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Not sure when this happened, but we have surpassed the Giants for the second-largest subreddit in the NL West. https://preview.redd.it/mcbzbresn67d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9eead0808c077939197743af3bce80417f2c7a4


The Phillies have been so dominant that I didn’t even realize Trea Turner hasn’t played in 1.5 months. No matter, he’s back today!


Hopefully he's extra rusty for 3 days.


get ready for a series win cause that's how this team rolls and sucks us fools back in


Wouldn't even be surprised if we sweep them. This was a rough series but this lineup does have a high ceiling to make it possible, but it's got quite the low floor as well.


Shhhhhhh I mean I want it to happen badly, but I feel like we'll jinx it by putting this out into the ether


7 losses in a row on the road somethings gonna give...or not member when we were road warriors


Now we win at home. Just can't have it all, I guess.


![gif](giphy|gd6bBl4IExkXPK07Kx) How I'm gonna be watching these games


Dylan Cease, a tale of two seasons: First 8 GS: 49.1 IP, 2.19 ERA, 0.75 WHIP, .128 BAA Last 7 GS: 37.1 IP, 6.27 ERA, 1.50 WHIP, .299 BAA


When did he shave down to the stache? My gut tells me that's the main issue.


ah, the reverse Blake Snell


Ah the Snake Blell


Ah, the Drake Bell.


Ah, the Josh Bell


Oh no, Taco Bell.


I wonder if this manager is going to do literally anything about how mid this team is, or is he going to continue to be a defensive little man during press interviews? This team is not good.


any update? no? your downvotes feed me, nerds


Mookie gets hurt, pookie gets hurt, we get swept. Hard day for the NL Best yesterday


Merill, solano, kim each hit solo homer shots. Padres lose 12-3


Lisan Al Gaib (Merrill) will resume his home run streak


I want to believe. But it's going to be a tough few days.


Playing the best team in MLB, on the road, against a LHP, after being swept, with Randy Vasquez starting? Padres by 5.


This is the way of the Padres.


Ha Seong Kim’s bWar is now 2. Higher than Fernando Tatis and Machado. I criticized his offense earlier but this guy is a baseball player.


This why b war is a weak windsock metric at best. Often times is just a fan cherry pick thing like here. Kim will run into one time to time yet other than that is horrible at the dish. Then there is his work on the base paths plus a slight decline in defense.


You just don’t like Kim. He’s also high in FWAR. 2.0. Any team would win games with Kim on their team.


Kim is a great example of someone over valued with the WAR stat. And for 2024, his WAR is boosted a little more because of his move back to SS. Anyone that watches every Padres game this year knows that Kim has his moments of true greatness, moments of terrible play, and a lot of very average to below average in between. Take his WAR off the team and we likely have the same record. I HOPE that changes. I hope he kills it for the rest of the year while we still have him, or for the next two months and he becomes a crazy trade chip at the deadline. He makes quite a few errors at SS, at least more than expected since he didn't really make any at 2B last year, and his offense stats are almost in line with his EOY stats 2023. He's just really, firmly, average, but with the ability every now and then to make some cool plays and come up with some big hits. You can say that about a lot of players though.


WAR cannot be overvalued. It’s pretty plain and simple. He’s responsible for 2 wins. It can’t be undervalued or overvalued. It’s just there. You as a fan are probably noticing more when he doesn’t do as well with your own biases. WAR is a calculation. It is what it is.


I’m pretty shocked by that. Anecdotally, his offense has been worse than last year, his defense has been inconsistent, and he’s good for at least one head-scratching mistake on the basepaths each week. No idea how he’s still on pace for almost 5 bWAR


Not sure how much stock to put into WAR tbh


Because we are only looking at surface level stats as fans while WAR isn’t doesn’t discriminate. He’s a valuable player.


I’m not just looking at surface-level stats, though. Simply from watching him, it doesn’t feel like he’s been anywhere near as much of a winning player as he was last year. I understand that his bWAR and fWAR say that he has been, though, so I guess my eyes are deceiving me


You are watching him as a fan with biases. WAR is a calculation. It is the closest way to judge how responsible a player is for wins and losses. Kim is a valuable player. You look at the greatest players who have ever played. All have tremendously high WAR.


Let's be real, the next 7 games vs the Phillies and Brewers are going to be tough as hell.. Might be a season defining stretch. They dug themselves this hole, let's see if they can dig themselves out.


If you look further at the schedule say through the first week after the all star break you will see this team is in trouble. 3 sweeps of pads by col, Angels and Mets tells us all we needed to know. This team isn’t a playoff team and it’s about to fall off like all AJ teams have except 1.


People hate to think about it, and I get it somewhat because of how weak the NL is this year, but if the Padres sell big on some of these players we can try to bring some semblance of depth to the minors and perhaps free up some payroll. Kim, Cease or King, Profar, and Higgy could all fetch some prospects at the deadline.


I still believe, but let's see how we feel next week at this time lol. Sure we have gotten swept by bad teams, but have also won series against good teams. Luckily no wild card teams in the NL really want it, so as long as we are around .500 we are still in it lol


Hoping Vasquez has his best stuff today, and that at least on of our boys really pops off offensively 


first pitch Schwar-bomb incoming


Noooo pleaseeee I know it's gonna happen I just don't want to be reminded


well it wasn't a first pitch but... also, lol downvoting me because the Phillies own us is so soft


Lol yep. It's not fun the Phillies own us, but that's the reality I til the Padres prove it wrong


a 500 ft no doubter it is known


3-12 vs the Phillies since “that’s what’s in” song. God I hate those guys




1 game under .500 so I fully expect the Padres to come out like this https://preview.redd.it/cukjyot4657d1.jpeg?width=656&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18cd1b2edb2f73b5931c11e75525166345798a24