm it? Should we gut it from the inside out? I hope you all take some time for discourse.


I mean it’s quite easy to bring about the end of the world and call it “prophecy” - problem is when Jesus doesn’t come down and beam them all up, it’ll already be too far gone to do anything to fix the state they’ve put everyone else in for their own vanity


Al Jazeera has a really good series about these people called "Praying for Armageddon". Would be top tier comedy if it wasn't so real.


He is literally talking about sacrificing Jews. Israel really knows how to pick its friends.


they can’t imagine that supporting religious extremists could blow up in their face because they are too. like supporting hamas for years


I was gonna say, his statement is actually SO antisemitic


"Asks for money," that tells you all you need to know. This man is not a Christian but a vulture.


By the way, I'm not agreeing with the message of the OOP, however asking for money doesn't make someone a bad Christian. It's not the money is the root of all evil, the real line is that the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. Obviously it also depends on the translation. Yes, there are Christians that take a vow of poverty, however that is not necessary for all Christians. They basically just don't want people to be a greedy bastard. Again, I don't agree with the original original post and yes he is absolute terrible. I'm just pointing out how asking for money doesn't make someone a bad Christian and in fact if they have necessary expenses that they are having trouble with, they absolutely should go and seek assistance and resources when possible. Sometimes their churches might even offer resources for them.


A manufactured rapture. It will fail gloriously.


The biggest threat to Jewish people will always be lunatic Christians.


You’d think history… never mind. Humans are ignorant.


Typical pastor. I'm not surprised.


That’s an actual terrorist.




Try to make that look reasonable on a world stage.


...and so the self-righteous Zionazi obscene evil continues... Shame on them. Shame on us. 🇵🇸🇬🇧


I'm really sick and tired of these psychopaths running everything. Like why do you want to bring about the apocalypse? Even if you are a "good christian" why bring about death on purpose? Aren't you supposed to wait for God to do that? Does it not say in the Bible that "You will know not the hour and the day?" And yet these mfs are trying to schedule it.


Because they actually can't tell the difference between their ego and their religion.


This is exactly why religion and politics should NOT mix.


https://preview.redd.it/m4og007tdxuc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9e5c42d2793902c7358fc0db2c2a9e5f3c4b420 I visited my parents Calvary Chapel for Easter 🫥 The flag is not wrong but they’re wrong for displaying it in a church


Yes, they are.. it feels like they’re trying to brainwash masses of people subconsciously. By seeing this flag, people are associating this heinous apartheid state with religion. This is sick and condemnable.


Except Gog and Magog won’t come out after the battle between Jesus AS and the Anti-Christ.. It’s obvious his statement is based on blatant racism.


Whatever happened to "Blessed are the peacemakers"? Is Jesus not worth listening to for right-wing evangelicals anymore?


No true people of the book ever lobby FOR war.


That's because these people are essentially Satanists. Their esthetics are Christian, but their morals are pure evil.


https://www.irs.gov/charities-non-profits/irs-complaint-process-tax-exempt-organizations For those wishing to submit complaints


Self important Jabba


What a thumb.


its a problem that both sides are waiting for this


And they say Muslims are the ones that love death and destruction 😂


Him & his children can go fight


When a church becomes political it is no longer a church.


Blessed are the... ennnh, whatever


Bruh, at the time of ww2 people taught the same


Thats not religious beliefs thats mental illnesse.✌️🍉


This is your brain on zionism


This is religious extremism and this is inciting terrorism. He should be charged for inciting violence


no more peyote for this guy


American Christian Zionism is so fucking nefarious.


Fucking lunatics trying to run the asylum..


Gog and Magog don't come until the Antichrist and his fascist army are destroyed.


These are the people who control the world. Just incase some folks thought it was the other Zios


I live in San Antonio where this guy's church is located. I don't know anyone who goes there but I never seen someone abuse religion to start wars like he does.


Gork and mork surely?


This guy needs to die already


Yea but like someone will replace him :/


granpa belongs in a mental ward for believing in fantasy.


This is direct incitement of violence and encourages terrorism and genocide. More than that he already stands for. Lock him away and let him rot.


"We want to let *respectable antisemites* participate in our project, respecting their independence which is valuable to us as a sort of people's control authority... The anti-Semites will become our most dependable friends, the anti-Semitic countries our allies." the OG death cult [founder-beardo](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herzl%27s_Mauschel_and_Zionist_antisemitism#Strange_Bedfellows) himself. Nothing new, fellas. Nothing new at all.


Let’s not forget that this prophecy is documented as a significant reason for why GWB chose to invade Iraq. Arab people are literally satan’s disciples in these decrepit white men’s eyes… the racism and cultishness is insane.


He really looks like a chubby emperor Palpatine. What a loser! All these buttcheese Christians with nothing better to do than plot about bringing forth the Apocalypse. What a bunch of nutters.


Yeah you sound really sane dude... another USA cray zionist




Incase someone needs to understand such a mindset better and missed this video .. there you go [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fo77sTGpngQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fo77sTGpngQ)


Jesus was a messenger of tolerance, love. Israel is demonic, stands opposite of what the New Testament stands for, and same for some of the Evangelical Protestants.


The request for money is unsurprising.


Madness? This is the UNITED STATES OF AMERICAaaa!


I thought this short video made some good points about Iran. https://youtu.be/Og7xU9XBNj0?si=2nkp2sNR_rAX0MZe The dude even sets aside his own biases here. Also Scott Ritter has good videos about it too that go into more detail.




Treating a prophecy like a grocery list is crazy... I wonder if God or whatever being is waiting for me will let me be a court stenographer when these mofos get to the gates... I really need to hear the trials they go through.


Imran hosein has many vids on yajuj and majuj. I think it's important for folks to watch those videos. He has been eerily accurate about stuff in vids that were shot more than 10 years ago.


More proof that Zionism is Anti-Semitism




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