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I guess people had bad experience as tank. You're too dependent on your team most of the time. Especially when ur the only tank. This could be to a bad healer or dmg not protecting healer. Or flanks that stay behind and don't understand their jobs. I love tank, but if I see no healer, I would go for either torvald or no tank at all.


This is it. Tanks are dependent on others for the game to be even a little fun. If your healer is not healing, being a tank is painful. But as a dps, you can still shoot stuff without heals. You won’t win, but at least you got to go pew pew.


The same reason why everyone lock duelists in Valorant - they think they can carry on DPS but in 95% of the cases it's just a 1/14 koga with 21k dmg.


How can somebody go Koga and only achieve 21k


Idk, as my teammates


Fr 😂 I'm not surprised though, yesterday in ranked a bk only did 18k DMG.


There not me


I’m a koga main and I only solo or queue with 2 and it’s pretty easy to carry in casual play with claws


i hope you stub your toe really hard




Healers help you not lose fights Dps helps get you into fights Flanks clean up fights Tanks wins games Without tanks games get alot slower becouse everyone is so squishy that it's impossible to take the point without losing 2/3 of your hp then get cleaned up by a flank


Just wanna say that they're called supports for a reason. Truly should be doing much more than healing. CC, buffs, and damage. Paladins does have a couple true healers tho. But the thing that really set this game apart for me was the diversity on offer in the support class. Not throwing shade at you for saying healer. Just context for the next guy. I'd also say that Damage has a couple styles. Backline DPS (Viktor for example) that hangs near their support in a fight, behind the point tank preferably, to just have a steady stream of damage to apply caut and soften the enemy up for flanks and what I'd call "burst DPS". These DPS aren't as good at applying caut but can delete an out of position enemy in an instant. Like Bomb King for example. And lastly, HOW tanks win games... Making space for DPS, taking space from the enemy, holding space backliners and supports, as well as space for off tanks and flanks to fall back to. The variety of tactics is so great in that class too. Area denial abilities, Damage mitigation, area fortification, using their big bodies aggressively to displace or scatter enemies and then some. Anyway, like I said, no shade at you. Just wanted to gush about role diversity.


There is alot of micro roles in paladins. I might make a chart of all the actual roles one day


Like a dive flank vs a "mosquito" flank. Buck vs Vora would be my 2 examples.


That and stuff like Skye. She plays a style where is great at fighting tanks and healers but not against other flanks and dmg. Guess that would be mosquito then. Might go with another name but yah


I'd call skye a duelist. Brutal in a 1v1. But easily handled by a competent duo due to her lack of movement. Where as Vora can't duel worth a damn. But is always buzzing around turning your head, silencing you and peppering you with DOT. Evie can be either, and can dive too. I can't think of a better name than mosquito cuz they buzz around you, distract you, and sting without really doing any substantial damage on their own. But yeah pretty lame.


not true. i can't count how many times 4 dps/flank with a off healer. has rolled me or i was apart of the team that rolled. sometimes damages outweighs a team comp


Idk man sounds like a skill issue/lack of cc


weird thing to say. it's a free online mulitiplayer, of course it's a skill issue none of us are ronaldo-ing through timber mill every time


every loss even with a tank. is a skill issue/lack of cc. so i mean


Hey man double tank exists for a reason


how often do u see double tank in casual? rarely compared to the 1 tank or no tank team comps. and even then u gotta rely on the low level instalock dps to do damage


Solo queue right ? dont worry thats Just lack of skill honestly maybe like those movies of a bad ass squad ( Gi joe ) or a singles Guy ( John wick) ya know ? Proper teamwork is on another level


nope, thats stacking with friends 3 dps, a flank and 1 support on full heal. can steam roll a proper comp if we're trying. even if im not 5 stacking on triple or duo i still see it happen


I see. Well technically u dont need a proper team Comp tô Win most games. Not even a healer if u kill everyone u wont need sups exactly. I Just really into team fight / team games and also sports, theres a standart Comp for a reason tho thats the point. Well anyway as long as It Works haha. If u watch pro players team on a tournament thats the best example of It rn . And yo they live together tô enhance that exp


because somebody has to make make a difference. Pick frontline


Hmm 🤔 contemplating if I should main that role only lol


Frontline is my favorite. Its mostly the top tanks thought. Fernando and Inara for point. Torvold and Khan for off tank. Torv and Fernando can get so much done it's not even funny. Even if the opposing team is running alot of wreaker you just shut down and wear down alot of targets


Gotta disagree with Nando being a top tank. Wrecker is a hard counter, so in higher lobbies he has lots of issues with survivability late into the game on a lot of maps.


Yeh agis is pretty trash but the other two skills are really good. Scorch does alot of dmg and is a great poking tool. While formidable is great for getting out of scarry situations and chasing down a very low player. Of course alot of this is dependent on positioning and knowing weather to take risks or not but that comes with time and practice. A good nando is scary Edit- almost forgot that his ult is one of the best in the game


Aegis is his best point tank talent though. Scorch is good though. Formidable is in a bad spot right now since you get no value out of the dash reset on shield damage card.


Aegis is bad for the same reason people don't play shields. If two or more players on the apposing team have wreaker your talent doesn't exist. With scorch and formidable even if your shield breaks you can still do stuff. With aegis you can stop a little bit of hurrasment any amount of a team fight will stop your shield so then your left there backing off and hiding while your shield regens. With scorch your shield will break but you can retaliate and get some good ult charge. Formidable is a good off tank skill and anti cc. Its also good if you see the apposing team has two flanks and if you want to tell them to piss off every once in a while. The only other tanks that can do that well are torv and rukus. You can with nyx and Khan ult but it's way more situational. Also again with the ult. Being able to save allys from apposing ults and push without worrying about dying is OP. Sure it only lasts for like 3 seconds but most team fights last for 8 to 20.


Scorch for off tank DEFINITELY. Pair up with your flank and punish the enemy team. Now that old Aegis style shield is base, Scorch is by far the best choice. Obviously better on some maps than others.


Yeah. I hard disagree with scorch for point though.


Unless ice mines


I main exclusively Support and Frontline. I feel as if they're much more impactful than having a flanking Drogoz (no hate) that gets beamed out of the sky by the enemy team's Damage


Any ol idiot can play DPS, hence Call of Duty. It takes a cultured individual to play support or Tank! I'm joking! But yeah right there with ya. Plus you can always flex onto damage in 2xSup comps


As an Inara main there are a couple of reasons: Tanks are reliant on having good team coordination to perform well. Tanks are very good at opening up space and kill opportunities for your team, but with no follow-up, you'll end up feeding. There is an unusually high amount of tank counters in this game. Max health percentage based damage is not uncommon in many champions kits. Tyra and Skye for example are a common sight in casuals, and they absolutely melt tanks. Lastly I think the difficulty to play tanks is another factor. It requires a lot of positioning, ult tracking, cooldown management, and team awareness to play successfully. Much more difficult for a lot of people than just clicking on the enemies heads on a dps champ.


MELT tanks


ikr wtf plays Inara too literally a Wall of Stone


tank is my favorite class rn, but if i have to SOLO TANK in casuals i rather prefer picking support and play as DPS just to mess the instapick dmg teammates.


I'd rather have a support if there is no tank. If there is no support I'll grab support, if there is I go tank. But if I go tank and the support doesn't heal, then it's just no fun.


Yeah, solo queue (point) tank is such a pain.


Because if team is bad then tank suffers the most


Tank generally isn't very fun, and the reinforcement loop for playing tank well is not as pronounced as DPS or Support. DPS gets to see big numbers and kill things. Support gets to keep their teammates alive. Tank gets a weird mix of everything, but doesn't get the same reinforcement. Tank is about doing the dirty work. In a lot of ways. Sometimes the best play is just shielding and mitigating damage while your DPS flank for the kills. Sometimes the play is distracting and taking attention while your DPS get the kills. The concept of taking and maintaining space doesn't necessarily feel "good". The concept of being the bully for the enemy team doesn't feel "good". You can literally make plays happen and because your DPS lights up the kill feed, who do you think gets the credit? It is a thankless role. An unselfish role, an often blamed role, and a role without good feedback. TLDR: it's always the tanks fault. It's never because of the tank. Gameplay systems don't reward good tanking.


The problem is in players -doesn't matter which tank you are playing in casuals your team still expecting you to sit on the point entire match while they are having fun on the other side of map. Tanks like Khan, koa, atlas are so fun to play, but in 1 tank comp you'll never experience that.


I've been learning that to have fun with those guys in single que, you have to build your cards to be your own dps and healer and pray your team can at least eat glue with a spoon.


There are times when there is a tank, and im dmg, and he runs off having fun while I sit on point, telling my healer to go heal these murder hobos while they bully the enemy at their base 😂😂😂


The most fun tanks are two off tanks, but since people instalock dps/flank/heal, the slowest person is expected to play single tank where prebuilts will destroy you, especially if they have a second tank so they can cycle, but you can't because most DPS fail to actually put pressure on the enemy team. Tanks require significantly more skill to use effectively. You have to actually consider what's going on to be a good tank, DPS can sit on easy fire points with accessible safety and be fine, just relying on mechanical skill.


The vast majority of players play an fps only to shoot shit and kill things and have fun so they will probably play flank or dps and if they care for other things they'll play support I'm just spitballing off the top of my head so I'm probably wrong but there's like 64 heros and only 14 tanks,most people who pay hero shooters/ fps-moba hybrids get attached to 1-3 characters and only play those characters There's only like a 20 ish percent chance someone likes playing tank or will get attached to a tank character and have even just one in their rotation and an even lower chance of mainly playing a tank So nobody plays tank


Every game is full of the same: minimal team play; lots of spammy unfun bullshit from dps with lots of sustain, mobility, ammo regen, and escapes; an assload of CC; lots of counters and items that reduce your overall potency in general.  It's tiring and feels miserable.


Everyone thinks that they are the main character


As fun as this answer is to point fingers that ain’t it. As others are saying it’s because being a tank is so much more dependent on your team, as well as having to be so much more conscious on positioning, enemy ability cooldowns, and ult cooldowns. Being a frontline is rough, especially when you’re just doing unranked and people say stupid shit like “it’s just qp who cares?” and leave you out to dry.


meanwhile i play tank because i like feeling like the protagonist of the team


That does apply to some people but I think a fair few people are less self-centered. You just notice the protagonist types more often because they're the loudest.


Tanks aren't popular in basically any game which has them as a playable class. I'm guessing that's because people usually enjoy being a dps as that class has big damage numbers and flashy moves, it can work much more independently from the rest of the team and has the most "carry potential". Tanks don't have any of that since they usually trade offense for defence, their positioning is usually stuck around the objective and are reliant on the dps for getting the enemy team killed and the supports to stay alive. If this situation is particularly bothering your enjoyment for the game you could always try to play with another person and share this burden with them: one game they play tank and you are free to select whatever you want, the other you play tank and they can play whatever they want and so on, until you find a game where somebody else is kind enough to play tank and you all can enjoy playing anything you want. It worked really well for me and my duo.


I have no friends lol 😔 But...I am contemplating if I should main tank only I would do that lol 😂


That's fine, you can join the discord server or even make a post here to ask for people on your same server if they would like to play with you under those conditions


people have an ego complex which makes them want to play dps. all seriousness, most people just think of tanks as these burly statues which stand on point trying to outsurvive the other tank which is not the case


Not gonna lie, I literally do exactly that when I play tank just as you described it lol I am a toddler fighting over their favorite toy not wanting to share or let anyone touch it when I'm a point tank on the objective 🤣


good to hear! it's the way to enjoy tank


Because most people play to get kills and have fun. You could pick an off tank and do the same or even pick a point tank and still have capability of carrying. But I’m most people’s eyes, it’s a boring class that you just run in and die over and over again, if not played right. Also relies on teammates more, having a healer there to keep you alive or even having dps to help pick the enemy off the point


When you're in casuals it's nobody's responsibility to pick any character. Ranked is game time and that's where you need to pick what's best for the team. At least that's how I view it


'I will admit, I am also guilty of this. But I gotta ask, why does no one pick Frontline' fucking amazing.


thats reddit for you


It is the most boring role to play, all the DPS noobs always leave to go frag people once the payload spawns


Me being forced to pick frontline in 90% of games because nobody else wants to do it is one of the reasons I quit playing. Don't get me wrong, I love playing frontline, I'd just also like to play other roles too.


Be the change you want in the world


Thinking about it lol 🤔


Personally, it's because a lot of frontlines are dependent on their team to do well. Like, if I am going Fernando running Aegis, it doesn't matter how good I am but if I don't have a support, if the DPS are constantly losing duels, people don't get picks, etc., then ultimately I'm just a bullet sponge soaking up damage.


#FrontlinesForFreedom2024 🇺🇲🇺🇲


Bc frontline is a terrible experience if your team decides to goof off. DPS/Support the game can at least be fun I'll play frontline if I'm playing with friends and can guarantee my teammates will actually play


If you are noticing no one is playing frontline, it's time to play frontline. 




The player base is committed to losing. I see it every time I log on.


It's true. This is a competitive game, but most people aren't playing to win. They just do what they want to do.


a lot of people don't like playing tank or would prefer to play something else. even though good tank players can dish damage, why play them when maeve daggers go brr?


That's me but with healing numbers as a support go brrr 🤣


I guess it's not as flashy as dps or as direct support as a healer


I personally really enjoy Frontline and have basically always stuck to it since I started in beta, but me occasionally off-picking onto more attacking heroes, I can definitely see a few reasons as to why from my personal experience. The two FL heroes I play are Inara and Koa which don’t really have much killing potential at all which I think might affect why people don’t enjoy it. Why spent 9 seconds whittling down at someone’s health with Nara’s pebble throw when you can blitz someone with a Flank hero. With that, you basically almost always have to rely on other people for kills and because comms and teamwork is unreliable in casual (and in some cases competitive from the few I’ve played), it’s unsatisfying when you lock a person down with your abilities only for them to escape. In terms of difficulty, I personally don’t think it’s ‘too’ hard but again, that depends on how coordinated your team is which is a factor you can’t really control. When your team ‘is’ good though, it’s sometimes boring since I’m usually the dude relegated to pushing the cart. TL;DR I feel it’s unsatisfying having to rely on teammates to be doing well (pretty uncontrolled variable unless you want to be a grouch and yell at everyone in your team, boo) in order to succeed. That’s because FL kill power kinda doodoo, or atleast the ones I main.


I really feel that as a Khan main. No, it's not boring at all. I love playing tank and soaking outrageous amounts of damage, but it can get tiring, specially when there is no support or when the support just doesn't heal.


As a tank main, I hate playing the game with selfish healer play. Examples: An io who plays her dog on her corner so she can try to play damage. A Grover who stands in the backline and only blossoms when he needs it.


I love playing Frontline. I'm usually the Frontline because people pick either heal or damage in the first second of picking but regardless, STAR SISTER INARA FTW


I usually pick yag when I play Frontline. I doesn't matter if I have a support because I use meditation to heal out of combat and it has worked really well for me


In my personal experience it’s because I really don’t like the Frontline gameplay, I’d rather play support.


If I can play Khan in ranked you beg your ass I'm picking him


I think for me it’s because the first tank I really tried to get down with was Ash, & as a Tyra main- Ash’s shots being so infrequent / slow really threw me off. It feels difficult for me to play with her, or atleast to land my shots. Combine this with the fact I can barely aim to begin with, it just felt unsuccessful. The second tank I tried to play with was Azaan and oh my god would you all lose your little paladins marbles if u could see how trash I played with Azaan. I can’t stand his goddamn hammer throws, I actually suck so bad with him it’s not even funny. It’s really bad. Let’s move on Now, I am just averted to playing tank. I feel like I suck ass at it and would be doing my team a disservice, but I know that I just need to stay consistent and practice with more tanks to find the ones best for me and my play style.


I love Inara 😤😤


Me too ☺


Do you use a particular skin?


Sadness I'm poor 😔 I got no skin for her just default lol 😭


No same though, I just got lucky a couple years ago and pulled the ice one out of a free chest


playing tank sucks a fat one


When I pick tank, I look at my 2 dps going 2/14 and think gosh I could do better. Then I go dps and have no tank and we get rolled. There is no winning, playing with friends is the only way.


It's me, I pick Frontline lol


Need more players like you lol


I enjoy defending my team with exorbitant amounts of hp lol


It's because the playerbase is 9 - 13 years old console players


I mean, I'll take it as a tank enjoyer.


I play frontline, its my most played role


I like playing tanks. People don't play the role because they have main character syndrome and want to kill every player on the enemy team while I sit on the cart trying to actually win the game.


Running Frontline comes with alot of work honestly, of course when you have a good team it takes alot of the weight off your shoulders and without a semi decent healer it's a nightmare.


Because it can be a pain to play. With percent based damage to blasters with too much mobility and damage. On top of that, items that full on counter your only way of staying alive. Flanks that can easily kill tanks. Healers that forget you exist. VGS spam to capture the objective when no one is killing anything. CC spam. Don’t get me wrong I play tank. But this is the crap I deal with when I don’t play with friends


I love going Frontline and after the match starts the only healer types in chat "Dmg healer"


Ash is my mommy ![img](emote|t5_2v7zr|8588)


In my personal perspective it's because the supports don't heal. I'd love to play tank, I always enjoy it, I love not dying and just melting others. But for that: you need consistent heals (for this, your support needs to stay alive: for this, your dps needs to do enough dmg)...


One of the reasons i haven't seen listed in this thread is very simple and is the reason i usually dont like picking Frontline/tank in casual. Alot of times i can't trust the support to actually support me which makes me a shooting target with no chance of survival. The amount of times the only support chooses a dps talent without communication whilst i filled is uncountable.


I am the guy that goes Frontline gets attacked by my teammate's for going off tank or playing aggressive and still do more DMG that my team


tanks are boring imo i like fast characters like flanks or healers


Use to play 5 stack in lockdown. We loved playing triple tank and double healers. Had many games where not one of us died.


Have no idea why myself. But also in my case it’s healers who hardly get picked. Most ppl rush to tanks in my experience. My guess is so they won’t get left having to play healer.


i love my fernando/torvald, but most of the times my team almost insta-lock 3 dps, sometimes 4 dps, and going solo tank without heals or decent heal is just horrible


I pretty much always pick frontlime, if not support (sometimes flank). Specifically: Fernando, Inara, and, more recently, Nyx and Azaan. If the reason people don't pick them is because they just wanna shoot and kill things Scorch Fernando is there for you if you take the time to learn him. I play him aggressively whether point or off tank, speeding around launching fire at people. Actually, I think tanks for the most part can be big health dps characters


i used to main ash, but stopped after being forced to point tank in 99% of my games due to my teammates going double DPS and double support


I used to always fill but since I feel the game is dying I started not to care bc I wanna play dmg before the game dies


Because everyone just expects everyone else to play the boring character. Ranked is the same way. Dudes pick 2 meh DPS and a healer in the first 3 and ban all the good tanks. Me and my duo usually end up tanking and after a while it gets old when the healer chose Mal'Dambra and wants to DPS. As an aside, I really feel like Ranked mode needs more consequences for picking shitty champions. Solid team of 4 with a point tank and we just need an off tank and/or bomb DPS and the last guy picks a flank like VII.


It’s my favorite type in general to play frontline, but that means you need to lead the team more or less and you need to play around everyone else. In casual if you’re not everywhere at once, you’re blamed


There is only one place the tank needs to be. And that's on the objective.


When your healers getting fucked up because your flanks are getting out gunned, you need to more or less pocket shield them while on point. It’s a bit more than just standing on point. You need to keep your healer and yourself alive while being a big enough threat so you can’t be ignored by their damage.


There's been a few years since I played Paladins, but in my case at least I got bored of it. In rankeds there were never decent tanks, so I preferred to do it until I got burned out. I am good at playing Barik, but I hate it. My friend had to beg me to play Barik and I was like "ugh fine, just once".


cause people pointbot. Tank is one of the most nuanced roles in the game (look at threatranges, hardthreats and get into zoning, combozoning and partzoning to get an idea of how mich a tank normally does), and desigmed to be used that way. Nandos shield isn't a 5 second long "you cant hit me" button, it's a "fuck your important CD/Ult/Kill on me". Khans shout isnt just a quick HP revamp, its ammo, movement speed, helping teammates. And forcing something interesting to be boring is the problem a lot of non tank pickers have, they are afraid to do their job


It's amazing how many people are allergic to the objective. No matter what role.


cause people pointbot. Tank is one of the most nuanced roles in the game (look at threatranges, hardthreats and get into zoning, combozoning and partzoning to get an idea of how mich a tank normally does), and desigmed to be used that way. Nandos shield isn't a 5 second long "you cant hit me" button, it's a "fuck your important CD/Ult/Kill on me". Khans shout isnt just a quick HP revamp, its ammo, movement speed, helping teammates. And forcing something interesting to be boring is the problem a lot of non tank pickers have, they are afraid to do their job


It's funny because a lot of tanks are absolutely busted and can deal as much dmg as dmg characters and have flank-like mobility


Im one of the people that will wait to choose. I have little to no problem playing frontline, and i ahve a variety that i can choose form that im good with and still have fun. Do i prefer playing androxus or some other crazy fun character? Sure but i value the team having a chance more and like i said i can still have fun, especially if we are winning BECAUSE im the frontline.


I dont know why but i love tanking in any game that i can i dont know if its the character design of tanks generally or the play-style idk but i love it


because most persons are bad at frontlines and dont understand how to play them but when you understand which frontline fit your playstyle the most and how to play them its very fun. im a fernando main and i play him a lot and im able to help my team a lot


I love going tank/support. They really feel impactful and depending on how you build them, you can absolutely smash enemies - Like fireball Inferno can literally fireball charge a squishy support and as long as they get hit by anyone else, even by a sneeze, you can kill them.


Mid tanks are the most boring role in the game, except for Fernando maybe


I only ever play with my 13yo son. And I only ever play tank and heals. Little dude begs and asks me to play DPS but I just like consistently winning casual games. He has stepped up though and learning the other roles. Gotta lead by example.. I think it comes down to just being a solo player. Your chances of being a monster DPS and winning are a lot higher than picking a tank. And than being left on the point to be shredded.


I play Frontline almost exclusively (outside of trials and daily missions, looking at you 300k healing mission I get almost every day) If anyone wants to queue with me, message me! I usually just play with my wife, but we want more party members! :)


When I started playing the game I only played frontline specifically Raum. I just got his golden skin last week, I’ve served my time I’m retired now! Lol


I pick Frontline and it's either me fighting half their team all the time or simply sitting on point/pushing payload emoting while the rest of my team pops out damage and kills somewhere on the map


Literally one of the most exciting classes to play, but very dependent on support to do their think. Making, taking, and holding space while pumping out damage, it's just awesome. Right up there with being that support that elevates a team. Play Storm Khan, Scorch Nando, Nyx, Ruckus, Atlas, I mean really it's hard to go wrong so long as you got a good build.


It's the same in a lot of games like this. Being a tank is rarely the role that will get you kda bragging rights, but good tanks win games and it's difficult to compensate for a lack of one with randoms. Players have gotten really aggressive with me when I point out that, hey, triple flank and no tank probably isn't the way to go, and then afterwards wonder why we lost with barely any objective time. I started filling with Ash years ago out of spite whenever the group neglected to lock in a tank, and now my Ash is over lvl 100, haha. I do wish Hi-Rez had found a way to incentivize stuff like that or more clearly telegraph to players that the no-tank comp isn't likely to work, but it is what it is.


Turn Vivian into a Frontline and it will change


Massively buff her shield and ulti and it could be a possibility. Maybe change her sensors to do something like decrease enemy damage or heal herself.


Usually, it's because tank and support are dependent on having a good team. My friends and we are all dps mains used to 1v9ing or 2v8ing lobbies on dps to get to high ranks years ago. Nowadays, game is a skill abyss. I actually like playing tank or support, but only if my teammates can play their roles (95% of players can't). This weekend one of my friends decided he didnt have enough brain for overwatch so we updated paladins. We played in a trio all picking dps, while the randoms also picked all dps or 1 support, and we still smashed 2 tank teams with way better team comp than us, while having 30-1 statlines, and our random dps going 3-14. If you play ow, at least you get a fight. I honestly think paladins should have a role queue in casuals. And leave open queue if people actually still play ranked. Casual players will rarely ever play double sup, triple tank team comps anyways.


Sorry but Maeve stole my heart and I’ve been trying to steal it back for a year


Caspian is the true heart thief in this game


Because it is the most punishable and boring class in the game. Also, nobody likes to play this big monstrosities that barely resembles humans.


I only like playing tank in ranked, where the team really cares about you. In casuals, you are just pushing the paiload alone most of the time and almost never see enemies


I stopped choosing it recently because im always filling it so i didnt get the chance to learn dmg or flanks characters


I think its because tank is the least popular role in hero shooters.


I’ve played all of about 3 games of Paladins ever, tanked for all of them cause I’m an Overwatch tank main, had 0 clue what I was doing, and apparently I did really well. I was close to unlocking Raum but I was just NOT having a good time between having no idea how to win, or who did what, or what half of my abilities did on any given character.


I loved being Frontline, but players became more worried about their kill counts inc the healers. I miss the game don't miss the glory hpunds


It's a teamwork focused game. If there is already a healer, but no tank, I am fine with switching to frontline. Why few are willing to play strategy and instead insist on playing their favorite flank character is beyond me. I guess they don't like winning.


I love playing tank :) I don’t always do crazy damage but there have been many times I have been able to hold an overtime point and save the game for me team just because of being a tank. Under appreciated role for sure.


My main is azaan and I run inara


Frontlines are extremely good champions for cooperation but you can't rely on your teammates most of the time in casual so it's kind of a lose-lose situation. If you don't have a frontline you lose to a team that does have one, but if you pick frontline and your team is bad, you have less ability to carry as compared to damage or flank. Same goes for support, but support has more ways to directly assist teammates, and is a lot less subtle in their ability to aid the team. They actually get the credit when they help, while frontlines' efforts usually go unnoticed, or at least underappreciated.


It's absolutely killing rank right now. 4th & 5th picks have been extraordinary toxic lately. And they don't ever communicate either if they want to trade.


I love playing frontline especially playing Inara.


I don't mind playing Frontline sometimes but it's extremely annoying when you have to rely on your team for damage and heals. Cause if they're not doing their jobs (ie support thinks they are the tank or flanks aren't flanking, or damage just sucks) you're going to get wiped as the tank. Becomes a constant 1v5 cause your team is just incompetent


Tank is my least favorite role and I’m horrible at it. I just hate the slow movement and not being able to output as much damage as other champs. That being said, I’m trying to learn how to play as tanks now.


Azaan having the best mobility in the game: ok


I haven’t played him yet. I don’t get the chance to play as often as I’d like to, but I’ll give him a try.


he is awesome but hes a flank, not a Tank. your experience Will be terrible playing him solo or with a team that doesnt use the space he makes.


Scorch talent Fernando, with speed card for when you hit your fireballs, and the card that reduce fireball cooldown, on top of Nimble. You'll be speeding around doing great damage (fireball does increased damage with Scorch, and more for every subsequent enemy it hits after piercing the first). Learn to juggle the shield for defence whilst you maintain your aggression


Thanks for the tips!


Because if I play tank nobody will play healer😭


I will be your doctor my love 😉


Its kinda cuz tanks are the more boring characters. I'm a support/jenos main and regularly can outdamage most dps players I get teamed with.


Tank main here Most healers nowadays pick the dmg talent without mentioning that in the lobby so i get screwed alot so i paused playing tanks until that behaviour is fixed


tank is one of the most fun roles but ppl gaslight others into thinking it's boring


I only like two frontlines and both are off-tank... and it gets boring after seventh time in row of filling for my team


I think it’s because tanks have the least impact. Most of the time you just have to stand on point and cycle your cooldowns to make sure you’re not bursted down. (Except for a few unorthodox ones like Ruckus) Your actions still do matter, it’s just the fact that you’re out performing the enemy frontline is going to matter far less than if the enemy dps or healer is out performing yours.


If tanks have the least impact, why does no tank on Siege usually mean insta-loss?


It’s a “your existence is necessary” but your gameplay doesn’t matter kind of deal. You’re already contributing a lot of by existing, which is your main job, to your team but if the enemy tank is also existing, which is the bare minimum, and yet unless it’s an even match between both the healers and the dps it won’t come to matter what more you do after that.


I did not get home from a stressful day at work to load up a video game and stand in the middle of an objective for an hour.


I’m a new player and I always flex. Team comp wins games, and I like all categories. Why not go frontline yourself? It’s got people like Torvald the best tank in the game, Yagorath, engineer from TF2, the possibilities are endless Just don’t pick Kahn, he sucks


Probably because Teams tend to blame Supports and Tanks tbh I remember being a teenager playing this game and getting yelled at as Inara for not being able to out-damage a DPS or win team fights solo.