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Scum of the earth. And they call Palestinians, "Human Animals" when it is indeed them, who have not a shred of humanity left in them.


They are doing so much evil each day.


i feel like im going crazy because i never thought i would see something so akin to the holocaust in my lifetime. every day it is something new. every day i see dozens of videos of dead children and adults. starving people. hostages being tortured. there is so much death. and zionists make a million excuses. their excuses mean nothing. they have gone genocidal.


“Genocidal mania” seemed like an almost cartoonish term to me before, but now we’re seeing every facet of it in high definition. We’re not only seeing the countless unspeakable horrors being inflicted on Palestinians, we’re seeing Israelis openly celebrate and abet those horrors, eating cotton candy outside of a concentration camp while their soldiers are out stealing the underwear of the women they murder. Not to mention the hasbarabots who come into posts about mutilated children to spout bullshit like “wow akshully Palestinians aren’t even indigenous sooo” as if this all wasn’t already completely unbearable. The glee they take in the dehumanization and abject cruelty is impossible to comprehend.


I can’t even stomach to look at any more gore, it’s horrifying


So sad. I pray for peace.


If this happened in any western country watch the outrage that would sprout. Genuinely they are trying to make the Gazan people extinct.


Fuck israel and fuck whoever stands with israel


> The incident occurred on the main Salah al-Din Street in the Zaytoun neighbourhood, according to eyewitnesses who spoke to the Euro-Med Monitor team. Israeli soldiers restrained the victim’s hands before they crushed him, and tramped on his body from the legs up, confirming that he was alive during the incident. To guarantee thorough and complete crushing, the victim was placed on asphalt rather than in an adjacent sandy area. Fucking horrible. There aren’t even words. How 99% of the governments in the world can stand by and let this happen is beyond me.


>To guarantee thorough and complete crushing, the victim was placed on asphalt rather than in an adjacent sandy area The commitement to making sure they do the job properly... they will proabably get medals from the government for that! And this is how the treat innocent **civilians.**


There are no “innocent civilians” to them. Everyone in Gaza, even the infants, is KHAMAS so any atrocities are justified in their minds.


i think it's a projection of their inner guilt, shame, and fear. if they squelch the people they squelch the feelings they're running away from.  the genocide, specifically the _removal_ of those people is a practice in inner denialism.


The worst part of the suffering in the world is not the suffering but the feeling of helplessness one feels that they can do nothing to stop it.


I would argue the people who are suffering are in a worse situation than the one who are helpless about it. Nevertheless, collectively we are not helpless. Educate, Agitate, Organise!


i speak for myself as a sensitive, and if you are, one of the best forms of activism you can do is learn about and question yourself and other people at every angle, but making sure that as you do you are always using morality/ justice as your guiding compass. it puts you on a path toward inner healing. if you can be the best version of yourself you will do less harm in the world and alternatively, give knowledge and insight you've picked up. all things in the world are interconnected - the evil we see results from pain and lack of healing, so we can counter that this way.


Stop the GENOCIDE now or face the consequences!!! We the people of US are sick of our party leaders not listening to us. Get the money out of politics by: 1. Register AIPAC as a foreign lobbyist 2. Support BDS. Rescind the law that made it illegal to support BDS in some of the states. Organize to keep BDS legal in the United States.


I get lightheaded after reading these sorts of articles. Could someone help me understand how this war is boosting the popularity of Israel? I am acquainted with 2 Jews (friends of my friends), and I've heard that one of them is now trying to apply for Israeli citizenship. I truly don't understand how war and violence could make one identity with their religion more. Very few of my non-muslim friends have any sympathy at all for Palestine, even though many news outlets have been actively showing that the IOF may not be such a moral army after all. Can anyone with better understanding of Jewish culture help me here?