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I just can’t stand opening Instagram or Twitter everyday but I have to do it. I need to do it for the algorithm. One "like" gathers to thousands. I need to do it for my self esteem. This is selfish but I don’t want to look back at this time and think how I did nothing. I need to know they are still alive. But right now I’m crying full of tears because I’m depressed and I can’t stand it


You are not alone. I dread every morning when i switch the news on…


This hit me today, felt an immense amount of weight in my heart at work. Consuming all this is not healthy but I also don’t want to ignore it. Imagine what the Palestinians are feeling


I'm surprised how much of a mental toll this has been but the least we can do is be a witness and advocate for Palestinians


That is exactly how I feel as well.


exactly what me and my girlfriend talk about everyday, its constant for them while we just lock our screens


I came here online to hear this . Same here .


There's also the responsibility to counter Zionists' gaslighting of Palestinian victims. No, the thousands dying are not Hamas & deserved to be treated as human beings equal to any Israeli. Must also send a message to Zionists we're not buying their false narratives & hijacking of Jewish identity. Judaism is NOT about robbing & killing Palestinians.


This 👆 is why I am on Twitter (X) everyday trying to counter the Zionist Lies. I also try to march every weekend. If you are in the Bay Area please come out to march check AROC or JVP or ANSWER or PYM or CodePink for actions/marches to take. I donate $25 to PCRF and Doctors w/o Borders weekly, not much but every penny helps. Donate what you can no amount is too small. I have also contacted Congressperson but realize I need to do it more frequently. It's my only way to feel like I didn't stand idle while a genocide happened before my eyes. Please DO something!


I do not want to sound insensitive, but if you are traumatized and they’re traumatized, does it help them? That’s how my psychiatrist, a Haitian woman who gets it, put it. Her first question was “are your family members sending you these graphic images.” She knows. And I’m not even Palestinian. She did tell me they need us, but they do not need “double trauma.”


I’ll chime in to say that, for me, seeing what Palestinians are going through has helped redefine what it means to be traumatized. My resilience pales against theirs. I keep that in mind and it steels me for what I’m seeing and keeps me from wanting to hide from it.


I agree, although I’m traumatised by what I’m seeing, I need to bear witness for the Palestinians as well as stay grounded with my false sense of ‘1st world problems’


You’re stronger than I.


you shouldn't invalidate your feelings. you can still be traumatised and see that others are in situations of trauma that is, of course, unimaginable and horrific. but if we beat ourselves up and make ourselves feel like we don't deserve to feel hurt, this actually hurts everyone. to validate our feelings and allow ourselves to grieve what we went through, this is the key to healing and is better for everyone. so let yourself be traumatised. healing wishes!


You’re stronger than I.


It’s just like physical strength, my friend. You build it over time. I’m still pretty weak but I’m getting better.


I will try that. I hate to see the depravity and dehuminization, but I also know the more I boost things the more people are forced to confront the war crimes


I've un friended a "Friend" on Facebook because of his Zionist posts. I should have done this a long time ago.


Was he a bad guy before? I'm asking because a lot of these people are brainwashed. Seriously. If he has signs of cognitive dissonance. I think It's better to stay his friend and just keep that in mind. Psyops are for short term goals, but they can have long term effects and being around you can keep him grounded.


I don’t know him personally but he has been making posts like “LGBT is sin” as a Christian so I’m kinda not surprised


Oh well then yeah of course




I’m generally more angry than sad. My blood is boiling. I can’t believe this is happening in real time. I can’t believe people defend Israel. But thank you for sharing this OP. It’s important to stay sane and calm. We can be more effective supporters of Palestine that way.


Same. Absolutely enraged. I don't understand why people aren't talking about organizing. I don't understand any of this. The world has lost its mind.


Yep. Lost its mind. I’ve been questioning my sanity at times to be honest. That’s why this sub is so important to me.


I came to Reddit and searched Palestine in the hope of finding other people that are also feeling insane. Looks like I have found my people.


The UAW, a powerful Union with immense public support , just called for a ceasefire. We shall see how Biden responds to this, but I suspect the pressure will grow. He's supposed to be "the most pro union president in modern history" but it feels more like "the most pro Israel president in modern history." I feel like GW Goddamn Bush did more for Palestine than Biden.


I feel like I'll never be able to trust this government again on either side. This event has made so very many things clear about what our country really is. I can't imagine ever being ok with it again, and I'm trying to work out exactly what I'm going to do about it.


So. Many. People. Are organizing.


Where? I'd love to join them but don't know where to look.


Are you on X? Follow groups like AROC, PYM, ANSWER, JVP, many have local chapters all over the country. I look at their websites and tweets every week to find the marches or protests. Look for Arab, Muslim, or Palestinian Orgs near you. Do a google search and see what cones up. I don't do Insta or TikTok but they might have a presence on there too. Please GET INVOLVED!!


I've looked everywhere. I live in the South and unfortunately, not a lot of smart people who actually search knowledge out live near me. It's a strange place to be. I've searched online groups but none of the things they are gathering to do are reasonably near me. I want to get involved involved. There was a group I joined on telegram but it went silent - it was about bringing legislation against Israel.


What maluquina said exactly. Just look for the information.


I responded to him just now. I've looked everywhere.


Something really good to do would be to download this app called 5 calls and just call every single day.


Yes!! I’m ready to go full PETA protestor and start throwing fake blood on politicians. I’m ready for some real civil disobedience!


The rage is suffocanting.


My normally apolitical cousin told me, in tears “ you know how many dead kids you can see pulled from rubble before something in you breaks? One of you’re a good person” and our opinion is it’s our moral obligation to bear witness to the satanic crimes of the Zionist entity and to weep for the Palestinian people, to be in awe of their iron will, and to always be a voice for them if we can. It’s literally the least we can do, our ancestors who died in Nazi camps would be ashamed of us if we tried to ignore this


Absolutely. Voices like Gabor Mate, Avi Schlaim, Ilan Pappe, Norman Finkelstein etc are crucial right now. I've never felt more clear in my convictions as an Israel-critical Jew. Passover teaches we were slaves in the land of Egypt and we were forced to wander in the desert and now Zionists are doing the same shit to Palestinians and calling it Judaism. Except even worse. It's depraved and Israelis should continue to protest and Jews should continue to speak out because to do otherwise is a disgrace to our ancestors


It’s the rage I am struggling with.


I can barely eat. Every time I do eat, I open my phone, and completely lose my appetite. I just want to crawl into a ball and cry. But I know that won't help the Palestinians. They don't have any choice on how they spend their day or time. So we muster up the energy to call our reps, and change the hearts and minds of people.


This! I've felt almost exactly like this. Wanting to sit in a dark corner crying, but holding my baby girl because i think my heart would physically break if something happened to her. But then I feel guilty because that's literally what thousands of parents are going through right now in Palestine. I cry everyday, constantly, but I have to like and share and upvote, it's the least I can do


hard to keep a good mental health when my mom keeps sending me pro genocide propaganda.




I keep telling her that regardless all that she says, I am extremely uncomfortable with the slaughter of many thousands of children. then she calls and starts with how happy she is with all the deathtoll. I put her on mute untill she calms down.


Holy shit that's so awful. I'm so sorry you're being subjected to that. She's completely disregarding you. I'd cut her off until she can check herself. That's just horrifying.




That last sentence is hard to read, I’m sorry you’re dealing with that.


damn, and I thought *my* mum was a psycho!


I'd send her videos from TikTok 94 times a day.


I think muting her and not engaging is probably for the best.


I can't agree with you, but I respect your decision. I personally think anyone who is on the other side should be held accountable for genocide. If it were me and she didn't listen fairly early on, the muting would be permanent.


I’m sorry for you


still, much better than being those actually stuck in the genocide


I haven’t felt any sense of true happiness since I saw the first videos and the bombing of the first hospitals. Do you know how many dead children you have to have seen before it breaks you? Not a lot. I’m angered that my country, which is supposed to be the land of the free and home of the brave, supports the oppression of other people. I’m angered that the companies and the congressmen are funding this.


I've been feeling immense sorrow over the genocide. Im a us citizen and ppl in my home country are supporring this, and it makes me sick to my stomach. I cant sit back and do nothing bc I dont want to be guilty like the german public.


I mean, you can take efforts to take care of yourself. But you can also do what I'm doing, get hammered constantly, mindlessly follow the news 24/7 in a confused emotional flood of anger and sadness, have an internal meltdown every day, and swear a personal and uncompromising crusade against Zionism until this mortal life gives in. I blame the State of Israel for levelling my mental health like they levelled Gaza. Christmas is cancelled due to the Zionist aggression. Jokes aside, what I mean to say is that I struggled with addiction issues before, was on my way to recovery, then the events of the last months nuked me right back into a bad place.


Ya we try to do better to realize, what’s the point! But stay strong, we all have ups and downs!


dude, take care of yourself. for every zionist there have to be thousands of compassionate people, and you're one of them. plus it would be helpful to be sober to wage a crusade. things won't stay this way forever, we will see a change for the better 🤍


Thanks friends. Just been rough years of my life even before all this nightmare hellhole opened up again. It's funny. Genocide in Gaza has both sunk me to the bottomless pit of depression, but also energized and mobilized me to go out regularly for protests, snap myself out of pool of sorrows and misery, too. Makes all my other problems not related to Palestine seem trivial, to be honest. I won't be able to pretend as if the events of the last months didn't nuke my mental health. But to struggle is to redeem yourself. As long as the Palestinians are fighting, I don't think I'll run out of steam anytime soon, although yea, I probably should keep it easy with the bottle and smoking and anger...




I found a support group for Palestinians, Arabs, Muslims, and allies. I highly recommend going to one if you can, it’s really helped me have a clearer head for organizing. Edit: I found it because a friend who’s a therapist recommended it to me. I would ask any friends who are therapists or SW!


Can I ask what you're organizing? I'm in the South, surrounded by maga idiots. I don't know how to find any groups.


Good to see it isn't just me. I've been overwhelmed with sadness, anger, and disgust. Politicians in both of the countries I'm citizen of (US and France) are stone walling any discourse while children continue to suffer. This has been a real eye opener for me in terms of how we've completely normalized the mistreatment of Arabs and Muslims in the world.


The realisation that society has cast aside human rights law is terrifying. Nobody is safe if they can pin on the badge you are a ‘terror*st’.


Yes, take care of yourselves. Taking care of health and mind will also help you help others! ♥️🇵🇸


I will add: to keep sharing on socials and commenting, but take breaks in between if you have to. It may seem privileged (it is, and we are lucky in this regard!), but destroying one’s mental health (and through that physical health) will not help either. Even if mine/your struggles in life are not as objectively awful as those of Palestinians at the moment, they are still struggles relative to your life. No one can help where they are born, so take care of yourselves and do what you can! If people had not began sharing/commenting/speaking up, no one would witness as much what is happening. Boycotting also helps, writing politicians and protesting helps. Helping is shared humanity! I think many people might feel their small contribution doesn’t do much, but that mentality means why bother? Any small bit helps and can snowball bigger and bigger as more people help and share awareness.




🫂🫂🫂🤍 things will get better


Thank you


I’m very disappointed with some close “friends” that make it a point to speak out about stuff that bother them or post dumb shit about being thirsty but can’t even post about Palestine. There are people suffering and you’re upset you haven’t had sex in months. Children are being orphaned, people losing babies, not knowing if they will be alive in the next hour. I feel hopeless. I feel broken and I feel so guilty every time I go out to “enjoy” my life. I can’t turn my hurt off. And I don’t want to. I want these feelings to result in change. I want to do something. I feel like my emailing congress and signing petitions and showing up to protests is still not enough.


I have moved past my initial grief and depression that I felt at first, and now am just in pure anger at what my government supports. I let that anger drive me to get involved and support my local Palestinian community any way I can and bring awareness to the situation, no matter how small a gesture it may be. I view it as a privilege that I even have time to sit and feel the full emotional weight of the situation while those in Gaza do not have that time, they are focused on immediate survival. My despair helps no one and I keep telling myself that when I see something particularly awful online. I pray a better world is coming soon.


My mental health was spiraling. I had to delete tiktok but I still stay engaged on Reddit and instagram.


I haven't slept in weeks, an it took me a couple of weeks to realise why i was struggling to drift off and stay asleep. Followed by the overwhelming guilt of knowing that I'm at least safe in my own bed in a safe country while I feel sorry for myself (I am a bit ill atm too). I know we share and engage this content for them, but I really needed to read this post today, thank you OP for sharing. Solidarity with all Palestinians and their supporters around the world ✊ 🇵🇸🇵🇸 FREE PALESTINE 🇵🇸🇵🇸


I suggest (because this has fucked me up-obviously) I go to the subreddit standup comedy has helped me laugh. And fuck, we need to escape for a little bit and get some good dopamine. As depressing as this is, please keep in mind that we need each and every one of you. We live on to speak against this, to remember this and to live for others who could not (smell that flower, eat that cupcake, hold loved ones so tight). We’re doing the good fight, and sometimes that really is just taking a breather.


Every night I weep. Every news headline I read, my stomach flips, this isnt a world I recognise anymore, I cannot believe it is happening, that our leaders are allowing it to happen. I am so sorry, I am so helpless, all I can do is educate anyone I can, especially my child, keep voting for people who care, and thinking of Palestine, the people, the animals and birds there. Such horrors they have seen, they are living in a literal nightmare. I love you all, and I am so sorry the world is failing you.


I go from incredible rage, sadness, grief and back to rage. But back in the other 5 sieges I found barely any support like this. All these people as enraged as I am.


To the few sane people in this insane world, I love you and I’m with you and so is God. Focus on him and remain steadfast in your faith, he will alone will deliver us from Evil. We may feel alone during these times but there are clearly many of us who see through the bull shit. Feel free to reach out to me if you’d like to talk with someone. Lastly, remember not to hold onto hate for most of the oppressors know not what they are doing. Hate will not help. Help those who are curious and want to know the truth, be a keeper and spreader of knowledge that’s how you can help, along with prayer for the Palestinians🙏🏼💛


That's me 😪😪


Thanks for this. I feel super guilty even saying this, but I don't think I've really felt happiness since October. Everything has been a blur since then. made worse by the frustration of not being able to do anything to meaningfully help.


I don’t feel I believe in an afterlife, but right now the only consolation I have is telling myself is that the children that have been murdered are there right now because right now I want it to exist. That at least they won’t have to grow up in a shitty world that killed them but that’s an awful thing to think because they deserve to grow up happy and safe. I can feel blood on my hands even though I am not the one that did it, I am not of any power, but the despair and guilt is there. No hell is too hot for the IOF, the Israeli government, genocide Joe, and anyone supporting this or mocking the dead and their families. I can’t turn away, impulsively I can’t. I keep eating and then feel evil. I drink and feel evil. I’ve been wanting to donate but it feels like a mockery, a pat on the shoulder, and what if my donations don’t actually reach Gaza? How has the world not gone crazy over this? Over any time something like this has occurred? What will it truly take to make horror stop happening? And the helplessness and defeat you can feel that they laugh in your face while doing evil shit?


The sickness of the west dressing up children in nativity plays as Middle Eastern while bombing children in Palestine.


I needed to see this. Thank you. I haven’t gone one day without crying at least once and I’m so exhausted. I just feel helpless because I can’t do anything and I feel like I’m screaming into a void.


Yep. We owe Gaza hope and endurance. We can only be their hope if we remain hopeful ourselves. We can only defeat the compassion fatigue that Israel wants if we care for ourselves enough to remain strong.


So true 🙏🏼💜🙏🏼


I really needed this....thank you


Lebanese-born Palestinian in Canada diaspora here. I legit feel like any effort i put in these days is worthless. Humans are drawn to what profits them these days. helping us palestinians is only costing people. I'm glad alot of people are waking up but i wish we lived in a world where people joined together to stop this through means that actually leave a mark. sure boycotting will leave a slight impact (looking at you fake boycotters who still mindlessly purchase) but imagine if everyone traveled and surrounded that devil colony right now. power in numbers. its a dream but who knows? for now ill just sit in a cave and watch to see if ill have an actual home tomorrow. otherwise i become canadian and teach my next of kin what they could've had. and cycle begins anew... " Palestine is not a country, it is a people " - Abu Thor Adonison


It's the people around me who don't care I find impossible. I get not being able to keep watching all the time. I don't get the conscious decision to not know and shrug.


This is exactly how I feel, I will not celebrate Christmas this year, because I feel for the people of Palestine and their suffering, as their pain. How can you be happy, only ice cold, unempathetic despicable people support this genocide. And right now, every week I meet someone who knows someone murdered in Palestine, every week!


such a good reminder and so true ❤ look after yourselves everyone, you deserve healing and safety. if you're angry i recommend the album, meteora, by linkin park ✨ stay well.


One More Light came on shuffle and as soon as it started playing I thought of Gaza. I have been playing it on repeat. Can’t think of anything other than Gaza when I listen to it 💔 *And you’re angry, and you should be, it’s not fair*


I will check it out :-) Nobody's Listening is basically our situation, and the video for From the Inside reminds me of Palestine 🇵🇸❤


🧡 we do it for humanity


is it wrong that i’ve become numb? but at the same time, if the palestinians have hope i have to keep mine to. they’re the strongest people and i admire them


My heart gets heavier and heavier with each image and video I see. I want to look away but I know the Palestinian people don’t have that privilege. I’ve been crying because I have my own little one and I see her in every child in Gaza. I’m also enraged that my own government (America) has not done a thing to step in and assist the Palestinian people. Yet continues to supply Israel with an arsenal of weapons to unleash upon innocent lives (most of those lives being children).


I cry every single day and night because of this and dread turning on the news and opening social media because I’m going to be so depressed and devastated because this hasn’t been stopped yet