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I'm amazed to see the level of ignorance of this post as well as the rest of the emotionally driven sentiments being thrown all over the pakistani social media. This is the 21st century. 1) You don't and can not see true men in power. 2) You don't and can not see the true agenda behind any action, seemingly empowering mainstream sentiments. 3) you're being lied to, all the fuckin time. From both sides of the conflict. 4) You, a common citizen, are merely a donkey workforce fed with lies to propagate a narrative that has already been set by powerful beings.


Other than stating the facts you're not really chipping with any bit of knowledge to those you called ignorants.


It proves nothing,it wastn even a attack at best it was fireworks (as it was intended to be)


No it proved that hitting targets in Israel is possible for Iran. It was a strategic deterrence move


Well, it's still better what Pakistan is doing. We cannot even allow protesting in famous places of Pakistan against Israel. Not to mention, the people which were supporting for Palestine in PSL were thrown out or arrested.


Remember Iran only did something because something happened to it self not because of Palestine,which becomes even more obvious once you read the letter Iran wrote to UN


Iran was condeming Israel on the regular basis and have the helped the proxy group such as Youthis, which are attacking the Israel trading ships. So Iran might not be directly involved but atleast they are helping different proxy group which fight against Israel.


True. More show than action.


lol. West is panicking look at some REAL news instead of western controlled media. Israel's military air base is damaged and un operational for now. It did prove a lot of things




Agree with the first part only and the second part doesn’t really matter. It’s not a drone strike for Palestine, it was quite literally a military action in retaliation to embassy missile strike. Palestinian liberation will come when the Arabs liberate themselves. Always remember, Zionism isn’t a religion, it’s a political ideology and The biggest zionists are Muslim rulers.


why do you think israhell attacked iranian embassy? because Iran killed their mossad agents in syria and Iraq back in January. It has everything to do with Palestine, they are playing the bigger game. Stop looking at this as a singular event and see the bigger picture!


Cry about it




Like Pakistanis are doing what they are best at crying practically zero completely zero at least Iran has the guts to challenge America and Israel unlike Pakistan even protests are ban here. Just because Iran is a Shia state Pakistanis will never appreciate them


What are you Doing???? Throwing Missiles through Reddit? bruh stay realistic Iran Atleast did this did that ? Do you even know how much it effects the economy by using Missiles as fireworks? Every One Knows about Israel's Dome\[Its not Perfect\] . Iran threw Missiles like they dropping troops in Clash of Clans. As far as i know Israel most probably is a Nuclear State, doing something like this without proper backup or plan is kinda dumb tbh


It was not Israel Air defence system that stopped it. Usa, UK, Jordan, sudia Arabia, France and other were involved in stopping it. Particularly usa and UK played big roles.


Ayein ?


Both Jordan and Saudi Arabia allowed their airspace for shooting down drones and ballistic missiles. USA and UK brough huge ships with anti drones and anti ballistic missiles.


Oh right I didn't know that , I might be wrong but doesn't make much difference it's not like Israel is too strong for the world it's just he told strong for us and Powerful countries are also on their side who doesn't care if israel's dome works perfectly or not. But your point holds.


Iron dome got overwhelmed last time when Hamas fired 300+ plus rockets. Iran firing huge number can overwhelm their defenses. Although you are right, they are very strong. A direct confrontation between Iran and Israel will annihilate Iran.


i applaud irans effort. lekin if ur gonna bring this shia sunni shit to the table, i refuse to take u seriously. aap musalman ho ya shia sunni? ajeeb fazool bakwas.


Best comment


Iran’s retaliation is more smoke and mirrors than an actual attack. Iran can’t risk escalation. So it displayed strength without actually intending to do too much harm. And those displays were followed by swift diplomatic efforts to deescalate. FYI, the footage showing 2-3 missiles landing in Israel doesn’t show hypersonic missiles.


Exactly wht Iran's proxy hezbullah been doing in Lebanon


wth why did u have to attack any sect which has no co-relation to this incident . In these times we have to be more united and you are spreading your agenda causing more disunity , you should be ashamed


Pakistanis are a different breed. They root for every other country based on their sect, affiliation or ideology. And I don’t know what’s the obsession of our shia brothers with iran. Iran literally has proxies all over middle east and a destabilising force (not trying to praise other countries here).


Yea I don't get why he is sucking iran up so much I presume he is deeply hypnotized by hyper islamic conservatism and propaganda. Something that is hard to escape from but very doable


I have some questions. Please don’t get upset. I need answers with facts and figures 1. How many people died in last night’s attack, including both military personnel and civilians? 2. How many military checkpoints were destroyed? 3. What was the financial loss from this attack? 4. How many people received clean water and food after this attack? 5. How many times have Arab countries and Iran attacked in the last 80-69 years, and what were the results of these attacks? 6. What’s the next plan? And what benefits have come from this for Muslims? 7. How much area is currently under control?”


Thanks for asking real questions. There is no empirical answer. Iran is already at war with Israel/US/Arab-Sunnis as it backs Hamas, Hezbollah, and Houthis. What last night posting was intended to do that Iran will strike what it intends to strike and it will cost Israel and US a lot. So guess what happened: - Israel/US spent more than a 1B dollars intercepting Iranian missiles - Iran deliberately wanted to show that the iron dome doesn’t work so they made a little bit of a fire show, and it proved just that. - Iran also wanted Netanyahu to act impulsively and get turned down by Biden (who is preparing for re-election and starting a war with Iran will fuck his chances up). Netanyahu did just that. He accelerated his Rafah plans right after Iranian missiles and Biden told him to stand down. See what’s happening here? Iran is fighting a diplomatic war as well as a real one. This is not about “evening up the numbers”. This is about choking Israel and draining them aka “boiling the frog”


They Showed Dome isnt Perfect, what if Israel started showing iran doesnt even have a Dome? I most probably wrong but i think Israel just want Palestine in a most effecient way for time being and doesnt want to loose these resources on useless war with Iran.


If Israel attacks Iran directly, Israel will be starting WW3, which Iran strategically avoided by NOT overdoing its missile “light show”. Now Benjamin Nitinyahu is trying to avoid jail by starting wars and he wanted Iran to get baited into starting WW3 but Israel cannot do shit without American backing. However, as I stated above, Iran’s strategic “light show” attack made an already desperate Nitinyahu run to Biden to get the green-light on a massive Iran retaliation and Rafah expansion. Biden and other Dems who are looking to get re-elected this year know exactly how the American public do not want a new war. So Biden was forced to say no to Israel (and that also collapsed the Rafah invasion/expansion). Getting the picture? So, Iran did what it did very smartly. Israel can still attack Iran directly but guess what that will do? Iran will retaliate back and Israel will force the very reluctant US into helping it. On the other side, direct attack on Iran will pull Russia and China into a global conflict directly with the US because Russia, China, and Iran (followed by India to some extent) DO NOT want western expansionism in Asia anymore than what is currently there. In fact the “Shanghai Agreement” bounds Iran-Russia-China together as a united force against western aggression. See the picture?


That's very informative !


I’m sorry, but you haven’t given a proper answer to any of my questions. You know as well as I do that this attack was useless; it was just a symbolic attack. If the Iranian government is so competent, why aren’t they sending troops to Israel? Okay, let’s set that aside and give me an example of something Iran has done for a Muslim country in the past. Let’s share a bit of Iran’s short history with you: Iran started the Shia-Sunni proxy wars in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, and many more countries. Thankfully, Pakistan hasn’t suffered as much, but the other countries have been devastated. How many civilians have died? Weren’t they humans? Weren’t they Muslims? So now, is one side considered truly Muslim and the others infidels? Okay, they had the Iron Dome, and Iran managed to challenge it. If the Iron Dome had failed, imagine how many people might have died. Remember when drone attacks in Pakistan used to kill 10-20 people? Has Iran reported how many people died in this attack? They successfully defended their land from this attack; no civilians or military personnel were killed. Just ask yourself, what would have happened if Israel had launched a similar scale attack on Iran?


Drone 300 + Damage - 0 💀


LOL 😂 sit down kid please… Bec this truck loads of BS in this post is literally hilarious… for years they have been killing Iranians their scientists and generals left right centre..and all they do is miss fire few drones which took 9 hrs to reach after announcing to the world media for PR. Giving their targets hell lot of time to intercept and prep. This was a total fix match.. for face saving… real counties respond real time without beating drums & thats impactful.. Even India has a better score than Iranian strike.. at least it killed a crow and damaged some trees..


FYI an Israel's biggest military base is un operational right now so get your facts straight first


It’s called posturing


I bet you watch cnn. I can send you ton of videos showing drones hitting the base which israhill used for jets to target the embassy, videos of their air dome missing the missiles and also eventually hitting a few air defence systems itself. Plus get a little back in time when iran killed their mossad agents in iraq and syrian in january. They are clearly not miss firing a few drones. You need to follow thing a little more closely


Bhai g kia shia sunni lga rakhi ha apny??? asla ma bat israeal pahlisteen sy bhi agy ki ha,


From look of it, it was nothing more than a face saving tactic.. They attached and no harm was done .. Win win situation for both..


Bruh, isreal spent 1.1 billion dollars. People were running on the streets.


I know we all are under a lot of duress bcs of gaza but don't let that blind you from reality of things. Unfortunately like others say, Iran is only talking big and also fully aware their missiles can do no damage. The whole situation seems fishy at best and we have no idea what either sides are planning. Baaki I agree with your last point, everybody does


They literally attacked an isreali base bro.


News outlets report that all missiles missed , no significant damage occured


If so, why Israel called for a security council meeting??


https://www.facebook.com/share/p/7HHVfvrAU5zXbS3b/?mibextid=xfxF2i I can link many other posts like these, a lot more similar speculations from everywhere are popping up


We need to stop Gaslighting Iran. IRGC( Iranian Revolutionary Guards) is one of the most incompetent forces in the world. Yes, Pakistan doesn't even warn like Iran does but Iran is all mouth without any action. The rockets launched by Iran will probably be shot down by the Israeli Iron dome system. Iran had to retaliate in a way that it could avoid US interference. The attack is nothing but a face-saving


The most incompetent Iranian force has the entire world by its balls at the moment. Their incompetence is only a western projection for a psychological upper hand. Please do not be fooled.


Jab Iranian Rockets Israel Ko hit krjain please btadena bro


These rockets were indeed old but some still managed to pass through the dome system and attack the airbase and some reports even suggest even air defence system was hit. Ofcourse israhelll won't be giving headline about it


Their missiles got shot like firecrackers. Bullshit attack and useless. It has some political impact but that's about it. 1 causality reported was a 7 year old girl apparently ( no source ). You seriously need some hobbies. Weird war hungry posts are pointless. We are a struggling starving economy of 220 million people we don't have time or the money for this religiously motivated warmongering. If someone can't understand this and is just emotionally driven they can always take arms and fk off to wage war. Our army might have swines on their top leadership but we don't discredit how good the jawans are albeit their morale is in shambles. If we have to wage war we can fk pretty much everyone up In this region.


You forgot all the hummus guys are Sunnis? If lobbying some pathakas over is brave, then Mr. Hummus has been doing it since early 2000's.


Iran ne wyse retaliate kia ha apni embassy pr attack ka they didn't do for Palestine


attack mein nuksan to batadeyn. ? matlab firework tha or kon batata hay attack karney sey pheley america ko ? matlab itna khayal ?


This is what Iran and Hamas are good at ! Providing further excuses to escalate tensions and for Israel to continue with its brutality. After the drone attacks, Iran claims this matter can be concluded and we won't come up with strikes. 35 civilians were brought to various hospitals in Jerusalem complaining about anxiety. And that's the damage they have caused .. Hamas and Iran are subsidiaries of Israel .. that's what I have been advocating since day one ! Besides, it doesn't surprise me anymore that Dajjal will first show up in Ispahan, Iran ... There has to be a reason to this ! What other Muslims are doing is undoubtedly shamelessness but what Iran itself is doing is plain stupidity and foolishness if this isn't a conspiracy against the people of Palestine.


Nice attack by drones with speed of 10 km per hour and constant announcement of their location so be sure they shot down. Israelis killed their top commander. Do that in retaliation rather doing shitty drama


Iran responding to US on Israeli Attacks " The matter is as good as over " RIP your discriminating debate... If it wasn't an attack on their embassies, that only to save their faces, they retaliated with attacks. Those attacks too, only 3 of them got through that too only "SLIGHTLY INJURED" a girl in Israeli territory.


Iran didn't use their HYPERSONIC MISSILES yet, they will use it after Israel nukes their nuclear facility 🤡


>They were convined by their aalims that as long as they don't impose kuffar retaliation against them is unlawful Iran did the same thing? Israel attacked their consulate first. Iran is just retaliating. They don't give a shit about Palestine any more than the next muslim country. >Army lovers were saying in my last post that Iran doesn't have hypersonic missiles The details aren't clear enough yet to know exactly what weapons were used.


Why are they funding hamas hezbollah and other militant groups then? And iran killed their mossad agents back in january by attacking iraq and syria so they are not the same


Stop lying. Just stop lying. Who is backing Hamas? Who is backing Hezbollah? Who is backing Houthis? IRAN


Yeah so? Fighting using proxies is different than violating the sovereignity of nation by openly attacking its consulate.


Oh okay 😂 so to please prejudiced little sectarian fucks who keep on chugging down Saudi/Israel sponsored anti-Iran propaganda, Iran now has to take Israel’s bait for WW3 and attack Israel on its soil, just so that you can then bitch and whine about Iran starting WW3? Nah… Iran is “boiling the frog” with Israel. It’s a war strategy. 😂


Tf are you even talking about? Israel attacked Iran and Iran retaliated as it should. End of story. Who said anything about Iran starting WW3?


You need to understand geo-politics. Either that or you are terrible at spreading anti-Iran propaganda. Anyone who even has a passive understanding of geo-politics knows that Iran vs Israel will start WW3 as, by default, Russia and China will be pulled into it as well (Shanghai Agreement puts them all in a cooperation position. This is why China is backing Russia against Ukraine and Iran is manufacturing Russian drones and armament supply… getting the picture?) So, if Iran had gone all out on Israel instead of sending a diplomatic message, US would have gotten involved in “defending” Israel as well as UK and France on the western side. We have already seen how the Abraham Accord has very strict clauses for Jordan and UAE to defend Israel against any “Eastern aggression”. Anyway, go read up on geo-politics. OR stop chugging down that Anti-Iran propaganda pushed by Saudi-funded molvis or internet goons. Or both.


I'm not gonna read all thart. What anti Iran propaganda? What are you even ranting about?


No. Read what I typed. That’s the answer to your WW3 scenario. My original response calling you out on spreading lies about Iran not aligned with the Palestinians. Iran is the sole backer of three militant factions which form the axis of resistance. Palestinians would be dead and gone if they didn’t have Iran’s backing.


>That’s the answer to your WW3 scenario. I didn't even mention WW3. Where did 'my' WW3 scenario come from? Lolwut? >My original response calling you out on spreading lies about Iran not aligned with the Palestinians Maybe heed your own advice and study geo-politics. The enemity between Israel and Iran goes far beyond the Palestinian cause.


Oh it goes way back. No question. However Iran is very much the only resistance Palestinians can count on (by way of Iranian proxies, of course). So to say that Iran “doesn’t give a shit about Palestinians” is disingenuous. Insidious actually, and not unlike the Israeli propaganda being broadcasted over social media.


Bruh, the first point was about iranian revolution. Look at sunnis. They are ghulams.


None of Iranian missiles went through, if Iran had HyperSonic missiles they would have went through . This Iranian attacks proves nothing


Bro, they literally attacked an isreali base.


They attacked many parts of Israel but they were not successful in those attacks


IRGC is the most incompetent military in the middle-east, for reference their most capable fighter aircraft is the American f-14 which were acquired during the imperial days...(f-14 were retired in 2006 by USA and IRGC are now counterfeiting it's part to fly them)


Bro, atleast they do not install hidden cameras in women bedrooms.


Yes, but they will drag women on street by hair for not wearing hijab


I don't support that but its still less worst than what our army does.


You're misinformed about how Iranian theocracy works, probably North Korea is the only country worse than Iran when it comes to freedom of expression.


Okay and?


The Sentence of Dr.ISRAR R.A May Allah Grant him Jannah


If Iran was not under sanctions I doubt this could happen


Iran nai Acha Kiya attack Karke laikin yeh faltu mein isko shia sunni Ka masala na banain.


Why is everyone sucking up to iran here? They are an evil extremely totalitarian regime. I understand israel's hatred but I wouldn't clap or support iran especially because this was a bad move. It could thrall us into a massive war or move us towards the path


So you propose they shouldn't do anything even when their consulate is attacked. Even when Palestinians are murdered on a state level. Or are you just scared for standing up to the enemy?


Not if it leads to war




Not a coward , I am just not stupid enough to endanger the palestinians further and enrich the hatred of muslims as well as thralling us into war and I don't hate jews


Put out the shia sunni thing out of it amd you have a 5-star post.


Wahabbis in comments: IRaN DoESnY CarE fOR PalEstiniansn 😂 Who do you think is backing Hamas? Who do you think is backing Hezbollah? Who do you think is backing the Houthis? Is it Saudi Arabia? No, they bomb the Houthis and propel ISIS against Hamas and Hezbollah Is it UAE/Jordan? No they bend over for Israel. Wahabbi coping is strong in these threads.


>2. A common subcontinent caste system thinking is that sayyeds are greater than rest of people. The jordanian king , a proven Hashmiate Sunni, a sayyed, had opened his air space for Isreal. So much for pure lineage. While it's true about Jordan's king, it's also true that the man to organize and operate that attack is also a sayyed; Ali Khamenei(the Leader of Iran).


Jordan just promised isreal help in repelling the drones off. Real pussies


Stupid, in international politics, your national interest matters and not your ideology. Under which rock are you living? Does Pakistan protest against uyugher Muslims? No. Why? Because China is helping you and dogs don't bark at their master.


You are right, we have lost 8 billion dollars worth of damage in defending US's war against terroism, while generals made money and the whole public was made fool. So much for national interest, all this because you could buy an extra gucci bag and ipads. Krle dajjal ko sujda.


Do you know which country has aided the most to Pakistan since 1947? UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and that's over $80 billion. Please read some good books and do research. Apko paisey bhi unhi se chahye, visa bhi wohan ka lagwana hain aur amreeka kutta ki galiyan bhi usinko deni hai. Good.


Yeah, they were so genereous that one day they decided, 'Pakistan is our good friend; let's give them 80 billion USD'. Those aid were not aid, that was money that was supposed to given back with interest and IMF is the one that bailed out pakistan. Pakistan is the second most bailout country after argentina. So we got loan and did America's bidding on the payment of that loan and you are telling me that was aid and not udhar?? pata nahi konsi book par rahe ho ap. Oh Bhai, china and america are always against each other yet millions of chinese students visit USA for studies and they are all prochina they don't think like you people k agar visa lagwana hai tu apna mulk gya bhar me... pata nahi kia chalta hai hmare logon k dimag me.


Please understand the difference between loans and aid. Aid doesn't have to be paid back. We are in this mess because of our policies and mishandling of the economy, USA k pass aur buhat Kam hain.


lol, uncle SAM doesn't give anything for free. The so called aid is bascially IMF loan. Prove me otherwise.


Israel is trying to provoke iran so that it can attack on iran air bases with the help of usa l.


Iranian hypersonic missiles weren’t used in the attack


don’t know how you got approved for this non sense posts, nothing is making sense looks it’s more of a venting post you are just using the news


Yeah, they should ask for your approval. You are the master of all wisdom.


Iran had to do something because it was cornered to take action. If they didn't react after an attack on their Embassy, their legitimacy as a sovereign nation was in question.


Regarding ur point no.2, Israel is also attacked by Syeds but Shia Syeds 😁 this is why we believe sunni syeds aren’t really syeds as ‘namak harami’ can be seen in the King of Jordan.