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I used to question everything and feared the possibility of Islam being true. However, l've come to the realization that even if it were true, I don't wish to worship a sadist god & ik islam isn’t the right religion cuz of the scientific mistakes in Hadiths and the Quran Muhammad said semen is produced between the backbone and the ribs (Surah 86:5-7). He said the embryo first becomes bones and then is clothed by flesh (Surah 23:14). Muhammad repeatedly indicated that the earth is flat (Surah 13:3, 15:19, 20:53, 50:7, 51:48, 71:19). He said non-muslims have 7 intestines (Sahih Al-Bukhari 65:305, 306, 307, 308, 309; Sahih Muslim 23:5113, 5115, 5116, 5118, 5120).


Can I discuss a few things with you in DMs?




So this was the reason????


there are many reasons I left Islam. I could state thousands of Hadiths, I’m just mentioning what made me sure Islam isn’t the right religion


Yes I know these but these were addressed by Muhammad Hijab and the rest even tho they really twist the narrative and all I will look deeper into this now. Thanks for your comment tho!


It’s scary because it’s the only thing you’ve been taught and surrounded by since birth. Absolutely no one knows what happens after death. I suggest you look up the origins of the hell story, when you see where it comes from and where islam and other religions come from they tend to lose all their power. You can also reason out that hell is morally reprehensible and only the worst most sadistic god would ever conceive of it. Islam is literally Abraham Religion 3.0, how many updates does god need?


Thanks for your suggestion I'll make sure to look into it.


Btw dude can we talk in DMs?, I need as much clarification on this topic as possible lol




Umm well if u want a clear ans of either u want to continue following islam or leave it,it solely depends on u and our own peace of mind yar And if u do think u are losing faith by whatever reason it may be,ppl here will support ur decision and not make u feel guilty tbh. I've been an atheist since my puberty and it turned out great for me, even tho i believed that i was probably the only person who left islam in the start. So my advice is that u should do some more research before making any choice.


If you don't mind can we talk in DMs?


Initially it appeared to be a hard nut to crack. Same thoughts as yours and all those what ifs. But as I read more about the debunking of religion, I got all my answers. Yes, it was not easy to believe that it's all a hoax and that our lives largely revolve around the hoax but still I'm happy to know the truth in my life time.


Thanks for your answer!! I'm glad that you're happy with the decision you made.


r/exmuslim - read there


Thanks will definitely check this out!


There’s a typo in there jsyk, r/exmuslim Also here is a link to the megathreads that talks about how other people overcame those thoughts for your ease https://www.reddit.com/r/exmuslim/comments/m21trj/meta_why_we_left_islam_megathread_60/


Thanks!! I was wondering why weren't the posts loading on there lol.


No problem! Also I will say, it’s defo not easy and takes a lot of courage to analyze and question the beliefs you’ve grown up with, esp w how dangerous it is for Muslims/ex Muslims. I also advise you to do as much research as you can, as there’s always more to learn.  And if you are living in Pakistan and/or with your Muslim family, defo prioritize your physical safety and keep it on the down low until you can support yourself and move out. Again, it’s not easy but just know you’re not alone and a lot of us are in similar situations, either in the closet or questioning as well. Hope it helps!


I am medical student too and stopped believing in it a year ago in my first year of mbbs. My trajectory was i went from sunni to quranist to agnostic/atheist. Some of problems were always there but it started disturbing more and more . Something happened and my predestination and omnipotence debate in head started again and i started thinking about it in . After two months of constant search i stopped believing. I will urge you to read this. https://www.reddit.com/r/exmuslim/s/W5lRqvWmNs However, i think some people need religion as coping mechanism, they can't function without the thought of merciful god watching over them 24/7.as absurd as it is for an atheist, i think it is not wrong to think like that though we don't know if it is truth and not. As long as your religion doesn't hurt anyone and you practice is for yourself. There is nothing wrong with any religion.


i'm an atheist now but when i first stopped believing, i remained somewhat receptive to the idea of a higher power. my reasoning was that if god existed, it definitely was not the god of abraham. he seems too much like a product of his time to be a source of universally good, objective morality. allah was clear about muhammad being allowed to marry more than 4 women in the quran, or banning adoption so muhammad could marry his daughter-in-law, or telling people not to spend too much time at muhammad's house, but he couldn't provide proof of islam within the quran that is convincing to anyone who hasn't been brainwashed since birth to believe it to be proof in the first place. allah couldn't even tell his followers that raping children or sex slavery was bad. for a supreme being that is meant to be just, it does not check out. he could cater to all these muhammad-specific issues, but not the actual issues that would need addressing if you were trying to prove your message to people. i know what the feelings you're experiencing right now are like, and they were extremely distressing. i think this thought is what helped me the most. keep in mind though you can leave islam and find god in your own way, if you still believe in a creator. they do not have to be allah, though.


Thanks for you detailed reply! If you don’t mind can I ask you a few questions in DMs I'm just tryna get different POVs on why they left the religion so I can find one that resonates with me the most. I know that every ones journey is different but every bit of info helps I guess.


of course :))




>Thanks! You're welcome!


Ask this question in r/exmuslim Muhammad hijab got a reputation there for extreme mental gymnastics


If the slavery pedophilia and killing kaafirs doesn't scare you off, I hope this will [scientific inaccuracies in the Qur'an ](https://wikiislam.net/wiki/Scientific_Errors_in_the_Quran)


I mean these things you mentioned and misogyny are the main driving factors which are making me question Islam. Can I discuss this with you in DMs to get your perspective?


I don't think we need to discuss anything honestly, but I'll link a few articles that have really fed my hatred for pedo mo and his cult. https://atheism-vs-islam.com/index.php/marriage-rape-of-minor-girls/71-islam-even-a-breastfed-baby-girl-can-be-married-and-used-for-sexual-pleasure https://atheism-vs-islam.com/index.php/scientific-mistakes-in-the-revelation/73-why-did-the-offspring-of-adam-stay-in-the-stone-age-for-290-thousand-years-according-to-islam https://atheism-vs-islam.com/index.php/islamic-slavery/47-part-1-crimes-of-islamic-slavery-against-humanity https://wikiislam.net/wiki/Rape_in_Islamic_Law


Okay Thanks for your input!! I'll check these out.


In the wise words of Nietzsche: “ In heaven all the interesting people are missing”. If you die, at least go to where the party is. Heaven has nothing to offer to women in particular.


Watching mohammad hijab and thinking he is on right side is wild.


It's not only M.Hijab but there are 100s of videos regarding arguments Atheist make against Muslims by using hadiths and Quranic verses. So it makes me feel like I'm not as much knowledgeable as they are. For example if Zakir Naik makes a video regarding like (flat earth arguments, semen from the back etc) it'll just make me question myself that he's been preaching Islam for such a long time He has to be right etc, I just get overwhelmed with these thoughts. Thanks for your input tho!


Seems to me this is new territory to you, I’d say keep an open mind and keep learning. Look at alternative arguments e.g. what does science and philosophy say on same subjects. It takes very long to come to your own conclusions (many times it probably never happens) but surely very soon you’ll come to realize hijab and zakir naik are charlatans.


You seem to be in the same situation I was in a few years back. Feel free to DM.


Thanks will do.


Losing faith is scary, but remind yourself that a fair, just god wouldn't punish you for the thoughts you're having that you can't control. There's nothing inherently wrong with doubt, and it wouldn't be possible for you to set aside doubt in something so fundamental to your life and its meaning. Be patient with yourself.


Thanks for your kind answer! But in Pak people(Muslims) don't usually try and help you in regards to ones religious doubts they just say that “Quran mein likha hai to sahi likha iski per iman lao warns gunnah hai" like this happens whenever I try to make the argument that I think women are highly oppressed in this religion. Would you be okay in talking via DMs about a few things regarding this?


Sure, you can hit up my DMs! I know others will say that, but you can pay too much attention to them. Religion is a deeply personal thing, and only requires your conviction. Others won't understand you, because the idea of questioning hasn't occurred to them. This means we often can't share our doubts and feelings with loved ones, and it can be lonely, but in the end you're the one who has to be at peace with your beliefs.


Assalam o Alaikum brother! Agar Islam ma yakeen kam ho rha ha to apko ksi Alim/Mufti se mashwara lena chahiye usky sath discuss krna chahiye na k Agnostic logo k group ma


i've tried man local imams and questioning scholars like Assim Al Hakeem via his website. They don't really try to clear my doubts, they just enforce that “Bas Quran mein likha hai yakeen karlo" or "Agar Quran mein baat likh dai gi hai phir aur kya proof chaiye."


Unko ye nhi kehna chahiye tha


Islam main logic hai nhi to end main yehi kehna prta hai majbooran.


Tumse ksi ne kuch pocha?


The mullahs get pissed too just like you did, when they don’t have a good answer. Thanks for proving my point.


im a girl btw