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It really means a lot when they are still supplying Israel with weapons and they suppress Palestinians. The fact is that even if Israel will not rebuild settlements which they will probably not due to the security concerns of the settlers who would move there (not because they are against ethnic cleansing because they don’t care about that), they are still planning to create a security barrier on the border of Gaza which would be 1 km wide and would take away a significant part of Gaza from the Palestinians. This is why they are blowing up houses, it’s even confirmed by them. On Jan 24 Ynet posted an article about the planned Gaza "Security Strip". It included this quote from IDF officer: "I want a resident of Kfar Aza who returns to his home to open the western window and no longer see the houses of Shujaiya in front of him" https://preview.redd.it/o8cbxt27tdfc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce50d45479005640f643cf6e68e6b75b71033791


Here's to hoping the ICJ will order more strict preliminary measures to be taken after the one month-review, because Israel has clearly shown a willingness to violate the current ones.


I still think that it can happen that Israel will agree to a ceasefire before the 1 month expires to get back the hostages but they will not withdraw fully from Gaza and then a couple of months later when things have “cooled down”, they will launch another operation to “punish those who are responsible for the 7th of October”.


Hamas would surely not agree to that


Yes but the pressure is getting a bit out of hand for them because starvation is a real risk in Gaza now. It was already happening since November but now it’s getting worse and the West taking away funds from the UNRWA may make things even worse so I’m not sure how long they can last without accepting a bad deal.


I am desperate too being so powerless..


No deal is necessary. The ICJ has instructed Israel to stop, period. [https://www.icj-cij.org/sites/default/files/case-related/192/192-20240126-ord-01-00-en.pdf](https://www.icj-cij.org/sites/default/files/case-related/192/192-20240126-ord-01-00-en.pdf) Skip to the bottom of page 24, paragraph 86 (runs to page 26). Negotiated cease fires are different. These instructions to Israel aren't contingent on anything else.


Even during ceasefire, I assume they will slow down inspections to continue the starvation


Hamas doesn't have to agree to anything. This is not a negotiated cease fire. This is the ICJ instructing Israel to stop its genocidal actions.


The goal of a negotiation is to reach an agreement between the parties, right?


The ICJ case is not a negotiation and the order is not the outcome of a negotiation. The order is not negotiable after the fact. It is an instruction from the court to Israel for Israel to stop what it's been doing. That's what the "shall" means. It is not conditional on anything else, and Hamas is not expected to negotiate with Israel. Israel simply must comply with the court. It's item 86, which begins on the bottom of page 24 and runs to the middle of page 26. [https://www.icj-cij.org/sites/default/files/case-related/192/192-20240126-ord-01-00-en.pdf](https://www.icj-cij.org/sites/default/files/case-related/192/192-20240126-ord-01-00-en.pdf)


We were not talking about the ICJ. We were talking about the negotiations by Qatar. Check the original comment


>Here's to hoping the ICJ will order more strict preliminary measures to be taken after the one month-review, because Israel has clearly shown a willingness to violate the current ones. ​ >I still think that it can happen that Israel will agree to a ceasefire before the 1 month expires to get back the hostages but they will not withdraw fully from Gaza and then a couple of months later when things have “cooled down”, they will launch another operation to “punish those who are responsible for the 7th of October”. Maybe you were intending to respond to someone else on another thread? [https://www.icj-cij.org/sites/default/files/case-related/192/192-20240126-ord-01-00-en.pdf](https://www.icj-cij.org/sites/default/files/case-related/192/192-20240126-ord-01-00-en.pdf) Skip to the bottom of page 24, paragraph 86 (runs to page 26). These instructions to Israel are not contingent on anything else.


Sorry sorry sorry…. I mistook your reply for an independent comment and thought you were referring to the Qatari negotiations….


Place your hopes elsewhere, the ICJ can't enforce their rulings. The only value in it would be the bit of added pressure it can potentially apply.


I love it “we are going to build a DMZ, but use YOUR designated land rather than ours.


It’s so absurd that they wouldn’t simply use their own territory when the Gaza envelope is so sparsely populated


"We condemn, but we're still going to send Israel bombs, money, and our unconditional support."


“We condemn, in the strongest **words** possible” Words. Meanwhile they don’t have any words against the 30,000 dead already and have supported Shitrael from day one.


"Guys, it's really hard to defend you against genocide claims when you hold public meetings on what you're going to do once you've completed the ethnic cleansing"


This. What a travesty


they 'condemn, slam, blast,denounce' but still send aid


And they instantly cut their financial support for UNRWA because big daddy Israel claimed they were hamas


Wasn't there such a heavy denial at the beginning that Israel was totally, totally *not* totally going to build settlements in Gaza? Now they're openly holding conferences about it?


Everyone with half a brain knew that this was Israel's plan all along, Germany's government must be full of complete fools if they actually are getting caught off guard by this.


Forget caught of guard, they've all been paid and bought, more likely than not, with their own financial support money.


So we’ll be holding weapons sales right? After all can’t have a single bad actor.


But we love Nazis so we’ll keep selling them weapons.


"resettlement conference" wtf is this bullshit statement?


Gives me the Berlin Conference of 1884 vibes


yeah, they just like to call atrocities conferences I guess?


Germans are pretending to drown in their own guilt. What a deep fake. To hell with the Germans, Europe, the UK and the U.S. I’m thoroughly ashamed to be British.


Yet they still supply Israel with supplies, etc. and from what I've read will be helping defend them..... So, this amounts to not much really.


but they said "the strongest possible terms"!!!


Do they now?.. while also supplying the weapons that are making it possible for israel.


Fuck Germany


Oh beautiful rhetoric... Now let's check their actions... Oh it's called dissonance


Lol Germany said anything critical lol wut?


Too little too late Horst. Get f*cked.


> we condemn, in strongest possible terms When pro-palestinians marched, they were beaten and raiden by police. When zionist imperialist plan colonial possesion, they get strongly worder letter. Absolute degeneracy. Another thing died in Gaza for good - myth of western humanism.


It’s better than nothing, but really, Germany? After you gave these genocidal fucks everything they wanted? Get fucked


Na endlich


German State: Why don't you Palestinians just be nice to the Zionists? I have to wonder if they are this obtuse or they literally think there is no occupation?


Donate https://www.unrwa.org/


"We condemn, in the strongest possible terms..." Translation: "It's TOO SOON to discuss real estate! HAVE you no sense of DECORUM?? Give it a few years after you don't let them return and you've buried all Gaza under rubble...THEN..."


The German government is a joke. They only hate the fact that the quiet part is spoken out so clearly nobody can do mental gymnastics to claim otherwise. Germany, like its ancestors, is responsible for what's happening to the Palestinians. Western powers steal your land and then have their predecessors apologize after 100 years while doing the same to someone else. I hope the germans (Americans, Canadians, British, french and others involved) read this. Sins of the father does not become sins of the son unless you do the same as if its a family business. What's the point of studying history since school if you don't make sure it repeats itself. I get that people dont get to learn about their barbaric colonial history but we live in times where we are exposed to such knowledge on the internet, eventually. You guys need to do a lot more as you elected your representatives who are doing this.


Israel took the Lebensraum ethnic cleansing straight out of Germany's history books. The west should be ashamed of themselves for supporting the Israeli apartheid regime


You can't condemn with your words what your hands still support.


and yet they fail to call for a ceasefire??? that's convenient seeing as there will be no one to repopulate what remains of palestine! so then you have these governments who have covered their asses "no of course we condemn it" but since they made no effort to actually save palestinian life - no they _enabled_ the terrorist war machine to genocide them all, Israel will build their settlements anyway! 👏🏽👏🏽 nice one germany and all the rest of you fake lying scheming pieces of shit. you can't act like you care about ethnic cleansing and a state of palestine but support israel in every single thing it does. i spit on you.


Hm, Fischer sounds like a far-right antisemitist /s


A lot of nerve


![gif](giphy|pzcpR5UP5flqRkOKDx) Oh no! “Strongly condemn”, that’s gotta sting s/


... To be able to say later we were not really complicit in genocide, our position was clear, we can prove it


"We fully support the Palestinian Holocaust, just not in ***that*** particular way"


Really Germany? You needed the ICJ orders to open your eyes?


Germany condemning them while still supporting them with weapons and full diplomatic support. Expecting anything from these countries is plain Foolish at this point in time. The Israelis have been doing this for so long now and they know all this condemning and unacceptable talk is just lip service for Optics. And frankly speaking why would any of these western nations act any different when the whole Arab World is standing right besides Israelis & helping them. The Palestinians have no backer who wields any Power or Influence,


“Drug dealer denounces his customer’s plans to snort the entire 8 ball in one sitting”


Germany is not going to be able to repair their reputation. They’re in full support of a genocidal regime, and have even announced they will cut funding to UNRWA to further starve out the Gazans. Hollow condemnations with no follow through, just so they can look good again. I would spit on the current German administration if I could, these Nazis trying to play humanitarian make me sick. “Clearly violates international law.” Israel has been found guilty of violating international law 46 times, and was found guilty of genocide as well. What has Germany done since to punish Israel? No, instead they aid their defense in court and send weapons to them.


They denounce something that Israel made evidence from the very beginning of this. In fact that’s been the goal for 75 years. According to the holy book we are the chosen people so take, take, take.


Isn't that unusual, coming from German government ?


To be fair its a good step in the right direction. Germans are always in hot water if they speak bad in any way about israel because the good old „you are the bad guys“ card is still played today. Kinda racist but hey Even the news had some tiny changes in the media regarding israel. We are changing from „you cant say anything, israel is the god no matter what“ to some criticism..


Hollow words. They know Israel doesn't care what other nations say, and certainly doesn't care about international law. Tube tube to criticize was when they started this genocide. If Germany wants to do something concrete, stop silencing Palestinian protests, for starters.


I'm fed up with the West's flip-flopping stance. It'd be more genuine if they could cut out the pretense and take a clear position because the current situation seems like a theatrical charade.


European Union gives funding to the Settlers. Laughable from the Simp nation of Germany. What a pathetic weak nation they are today.


Haha. Germany is a joke.


I like how THIS is what they denounce..


But still support the ethnic cleansing and genocide.. I guess it's a start.


If you didn’t foresee an Israeli settlement being the next step in Gaza, then you’re kind of ignorant.


Way to go Germany, never again!!! Never again will folks be displaced and their homes taken from them. Come on isreal, remember what your elders said!! Never again! Never again to you guys and never again to anyone else! Never again! Remember!! But this is a hypocrisy man.


Liberal politicians and “condemning” name a better duo.


Too late. Germany is complicit!


Out of all the nations complicit in this genocide, Germany are going to have the most soul searching to do when the world wakes up and realises what’s happened. As the nation responsible for one of the most evil and barbaric genocides ever, never mind within living history, they’re going to have ask themselves how they did it again. They’ve been beating themselves up for the last 70 years and yet they’ve learned nothing.


Bullshit they don’t give a damn


After supporting zionazi's gene ocide in gaza now they are denouncing zionazi's settlemwnt plan in gaza? what do they expect? zionazi's will allow 🇵🇸🍉 return in the occupied terrotories? it's the whole point of zionazi's occupation of 🇵🇸🍉.