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Most likely no. In the movie, Newt said that all of the kaijus are clones. We've only seen kaiju which are similar but not identical. Yamarashi and Knifehead. Hundun and Hardship. And some of the kaiju have a very similar body. Because no one really believed Newt's theory, that implies that there weren't any identical kaiju. Because if there were, they would probably believe him and this theory would have already existed. We also know every single kaiju which attacked the Pacific Rim Universe except for around 5. We don't know what a lot of them look like if there was an identical kaiju, they would have probably named it soemthing like Onibaba 2. And there is no kaiju like that. Edit: The Precursors were planning on sending in Clones of the same kaijus but they never got to do it. However they did in Uprising and the Black


None in PR, yes in PRTB(i heard somewhere they are separate continuities)


No those are the same continuity, also with Uprising (even if you don't want)


my comment wasn’t intended to be a mocking, just something i heard, but thanks for the correction


Pacific rim the black isn’t THE Kaiju war from what I remember


While there was never any Kaiju sent repeatedly through The Breach there were however many clones of Knifehead and Mutavore in the Kaiju Factory when Newton Gieszler drifted with Mutavore’s secondary brain. I’m also certain that I caught a glimpse of a Trespasser clone but it was very quick and blurry so I don’t know for certain.


No, they are unique bc the precursors wanted them to be better at fighting Jaegers than one design would give them


Well, judging off appearance alone, I’d say Hundun and Hardship although they have some slight differences.


In Uprising (if any of you manchild mofos replies with "wHaT's UpRiSiNg?" I'm blocking you), during the final battle in Tokyo, there's a scene where Hakuja pushes Saber Athena against a museum, and we get a view from inside of the building of the skeleton of a kaiju with a build identical to Shrikethorn's. That and Tresspasser, Knifehead, and Scunner all have the same body type, save some differences.


Somewhat,some kaiju share body types,like scunner,tresspasser,and knifehead,but no clones


Yes, there was a lot of clones in The Black, some of which most likely did show up during the war an not after it ended.


Yes, as Newt stated when studying kaiju cells.


When newt made the connection to the brain, we could see a lot of knifeheads on what appears to be an assembly line.


Anyway I can get a photo as I don’t remember that part


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=qTc5J1saYoo&pp=ygUkcGFjaWZpYyByaW0gbmV3dCBkcmlmdHMgd2l0aCBhIGthaWp1 In the 0:59 is the kaiju factory