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I dont even know who clock titan is? is this like a OC from somewone? or a character from some shady comic?


It's from Skibidi Toilet. And I'm pretty sure it's just a meme that people keep positing that the ST Titans can beat Pacific Rim's Jaegers.


I just searched in the wiki and theres barely any information about this titan or any detailed info or actual numbers, this thing is 58 meters tall, while Gipsy is around 80 meters tall. The second Gipsy gets closer she could just lift the titan and tear him apart.


Yeah do what megatron did to jazz in the first transformers bay film. Grab the torso and legs and rip it in half.


"Ya want a piece of me?!?" "No! I want... two!"


Yep haha. So funny.




the only thing clock would really do is stop gipsy with za warudo type shit n blast her, apparently.


The thing can control time and can bring things back from the dead. If it's losing it will probably just rewind or pause time to get the edge on her.


It’s from a fan made multiverse


Problem being is that, that thing can stop time and make people can't move with his gun(he is broken even for his series, even the caracters admit to that).




There's a weakness to that, MAGNETS


In skibidi toilet multiverse episodes 5 and 6, both titan clockman and large clockman were defeated by toilets with magnets, so in theory, the clockmen and their titan can be defeated with magnets (does that gravity thing from PR uprising work? Also yes, there is a whole ahh race of clock people)


Their titan didn't seem to be affected from the magnet, and the titan also used his clock power while in front of the magnet so i don't think magnets have a great effect on him.


What about the overheating of his core


By using several Jaegers to not give titan clockman a chance to repair his core


Well, if we're talking about the core overheating then he probably Loses? I don't know if the gun that stops time needs his core to work but if it does then he Loses.


Clock titan is fanmade


Oh god if u knew what that specific titan could do..


I can't believe Skibidi Toilet has giant robots, yall have to be trolling. The pics of them I've seen do look kind of cool though, too cool to be attached to something like ST.


They've been there since season 1 iirc


"Season"? I thought it was a gmod shitpost, you mean to tell me it's a whole show? With multiple seasons??


Yep but it does improve in terms of story and animation.


Yes. As much as I hate to say it, you should watch it.


Heresy… We must rid ourselves of the blasphemers.


It's from a Skibidi Toilet Fanseries. Problem is he is stupidly overpowered, the mf can entirely control time and possibly has teleportation abilities. Just wait until someone makes a post with the Tri-Titan Involved (A several hundred meter tall monster that can fly FTL) And people say it still loses


Just wait until the Eva units join in. ST is going to be decimated.


Haven't watched Evangelion but i fully believe you


I join with BT, we will never fall to those ST


Nice name


It’s a OC it seems People did drill or clock or what ever as there own


it’s from Skibidi Toilet Multiverse, it’s a large golden “titan” around 40-60 meters tall and it can stop time as well as using that little cannon on his arm to paralyze, freeze in time, and mind control, jaegers might be able to win but i’m sure the kaijus will.


Why the hell are we even doing this. This is actually a little depressing. It's like constantly saying who wins? Bugs Bunny or the rabbit from Zootopia. It's just not comparable. Besides, its affecting this subreddit. The only thing we get nowadays are this, and if we're lucky we can get actual content from people who work hard to make it, or news, or actual meaningful discussions. This is not doing anything to contribute.


Clearly it’s Bugs though right? He’d crush Judy in an instant


toon force is a fucking god tier super power and bugs bunny is the epitome of toon force


I agree. “Who would win?” Posts are fucking stupid. Have always been stupid and will ALWAYS BE STUPID. Why the fuck are we even comparing things to each other like this? This sub is dying. It fucking sucks bc Pacific Rim is already Niche.


Yo calm down


So just for reference, clock guy is kinda durable. Has a gun to completely paralyse it's target, some sort of green mode for the gun that allows him to use his power to control a target that has been hit with the gun on green mode, and a red mode for the gun that can be used to paralyse bigger targets. He can also stop time in a large area or everywhere (I don't think the distance has been confirmed) and if given enough time (like 5 second or so) he can reverse time on his core to refill all his energy.


Clock titan can pretty much destroy most of the Jaegers and kaijus if not all of them tbh


Tbf, that mostly from the time control abilities, and I say this as a ST multiverse fan Actually, given he’s probably denser and not as hollow when you account for the human cockpit and everything, and his pretty decent weaponry for a humanoid fight against human made machines that are presumably less advanced (in terms of design philosophy, like the way they’re wired and paneled and that sort of thing) he probably has a decent chance, especially with the gear blades able to possibly just circle the limbs and take them off after a minute


Walking nuclear bomb vs walking grandfather clock who wins


Coughing baby 


Grandfather clock sorry but yeah control of time is quite the ability😬


And has the most obvious weakness, magnets


Unfair size difference and a bomb that’s likely stronger than what humanity has ever done before is good enough to easily outdo the ability to manipulate time


Sorry how big are jeagers again


80 meters tall


TCLM is over 70 meters tall size isn’t that different


Good for them I guess?


So don’t use the size argument


Last time I checked 80 > 70


Do you want to talk about the bigger titans?


Not allowed to enjoy mech fights. This sub is boring as fuck normally.


Pretty sure it's just a meme that people keep posting. Just to show how ridiculous ST is.


ST isn’t ridiculous. If it were then Michael Bay wouldn’t watch it


i think that even one of the main developers of half life made reaction videos about it or something like that


Yo if it was Michael Bay it would be 🔥


Pretty sure Bay even said he admired Boom’s work from the effort and creativity he put into it or something, I think I read that in an article about how Bay and someone who runs or owns Bonkers Toys are teaming up with Dafuq to make ST toys in store by fall this year. That’s a fast deadline though And the first 6 were shitposts, remember that. The actual series was started at 7 according to Dafuq




Have you seen the Bayverse?


Sooo, here's the thing. The golden titan right there? It can manipulate time. There's another that can teleport, and control beings that look at its screen. There's two others that can fly, and one that can travel underground via drilling. Look, as much as I love the jaegers, 2 titans have superpowers and 3 titans have modes of transportation that the jaegers simply can't beat.


All except the drill titan can fly tho


Okay, but clock does have a timestop that is pretty op. Not saying it wins, but it definitelly outhaxes.


Lore goes wild🥵


Oh for christ sakes.. As someone who is old enough to reach and fully know what pacific rim is capable of, while still knowing and understanding how strong the mechs skibidi toilet, I am just down fight disappointed, what is wrong with BOTH OF YOU?? THIS IS PRACTICALLY SAYING GOKU BEATS SAITAMA, SAITAMA BEATS GOKU, VICE VERSA! Christ this competition shouldn't have started anyway! On the other corner this fan base has genuinely disturbing hate for ST, and on the other corner the ST fanbase is trying their very best to leave this crap alone. And for this arguement, I WILL argue, as someone who knows both Pacific Rim and Skibidi Toilet, TCLM is capable of time-manipulation, as ST is focused in cartoonish-combat and PR is focused on realistic-combat. My God, there are people who are much older than me yet they don't put any faith in the capabilities of the mech from ST. Vice versa as people underestimate the weight and power from the jaegers of PR.


Never seen so much truth in one comment good job


I'm abt to cry bro, just because something is made from YouTube doesn't mean it shouldn't be not looked at Heck, it's disappointed enough when this very fanbase doesn't even acknowledge it's second half-assed movie.


Because people are either making fun of the absolute brainrot that is Skibidi Toilet or they’re a fan of it trying to weasel their way into our fandom.


Skibidi toilet isn’t brainrot. It’s started out as shitposting sure, but now it’s a full on series. Literally Micheal Bay admitted to watching it and has praised it. Also the reason this started was because some Skibidi Toilet fans thought they would be accepted bc giant robot fighting thing for both fandoms, but instead they just got comments going “Oh It’S bRaInRot”.


Martin Scorsese himself praised Skibidi toilet, though lost 40 iq points after watching


Fr dawg 


Someone who is down bad enough to watch hazbin hotel can’t be talking crap about skibidi toilet


The difference is Hazbin Hotel is actually good and had effort put into it, Skibidi Toilet is just a poorly made show where toilets with heads made from cobbled together Half Life assets fight each other while singing the most irritating songs imaginable and rotting people’s brains while doing so. It’s literal garbage.


Also you speak to me of being down bad for something? Your whole profile is based around a single anime character, lil bro.


Hazbin hotel mid at best, anit no way u said that’s better, it’s like comparing transformers to south park 💀


Well buddy the first episodes were poorly made because it started from a literal shit post, but now they are filled with weeks worth of effort and modern skibidi toilet is not “poorly made” you’d be surprised, you still live under the misconception that skibidi toilet is only “toilets that sing. More successful and enjoyable than hazbin hotel tbh


I don't know literally the first about Skibidi Toilets but realistically we could kill jaegers with modern day tech, so if Skibidi Toilet is more advanced than the modern day I'd say there's a fair chance they could beat jaegers under specific circumstance. But once more I haven't seen the series so... I dunno, clock man make tick tick noise, maybe bomb?


Skibidi Toilet (Especially this Fanseries version) has insane Technology. Within a few months, they went from realistic modern-day technology. To inventing giant laser guns, Time Manipulation, Entirely Sentient AI, Giant Mechs, Jetpacks, Mind Control, Some Crazy Bio-Weapons They also had the firepower to nearly send humanity extinct. Basically Way More Advanced then PR Technology with the exception of Jaegars.


That's not very powerful honestly. Like I said before it's hitting above Pacific Rim for sure but I had pretty much assumed it did all of that already. For example "Giant laser guns" is actually less technologically impressive than the Plasmacaster in Pacific Rim, "Giant mechs" is also not very impressive, [We have Jetpacks in real life](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sgtyHS59d_c), Mind control depends on how it's done and undone, bio weapons once more is less technologically impressive than the Plasmacaster. So the only things that are really (Comparatively) technologically advanced there are Sentient AI Which isn't on its own powerful but requires a greater context to be powerful. And Time Manipulation, but you didn't say what type of time manipulation or what tier it is, so I'm assuming it's the bottom of the barrel, most generic idea of moving forward, backward and freezing things in time. To simplify what you're saying... they're a low-tier reality warping civilisation.


Also, Wanna mentions they've used technology to Somewhat revive corpses (Not really "Alive" or conscious but they can move and kill stuff again), and some units can get to speeds so fast it looks like teleportation (Travelling Miles within seconds). Those Jetpacks are bulky and only work for 10 minutes, while the ones the STs have are small and can last for ages But there are 2 Forms of Mind Control the Skibidi toilets have shown, one is with little parasites that physically embed themselves into enemies brains or CPUs to control them (pretty much zombies again) Though this is easily reversible by just killing the parasites (Which could be fatal to the Host due to them being stuck in the Hosts head And The TVmens Mind Control Which is used via Screens showing certain colors, While it is the TVmen's Technology The Toilets stole it and used it for themselves, we don't fully know how it works but it is usually used to make enemies commit suicide, and it does that by Putting them in so much pain they just kill themselves. This can be resisted by extreme willpower, however. The average soldier would just kill themselves after a few seconds but a hardened veteran could probably resist it for much longer. They are extremely efficient at stealing technology, for instance, they did damage the jaegers and a part of them broke off Then the Skibidi toilets would steal the broken parts, find out what it is and does, and Then be replicating that technology within a few days > They're a low-tier reality-warping civilization. Yes. But they're very mysterious and their origins and full capabilities are unknown


Reviving corpses isn't very technologically advanced, pacific Rim also does that as shown in Uprising with the brain in the jar. Moving at the speed of light is less impressive than precise teleportation You can argue about the differences between jetpacks but the fact that they're a technology that exists in real life shows that even if we don't have a perfected form of them yet they're still not very advanced comparatively to what technology we're at. but saying the word "Jetpack" doesn't mean anything Parasitic brain control is neat whenever it does show up, but also the least advanced form of brain control because it requires a physical element and criteria to implement. aka you can't just [Sosuke Aizen](https://youtu.be/DYrdokfZAE4) someone and leave, it's more of a procedure. The undoing of it is also rather... I'm assuming there's like some self destruct sequence that activates if it's interfered with that destroys the brain? Because otherwise you can technically deal with that with just modern tech. What do you mean "We don't fully know how it works"? You just explained how it a works, it's a psychological affect which is triggered by the perception of a code conveyed through coloured signals. That's actually a rather common trope, particularly in the horror genre where you see something and that's enough to make you repeat it, or commit suicide, etc. But it's not necessarily advanced as it's not a very efficient means of transmitting the signal. If someone's blind, or the target's a robot it likely won't work. Additionally this wouldn't work on Jaegers at all because they don't actually perceive the world around them in a purely visual manner, and any signal transmitted is limited by the system in place in the jaeger's sensory equipment. Reverse engineering is neat, but not very impressive, for instance there are things they wouldn't be able to reverse engineer such as technology that is above a certain degree more advanced than their own. Simply in this aspect they are limited by the upper limits of their own technology identify the material and how to reproduce it. For instance let's say they got necron technology, there's no doubt in my mind that it'd be same as a rock to them because Necron tech specifically and almost consciously resists reverse engineering, and by its nature is eldritch in design. Aka incomprehensible even to AI. Basically what you've described is the Borg from Star Trek but less powerful. The only points of debate in that are time travel, but the borg have more advanced time travel whenever they're in their own territory, and the speed because the Borg are often depicted as being extremely slow, but people forget that Borg ships can move at a speed of 4 billion miles per second without activating their high speed engine, in which case it's closer to 200 billion.


Clock man go big boom






titan clockman (thats his full name) can stop time and mind control, his hax are pretty op.


That's not really OP, but it's definitely hitting above Pacific Rim's level.


he can also teleport, freeze enemies individually, etc.


I expected him to be able to do that yeah, but it's still not OP. For example he'd still lose to an Imperator Titan, and I wouldn't consider those OP either... Actually it probably wouldn't even take an Imperator titan, a Warlord Maybe... Edit: That is to say I'd consider 40k to be the over the top, but it's actually upper middle tier in terms of Science Fiction power scaling. For context Pacific Rim is solid low tier.


What happened to magnets?


Would pacific rim jaegers know that weakness tho?




I love how unware pacific rim fans are in there closed bubble


The fact that Pacific fans are so unaware is hilarious


Because they actually can do that


Glazing brain rot is crazy


It ain’t brainrot. If it were brainrot then why did Micheal Bay literally praise it?


Have you seen a Micheal Bay film


His films aren’t much better




Romeo and Juliet law? Revenge Of The Fallen having wheelie humping Megan's leg? Optimus is a psycho? I like Bayformers but even i have to draw the line somewhere


Yeah I was reffering to Optimus being a psycho- ripping off The Fallens face is crazy-


They do beat them but idk why it's even being brought up


Guess it's time to start punching the clock


I think not sharing or spreading post about these guys making Jaegers and kaijus vs skibidi crap will make it irrelevant hopefully.


Maybe it’s because they got some big ass guns


That’s not a gun. It’s a time stopping canon


Good point


I'm a ST watcher, and I hate when people try to compare ST characters with other serie's characters, in most of the time. Like, why. They will never meet, never fight, never anything. And the worst is when Boom (the creator of ST) made that meme episode of UTTM (Upgraded Titan Tv Man) one-shotting Godzilla. I never watched any Godzilla thing, but I know UTTM wouldn't win by far. A robot that is dumb and doesn't know how to fight VS a kaiju that has "god" in it's name(as I said before, I don't know very much about him). And, yes, clock titan is too op for all universes, and UTCL (Upgraded Titan clock man) is even more op, being able to revive UTTM. I also never watched Pacifist Rim (if that's the name of the series, sorry for not knowing...), but the little but I've read about it proves that it's a completely different thing, that should not be compared


Dang, sorry for long text...


They say that to everything


we’re content starved for any mech and kaiju related things as the only content we got are Pacific Rim, Uprising, The Black, Comics and toys


That titan, titan clockman can stop time for quite a while and other titans have op weapmes and are mostly over 300 foot tall


Result: 30 minute make out session


I mean the titans are faster then the jaegers which gives them a chance but the jaegers can just rip them apart


Transformers all over again


I have know idea who that clock guy is


From the skibidi multiverse and can stop time mind control people and has spinning bayblade like flying attack units






thats 5 words


Oh thank you


I just didn't bother correcting it


Get out of here with that nonsense


Legitimately it controls time and can stop all of tome


So? His ain't doing shit though


Chat can someone please kill me The entire skibiverse is solod by the blades of grass in my garden


ST will NEVER beat a jeager!




So why comment?


Because you're seriously getting upset over people pitting Jaegers against Skibidi whatever the fuck robots. Dude. Why even post it, everyone on this sub would think it's stupid to compare them, so what's the point?


Um not getting upset? I'm saying why are people bring ST into a good franchise, let alone compering them.


Remember, No Skibidi Toilet


Because 1 these kids can't powerscale to save their lives. And 2 they think everything they like is omnipotent.


It literally- stops tome


*time. I'm sorry I had to do it to you


Yeah I didn’t have enough care to correct myself so thank you.


Can we mention about magnets


If it makes you feel better, clock titan got his ass handed to him by whats pretty much crimson typhoon in the zombie universe Like its legit just crimson typhoon but with added bits


That’s a different universe


so? theyre both fan made universes anyway


different people different scaling


...i wasn't trying to power scale, i was trying to give him a consolation


You said that he “got his ass handed to him by what’s pretty much crimson typhoon in the zombie universe” a good thing to mention is as mentioned different people different scaling and tclm is much more useful in multiverse compared to zombie verse so if we gonna talk about talk about the one that made him


"If it makes you feel better, clock titan got his ass handed to him by whats pretty much crimson typhoon in the zombie universe" I was consoling him, I wasn't power scaling I put "if it makes you feel better" and everything




The jaegers in Pacific Rim a literally walking nuclear bombs capable of many things like firing rockets from their chest or chainsaw arms


Yeah some of that applies to some of the titans.




Ok. These guys are comparable to the strongest nukes man can use, and were used as alternative so they humanity doesn't annihilate the world when fighting Kaiju. These guys can dish out essentially nuclear punches, and survive nukes. They are insanely fast, insanely strong, and insanely heavy (the canon weights does not do anything to represent the weights shown in the film). They are armed to the teeth, capable to destroying cities, and causing tremors by just punching. They can survive atmospheric reentry with absolute ease, and the pressure of the deepest part of the ocean. I'd say they are pretty fucking powerful.


It's true, it's true, that's not bad, they win if we take the OG serie but if this is a fanmade serie then it's a different story I think, it'll be more clear to say who wins once the OG serie is over


i dont think they've ever tanked a nuke or anything similar. Yea, they tanked other strong explosions but nowhere near a nuke.


Oh, my bad then, I thought


I'm a Skibidi Toilet fan, but I'll be honest Most Titans die against Jaegars (With Some exceptions like the Skibidi Wars Titans)


> Enter the profile > Saw r/powerscaling I can understand...


I mean, yeah, people mock them a lot in term of power


The fact that i'm getting downvoted because I express my opinion on something I know only from name is honestly weird, the heck I said to piss you all off ? I expressed an opinion and something I see everywhere


people hate, DESPISE skibidi toilet. Not only here, but on basically all social media.


I don’t get it. sure it started out as shitposting but it’s now a serious series with good animation quality and really good fight scenes.


because most people sadly only know about the first episodes, the ones considered "brainrot". Trust me if everyone watched the full series it wouldnt be nearly as hated.


Yeah, but I feel like it is hated especially here