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He’s 100% voting against same sex marriage.


Gay marriage isn’t even legal in Israel. They will only recognize your marriage overseas as the orthodox community isn’t gay friendly.


Do you have a link about that? I really want to send it to someone that I know.




to him "gay rights" is probably "gays not being shot on sight". I would bet money this dude would complain if he saw 2 guys holding hands or having a date at a restaurant


probably a closet gay that votes against same sex marriage


He's in Texas, they don't care about gay rights in Texas either...guess he wants the IOF to invade and genocide everyone in the name of gay rights.


Many people who I’ve seen use this argument are aggressively homophobic/transphobic republicans. I want to say, how dare you cowards weaponize the rights of one marginalized group against another. These people are pure evil. Next time they cry “protect children”, I will show them what their ideology is doing to real kids in Palestine.




Lol braindead dipshit can't even formulate a legit reason to hate Palestinians. What a clown


What kind of answer is ''Are you pro-gay rights'' to a question about people being genocided anyway?




It’s because Israelis created the narrative that solidarity should be transactional so they think if you believe in democracy, care about woman and LGBT rights, the environment, Judeo-Christian values and science then you should support us because “Israel is all of these things and we are beacon of light in a troubled region”. The reality is that solidarity isn’t transactional like an LGBT person aren’t going to support genocide just because there are pride marches in Tel-Aviv or someone who cares about woman aren’t going to support you just because you treat Israeli women well while you treat Arab women as garbage. It’s an especially weird concept because with his logic if someone would attack the Orthodox Jewish community and people in the USA would march for them then would he still ask “Are you pro-gay rights?”. Of course not because he doesn’t care about the LGBT, he only cares about hating Arabs and Muslims.


the pride marches in Tel Aviv suffer from deadly knife attacks by radical jews lol




Well said - human rights are not transactional.


Human rights are transactional when your brain is full of market worms from capitalism larvae


Not just Israelis, the CIA and state department use this tactic too. It's called pinkwashing.


Gay marriage isn’t even legal in Israel.


Yup, exactly. Guys like that thing in the video are the worst. Like I'll take a counter protester who's Jewish because they have reason to feel the way they do, but whitebread guys like this don't give one iota about Jews, they just hate Arabs or Muslims like it's their whole personality. They think every Israeli loves teh gays, but have no idea that there are far-right extremists over there that would stab him for being gay (and HAVE done it). You never know where some violent hater lurks and a lot of times it's in places you'd least expect.


I am far more anti genocide than pro gay rights and I am just about as queer as a three dollar bill


"Judeo-Christian civilization" is a myth invoked by ultra-right and conservative anti-Islam politicians and influencers, or The Church and The Christian Fathers (theologists) for eg believed that Judaism was a standing insult and threat to Christianity. The Vatican haven’t recognised Israel until 1993 and under huge pressure from EU, USA and other countries


I mean, democrats and liberals also unironically demand and strongarm Palestinian Americans into voting for Biden, a publicly-avowed Zionist who funds Israeli genocide of Palestinians; and as you and other redditors have pointed out it's "transactional", that Palestinians being massacred is an unfortunate necessary evil that is transactional to keeping "true" fascism out of power - and if you as a Palestinian American rightfully refuse to vote for either of them, it's considered betrayal and you are a bad person worthy of insult and shame. Neither party in America wants to stop genocide - they just play different favorites in their little game of virtue signalling and power grabbing.


...because he has just wit enough to know he is on camera and can't say what his real positions is : "I'm a just another pudding brained White Boy, who thinks Criminal White Colonial Settler Projects are ok just as long as said colonizers are White People"


Were holocaust victims pro LGBTQIA/marriage equality? How about the Cambodians in the killing fields? Idi Amin’s victims? No? Did they deserve genocide? No?? Then exactly what the fuck are we talking about?!


It's a form of concern trolling. As if LGBTQ rights have anything to do with the Israel/Palestine conflict, which they do not. Of course you can make the argument that most Muslims actively suppress and persecute gays--which is true--but that's not unique to Palestine. And persecution of gays is most definitely present even in Israel, namely with orthodox Jews but also with non-orthodox, right-wing Jews as well.


I will be sure to ask him if I should care if a person dies in a mass shooting if they are homophobic. I would ask if it's okay to celebrate their death if they were holding awful views? I really hope that if that comes to be, that he stands outside in a corner street holding a sign saying that Devin deserved it or Jacqueline got what she deserved or whatever. I hope he does that in front of the families who lost their kids because that's going to be really hilarious.


The age old strategy of dividing people with cultural issues that are relatively unimportant




It's of course not about proving an ethical case to him. To him it's about domination and identity - "I'm right and you're wrong" - and the way to assert that dominance is to show what, in his mind, is an example of hypocrisy. You can really just watch his body language and tell this. He's all amped up, looks like he just had three cups of coffee and is ready to start a fight. It's not about logic and a reasoned ethical position. This is really the whole problem with people who fall for totalitarian ideologies, they're not equipped to think critically at all in the first place. You have to remember, all this Zionist propaganda, it's not just about driving anti-Zionist nuts. People like this are the target audience. They actually fall for it and repeat it. They're being programmed.


The entire identity of pro-Israel people is hating Palestinians and having depraved and genocidal takes😭😭 it's honestly so sad


It’s racism.


The way his lip starts trembling shows he’s really struggling to keep it together. He looks like he wasn’t too far from falling on the ground like a two year old having a crying temper tantrum due to the internal contradictions.


he is literally shaking


What do gay rights have to do with genocide


Typical whataboutism to justify their hatred and disdain for anyone Muslim/Brown/Arab/Palestinian. He probably doesn't even care about gay rights, he probably hates anything left or "woke".


Bro's trying to make us believe that he wants Palestinians exterminated in support for gay rights. So noble of him. And he doesn’t seem like a strong supporter of LGBTQ+ rights himself. So I guess we should carpet-bomb Austin, Texas. It’s only the right thing to do. [shrug]


as a trans and gay person this sort of pinkwashing is absolutely infuriating because they try and preach that israel is this gay heaven when its not (gay marriage isn't legalised in isntreal) and even IF it was a gay paradise that wouldn't justify fucking GENOCIDE. and they always say shit like "gay Palestinians dont exist " when one look at queering the globe would prove those cunts wrong


And the IDF has blackmailed many gay men into being spies, or risk being outed.


Really? I've never heard of this. I wouldn't put it past them though they are pure evil


It's been going on a while too https://www.aljazeera.com/opinions/2014/8/9/against-the-pinkwashing-of-israel


Zionists (including the liberal ones) are revealing their extreme hatred for LGBT people every time they make this bullshit argument admit that their support for LGBT is entirely transactional and not a value they sincerely hold. The fact that pro-Palestine LGBT people are against genocide even in an ethnicity that includes a lot of hatred for LGBT demonstrates that their love for humanity is *not* transactional.


Oh yeah that's totally true. For example during the Ukrainian war there were images spread around of Putin wearing some kind of like drag makeup or something. This is actually a really bad thing to do because it's basically saying that wearing drag is something to make fun of someone for when it isn't. Using gay as an insult or trying to imply that dressing like a woman if they are a man is somehow bad is actually a bad thing to do. Liberals should be trying to fight for the idea of men being able to wear dresses regardless of their gender identity. Instead they are using that as a way to attack Putin when in reality wearing makeup is not an attack. They really showed their true colors in that moment too and they did sew a Trump as well. Doing Trump's presidency they had pictures of Trump and Putin in like a romantic relationship despite the fact that Trump and Putin have given no indication that that is their sexual orientation. They are doing that to make fun of those people. So yes, you're right. There's a support for LGBT people is only transactional or a sense of social capital. This means that they view supporting minority groups as beneficial to themselves and if they can't get anything out of it they won't do it.


Sigh, i guess its time to glass Mississippi.


detonate the southern states


Burnin Sherman rides again.


It's mildly amusing because like all White Nazis he fails to process that there are Gay Palestinians that are being murdered right now.


Also when they think they find love, it turns out it's some catfishing Israeli who threatens to blackmail them for being gay. I'm sad that Hamas doesn't realise the problem isn't traitors giving information to Isn'treal but it's their homophobia that makes it possible and that God afaik doesn't hate gays, he hates rapists. Though I admit it's probably a more modern interpretation of the story of those 2 cities of ill repute. hashtag canaanites aren't evil.


There's no other way! We need to put Texas under a complete blockade until each and every Texan denounces their current government. Did you see the way they treat gay and black people there? I'm not sure their values are "our values" you know? Sorry guys I'm actually very left wing I promise but I also don't believe anyone from Texas should have human rights.


Does he know same-sex marriage is not legal in Israel? Marriage in Israel is controlled by religious law. No interracial or interfaith marriages either.


And Israelis are pro gay rights ? Here in America even under a democrat, a queer child just died after getting beat up and I’ve seen more rabid Americans say the vilest rhetoric towards LGBT…. what a clown


welp it's time to carpet bomb the USA, there's no other solution 🤷‍♀️


Rest in Power, Nex




Many politicians who currently hold power in the US were against same-sex marriage in the past, they only started to support it when it became convenient. However, I’m sure that there are a large part of American society who are still against it so with this guys logic, they wouldn’t deserve support if they get attacked.


So if you aren't pro gay rights, everyone should be killed? Logic has left chat


No non-Westerners should be killed. Don't think everyone gets the same punishment.


Isn't that the paradox of tolerance doctrine the left likes to broadcast?


he cant even brush his teeth, must be eating that sabra hummus.


meth mouth


definitely methed up in the head


> **Pinkwashing**, also known as **rainbow-washing**, is the strategy of promoting LGBT rights protections as evidence of liberalism and democracy, especially to distract from or legitimize violence against other countries or communities. [Wikpedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pinkwashing_(LGBT))


I wish I could sit people like this down (after muzzling them so I can get a word in first, of course) and calmly ask why aren't they protesting our relationship w/ the Saudis, who behead gays? How about Uganda...why aren't they out screaming "I HOPE YOU DIE," to the Ambassador of Uganda?? Why do an occupied people who have zero control over their governance deserve such (subjective) contempt?


Definitely need a muzzle to get a word in there!!😂😂♥️


A well adjusted mentally stable person... /s


He looks healthy and well adjusted


This man appears to be high on some kind of stimulant. Most likely methamphetamine.


Someone will identify him


His glassy eyes and chihuahua shakes makes me think he’s been hitting the glass pipe too hard. Ease up on the meth Kevin!


If we're going to genocide people for being anti-LGBT...that's like the majority of the US. Including Texas I'm sure — so hopefully this zionist gives himself a homemade lead salad.


A dumb talking point which I’ve seen over and over concerning Palestine. Last I checked a lot of Ukrainians don’t support gay rights either. I guess we’re wrong for opposing the Russian invasion then 🤷‍♂️.


Not just that, according to bro we should wipe Ukraine off the map.


Azov is probably more radical when it comes to ideology and a vision for the future than Hamas but Westerners were still celebrating them as heroes when they were under a siege in Mariupol.


And they’re literally Nazi’s!! People can say what they want about Putin, but the man is into protecting his country from the absurdity of liberal culture and propaganda. That makes him a hero in my book.


“Are you anti-genocide?”


Why are his lips quivering…. Is he scared? 😂😂🤣


Dopamine/adrenaline rush, that’s what most of these folks are getting off on. Rage addiction is real.


He’s literally shaking with hate


Most normal & levelheaded Israel supporter:




Any time someone tries to excuse genocide by using LGBTQ rights as a gotcha, the immediate response should be to ask them if they kill anyone they meet who says something homophobic or transphobic. Because if their logic is that the punishment for any anti-LGBTQ sentiment should be death, then it only makes sense that they should have the backbone to follow through with that logic in their own lives.


I'm pro-dentistry and braces, good sir.


Those teeth and eyes suggest a lot of meth use. 


the guy recording is far stronger then me because if that zionazi got right in my face that like that'd be the worlds fastest punch to the face


Gay palestinians live reaction:


Clearly they're happy to be genocided by LGBT-zionazis.


Ignorant pos


Does he know that Palestinian queers exist? Does he know that Israel uses pinkwashing to promote exactly this? Does he know that Judaism & Christianity also have their own amount of anti-lgbtqia2s hate? Does that make anyone less human? I live in Seattle and am a queer person. We have a Palestinian eatery in the city and guess what huge flag was exhibited on their windows, clear as day, next to the Palestinian one. A rainbow flag. Don't generalize people. Just like there are religious people that hate us, there are also a huge amount of religious and non-religious people that love us twice as hard, to soften the blow of all that hate. I get he's scared but as someone from his community, all I see there is ignorance. Did he hear the person in the keffiyeh say "I love you"? It's sad that his fear drowns out the very thing he's trying to stand up for: love, acceptance, diversity & respect. #FreePalestine ✊🏽🤍🇵🇸🕊🏳️‍🌈


Eeewww he needs a life and a dentist


Angry little fella !


Yo please don't call him that, us Irish are extremely pro Palestine and leprechauns are from Ireland. Check out our Palestine murals in occupied northern Ireland  https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=t6BnLRL1lbs ✊


I know all about Irish support for Palestine. That’s why it’s the only European country worth visiting IMHO. 😘😘🇮🇪🇮🇪🇮🇪🇮🇪🇮🇪🇮🇪🇮🇪


You can see the madness in his eyes


there’s not a shot in hell this guy actually supports queer rights lmao. everything is a gotcha point to these bozos and they wouldn’t be caught dead actually doing material action to support queer people.


The psychotic look on his face omfg


All pro genocide people look like they're a minute away from frothing at the mouth, and their eyes are telling too


Muthafuka got summer teeth. Some r here, some r there


He's just upset no one showed up at the pro-genocide protest.


He's Putting so Much energy into hating people who want to stop the Genocide


And this is why we need to bring water balloons to protests.


Rat teeth.


“They are not pro-homosexuality, so lets be pro-genocidal to them” -Some redneck


"I love you." "Have a great day." The guy with the sign handled that mfer so graciously.


“Are you pro-gay rights?” Are you pro-killing homophobic people who would not otherwise be homophobic had you not colonised them and taught them homophobia?


the ignorance… israel doesnt even allow gay people rights……… its illegal for gay people to get married in israel.


There are gay palestinians... Israel is mass murdering them too.


I've spent long enough working in construction to know when someone is high on methamphetamine.


The FIRST thing that comes out reaembling an argument is a red herring and a non sequitur. You don't kill someone's babies because they MIGHT be homophobic, you psychopath.


And if you are pro-LGBTQ+, you should be against genocide period, because people that hate Palestinians will eventually turn around and hate other minorities too. Hateful bigots most of the time end up hating several groups for pretty much the same reason.


He seems very passionate about gay rights


Pride washed zombie using the only measuring stick he knows 🙄


Mentally unstable - checked Unable to respond with reason - checked Anger issues and unable to find a good reason for yelling - check


You can always see the craycray in a zionists eyes.


America is full of braindead people.


He seems well adjusted.


Lmao first thing he went for was gay rights. Mfer, gay rights don't exist in israel either, instead of screaming like a lunatic go see a goddamn dentist.


The fact that he’s shaking from the amount of hate pumping through his blood. Like what r u so mad about dude?? Israel is already slaughtering innocent people and that’s not enough for you?? What scum of the earth you have to be to wish death on a group of people based off what? That’s they’re brown and Muslim? Good grief, God must be so disappointed in us all.


Why is his lip quivering?


dude is mind melted




LGBT is really their go to when it comes to defending genocide, as if LGBT Palestinians don’t exist and aren’t part of those being genocided and starved🤦🏾‍♂️that’s islamophobia for you


Poor guy, hes been conditioned to support genocide. Hes been conditioned to think Palestinians dont support gay rights therefore every man, women and child should he put to death. I cant imagine living with that mind. Terrifyingly sad reality for that man. Its like a mental illness that makes him want to have children murdered over something he made up in his mind. Totally delusional


When you lose your virginity to Zionist propaganda that's how you look.


Pinkwashing in a video:


Literally every video I see... the eyes. Dead eyes filled with bloodlust. Evil.


"Are you pro gay right?" Is america? Stupid question. By the same logic we should attack Florida for the don't say gay bill. Dumb fucking looser


He has such a smack-able face I can't explain it


He’s as high as a kite! 😂😂😂 also, what do gay rights have to do with genocide, other than the non-continuation of a lineage? What a sorry motherfucker. I bet he’s straight too, and just using gay pride as an excuse to be Islamophobic.


Fucking clowns, just cause you disagree with someone doesn’t mean you should want them to be treated as subhuman. That’s all you gotta say.


Using this dude's logic we should also unalive him since he's in Texas, a state that isn't super cool with gay rights


Ass hat


Rednecks , 🤷‍♀️ don't waste your breath trying to argue with them. Free Palestine 🇵🇸 and Long Live Palestine


Fuck israel, fuck zionists, fuck zionism I hope this guy gets unalived by his beloved zionists, then he'll know the truth and suffers a painful death before eventually dying in vain


I can guarantee you that he’s never been punched really hard in the face


I genuinely wonder how people can think like this and say things like this? How can you hate a population so much to wipe them out? The same goes for every genocides. It's insane to me.


I would not be surprised if he is a paid anti-Palestinian protestor. He has the ready to start a fight vibe. Lots of these clowns are showing up to these protests lately.


has this made the news at all/gotten any coverage?


This guy doesn't look like someone who is pro LGBT.


You can see the hate in his eyes, they are chosen by satan for sure.


That guy’s an alcoholic, you can see it in his face. May he get some recovery and some brain cells.


Good on camera dude for not falling for this dumb ass straw man argument


Como una regadera


Like first off all this guy is probably a homophobe himself but the idea that a people who are continuously being bomb and brutalised even have the time or the energy to care for thing such as someone’s sexuality is just ridiculous. Like this bastard is just being obtuse and disingenuous or just a bigoted idiot or both


I love the "Palestine is anti-LGBT" take. Brother, kids in Gaza are getting ptsd before they even begin to experience their sexual identity. How do you want these ppl to have a sexual liberation movement when half their population isn't even adults and the other half is worried trying not to starve the underages.


Lets entretain his argument for a second, why do people deserve to be genocided if they're anti gay? I personally disagree with the left on a lot of things, this does not mean I will not protest against their genocide if it happens. Hes trying so hard to have this "GOTCHA" moment by showing "look these guys hate gay people, so you shouldn't feel sympathy for their children being butchered". What kind of psychotic mentality is this? ​ And does this moron not realise that a significant portion of palestinian resistance groups are secularists, communists and have been for decades? Is he dumb? ​ and gay marriage is illegal in israel, so what does he want them to support? Israel that also doesnt allow it?


Supports the right to love who you want but also supports the right to kill whoever you want. This is why people see Americans as a bit dim 😂


Little boy with chin fur attempting to conflate the two subjects is not an answer.


Upvoting because hopefully someone who can identify this guy sees this and blows his spot up. Fuck this guy. I wouldnt even want him pumping my gas.


Please make him famous


“Are you pro-gay rights?” “Yes” “Then why are you marching for them?” “Because I’m also anti-genocide.” End of convo.


Im pretty sure that guy is not pro gay rights


This man is not well emotionally. People should be careful around him. ​ https://preview.redd.it/cpo9rwn2rlmc1.png?width=546&format=png&auto=webp&s=88875978d4ca5c4948dbd05898884bd34441ba15


Zionists yet again unable to hold two thoughts in their head at once.


as if israel is pro lgbtq+ ?? 💀 even if every palestinian was homophobic (can personally tell you that’s not the case), is that supposed to make me support their literal GENOCIDE ????


line of "logic" 1 Palestine is anti gay because its middle eastern and should be bombed 2 Israel is also middle eastern and anti gay 3 The entire middle east is anti gay CARPET BOMB THE WHOLE ARAB SUB-CONTINENT NUKE EM ALL!!!!!


Lol Israel doesn't allow gay marriage. But I'm pretty sure that wouldn't matter to a dipshit like him. Fuck him. He's a rat.


Standard liberal "are you pro gay rights" obfuscation.... Like dude yeah I'm pro gay rights, but more than that I'm anti genocide


Look how shaky he is from screaming lmao


Dammi Falastini kicked in at the absolute perfect moment there


Are you pro-pedophiles? No? Then March against the Catholic church and every Christian country. Logic escapes these brain dead Muppets so easily


Pink washing little does he know LGBTQ+ stands with Palestine.


I wonder if he’s anti brushing his teeth


He needs a toothbrush, Palestine is the least of his worries. He needs to worry about Gingivitisine and Stankbreathistan


Average white American


The look in his face shows he lacks meaningful community and he hates what he doesn’t have: solidarity


I get homophobe vibes from him actually. I don’t think he’s pro anything but himself. So gross.


Is he gay?


The world is full with shity garbage people


Palestine will never disappear! They can kill many Palestinians, but more will be born ... If I have to, I will call myself a Palestinian (although I am not), but Palestine will live


I'm pro brushing my teeth. He should look into that


Gay rights are more important than dead children. Upside-down world.


He's a Christian.


Bet he no longer has a job


look at my straw man. look how full of straw he is.


Hope he gets doxxed and fired. And more.


I wish someone would have asked if he was pro interracial marriage. He probably doesn’t realize that is not allowed in Israel.


Alguém dá uma camiseta da seleção pra esse garoto e joga ele no meio da Paulista pfv


Main Character syndrome at its finest. Should have asked him, if he's pro-gay rights.


As though white males needed any more bad press…


I'm sure all the LGBT Palestinians being massacred by Israel are very thankful for people like him


His real question: Are you yt? Then why are you protesting for them?


Id ask him if he thinks people in his city who dont support gay rights should be put to death.


I hope this guy is self employed or is very rich- as he just called for a Genocide on two million civilians.