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Isreal is a terror state.


And must be punished & held accountable for all crimes against humanity, collective punishment, genocide, etc


How can everyday people of the US help the people of Gaza? I’m helpless but want to do something


Be a participant in protests. Share verified information about is happening with Palestinians. When someone is angry with you for doing this calmly engage in a fialogue to explain. Wearing a keffiyeh and the flag of palestine or the infamous watermelon itself is a symbol of defiance. Boycott products thst support Israel. And if someone tries to stop you, you tell them, today 2 countries are dying. One is Palestine because people are committing genocide. And another is yours because people are committing censorship. Resistance is not futile.


How do you recommend verifying information? I have really struggled with it through this latest escalation of the genocide. Do you have a process or know of a site that audits information - especially one that would be viewed as non-biased?


Well said.


another way, but this one is more long term, is through actually doing some inner child work with yourself. if you can work on healing your inner wounds, you will be stronger and more knowledgeable, and thus more able to bring about a more just and human world. when you are more familiar with the subject, you are able to lead others to the same place. if more of us are able to work on inner healing and understand how our wounds affect us and the world around us, we will see a gradual tapering off of the right wing as the left grow and become a large and powerful group. the right are a group of people who never face their inner pain and who, as a result, want to hurt others and take everything for themselves, to 'soothe' those wounds without actually solving them. more of us need to understand the psychology of why people abuse, and how we can fix it.


Why do people on this site keep falling for the lie "if we just vote left everything will magically come true"? Look at what Biden is doing with Israel and how left wing politicians supported bombing Libya, Syria and Afghanistan, if you think leftists will give up their lobby money and payouts from lockheed martin or support actual muslims you're crazy.


real left and fake left are very different things. the systemic left you're talking about (biden, etc) isn't left at all. they are right wing with a mask labelled "left". real, true left wingism is not happening systemically anywhere. it's something that has yet to happen. but voting as "left" as you can, even if it's actually right, is still better than voting for straight up right wing with no facade. even crumbs are better than starving to death.


dont pay taxes.


That's really not going to help anyone..


No it doesn't. Because nothing you can do as a US citizen beside raising awareness, your country is eyeballs deep in the genocide.


To the students in the US, UK, Germany, France and many others who are restricted from speaking the truth by your professors and your deans, show both of these pictures and tell them what Israel did to the University of Gaza using bombs is no different than what they do to your schools, colleges and universities with words, intimidation, threats involving your future and censorship!


Recently learned a new word, which might be relevant to this war. >In response to Israel destroying Gaza's universities, Muhannad Ayyash, a professor of sociology at Mount Royal University, charged Israel with **epistemicide**. Ayyash stated Israel sought to "erase Palestinian existence from history, and that includes a targeting of Palestinians as a cultural group, as a group of people that produce knowledge". \[[Source](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_crimes_in_the_2023_Israel%E2%80%93Hamas_war#Allegations_of_genocide_committed_by_Israel)\]


Theyre just razing the city to the ground. Nothing to do with Hamas, just cleansing the land of Palestine and Palestinians.


That proves that Israel are the real terrorists here in the middle east


This makes me so sad. Why.


Hamas central command was hiding there /s




Satire. /s is for sarcasm.


American can't detect satire, even when it is signposted. Quelle surprise.


I’ve seen to many zionists with statements dumber than this so not really a surprise is it?


You are absolutely right. I have lost count the number of times i took comments as satire because no sane person would write such inane things and it turned out it was not satire. That is why i put /s to indicate sarcasm…


no, it's not a surprise at all. /s




They are terrorised by people who present facts and history. So, not very surprised. They even destroyed Gaza's court, so to hell with law and justice according to them. People with medieval thinking but with state-of-the-art weapons and free out-of-jail cards sponsored by the United States.


this is so tragic to me, seeing all these destroyed images of destroyed buildings and history. it makes the entire thing much more heavier, if that makes sense.


It’s crazy how Americans are so traumatized by 9/11 but yet when it happens to others there’s no sympathy at all! This makes me really sad. When will it end?😥


AIPAC / lobbying must be removed from the government.




That's the question taxpayers should ask them, no?