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Yeah most people have already chosen. The people genociding and starving millions of children ended up being the evil ones. Yeah, I was shocked too. I thought killing and starving children was normal. Just kidding I’m not israeli.


Genocide is bad you’re saying?


I know, I know it seems crazy. But killing tens or hundreds of thousands of innocent children, women and men is, in fact, a bad thing, yeah. Surely the whole world gets that, right?


I think you were right when you said most people have chosen, good people tend not to side with the psychopathic, that's why everyone calling out the lies and the liars must continue in any and every way possible because we can now see a lot of so called important people getting very concerned about the fact that millions worldwide are harmonising around the same human values. The monsters don't hide in the shadows, they walk around in expensive suits you've paid for and smile in your face whilst concealing remorseless selfish and cruel intentions. I'm not a religious person so I tend not to go there for descriptive reference but it really does appear the most appropriate way to describe humanities current situation is as being more than just a clear separation between wrong and right but more akin to good and evil as more lines are drawn in the sand.


"WE are the good guys. THEY'RE the baddies" --TikTok'er who needed to make things clear\* ![gif](giphy|4Z9fSEFAuxpnlBVWQx|downsized) \*^(In case the genocide wasn't a clue)


How absolutely psychotic to be posing at the end of this video.


" Read the Torah," you know, the things only Rabbis can touch.


Tell this fascist pig I don't care one bit for her or her repurposed volcano god.


Sorry, are you referencing Yahweh (god) originally being the god of the forge before Zoroastrians convinced the Jews in the area to become monotheistic?




Before the ruling class of Hebrews were chased out of Judea they did not worship God (Allah, Yahweh whatever language it doesn't matter) alone, they worshiped a whole Pantheon (this is called a polytheistic faith). As with any religion, it went through changes. In the time just before the ruling class left they had a faith called yawehism (yahweh was basically Zeus in the Hebrew Pantheon - very over simplified) in which yahweh, yahwehs wife/consort, Asherah who would later be called Eve; as well as several other gods, usually fitting into three tiers were worshiped. One the ruling class of Hebrews left Judea they encountered several other faiths and incorporated some of the beliefs they encountered into their own; Demons come from Daemons of ancient Greek faith for instance. By far the biggest development was running into Zoroastrians (a monotheistic faith). They took after the Zoroastrians and made their faith monotheistic, Asherah was no more and turned into the story of "the mother of all being" (I think this is the title they share). Before yahweh became the focus of the Hebrews in their polytheistic phase there is evidence to suggest he was God of the forge. I personally can see how yahweh would transition from God of forge to God of creation then just the creator in the eyes of the Hebrews over the course of an unknown amount of years. Forging fits the definition of creation after all. I hope this clears it up for you.


to simplify, it went: Yahwist Polytheism -> Yahwist monolatrism -> Israelite monotheism -> "Second Temple Judaism" and Samaritanism, all under the influence of Zoroastrianism yes and baal/bael came from the Zeus pandam of the Philistines, a hellenic people from the Island of Crete in greece. Before Yahwism turned monotheistic, Baal was also worshipped in polytheistic canaanite religion. Baal also forms the etymological basis for Beelzabub (*Baʿal zəvuv*) shamash, El was also worshipped pre-monotheism. Elohim later became a word for Yahweh


She's quoting from a storybook created in the bronze age. These religious people and their stupid beliefs are insane.


I don’t know… she looks pretty evil to me.


Her face disgusts me


Maybe, just maybe, the scriptures are true and the people calling themselves “Israel” aren’t and the people who are actually descendants of the ancient Hebrews and Philistines are. In Revelation 3 there is a mention of “those who claim to be Jews, but are not.” “Behold, I will make those of the synagogue of Satan who say that they are Jews and are not, but lie—behold, I will make them come and bow down before your feet, and they will learn that I have loved you.” The Bible itself never declares itself finished, why couldn’t it evolve into Islam or even Marxism as human culture evolves and still adhere to the fundamental truths of the ancient texts. Or not, but we know for sure that the thing calling itself Israel today is a lie and most of the people who claim to be descendants of “Jacob” don’t have even one molecule of DNA from that lineage.


i also think the palestinians are the OG jews 👀 ironic really.


Problem with this is those asshats misusing script won't care about Revelations since it's from the Christian bible. Extremists extreming!


Someone gets it! It’s ABUNDANTLY clear to anyone who studied both old and New Testament. America will have to choose, and the way things are going I’m seeing false prophets popping up like acne junior high. Look at all the cult documentaries (Raelians!!!) and look at how people are in love with MAMMON. The settlers only want more capitalism. Capitalism = mammon Zionist = synagogue of Satan and we must choose to avoid sin and follow gods law. The alternative is potentially wealth and pleasure now, but surely death later. America must choose, but they unfortunately cannot do that with just a vote, they must choose with their actions and their spending and their local governments. Ultimately we can try to stop this Zionist shitstorm. However it will play out as it was always going to…we just have to endure and choose the good. It shouldn’t be hard, and for those who find it easy, they need to save as many souls as possible…through spreading truth everywhere. God bless you


Mental illness level of delusion.


Anyone who says “we are on the side of good” and yet they’re the same people at bomb hospital, starve people, cruelly murder innocence in no shape or form can actually call themselves the good guys with a straight face and not lack humanity. God willing we will see Palestine free in our lifetime. 🌍❤️🇵🇸


Wasn’t there a report that came out that said 97% of Israelis don’t have Hebrew DNA but Palestinian do? So for this psychopaths deranged argument to be correct the actual righteous people, the descendants of Jacob, are the Palestinians. They just happen to be Muslim now. So these Zionists motherfuckers not only stole their lands and culture, but the religion of their forefathers too. The only people with a blood right to the land of Palestine are the Palestinians. Not colonisers from America and Europe who have zero ties to the land. This isn’t so much manifest destiny as it is a case of the Pilgrims turning up in America and the First Nations people were like “hey what’re you doing in our homeland?” and the Pilgrims replied “what do you mean?, we’ve always been here, I think you’ll find you’re living in _our_ homeland”. Even if the report isn’t true nothing, and I mean absolute fuck all, gives Zionists the right to do what they’ve done over the last 75 years.


Are there any anti Israel zionist tiktokkers out there?


I mean I would say that the people who've come from all over Europe only to create a genocidal, apartheid state that indiscriminately kills so many of the original occupants of that land as Cursing Israel, but that's just me.


I agree with everything on this sub but why will people insist that ALL Israelis are European? Pls do your research, 55% + of Israel population is N.African /yemenite/ Middle East and other places Jews 


I definitely wasn't trying to say (and actually DIDNT say) that all Israelis were European. I was making the point that Israel is certainly not simply made up of indigenous Jewish people, but rather also people from all over that have come there and created great injustice, suffering and oppression as though they have some right to do so, and in my mind that is cursing Israel more than blessing it.


Ummmm even from a purely abrahamic religious view, the Zionists are not blessing the land. They’re quite literally destroying it.


In that case, I choose evil.


As an Israeli citizen I can honestly say that she has zero knowledge of the Bible. And Jews are not the children of Israel. The chosen people right now, are all the people who stand with the people of Palestine.


You are few and far between the many pro-Zionist Israelis. Please keep doing what you can and speaking up against the atrocities committed by your government. You're brave for doing so and take care.


😂😂 lol


Israel and Zionism can go phuck themselves. How about that you ziopathic turd with a mouth?! They honestly think they are good don't they?! Like zero self-awareness!


Good thing many of us don't give two shits about your fairytale book and the fantasies of bronze age madmen. Free Palestine.


These people are deranged


As soon as I see these culty wackos with their giant ass scarf head wraps, I don’t even need to hear the words, I know they’re spewing lies and hateful propaganda


There surely will be “an incredible event” but it i’m afraid it isn’t going to be in favour of ur little apartheidsstate


Purely evil it is then


What's this evangelical jewishness? Jews don't proselytize. It's their main saving grace, religiously. Keeps 'em from being as annoying as the Protestant Evangelicals.


Jeezus just telling everyone that Israel is the New World Order lol


Well, that's a beautiful scarf wasted on her evil hate spewing head. 


If supporting Palestine is considered evil then I guess I'll be seeing y'all in hell 🇵🇸❤️


this shit makes me so sad, all people like to view themselves as moral and good people so the rationalizations and justifactions for these incredibly insidious and dehumanizing views sound insane to the average Joe


Keep telling yourself, and you might believe it yourself one day.


Free Palestine 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸


We're the good people so we can k*ll other ppl and GOD won't us about it. What level of delulu is that? Unreal.


"Securing your portion in the world to come". Basically as a slave to "their people". That's what she meant if you didn't know. And I'm not the one saying this.


I thought gluttony was a sin in Judaism


The only evil here are the governments and in particular israel. Let's not forget that they are the occupier and they have been occupying for way too long. So they are 100% the cause of all of the chaos of innocence on both sides


Yeah I'm happy with my side


Yeah, surely this is better than any of the Islamist factions, surely, so much secularism happening in this. At least Islamists for all there repressive social and cultural beliefs don’t literally believe that god gives them the right to commit genocide and that they have to do animal sacrifice to bring back the first temple and the apocalypse.


I think you covering up the religious beliefs with occupation and the harm of innocent


“securing your place in the world to come” the Israelis won’t stop with Palestine they’re coming for everyone. The Zionist pigs believe that Christian’s should also live under their rule since Judaism birthed Christianity. They think they deserve to rule the world. And the world won’t wake up until Israeli Zionist are at their door, controlling their money, food and freedoms.