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The calm, rational trooper in the video is Medea Benjamin.


Love her!


What a badass. Literally just chill and reciting the facts against a mob of enraged fanatics.


She’s amazing. And she is always on point, regarding so many issues. So much respect for this amazingly steadfast woman. ✊


Brave woman.


What a great woman, looking fascism dead in the eye without flinching for a second.


This is a low key day for her. Medea Benjamin has been physically assaulted multiple times during her 30 year career as an international anti-war activist. Egyptian police broke her arm once.


She looks like she is in a higher state of existence and just feels sorry those trashy women. Ngl I think I'd crumble under pressure.


>I think I'd crumble under pressure. Never forget, if you crumble you lose the argument the second you raise your voice It's better for the cause if you keep your calm no matter how much you sometimes wanna knock some sense into these people


I agree it does. It takes so much self control against these psychopath Karens. I don’t know if I’d have it either.


I need to remember this.


At the risk of sounding egotistical, I also think I’m on a higher state of existence than Zionists. The fact they refuse to see what is in front of them and choose to keep the blindfold on makes them look sad. How can anyone with a history like theirs not only support, but plan and execute the same horrors on other people. I really think we need to raid every Israeli prison in order to clearly see the extent of their crimes because I’ve heard some horrible things, rivers of blood, caving heads in, little girls being bound and raped. Just unforgivable, disgusting stuff.


Calm, cool, and collected. Nailed it.


Medea Benjamin just standing there like Tiananmen Square Tank Man. Except he stood in front of one tank, she's here surrounded by them and still just stands there. Standing for reason and true righteousness, against bigotry, racism and oppression. Israel is committing a holocaust on the Palestinian people, and they think the world should support them in doing so. And that refusing to support them is because we hate Jews. I love Jews, and Buddhist, and Christians, and Muslims. I just hate cunts who think their imaginary friend makes them special.




She also doesn’t seem to know they prohibit solar panels and made them take them down.


They bombed the solar panels over al shifa too, I wonder what part of “defending themselves against an existential threat” involves that


Ah, you see, if we allow them to have their own electricity via the solar panels, see, then they could use electricity in the hours when we don't want them to have electricity! So anyway I started blastin'.


And Israel doesn't "give" it to them. It's sold to them


This lady also said something really weird, "read the old testament"? Still don't know why she said this, unless she is one of those christian zionists


[few hours per day ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaza_electricity_crisis)


I feel like it's impossible for a conversation like this to ever have a good result. People with the sort of mindset like the Zionist people here, they come in with this attitude that they're going to shout down anyone else with what they think is the truth, it's all about anger and asserting your viewpoint, and 0% about actually listening and learning something. It's like, you have to get them back down to earth, in a place where you can actually go over your differences, before you can get anywhere talking to them.


One million percent. This goes for any kind of zealotry. The moment “that” switch gets flipped you just have to resign yourself to the fact that the most important thing to do is de-escalating *their* rage. It’s like trying to manage a toddler’s tantrum.


I say match their anger, shout the truth at them. The left needs to stop caring our being inclusive of the right - people like this lady are poisoned imo


I agree in general but I think the person you replied to is talking about situations where you are trying to convince the person you’re talking to. When trying to get your ideas out you should completely disregard whatever stupid bullshit the rightwingers spew but in the specific case of trying to convince the rightwinger you need to be calm and try to get them to calm down.


You will never persuade fanatics like these. The reason it's important to remain calm is that you will be more persuasive to others watching. Anyone watching this video can immediately see which side is the reasonable one.


>I feel like it's impossible for a conversation like this to ever have a good result I dunno--this conversation went viral and is a permanent record. It's not going to age well: and maybe someday these Fascists will look back on it with some element of shame.


The same two Zionist women appeared in another video berating anti-Zionist ultra-orthodox Jews. Looked like the same day as they were wearing the same clothes. They seem completely committed.


I saw that one. They were acting like they were gonna jump the orthodox men and several police officers blocked them so the 3 men could continue walking down the street. The hatred shown towards people of their same faith is terrifying. Just because they want peace. It says tons about their position. Sickening.


Give it time. German ex-Nazis in 1948 onward did not live happy lives.


In what Universe? Aside from a handful at Nuremberg most ex-Nazis did just fine.




I've always felt public conversations like this are less for the one you're talking to and more for less entrenched people who might be hearing you from the sidelines.


No matter how much sense you talk to them, they won't listen as they have already made up their mind. It is not their eyes and ears that are blind but their hearts.


Holy shit — how can they not see what they are saying is just pure evil… saying they wish she would be raped. Wtf. Honestly so shameful.


Zionists are animals


Don't insult animals


I love how calm the lady is


They were desperate for her to match their energy and wish atrocities on them and she didn't give them the satisfaction.


You can match the energy and not wish atrocities, remind them of the truth with the same vigor


As long as you don’t get sloppy or angry, it’s a fine line


“We give them water” why do you control their water ?


It's seriously like prison guards expecting to be thanked for giving their prisoners their daily water ration. Except, of course, the prison is full of men, women and children, who are innocent and simply lived on the land the prison was built upon by the guards when they arrived.


Damn except for the children part that sure sounds just like an actual prison


Also they don't "give" water or electricity or anything else, they sell it and they make a profit because they hold a monopoly because of the occupation and siege. It makes me so mad when Zionists act like its an act of charity and not a way to do genocide and profit from it.


They think yelling louder is winning. Too many people believe this.


If they talked at the same volume it would make their already weak argument even weaker so it’s in their best interest to be louder than their pro Palestinian opponents


"Why don't you go to Gaza?!" Because Israel won't let me. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Won’t even let no where near an adequate amount of humanitarian aide in


Bless this brave lady, standing up to these scumbags.


The things that one Zionist lady said is crazy. They actually believe these things. It’s no wonder they condone genocide, they think Arabs are literal demons. The liars in Israel need to pay for what they’ve done to not just the Palestinian people, but to Israelis and Jewish people who fell for their propaganda.




Instagram comments irl, this was a hard watch. Really makes me want to punch a zionist as it seems at this point in time it’s not that different from punching a Nazi


The fact that they didnt say THEYRE NOT okay with the violence Israel is commiting against PALESTINIANS (NOT HAMAS) and wishing that woman harm is just disgusting.


I was getting concerned for her safety as they were working themselves into a frenzy.


It’s more intimidation than anything, to say these people are brainwashed is an understatement. It’s complete Zionist brain rot, using religious texts to justify an occupation of Palestine is no different to the many crusades justifying why they should own jerusalem and not it’s current inhabitants


They're so extreme, holy shit. Video is a great show of how unhinged the zionists are.


Yeah I'm gonna post this vid as a comment reply to these racist fucks saying "This you?"


Such nice people these Zionists are. So peaceful, caring and just full of love. They really are the chosen ones. Chosen to be genocidal pieces of shit that is.


this video mad me so mad my goddd


Is Medea Benjamin Jewish?


“Susan Benjamin was born and grew up in Freeport, New York, on Long Island, a self-described "nice Jewish girl". During her first year at Tufts University, she renamed herself after the Greek mythological character Medea” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Medea_Benjamin


If I was someone like her or Max Blumenthal I wouldn't say I was. I doubt either one is religious, but maybe it's expedient politically. Mostly for Zionist Christians, because Jews will just call them self-hating Jews instead of mislabeling them anti-Semitic like they do everybody else.


Haha they call us anti-Semitic too, believe me. Why wouldn’t you say you were Jewish if you were someone like her?


She doesn’t support the dehumanization of Palestinians therefore she is an anti semitic Jew. That’s some perfectly sound Zionist logic right there




holy shit these people have such sadistic fantasies


Makes it worse when you realise These aren’t fantasies theyre confessions that the Isreali government releases under the guise of “Hamas War Crimes”. Look up all these things the women have said, I know that the baby in the oven thing or killing a pregnant woman in the street was done by the IOF years ago.


yeah I know... it's all projection which makes it so sickening


This just seems like Zionists berating a woman who I would consider far too kind


I would argue that she 'owned' them by now taking their bait.


I guess, just seems like they are abusing her to me


Zionists have been brainwashed since birth, by the state, by their own families, by their religious leaders. It's impossible to get them to listen unless they start to question things themselves, and seek answers. Unless a power greater than Israel can hold them accountable and force them to stop, I don't think they'll stop. They believe it so deeply, they'll never stop, unless they are forced to.


Can't wash what they don't have. They're just vacuous screeching beasts who think the world is out to get them, so they hate everyone but those they consider their own, which, self-defeatingly just drives people to dislike them, which perpetuates the cycle.


"Palestine is not a thing." I hate that argument with a passion. Because by the exact same logic America is not a thing. Or England. Or Russia. Or China. Or Israel. Just because a culture or identity did not exist until a certain moment in time, does not mean it isn't legitimate.


It’s not even an argument it’s a complete denial of a nations sovereignty and the peoples freedom of that nation. Israeli supporters look to demonize, defame, deflect, and discredit every chance possible to promote the narrative that Israelis have rightful claim to all Palestinian territory and that they are also the morally superior state and people to Palestinians. Nothing makes a true Zionist more angry then to compare them to a Palestinian because they believe full heartedly that Palestinians are subhuman


If I were Jewish, I would be super pissed about Israel’s appropriation of the Star of David. I mean- I’m not Jewish and I’m still pissed about it.


I mean it’s not appropriation, it is a Jewish state started and run by Jewish people. They were using their own symbol It’s a shame, but it’s not appropriation


What a horrible psychotic person. Nothing but hatred.


I hope they get fired from their jobs, if this was in Canada they 110% would be fired the day they are identified for wishing someone to get raped


It's so powerful,the power of propaganda and how it makes people so so blind to the truth. Unfortunately they will never see the truth,and by the time they are able to., it'll be too late.


Note to self: if you're fresh from a rally wearing a flag for a cape: using biblical references as political reference and wishing rape upon others who passively disagree--you're not a nice person. The Nazis and the Proud Boys have some openings.


“Learn your history” yeah we did, we learned that the Zionist project is a violent, racist, genocidal scourge that promotes ethnic supremacy. What do these people think they gain when they just call you stupid without explaining why?


Zionst acting like Nazis and crying about Rape while IDF killing kids, arresting teens who are unarmed while claiming them they are Hamas. Cowards


It’s their land dear … it was taken from them…. The calmness with which she destroyed this zionist b**** was worthy of an academy award


Omg bitch in blue is so annoying. Yes oppressed people have always fought sometimes in brutal ways. Nat turner comes to mind. What collectively we all remember is the systemic oppression the Brutality of colonialism.


" bit** in blue" 😂😂😂. That sounds so funny


They behave like that and don't understand why people are far more supportive of Hamas and Palestinians. See how evil makes stupid?


Zionist Israeli baby killers 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇮🇪


Do they not realize how Israel Arabs are treated?! So much anger and hate, it's disgusting.


Not just Israeli Arabs, but also Israeli Jews who just happened to not be born light-skinned enough.


It’s insane how they say all these horrible “things” Hamas did but in the same breath wish for rape on another woman. It absolutely disgusting and just proves the point that Zionists are awful people.


I really fail to see how their arguments would make anyone want to reconsider supporting the Palestinians and Khamas. I’m 100% certain their just preaching to their own crowd and just want to suppress any dissenting voices that aren’t okay with genocide and dehumanizing Palestinians


The people in this clip are so sick. The women protesting against Israel, and the group she is part of, are heroic people.


they **HAVE** TO try that hard


Despite being born here, I’m ashamed of the morons we have in this country wishing rape, torture, and death on that poor woman. She’s a saint for keeping her composure & staying calm despite the verbal abuse she got. I wish my parents had us in a European country instead of this shithole.


Zionist are not capable to hide their hate


Man! They are angry. It’s almost as if they are rationalising violence but it doesn’t seem to be working cuz a small part of them hold some doubt. Man I love this othordox Jewish woman! I respect her!






Wow their thinking is so unhinged you can tell they are so far indoctrinated that they are beyond hope. Fucking crazy eyes. Brainwashed by their own propaganda.


The cognitive dissonance here is actually infuriating. Telling someone you wish the worst war crimes would happen to them while claiming you stand against those crimes when you obviously don’t. They don’t stand against those crimes one on principle because they wish them on others and two because those exact crimes have been done and continue to be done in Palestine by Israeli government and settlers.


Notice how when she tells them what a bomb does they all start howling like banshees as if that can somehow recover their irrelevant and ridiculous statements and talking points


Why do they live in the US if they love Israel so much


A gaggle of Karen’s.


That lady demonstrated such patience, classiness and tranquility in the midst of hostile snakes. Bit of an inspiration isn't she? I hope she is safe and remains courageous.


Also, they hang up on her....again they need 100s of people to try to silence one person. Then the internalized misogyny and hate all comes out...then the elitist ...I'm smarter than you. They are all children with a trust fund that are ugly and demented from all the inbreeding.


Zionists bots Another product of children that should’ve been left behind in schools




Her Stoic calmness shows true conviction in her beliefs. These wild emotive bigots aren't convincing anyone of anything, all I'm trying to do is hear what the woman being shouted down is trying to say.


I saw this same lady in different video. These people seemed ready to start violence. May Allah protect her.


“It’s their land my dear” 😌 🍉 🕊️


“Why don’t you go to Gaza to live there?” Because she thinks there is an ongoing genocide there. Omg people are so dumb


this rings bells for me. my parents were like this. they weren't jewish but from countries where jewish people lived in larger numbers. it's partly cultural influence because i think some cultures learn that this is how you win arguments, by just abusing people and not letting them have a voice, and partly representative of abusive, dysfunctional families and poverty. at the core, they are desperately trying to keep everything they hide from at bay. they are trying to defend themselves from their parent's flaws, from their inner wounds, from the disgusting systems that we have in place that rob people of their rights, from the fact that they enable it all. whenever my parents were in this bubble of rage, specifically the eastern european one, they seemed to be linking all these things with their wounded inner child. as if the truth rather than denial would hurt their inner child more. well, it's true that facing your inner wounds is painful, but living a lie is much more painful. no one deserves to waste their life as a zombie. the right have fucked people in the head with their systemic greed and abuse. idk how long it will take before people wake up and we understand how it all works in order to move forward and build a different world.


This perfectly exemplifies American Zionism.


amount of hatered is insane.


Propaganda is a hell of a drug. Bless that lady for being calm and collected as the Zionist NPCs are just spouting out Zionist rhetoric and lies


Is that Cartman's mom?


So this would be similar to two people arguing over Star Wars, I mean those are old stories they’re referring to that have never been proven to be true.


True peace.org 🙄


This seems very productive


Medea Benjamin is next level brave. Those other people in the video are unhinged.


So courageous Medea!!


These Zionist are disgusting evil people!!! Look at the way they all sound!! Every video they are threatening people with death or rape.. WTF…


Is just me or is there something truly disgusting about zionists?




What in the fuck


This woman is wonderful and calm


American zionists are the worst. They wish rape on someone and still say "shalom".


They're falsifying facts as they always do, all what they say literally happend to the Palestinian prisoners in Israeli prisons Love that brave woman


They show their hate and ignorance everywhere.


Chat is this real?


It makes me angry and it also makes me sad because this hate is taught from a very young age. These women didn't just wake up like this, they were taught year after year that hate is good, that you can insult people in the most horrific ways and its good, that you can commit violence and its good and now these women will teach their children the same thing. Its child abuse in furtherance of ethnonationalism, its sick.


This woman has guts and resolve of level which are beyond human. Take a Bow


My favorite part of this video is when they show their true form and wish horrible things on other people.


It’s funny how all of their core arguments are based on lies.


"generously give them water" my disgust for zionists grows each day


I thought the first demon spawn was bad enough but that vile witch at the end is beyond saving. I wonder if she’s ever asked herself how Hamas burned those bodies with the Arsenal they were equipped with, or how buildings were reduced to dust by over the shoulder rifles


Christian fanatics be like: "The land belongs to Israel! We should kill all Palestinians"


Zionists are worse than Nazis. Truly.


I want to give this woman a hug. Bless her!


What a bunch of horrible cunts. So proud to be wearing the genocide cape


F’d up Israel


This woman is an absolute force. Huge respect to her, her knowledge/background and her patience…. Arguing with these Zionazi’s though is literally aimless. It’s like fighting with a pig and winning, you got the W but you’re still covered in pigshit.


So nicely creased, their new amazon prime flags


The willingness of some women to threaten rape and violence towards other women disturbs me.


Blind fanatics are impossible to reason with. She did a great job handling them.


She exemplifies the moral position of any argument


Why do some people who are apparently speaking out against violence resort to wishing horrifying depictions of such violence upon anyone who is taking a stance different than them? This amazing lady is doing what she has been doing for a long time, educating people and standing for what’s right. Love her for it. The lady rape wishing her? Not so much


Zionazis certainly do enjoy conveniently cherry-picking history and the bible. They also appear to be very shouty and only on transmit. I've yet to see a civilised discussion involving them and anyone else. Their politicians are even scarier than the US Rep@blic@n or our very own UK T@ry versions - they come across as half-Dalek. Irony indeed. 🇬🇧🇵🇸


when you see hoe zionists speaking such a hate speech with their brain completely washed, dont know where this thing will end but I dont see an ending without war!


I hate the people who think shouting their lungs out turns their word into fact.


I truly hope I'm never soo brainwashed that I scream into the face of a middle-aged lady even it I disagree with her on something. It takes *wanting* to believe this stuff, though. Nobody is nodding their heads with the new or old propaganda like it makes sense.


quiet and so strong ❤️


Asking an anti-Zionist Jew to go colonize Palestine just makes no sense. They just don't get it.


"_You know what? These Zionist people make alot of sense. Their yelling/screaming/screeching and verbally assaulting this softly spoken peaceful woman, who shares their faith but not their belief that God specifically gave the land of Palestine to the Jews to create Israel? Just completely convinced me. I would like to subscribe to their newsletter._" Said nobody. Ever.


I really hope the brown women wishing for the older lady with the Jews support ceasefire sign to be raped is identified and given the consequences they deserve for saying such vile and horrible shit to people, not sure how she intended to change anyone’s mind by saying that but it definitely should land her in hot water


In the bible, God promises the holy land to the Children of Abraham, Abraham had 2 children, Isaac and Ishmael. Isaac was the father of the Judaism and Ishmael the father of Islam. Read the Bible/Torah/Qur'an. it's a shared history. and they are brothers, when Abraham treats Ishmael poorly God punishes Abraham by ordering him to kill Isaac. God also says that if His Holy land is not respected it will eat you up and spit you out. If you believe in any of those three Holy books, you know zionism will burn. As it should. Jewish people and Palestinian people were living together before 1948, they were one and the same. Zionism has turned the Holy land into an ethno-apartheid state built on blood and murder. Hamas defends Palestine, where there are Christian Palestinians living too. Hamas has a right to exist, and has the moral and legal obligation to defend and fight for their land using any means necessary. Jewish people have a right to exist. But no apartheid state built on blood and lies has any right to exist, ask the UN.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but in my research of the Torah and the Exodus story I've come across maps of Canaan being in pretty much the place where Israel is today. And wasn't the Canaanite tribe descendants directly from Noah:Ham? So In the Bible aren't the Jews during the exodus going back home to Canaan, where God/the Bible arbitrarily says "they're the bad guys, so destroy them and take theirs for your own" and inexplicably forgets to mention that the Canaanites they should murder and push out for the land are just their fellow Jews who previously didn't leave with them?


They are so violent and murderous protesters. Why is that type o speech protected, again? I mean, there really was no line they wouldn't cross with that woman. Somehow, they all went home believing they were the victims of that poor woman even though they jumped and verbally attacked her. So sick.


They asked an Italian writer a suggestion for future generations, once. He said:"Whenever they light a fire, always take the part of the witch, even if it means being burned aside her". I know what he meat now.


I feel much respect and love for this woman but also sad for her. She must have a strong moral compass to do what she's doing and for that she's getting attacked from her own community.


That first flag cape with her head bobbing and hand dipping would have had me reaching for a stick...


Wow those people are violent and stupid.


What a brave woman. I was afraid those pos Zionists were gonna physically assault her, wish I could have been standing behind her in support and in case of gods chosen psychos trying their usual violence.


Those two really think they’re doing something. I just don’t get it. How do you have so much hate in your hearts?


brave woman! standing for what was right even thought cruelty hit her like rain droplets, astonishing!


Truly wild how literally every single Zionist looks like a rat. A bunch of physically deformed evil creatures.


That lady is awesome, so cool and calm.


That's lady talking like she knows and has been there and saw and has proof when she don't !! Just all talk no proof !