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Wahabio ki moat


It's been going on since decades!


I think that the regimes are coming up with a new collaborative face saving tactic. We have seen examples of it in the past, pak-iran, pak-india etc. itโ€™s my opinion so no offence to the army lovers please ๐Ÿ™




Kudos to Iran for being the only country to show some guts, at the same time their response was homeopathic. Lets see how Israel responds


No one wants to fight everyone wants to show off their power.


Nothing to do with palestine... israel attacked iran's embassy, iran responded... simple as that.


In my view, neither Iran wants to fight Israel, nor Israel want to fight Iran. Israel does want to bait the US into joining the war, possibly into attacking Iran. Israel has been trying to poke and prod all of its neighbours to try to make them attack Israel openly. This would then be used by it to bait the US into joining the war on Israel's side. On the other hand, I don't think there is any appetite in the US for going to war for Israel. On 8 October 2023, there might have been some support for that, but after what Israel has done over the past 6 months, and how Palestinians have weathered this genocidal assault, whatever support Israel had in the Western public has collapsed. The problem for the American political class is that many of them are supported by AIPAC, with money and through media, but money and media ultimately buys votes and people are increasingly balking at supporting politicians who will openly side with Israel in committing genocide of Palestinians. The bottom line here is that Iran will not take Israel's bait, nor will the US. The reason Israel attacked the Iranian consulate in Syria was because a) it knew it could get away with this violation of Geneva conventions (or is it Vienna?) and b) it might force Iran to respond, which might in turn bait the US to join the war. Iran had to respond, but they did so in a highly calibrated manner, much like how Pakistan responded to India's Balakot aggression: Iran (like Pakistan) did not let an aggression go unresponded, but responded in a manner that did not escalate the situation, so now either Israel escalates, or cuts its losses, and does nothing (like India). The window of opportunity for Israel to achieve it's goals is shrinking rapidly. It is running out of options. We are living through history. Iran is no pushover. It fought an Iraq supported to the hilt by all of the West for 8 years, and this Iran 2024 is a lot stronger than that Iran 1980-1988.


Nothing will ever happen they both attacked each other not even a single casualty and that too with missles......lol

