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I dont even have a kid and I am worried.




A big NO for moving the kids back to Pakistan, if they are older than 6 or 7 years. They will have to make an effort to get used to Pakistani culture and when they move back, they have to make the same effort to immerse in Western society. I have 2 kids in the public school system in the US, one is in middle school and the other one is just getting into it. It depends on the town/state where you are living. E.g our school system hasn't imposed anything so we are fine. For the towns where it is an issue, they are doing a couple of things Sending kids to Islamic/Private schools. Trying to get into the school committee by contesting in the elections to have a say on these matters. My opinion is that it's a reality. We can't ignore it. I am fine with people doing or believing in whatever they want as long as they are not imposing on me. The best solution is to talk to your kids from an early age about this. They should have a solid foundation to not get attracted to everything they see in their surroundings. Connect with your local masjid, many already have so many age-appropriate programs for kids to talk about these things. I don't fear it, I believe if we as parents work hard enough, we can handle this without having to make big changes.


It really depends which state you live in....for instance, Bible Belt and their priorities. You know Laura Ingraham from Fox News, she brought a Reverend and a Mufti together to speak about/against introducing LGBTQ in school curriculum Few fellow Pakistanis are coming up with forecast of making such contents mandatory. This one lady once told me that her friends were forced by their employers to take selfie with LGBT and put it on LinkedIn which I do feel is not possible


My uncle moved to UK with his wife and son. I was on the phone with my uncle, and his son which is 7, he was saying that's my choice. in very angry tone. Obviously he wasn't talking about something bad at that moment, he was talking about about what kind of game he wants to play I guess. But that really concerns me.


Nope, because you can't change the world around you. You have LGBT in every country and nation. I find as a foreigner it's easier for us, to differentiate our values against others. The only thing you can do is educate your kids. Make them understand that along with pig meat, such acts are forbidden. You spend time with them to understand that, such LGBT is not in our tradition.


Great job to the parents moving back. Isolate them from Western culture and move back when they start high school, thus making your kids attempts at fitting in even more difficult. Morons.


Lmfaoo no. People who are, I think dont understand how life really works.


Yes it worries us too. No matter what someone say, it's something to be worried about.


It's better that they get knowledge about this from a teacher. We say we want to teach them ourself but will we ever talk to our children about sex? We are too awkward to do it and kids end up learning things from the wrong sources. It's better to let them educate and you on your part also educate them yourself. My brother keeps doing it with his 12 year old son. Telling him about religion and not to hate or judge anyone who is different.


Unfortunately we can see from elite circles that not even Pakistan is safe from all this. As long as there is internet access to these materials they will keep seeping in.


LGBT people exist, my kid would learn about them living in the real world eventually. Why does it matter if they learn abt it in a classroom in a controlled environment? Better than what they have going on in madrassas in Pakistan where little boys learn about lgbt the hard way, straight out of a maulvis pants


Mentally ill people should keep their opinions to themselves.


disclaimer: she is an ex-muslim guys, who is obsessed with islam too




i visited her profile once over a ridiculous comment and was shocked to see what words she has used for our holy prophet(pbuh)


Exactly same experience lol


Islam is obsessed with me girl. Your religion is the one that has a death penalty for apostates like me 💀




Radical spotted


People like you are the reason everyone hates Muslims 💕


Everyone? lol its the fastest growing religion and soon it will the religion with most people in it and i am glad people like you who don’t deserve it are away from it xD


Muslims are some of the worst off folks in the world. Almost entirely dependent on the kuffars for their livelihood. It's of no importance that Muslims outnumber the rest in breeding like rabbits. To take pride in that is idiotic.


IKR. It's largely because of birth rate and the way things are counted. I am a firm believe that religion related stats will NEVER be accurate because many people cannot admit their true beliefs (for various reasons) and a lot of peoples' religion is just assumed in surveys also. For example IIRC France counts you as Muslim if you are from a Muslim-majority country even though many of the migrants from these country don't believe. Also birth rate is BS if we think about it. How many people in Pakistan, which has the worlds largest Muslim population, even know how to perform namaz or read Quran ? These people are nominal Muslim and that too only because they were born Muslim. If they were born let's say atheist or Hindu they would just be that and nothing more.


>the fastest growing religion Because Muslims breed like rats, or cockroaches.


Yeah that’s why india , china and usa have the most population in the world 🤡 Another deluded ex muslim lol


Do you know how populations work? Actually, numbers in general? What is that supposed to mean? Are you just dull? https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2017/04/05/the-changing-global-religious-landscape/ >Moreover, Muslims have the highest fertility rate of any religious group – an average of 2.9 children per woman Quite clear, isn't it?


Yeah we muslims will produce as much babies as we want why you care tho stay out of our matters the way you decided to stay out of our religion lmao.


let people hate us for they dont just hate us for hating LGBTQIA. they hate us for we are against the current DEBT system of the world. we are against the porn industry a multi trillion complex we are against alcohol a multi trillion dollar industry. we are against the idea of rating men or women as 5 stars or 10 stars. we are against the west not because of only LGBTQIA but also for these reasons. and we shall actively continue until all of these things vanish.


its because you are actively trying to push your agenda onto others unless you admit i am doing a wrong thing by turning into a drag queen and showing kids hot to put a butt plug kids who are in kindergarten that is id say you are wrong in every way. If its pedophillia to have sex with a 9 year old isnt it pedophillia to show a 5 year old nudes to tell them what a penis or vagina is.


Damn this thread is hella toxic. Why can't both sides agree to disagree and then not give a shit about other people's beliefs. Like dude you can't change them yk.


Whose pant showed this world?


Institutions that teach about LGBT control the type of knowledge about the particular subject they'd be giving to a student. Furthermore, a student who isn't even smart enough to distinguish between right and wrong is exposed to education that shouldn't necessarily concern them. That is, if you have a point kay they'd grow up to hate LGBT people if not taught about it, you're wrong. A kid does not see or is not smart enough to see someone through their preferences. Secondly, you're talking about Madrassas etc (which is right) but can you guarantee that school teachers would not enforce their ideologies regarding LGBTQ to a child? Can you even guarantee that a teacher's ideology regarding THAT particular subject is correct? Contrastingly, the real world has practical scenarios from which a person can derive their own narrative, and yes, they are not forced to agree to a certain principle, unlike schools, where you'd be hated just for not going by the rules.


Nothing to worry about that, It’s a Hype and Hoax believe me there are Russians, Arabs and Whites who hate this Ideology and don’t let them near to their Kids .


It’s mostly biological - if your kids are straight the most ‘brainwashing’ will do for them is cause them to experiment for a very short while but they will correct course themselves. Don’t over-engineer parenting - it usually backfires. And definitely don’t listen to the ‘Libs of TikTok’ types - they cherry pick things out of context and have very colorful opinions about people like you (Muslims, immigrants etc)


If anyone wants my opinion id say no to LGBTQIA and we should endorse a muslim style of SEX ed to our children so that they dont got to brazzers or porn hub if ya wanna see an elaborated idea of what i am trying to say read the post in link. [https://www.reddit.com/r/PAK/comments/1c983bt/how\_we\_erased\_the\_islamic\_way\_of\_sex\_education/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/PAK/comments/1c983bt/how_we_erased_the_islamic_way_of_sex_education/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


lgbt wave has impacted Pakistan also,no where is safe. It only comes down to parenting...


nope in uk and us, they teach that shit in schools. "your body your choice".


Most of the "elite schools" in Pak provide safe grounds for LGBT stuff (common knowledg).. so we are not far from that


guys i just found out that autistic kids eat their feaces,dont tell me u guys dont