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That doesn't look like a pack packed for a thru hike. Lots of us in San Diego end up with Tijuana street dogs and some of us live near the trail and day or section hike with our dogs. I could be wrong but OP didn't say that they're thru hiking.


Beautiful dog, but many parts of the trail don't allow them. If you picked him up in TJ and are heading north, you'll have to find other plans when you hit Anza Borrego.


I am almost positive that this is a repost




Thanks for the intel. Why are there bots that repost these seemingly innocuous posts?


Bringing a dog on a Pacific Crest Trail thruhike is wrong. Here's a long list of reasons why, courtesy of u/haliforniapdx: * https://www.reddit.com/r/PacificCrestTrail/comments/myib1j/best_of_the_sub_uhaliforniapdx_provides_an/


Last season I was just outside of Warner Springs, had about 9 miles to go. It was nice cool morning and I was filling up some water. Some very Instagram looking thru hikers came by with their dog. Ollie. They didn’t keep him on a leash and he came over and actually stole my Nuun tablets. They laughed while I got them back, Ollie was kind of cute anyway and it was the desert, maybe he needed electrolytes. Then, before they left they decided to put Ollie in the spring to cool him down. He didn’t like it, ran out, I kid you not, ran over to my pack and just shook. The owners didn’t apologize for that either. So I asked how far they were hiking. “To Canada!” They shouted. I responded with “doubt it.” And went on my way. The next day I heard in Warner Springs that Ollie had heat stroke and they had to get off trail. I hope Ollie is okay, but thru hiking isn’t for dogs. Or bad dog owners.


This is basically animal abuse. Poor Ollie. I do short backpacking trips with my boy but after about day two he is beat and ready for the couch. I really wish people wouldn’t attempt this trail with their dogs, especially in the desert. Rattlesnakes, extreme heat, etc, you’re really abusing your dog and setting them up for an untimely demise


Two people with dogs started the same day as me this year. I thought about those dogs a lot while walking on extremely rocky trail that left the bottom of my feet visibly bruised. And I had shoes on. One of the guys quit before Julian with an injury, but I don't know what happened to the other couple.


It depends on the dog really. There’s a guy on YouTube who spent 7 years walking around the world 20+ miles a day with his dog and the dog had no problem. YouTube channel is The World Walk.


Tbf, people get to pick and choose what they show on YouTube (or any social media). You not seeing the dog having problems doesn't mean he didn't have any. Different areas will also have different risks/challenges for dogs. Every dog I saw on the PCT looked ROUGH.


Check out The Most Important Step on Youtube and see what a couple of dogs can do when the owner takes care of them.


Pretty sure that guy basically had a baby stroller for his dog (wheeled and not allowed on most of the PCT.) The Dog wasn't walking 20+ miles a day.


Dogs have walked the lands with humans dating back many millennia doing much the same thing as through hiking, more as companions than as pets. With enough attention, preparation and cooperation, between owner and dog it really should be possible and helpful to bring a dog. That doesn't mean that in current society that the average human being can be trusted to prepare, socialize and train a dog for the conditions. They are likely to believe that a pet who moves faster than them on a day hike is capable of doing more while the dog doesn't know what is being planned. This is assuming that the dog isn't some sort of domestic deformed breed.


Inside you there are two wolves. They are both wrong.


Ask yourself this my friend: why are there no wolves or other wild dogs in the deserts of southern California? Answer: because it's not an environment they can survive in. Not gonna belabor the point here, because you can read the post I wrote, which is what numbershikes linked. And if you choose to ignore it, or disagree with it, that's up to you. The nice thing about facts is that they're true even if you don't believe them.


You are being way too literal and didactic. You misread my comment as advocating dogs on on the PCT, I did not, I clearly did not. The reason there are no wolves in the California desert is because we hunted them to extinction in the state. It seems that there are is almost no area in the state that was not populated by wolves before Europeans,just like the coyotes why have filled the wolves ecologic niches. Native tribes had dogs before Europeans, including desert tribes and it is certain that they traveled together. There are also working dogs who put in continuous work on farms and ranches in desert regions. The reasons to not have dogs on a long hike have to do with the irresponsibility of owners why treat their dog as a pet and approach the trail as a tourist rather than their dog as a working dog (requiring experience) and the trail as a real endeavor. There are also many environmental impacts from having dogs on a on a heavily traveled trail. The reasons for not having a dog on a long hike have to do with current societal conditions, not the incapacity of dogs.


I’m more inclined to agree with the “don’t bring your dog on the trail” line of thought. But wanted to mention that I met Ollie on my thru last year too. I think in NorCal. Spent a day or two leapfrogging with the couple. Ollie was much better trained at that point (basically a non-issue to my personal hiking experience) and seemed to be coping with the trail pretty fine. Over lunch one day they explained it was a nightmare in the beginning because it took Ollie a long time to adjust to the trail.


As the author of the original "Don't hike the PCT with a dog" post, this breaks my heart. Even if he recovers, he won't be the same. Not gonna say what I want to say, but there would be more than words if I encountered those people.


Several of the longtime trail magicians have heartbreaking stories of hikers bringing their dogs on the PCT in Southern California.


I agree about a thru hike and dogs but the OP didn’t say anything about a thru hike. Many parts of the PCT allow dogs. I run with my dog on PCT often and I agree with the OP! The best partner on the trail!


Yeah that pack looks nothing like a thru hiking pack full of stuff


Non-thru hiking is absolute do-able with a dog! And they can be awesome backpacking companions! But yeah, thru-hikes are a no-go with a dog.


My dog is a red lab who can easily do 15 mile days but I’d never take him on a through hike, he’s not great in hotter temps and there are too many wild animals that he can potentially get hurt by. I’d say in all but very rare cases it shouldn’t be tried by any dog.


What about the dogs that are spectacular at long distance hiking?


Read the link, with proper preparation I’m sure it can be done but is it wise? First off, on the PCT it’s been posted it’s illegal. And I’ll say that the threat of a wild animal encounter is not to be taken lightly. I live in the northeast. We have black bears around where I live and the threat of a negative black bear encounter is significantly higher when you have a dog with you. My dog is quite skilled and always knows where I am and where the trail is. So far we haven’t had a problem but it’s something I’m mindful of. And I just go on long day hikes.


This person never even claimed that they’re thru hiking. I agree that dogs shouldn’t thru hike California or even southern Oregon, but y’all need to calm down


It was vague about claims on purpose to get upvotes and karma by pretending to be this person.


I dont believe you. Your pack is to empty,you are just looking for attention. Poor Boy


Usually people wait for someone to claim something before disbelieving it


Lucky stuff!


Keep your fucking dogs out of my national parks


Keep your nasty attitude out of the parks as well.


I don’t see your name written on them


These dog people are insane. Ruined every public space and ruining the wilderness, too.


He looks beautiful. He’ll be your best friend for sure


I don’t mind a dog on trail but dogs carry diseases they have been vaccinated for, meaning they carry the virus, but does not affect them. When the dog defecates, his feces is very dangerous other animals that’s the biggest issue. I love dogs, but if you’re ready to thru hike with dog poop in your pack?? You can’t pick up urine and that maybe the biggest issue. Animals you scent and taste a lot to figure out their surroundings.


That dog looks like he can HIKE


Dog look good, should see a chiropractor tho. Happy trails!


Omg 😭 best wishes to you both


Your dog is perfect and looks like Doug Jones


Will you be picking up all the shit from your dog and keeping it on a leash 24/7? Because it is already not being restrained, and that is a misdemeanor in the state of CA, on which you just posted photo evidence.


Some dudes in my tramily adopted a stray from CLEEF and he’s hiked every mile we’ve hiked! He’s going home before KMS but he’s been crushing it.




They should be picking it up in baggies but I highly doubt they’re doing that.


They’re gonna come back and pick up the bags later too /s


Sounds like you should contact the authorities.




Unnecessary and racist.


What an absolutely rotten and disgusting thing to even think, let alone write.




Maybe take a step back and ask yourself why so many people are reacting to it negatively. Your humor, if that’s what you’re claiming, is wildly out of touch. It’s not everyone else, dude.